Codebase list i3-gaps / 758fc7d
travis/clang-analyze: look for dist tarball in build/ Michael Stapelberg 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
33 set -x
55 mkdir -p deb/DIST-clang/build
6 tar xf *.tar.bz2 -C deb/DIST-clang --strip-components=1
6 tar xf build/*.tar.bz2 -C deb/DIST-clang --strip-components=1
77 (cd deb/DIST-clang/build && scan-build -o ../../CLANG ../configure && scan-build -o ../../CLANG --html-title="Analysis of i3 v$(git describe --tags)" make -j8)
88 mv deb/CLANG/*/* deb/CLANG