Codebase list pysmb / master CHANGELOG

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CHANGELOG @masterraw · history · blame

pysmb-1.1.19, 13 Nov 2016
- Ignore STATUS_PENDING during delete and file store operations

pysmb-1.1.18, 9 Apr 2016

- Rollback fixes to NTLMv2 response algorithm in pysmb 1.1.17. The fixes
  fail to work with some servers.
- Add missing errno imports in
- Fix UnboundLocalError raised when using type() in

pysmb-1.1.17, 11 Nov 2015

- Fix crashes in directory listing with keyerror 'support_dfs'
- Fix bugs in NTLMv2 response algorithm.
- Fix bugs where client domain is not included as part of the session negotiation.

pysmb-1.1.16, 10 May 2015

- Fix typo errors in authentication error messages
- Improve share listings on SMB2 protocol by ignoring interim STATUS_PENDING responses.

pysmb-1.1.15, 15 Feb 2015

- Add new parameter to SMBConnection's storeFileFromOffset method to determine
  whether the remote file is to be truncated before writing.

pysmb-1.1.14, 1 Feb 2015

- Add support for DFS shares in listPath()
- Bug fix for python3's _listPath_SMB2 implementation

pysmb-1.1.13, 18 Oct 2014

- Add missing methods and improve compatibility with python3
- Fix bug in SMB2 rename implementation which fails to rename directory

pysmb-1.1.12, 21 Sep 2014

- Fix syntax error for python3 NBNSProtocol implementation
- Fix bug in SMB1 implementation which results in access denied errors with Samba 3.0

pysmb-1.1.11, 13 Sep 2014

- Add support for unicode characters in domain, username and password.
- Add storeFileFromOffset method to SMB API
- Fix bug in getAttributes implementation for SMB1
- Fix bug for NMB which uses broadcast flag for unicast queries
- Update the Tree Connect Andx request implementation to MS-SMB extensions

pysmb-1.1.10, 29 Jun 2014

- Add getAttributes() method to SMBConnection and SMBProtocolFactory class
- Add isReadOnly property to SharedFile class

pysmb-1.1.9, 1 Jun 2014

- Add support for domains in smb:// URLs
- Fix a bug which fails to test for the correct GSS security provider OID values

pysmb-1.1.8, 21 Dec 2013

- Fix a bug in storeFile() method when the destination file is not overwritten if
  it exists in SMB1 communication
- Fix a SMB1 authentication problem when extended negotation is not carried out
  because the remote server has specified its support for extended security in the
  payload, instead of in the message flags2.

pysmb-1.1.7, 27 Sep 2013

- Improve listShares() function which can fail with the listing response is
  separated into multiple SMB packets for large number of shares.
- Fix bug in python3 implementation where session connection can fail when
  remote server supports message signing.

pysmb-1.1.6, 16 Aug 2013

- Fix bug where the status of the SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE reply is not checked for error
  before allowing further processing.

pysmb-1.1.5, 19 June 2013

- Adds support for Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP (TCP port: 445)

pysmb-1.1.4, 31 May 2013

- Improve query performance for query IP addresses for NetBIOS names in
- Fix bugs in SMBConnection when sending large data packets can result in

pysmb-1.1.3, 18 Mar 2013

- Fix bug which results in endless loop in SMBConnection when remote CIFS
  server closes the connection.

pysmb-1.1.2, 28 Sep 2012

- Improve queryIPForName() in nmb.NetBIOS and nmb.NBNSProtocol class to
  return only server machine name and ignore workgroup names.

pysmb-1.1.1, 9 June 2012

- Adds support for Python3. Noted that the Python3 SMB/NMB protocol implementations
  for Twisted are not well-tested as Twisted (as of v12.1) is not Python3 ready yet.
- Adds support for retrieving list of shadow copies (also known as
  "previous versions" in Windows). Note that not all Windows editions support shadow

pysmb-1.1.0, 1 June 2012

- Adds SMB2 protocol implementation with signing for outgoing SMB2 messages.
  pysmb will utilize SMB2 protocol with servers that support SMB2
  (eg. Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Samba 3).
  If the remote server does not support SMB2, pysmb will fall back automatically
  to using SMB1 protocol.

pysmb-1.0.5, 7 May 2012

- Add supports for SMB message signing. pysmb will sign all SMB messages from
  the CIFS client to the server, but it does not verify the signatures of the
  SMB messages from the server.

