Codebase list ruby-maxmind-db / 9b6ee55
Import upstream version 1.1.1+git20210128.85c5187 Kali Janitor 3 years ago
71 changed file(s) with 100 addition(s) and 50980 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 name: Run rubocop
1 on: [push, pull_request]
2 jobs:
3 rubocop:
4 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
5 steps:
6 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
7 - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
8 with:
9 ruby-version: 2.7
10 - run: bundle install
11 - run: bundle exec rake -t rubocop
0 name: Run tests
1 on: [push, pull_request]
2 jobs:
3 test:
4 runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
5 strategy:
6 fail-fast: false
7 matrix:
8 os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest]
9 version:
10 [
11 2.4,
12 2.5,
13 2.6,
14 2.7,
15 jruby,
16 ]
17 exclude:
18 - os: windows-latest
19 version: jruby
20 steps:
21 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
22 with:
23 submodules: true
24 - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
25 with:
26 ruby-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
27 - run: bundle install
28 - run: bundle exec rake -t test
0 *.swp
1 /doc
2 /.yardoc
0 [submodule "test/data"]
1 path = test/data
2 url =
0 require: rubocop-performance
2 AllCops:
3 TargetRubyVersion: 2.4
4 NewCops: enable
6 # Metrics are too arbitrary.
7 Metrics/AbcSize:
8 Enabled: false
9 Metrics/ClassLength:
10 Enabled: false
11 Layout/LineLength:
12 Enabled: false
13 Metrics/MethodLength:
14 Enabled: false
16 # Weird.
17 Style/FormatStringToken:
18 Enabled: false
19 Style/NumericPredicate:
20 Enabled: false
22 # Trailing commas are good.
23 Style/TrailingCommaInArguments:
24 Enabled: false
25 Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral:
26 Enabled: false
27 Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral:
28 Enabled: false
2929 def print_usage
3030 # rubocop:disable Style/StderrPuts
31 STDERR.puts "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} <MMDB file> <IP file>"
32 STDERR.puts
33 STDERR.puts 'Benchmark by reading IPs from the IP file and looking up each one in the MMDB file.'
31 $stderr.puts "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} <MMDB file> <IP file>"
32 $stderr.puts
33 $stderr.puts 'Benchmark by reading IPs from the IP file and looking up each one in the MMDB file.'
3434 # rubocop:enable Style/StderrPuts
3535 end
1111 #
1212 # @!visibility private
1313 class Decoder
14 # rubocop:disable Style/OptionalBooleanParameter
1416 # Create a +Decoder+.
1517 #
1618 # +io+ is the DB. It must provide a +read+ method. It must be opened in
2729 @pointer_base = pointer_base
2830 @pointer_test = pointer_test
2931 end
32 # rubocop:enable Style/OptionalBooleanParameter
3134 private
22 require 'ipaddr'
33 require 'maxmind/db/decoder'
44 require 'maxmind/db/errors'
5 require 'maxmind/db/file_reader.rb'
6 require 'maxmind/db/memory_reader.rb'
7 require 'maxmind/db/metadata.rb'
5 require 'maxmind/db/file_reader'
6 require 'maxmind/db/memory_reader'
7 require 'maxmind/db/metadata'
99 module MaxMind
1010 # DB provides a way to read {MaxMind DB
1212 s.licenses = ['Apache-2.0', 'MIT']
1313 s.metadata = {
1414 'bug_tracker_uri' => '',
15 'changelog_uri' => '',
15 'changelog_uri' => '',
1616 'documentation_uri' => '',
1717 'homepage_uri' => '',
1818 'source_code_uri' => '',
test/data/LICENSE less more
0 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
1 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
2 or send a letter to Creative
3 Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
test/data/ less more
0 ---
1 layout: default
2 title: MaxMind DB File Format Specification
3 version: v2.0
4 ---
5 # MaxMind DB File Format Specification
7 ## Description
9 The MaxMind DB file format is a database format that maps IPv4 and IPv6
10 addresses to data records using an efficient binary search tree.
12 ## Version
14 This spec documents **version 2.0** of the MaxMind DB binary format.
16 The version number consists of separate major and minor version numbers. It
17 should not be considered a decimal number. In other words, version 2.10 comes
18 after version 2.9.
20 Code which is capable of reading a given major version of the format should
21 not be broken by minor version changes to the format.
23 ## Overview
25 The binary database is split into three parts:
27 1. The binary search tree. Each level of the tree corresponds to a single bit
28 in the 128 bit representation of an IPv6 address.
