Codebase list python-faraday / a96b468 views / reports / _attachments / scripts / services / providers / service.js

Tree @a96b468 (Download .tar.gz)

service.js @a96b468raw · history · blame

// Faraday Penetration Test IDE
// Copyright (C) 2013  Infobyte LLC (
// See the file 'doc/LICENSE' for the license information

    .factory('Service', ['BASEURL', '$http', function(BASEURL, $http) {
        Service = function(data){
            if(data) {

        Service.prototype = {
            // TODO: instead of using angular.extend, we should check
            // the attributes we're assigning to the Service
            set: function(data) {
                // if there's no ID, we need to generate it based on the Service name
                if(data._id === undefined){
                    var ports = data.ports.toString().replace(/,/g,":");
                    data['_id'] = data.parent + "." + CryptoJS.SHA1(data.protocol+ "._." + ports).toString();
                data.type = "Service";
                angular.extend(this, data);
            delete: function(ws) {
                var self = this,
                bulk = {docs:[]};
                return $http.get(BASEURL + ws + '/_all_docs?startkey="' + self._id + '"&endkey="' + self._id + '.z"').then(function(all) {
                            "_rev": row.value.rev,
                            "_deleted": true

                    return $ + ws + "/_bulk_docs", JSON.stringify(bulk));
            update: function(data, ws) {
                angular.extend(this, data);
                var self = this;

                return ($http.put(BASEURL + ws + '/' + self._id + "?rev=" + self._rev, self).success(function(data) {
                    self._rev = data.rev;
            save: function(ws) {
                var self = this;
                return ($http.put(BASEURL + ws + '/' + self._id, self).success(function(data){
                    self._rev = data.rev;

        return Service;