Codebase list i3-gaps / d2acdcc
Merge pull request #3960 from ammgws/patch-2 Remove comment referencing old source code Ingo Bürk authored 4 years ago GitHub committed 4 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 5 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
103103 * fork to avoid zombie processes. As the started application’s parent exits
104104 * (immediately), the application is reparented to init (process-id 1), which
105105 * correctly handles children, so we don’t have to do it :-).
106 *
107 * The shell is determined by looking for the SHELL environment variable. If it
108 * does not exist, /bin/sh is used.
109 *
110106 */
111107 static void start_application(const char *command) {
112108 printf("executing: %s\n", command);
528528 /*
529529 * Start a child process with the specified command and reroute stdin.
530 * We actually start a $SHELL to execute the command so we don't have to care
530 * We actually start a shell to execute the command so we don't have to care
531531 * about arguments and such.
532532 *
533533 * If `command' is NULL, such as in the case when no `status_command' is given