29 2. The data section. These are the values returned to the client for a
30 specific IP address, e.g. "US", "New York", or a more complex map type made up
31 of multiple fields.
32 3. Database metadata. Information about the database itself.
34 ## Database Metadata
36 This portion of the database is stored at the end of the file. It is
37 documented first because understanding some of the metadata is key to
38 understanding how the other sections work.
40 This section can be found by looking for a binary sequence matching
41 "\xab\xcd\". The *last* occurrence of this string in the file
42 marks the end of the data section and the beginning of the metadata. Since we
43 allow for arbitrary binary data in the data section, some other piece of data
44 could contain these values. This is why you need to find the last occurrence
45 of this sequence.
47 The maximum allowable size for the metadata section, including the marker that
48 starts the metadata, is 128KiB.
50 The metadata is stored as a map data structure. This structure is described
51 later in the spec. Changing a key's data type or removing a key would
52 constitute a major version change for this spec.
54 Except where otherwise specified, each key listed is required for the database
55 to be considered valid.
57 Adding a key constitutes a minor version change. Removing a key or changing
58 its type constitutes a major version change.
60 The list of known keys for the current version of the format is as follows:
62 ### node\_count
64 This is an unsigned 32-bit integer indicating the number of nodes in the
65 search tree.
67 ### record\_size
69 This is an unsigned 16-bit integer. It indicates the number of bits in a
70 record in the search tree. Note that each node consists of *two* records.
72 ### ip\_version
74 This is an unsigned 16-bit integer which is always 4 or 6. It indicates
75 whether the database contains IPv4 or IPv6 address data.
77 ### database\_type
79 This is a string that indicates the structure of each data record associated
80 with an IP address. The actual definition of these structures is left up to
81 the database creator.
83 Names starting with "GeoIP" are reserved for use by MaxMind (and "GeoIP" is a
84 trademark anyway).
86 ### languages
88 An array of strings, each of which is a locale code. A given record may
89 contain data items that have been localized to some or all of these
90 locales. Records should not contain localized data for locales not included in
91 this array.
93 This is an optional key, as this may not be relevant for all types of data.
95 ### binary\_format\_major\_version
97 This is an unsigned 16-bit integer indicating the major version number for the
98 database's binary format.
100 ### binary\_format\_minor\_version
102 This is an unsigned 16-bit integer indicating the minor version number for the
103 database's binary format.
105 ### build\_epoch
107 This is an unsigned 64-bit integer that contains the database build timestamp
108 as a Unix epoch value.
110 ### description
112 This key will always point to a map. The keys of that map will be language
113 codes, and the values will be a description in that language as a UTF-8
114 string.
116 The codes may include additional information such as script or country
117 identifiers, like "zh-TW" or "mn-Cyrl-MN". The additional identifiers will be
118 separated by a dash character ("-").
120 This key is optional. However, creators of databases are strongly
121 encouraged to include a description in at least one language.
123 ### Calculating the Search Tree Section Size
125 The formula for calculating the search tree section size *in bytes* is as
126 follows:
128 ( ( $record_size * 2 ) / 8 ) * $number_of_nodes
130 The end of the search tree marks the beginning of the data section.
132 ## Binary Search Tree Section
134 The database file starts with a binary search tree. The number of nodes in the
135 tree is dependent on how many unique netblocks are needed for the particular
136 database. For example, the city database needs many more small netblocks than
137 the country database.
139 The top most node is always located at the beginning of the search tree
140 section's address space. The top node is node 0.
142 Each node consists of two records, each of which is a pointer to an address in
143 the file.
145 The pointers can point to one of three things. First, it may point to another
146 node in the search tree address space. These pointers are followed as part of
147 the IP address search algorithm, described below.
149 The pointer can point to a value equal to `$number_of_nodes`. If this is the
150 case, it means that the IP address we are searching for is not in the
151 database.
153 Finally, it may point to an address in the data section. This is the data
154 relevant to the given netblock.
156 ### Node Layout
158 Each node in the search tree consists of two records, each of which is a
159 pointer. The record size varies by database, but inside a single database node
160 records are always the same size. A record may be anywhere from 24 to 128 bits
161 long, depending on the number of nodes in the tree. These pointers are
162 stored in big-endian format (most significant byte first).
164 Here are some examples of how the records are laid out in a node for 24, 28,
165 and 32 bit records. Larger record sizes follow this same pattern.
167 #### 24 bits (small database), one node is 6 bytes
169 | <------------- node --------------->|
170 | 23 .. 0 | 23 .. 0 |
172 #### 28 bits (medium database), one node is 7 bytes
174 | <------------- node --------------->|
175 | 23 .. 0 | 27..24 | 27..24 | 23 .. 0 |
177 Note 4 bits of each pointer are combined into the middle byte. For both
178 records, they are prepended and end up in the most significant position.