pysmb-1.0.4, 1 May 2012

- Adds support for "smb://" URL in urllib2 python packages to retrieve or upload
  files from/to remote CIFS servers.
- Improve documentation

pysmb-1.0.3, 28 April 2012

- Fix a crash in SMB._storFile() method which occurs when the remote CIFS server
  utilizes a max raw size larger than 65535 bytes. The bug was discovered with
  Windows 7 Pro SP1.
- Fix a bug in SMB._listPath() method where the files/folders time information are
  not properly converted to Epoch time.
- Add NBNSProtocol.queryIPForName() and NetBIOS.queryIPForName() methods to
  query for a machine's NetBIOS name at the given IP address.
- Add SMBProtocol.retrieveFileFromOffset() and SMBConnection.retrieveFileFromOffset()
  methods for a finer control of file retrieval operation with read offset and write

pysmb-1.0.2, 31 March 2012

- Fix a bug in SMB._handleSessionChallenge() method in where the domain attribute
  was not used to generate the corresponding NTLM authentication packets, resulting in
  the default WORKGROUP domain for used for all subsequent authentications.

pysmb-1.0.1, 25 Jan 2012

- Fixes a bug in listPath() method which causes directory listing for
  sub-directories to return an empty list.
- Fixes an incorrect implementation of the TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 and
  TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2 request/response handling which causes directory listing
  to crash when the remote directory contains a certain number of entries.

pysmb-1.0.0, 25 Dec 2011

- Completely rewrites pysmb. API is not compatible with previous pysmb-0.x.x
- Supports NTLMv1 and NTLMv2 authentication
- Adds in NMB/SMB protocol implementation for use with Twisted framework
- Tested with Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Samba 3.x
- Requires Python 2.4.4 or later, and pyasn1. Not tested with Python3

pysmb-0.4.5, 22 Jun 2009

- Prevents pysmb from failing when there are too many files/folders to
  be returned in a single SMB TRANS2 call. pysmb will "resume" requesting
  for more files/folders information in subsequent SMB TRANS2 requests.

pysmb-0.4.4, 12 Jan 2004

- Add in support for AMK's Python Cryptography Toolkit which will be used
  for DES password hashing. If AMK's pycrypto is found, it will be used
  instead of mxCrypto.

pysmb-0.4.3, 22 Feb 2003

- Fix a bug which fails to close the socket in on socket exception
- Fix a bug which fails to close the NetBIOSSession in if the session
  has not been properly established yet.

pysmb-0.4.2, 03 Aug 2002

- Add new methods to SharedFile instances, get_mtime_epoch, get_atime_epoch
  and get_ctime_epoch. These methods will return the mtime, atime and ctime in
  epoch time rather than SMB time.
- Remove debugging printout in which has been released accidentally
  with the last release.
- Fix a bug in smbcp which causes to local to remote copy to fail

pysmb-0.4.1, 22 Jun 2002

- Fix a bug in which does not return the correct file size for files
  with their archive bits turned off. This results in these files not being
  retrieved or sent properly.
- Fix some typo error in the documentations

pysmb-0.4.0, 17 Apr 2002

- Use NT LM0.12 dialect.
- New smb.SMBMachine class
- Add SMB.get_server_domain(), smb.get_server_os(), SMB.get_server_lanman()

pysmb-0.3.1, 12 Nov 2001

- Fix a problem with some Windows server where an UID is required when server is in share mode.
  Now, pysmb calls login() with empty authentication information when server is in share mode.
- Add TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER constant and description to

pysmb-0.3.0, 10 Nov 2001

- Add support for services in share mode. Minor changes to smb.SMB class API.
- Fix a bug in's __raw_retr_file which has failed to initialize the max_buf_size prior to usage.
- Fix a bug in smblistshare which fails to print the correct NMB error message
- Modify not throw AttributeError in the destructor when there is an error while creating a session
  in the constructor

pysmb-0.2.0, 04 Oct 2001

- Add support for encrypted authentication using DES
- Fix a bug(?) which treats all services and filenames as case-sensitive

pysmb-0.1.3, 03 Sep 2001

- Fix a bug in smblistshare and smbdu which fails to catch the nmb.NetBIOSError raised when session
  setup fails.
- Fix a bug in smb.SMB that arises from the change in nmb.NetBIOSSession which sends
  the session port number as the remote host type.

pysmb-0.1.2, 01 Sep 2001

- Fix a bug in nmb.NetBIOSSession which specifies a TYPE_WORKSTATION for remote host instead of TYPE_SERVER.
- Minor change to nmb.NetBIOSSession constructor API.
- Fix a bug in smbdu which raises OverflowError when printing long file size values.
- Fix a bug in smbcp which does not handle the destination path correctly when
  the source file is copied to a different filename.

pysmb-0.1.1, 25 Aug 2001

- Change nmb's NetBIOS and NetBIOSSession class such that they raise a NetBIOSError
  with a tuple of ( err_msg, err_class, err_code )
- Add a function strerror() in both smb and nmb to return human readable messages
  for error codes.
- Fix a bug in smbcp which fails to print an error message and terminate when the
  remote source path is not found.
- Add in another utility, smblistshare.

pysmb-0.1.0, 20 Aug 2001

- First public release