Codebase list i3-gaps / 14f49aa
travis/cleanup-bintray: use dpkg --compare-versions (#2453) …instead of lexicographically sorting strings, which fails for the following situation: 4.12-96-g086276b 4.12-97-g59c070b 4.12-108-gb850cfb This bug resulted in new packages being built and uploaded, then immediately deleted. Thanks to eeemsi for reporting the issue. Michael Stapelberg authored 7 years ago GitHub committed 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2424 my $resp = $client->get($apiurl);
2525 die "Getting versions failed: HTTP status $resp->{status} (content: $resp->{content})" unless $resp->{success};
2626 my $decoded = decode_json($resp->{content});
27 my @versions = reverse sort @{$decoded->{versions}};
27 my @versions = reverse sort {
28 (system("/usr/bin/dpkg", "--compare-versions", "$a", "gt", "$b") == 0) ? 1 : -1
29 } @{$decoded->{versions}};
2931 # Keep the most recent 5 versions.
3032 splice(@versions, 0, 5);