180 #### 32 bits (large database), one node is 8 bytes
182 | <------------- node --------------->|
183 | 31 .. 0 | 31 .. 0 |
185 ### Search Lookup Algorithm
187 The first step is to convert the IP address to its big-endian binary
188 representation. For an IPv4 address, this becomes 32 bits. For IPv6 you get
189 128 bits.
191 The leftmost bit corresponds to the first node in the search tree. For each
192 bit, a value of 0 means we choose the left record in a node, and a value of 1
193 means we choose the right record.
195 The record value is always interpreted as an unsigned integer. The maximum
196 size of the integer is dependent on the number of bits in a record (24, 28, or
197 32).
199 If the record value is a number that is less than the *number of nodes* (not
200 in bytes, but the actual node count) in the search tree (this is stored in the
201 database metadata), then the value is a node number. In this case, we find
202 that node in the search tree and repeat the lookup algorithm from there.
204 If the record value is equal to the number of nodes, that means that we do not
205 have any data for the IP address, and the search ends here.
207 If the record value is *greater* than the number of nodes in the search tree,
208 then it is an actual pointer value pointing into the data section. The value
209 of the pointer is relative to the start of the data section, *not* the
210 start of the file.
212 In order to determine where in the data section we should start looking, we use
213 the following formula:
215 $data_section_offset = ( $record_value - $node_count ) - 16
217 The 16 is the size of the data section separator. We subtract it because we
218 want to permit pointing to the first byte of the data section. Recall that
219 the record value cannot equal the node count as that means there is no
220 data. Instead, we choose to start values that go to the data section at
221 `$node_count + 16`. (This has the side effect that record values
222 `$node_count + 1` through `$node_count + 15` inclusive are not valid).
224 This is best demonstrated by an example:
226 Let's assume we have a 24-bit tree with 1,000 nodes. Each node contains 48
227 bits, or 6 bytes. The size of the tree is 6,000 bytes.
229 When a record in the tree contains a number that is less than 1,000, this
230 is a *node number*, and we look up that node. If a record contains a value
231 greater than or equal to 1,016, we know that it is a data section value. We
232 subtract the node count (1,000) and then subtract 16 for the data section
233 separator, giving us the number 0, the first byte of the data section.
235 If a record contained the value 6,000, this formula would give us an offset of
236 4,984 into the data section.
238 In order to determine where in the file this offset really points to, we also
239 need to know where the data section starts. This can be calculated by
240 determining the size of the search tree in bytes and then adding an additional
241 16 bytes for the data section separator:
243 $offset_in_file = $data_section_offset
244 + $search_tree_size_in_bytes
245 + 16
247 Since we subtract and then add 16, the final formula to determine the
248 offset in the file can be simplified to:
250 $offset_in_file = ( $record_value - $node_count )
251 + $search_tree_size_in_bytes
253 ### IPv4 addresses in an IPv6 tree
255 When storing IPv4 addresses in an IPv6 tree, they are stored as-is, so they
256 occupy the first 32-bits of the address space (from 0 to 2**32 - 1).
258 Creators of databases should decide on a strategy for handling the various
259 mappings between IPv4 and IPv6.
261 The strategy that MaxMind uses for its GeoIP databases is to include a pointer
262 from the `::ffff:0:0/96` subnet to the root node of the IPv4 address space in
263 the tree. This accounts for the
264 [IPv4-mapped IPv6 address](
266 MaxMind also includes a pointer from the `2002::/16` subnet to the root node
267 of the IPv4 address space in the tree. This accounts for the
268 [6to4 mapping]( subnet.
270 Database creators are encouraged to document whether they are doing something
271 similar for their databases.
273 The Teredo subnet cannot be accounted for in the tree. Instead, code that
274 searches the tree can offer to decode the IPv4 portion of a Teredo address and
275 look that up.
277 ## Data Section Separator
279 There are 16 bytes of NULLs in between the search tree and the data
280 section. This separator exists in order to make it possible for a verification
281 tool to distinguish between the two sections.
283 This separator is not considered part of the data section itself. In other
284 words, the data section starts at `$size_of_search_tree + 16` bytes in the
285 file.
287 ## Output Data Section
289 Each output data field has an associated type, and that type is encoded as a
290 number that begins the data field. Some types are variable length. In those
291 cases, the type indicator is also followed by a length. The data payload
292 always comes at the end of the field.
