Codebase list partman-auto / c62eb01
Introduce new hook /lib/partman/not-enough-space.d/ called if there is not enough space available to use the provided recipe. This make it possible for Debian derivatives to abort the installation if it is going to fail before the partitioning take place (Closes: #653305). Petter Reinholdtsen 10 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 23 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 partman-auto (108) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
2 [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
4 * Introduce new hook /lib/partman/not-enough-space.d/ called if
5 there is not enough space available to use the provided recipe.
6 This make it possible for Debian derivatives to abort the
7 installation if it is going to fail before the partitioning take
8 place (Closes: #653305).
10 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <[email protected]> Mon, 15 Jul 2013 12:00:51 +0200
012 partman-auto (108) unstable; urgency=low
214 [ Dmitrijs Ledkovs ]
357357 if [ ! -z "$RET" ] && [ -e "$RET" ]; then
358358 recipe="$RET"
359359 decode_recipe $recipe $type
360 if [ $(min_size) -le $free_size ]; then
360 min_size=$(min_size)
361 if [ $min_size -le $free_size ]; then
361362 return 0
362363 else
363364 logger -t partman-auto \
364 "Available disk space ($free_size) too small for expert recipe ($(min_size)); skipping"
365 "Available disk space ($free_size) too small for expert recipe ($min_size); skipping"
366 hookdir=/lib/partman/not-enough-space.d
367 if [ -d $hookdir ] ; then
368 for h in $hookdir/* ; do
369 if [ -x $h ] ; then
370 $h $recipe $free_size $min_size
371 fi
372 done
373 fi
365374 fi
366375 fi