Codebase list partman-auto / 0d86920
Combine / and /usr partitions in ppc64el 'multi' recipe This recipe was added since my original patch to remove separate /usr. Ben Hutchings 9 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 9 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1313 filesystem{ ext2 }
1414 mountpoint{ /boot } .
16 70 800 280 $default_filesystem
16 570 3000 5000 $default_filesystem
1717 $lvmok{ }
1818 $primary{ }
1919 method{ format }
2121 use_filesystem{ }
2222 $default_filesystem{ }
2323 mountpoint{ / } .
25 500 3000 5000 $default_filesystem
26 $lvmok{ }
27 method{ format }
28 format{ }
29 use_filesystem{ }
30 $default_filesystem{ }
31 mountpoint{ /usr } .
3325 70 1500 3000 $default_filesystem
3426 $lvmok{ }