294 All binary data is stored in big-endian format.
296 Note that the *interpretation* of a given data type's meaning is decided by
297 higher-level APIs, not by the binary format itself.
299 ### pointer - 1
301 A pointer to another part of the data section's address space. The pointer
302 will point to the beginning of a field. It is illegal for a pointer to point
303 to another pointer.
305 Pointer values start from the beginning of the data section, *not* the
306 beginning of the file.
308 ### UTF-8 string - 2
310 A variable length byte sequence that contains valid utf8. If the length is
311 zero then this is an empty string.
313 ### double - 3
315 This is stored as an IEEE-754 double (binary64) in big-endian format. The
316 length of a double is always 8 bytes.
318 ### bytes - 4
320 A variable length byte sequence containing any sort of binary data. If the
321 length is zero then this a zero-length byte sequence.
323 This is not currently used but may be used in the future to embed non-text
324 data (images, etc.).
326 ### integer formats
328 Integers are stored in variable length binary fields.
330 We support 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit unsigned integers. We also
331 support 32-bit signed integers.
333 A 128-bit integer can use up to 16 bytes, but may use fewer. Similarly, a
334 32-bit integer may use from 0-4 bytes. The number of bytes used is determined
335 by the length specifier in the control byte. See below for details.
337 A length of zero always indicates the number 0.
339 When storing a signed integer, the left-most bit is the sign. A 1 is negative
340 and a 0 is positive.
342 The type numbers for our integer types are:
344 * unsigned 16-bit int - 5
345 * unsigned 32-bit int - 6
346 * signed 32-bit int - 8
347 * unsigned 64-bit int - 9
348 * unsigned 128-bit int - 10
350 The unsigned 32-bit and 128-bit types may be used to store IPv4 and IPv6
351 addresses, respectively.
353 The signed 32-bit integers are stored using the 2's complement representation.
355 ### map - 7
357 A map data type contains a set of key/value pairs. Unlike other data types,
358 the length information for maps indicates how many key/value pairs it
359 contains, not its length in bytes. This size can be zero.
361 See below for the algorithm used to determine the number of pairs in the
362 hash. This algorithm is also used to determine the length of a field's
363 payload.
365 ### array - 11
367 An array type contains a set of ordered values. The length information for
368 arrays indicates how many values it contains, not its length in bytes. This
369 size can be zero.
371 This type uses the same algorithm as maps for determining the length of a
372 field's payload.
374 ### data cache container - 12
376 This is a special data type that marks a container used to cache repeated
377 data. For example, instead of repeating the string "United States" over and
378 over in the database, we store it in the cache container and use pointers
379 *into* this container instead.
381 Nothing in the database will ever contain a pointer to this field
382 itself. Instead, various fields will point into the container.
384 The primary reason for making this a separate data type versus simply inlining
385 the cached data is so that a database dumper tool can skip this cache when
386 dumping the data section. The cache contents will end up being dumped as
387 pointers into it are followed.
389 ### end marker - 13
391 The end marker marks the end of the data section. It is not strictly
392 necessary, but including this marker allows a data section deserializer to
393 process a stream of input, rather than having to find the end of the section
394 before beginning the deserialization.
396 This data type is not followed by a payload, and its size is always zero.
398 ### boolean - 14
400 A true or false value. The length information for a boolean type will always
401 be 0 or 1, indicating the value. There is no payload for this field.
403 ### float - 15
405 This is stored as an IEEE-754 float (binary32) in big-endian format. The
406 length of a float is always 4 bytes.
408 This type is provided primarily for completeness. Because of the way floating
409 point numbers are stored, this type can easily lose precision when serialized
410 and then deserialized. If this is an issue for you, consider using a double
411 instead.
413 ### Data Field Format
415 Each field starts with a control byte. This control byte provides information
416 about the field's data type and payload size.
418 The first three bits of the control byte tell you what type the field is. If
419 these bits are all 0, then this is an "extended" type, which means that the
420 *next* byte contains the actual type. Otherwise, the first three bits will
421 contain a number from 1 to 7, the actual type for the field.
423 We've tried to assign the most commonly used types as numbers 1-7 as an
424 optimization.
426 With an extended type, the type number in the second byte is the number
427 minus 7. In other words, an array (type 11) will be stored with a 0 for the
428 type in the first byte and a 4 in the second.
