Codebase list ruby-fxruby / 0ce1b7f
Fix comments [ci skip] Lars Kanis 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
129129 * These objects are allocated by FXRuby on the heap.
130130 * They are free'd when the FXRuby wrapper is GC'ed and no other reference to the object exists.
131131 * They are registered in FXRbObjRegistry as owned object.
132 * Tey are built per FXRbRegisterRubyObj().
132 * They are built per FXRbRegisterRubyObj().
133133 *
134134 * Borrowed objects :
135135 * These objects are allocated by libfox on the heap.
144144 * They are wrapped for the time of one callback only, because stack memory is free'd afterwards.
145145 * They are not registered in FXRbObjRegistry, but stored on the stack only.
146146 * Therefore callback objects aren't re-used, but newly wrapped for each call.
147 * This is for arguments to ruby blocks.
147 * The same goes for arguments to ruby blocks.
148148 * They are built per FXGetRubyObjCb().
149149 */