430 Here is an example of how the control byte may combine with the next byte to
431 tell us the type:
433 001XXXXX pointer
434 010XXXXX UTF-8 string
435 110XXXXX unsigned 32-bit int (ASCII)
436 000XXXXX 00000011 unsigned 128-bit int (binary)
437 000XXXXX 00000100 array
438 000XXXXX 00000110 end marker
440 #### Payload Size
442 The next five bits in the control byte tell you how long the data field's
443 payload is, except for maps and pointers. Maps and pointers use this size
444 information a bit differently. See below.
446 If the five bits are smaller than 29, then those bits are the payload size in
447 bytes. For example:
449 01000010 UTF-8 string - 2 bytes long
450 01011100 UTF-8 string - 28 bytes long
451 11000001 unsigned 32-bit int - 1 byte long
452 00000011 00000011 unsigned 128-bit int - 3 bytes long
454 If the five bits are equal to 29, 30, or 31, then use the following algorithm
455 to calculate the payload size.
457 If the value is 29, then the size is 29 + *the next byte after the type
458 specifying bytes as an unsigned integer*.
460 If the value is 30, then the size is 285 + *the next two bytes after the type
461 specifying bytes as a single unsigned integer*.
463 If the value is 31, then the size is 65,821 + *the next three bytes after the
464 type specifying bytes as a single unsigned integer*.
466 Some examples:
468 01011101 00110011 UTF-8 string - 80 bytes long
470 In this case, the last five bits of the control byte equal 29. We treat the
471 next byte as an unsigned integer. The next byte is 51, so the total size is
472 (29 + 51) = 80.
474 01011110 00110011 00110011 UTF-8 string - 13,392 bytes long
476 The last five bits of the control byte equal 30. We treat the next two bytes
477 as a single unsigned integer. The next two bytes equal 13,107, so the total
478 size is (285 + 13,107) = 13,392.
480 01011111 00110011 00110011 00110011 UTF-8 string - 3,421,264 bytes long
482 The last five bits of the control byte equal 31. We treat the next three bytes
483 as a single unsigned integer. The next three bytes equal 3,355,443, so the
484 total size is (65,821 + 3,355,443) = 3,421,264.
486 This means that the maximum payload size for a single field is 16,843,036
487 bytes.
489 The binary number types always have a known size, but for consistency's sake,
490 the control byte will always specify the correct size for these types.
492 #### Maps
494 Maps use the size in the control byte (and any following bytes) to indicate
495 the number of key/value pairs in the map, not the size of the payload in
496 bytes.
498 This means that the maximum number of pairs for a single map is 16,843,036.
500 Maps are laid out with each key followed by its value, followed by the next
501 pair, etc.
503 The keys are **always** UTF-8 strings. The values may be any data type,
504 including maps or pointers.
506 Once we know the number of pairs, we can look at each pair in turn to
507 determine the size of the key and the key name, as well as the value's type
508 and payload.
510 #### Pointers
512 Pointers use the last five bits in the control byte to calculate the pointer
513 value.
515 To calculate the pointer value, we start by subdividing the five bits into two
516 groups. The first two bits indicate the size, and the next three bits are part
517 of the value, so we end up with a control byte breaking down like this:
518 001SSVVV.
520 The size can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
522 If the size is 0, the pointer is built by appending the next byte to the last
523 three bits to produce an 11-bit value.
525 If the size is 1, the pointer is built by appending the next two bytes to the
526 last three bits to produce a 19-bit value + 2048.
528 If the size is 2, the pointer is built by appending the next three bytes to the
529 last three bits to produce a 27-bit value + 526336.
531 Finally, if the size is 3, the pointer's value is contained in the next four
532 bytes as a 32-bit value. In this case, the last three bits of the control byte
533 are ignored.
535 This means that we are limited to 4GB of address space for pointers, so the
536 data section size for the database is limited to 4GB.
538 ## Reference Implementations
540 ### Writer
542 * [Perl](
544 ### Reader
546 * [C](
547 * [C#](
548 * [Java](
549 * [Perl](
550 * [PHP](
551 * [Python](
552 * [Ruby](
554 ## Authors
556 This specification was created by the following authors:
558 * Greg Oschwald \<[email protected]\>
559 * Dave Rolsky \<[email protected]\>
560 * Boris Zentner \<[email protected]\>
562 ## License
564 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
565 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
566 [](
567 or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain
568 View, California, 94041, USA
test/data/MaxMind-DB-test-metadata-pointers.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/ less more
0 MaxMind DB is a binary file format that stores data indexed by IP address
1 subnets (IPv4 or IPv6).
3 This repository contains the spec for that format.
test/data/bad-data/ less more
0 These are corrupt databases that have been know to cause problems such as
1 segfaults or unhandled errors on one or more MaxMind DB reader
2 implementations. Implementations _should_ return an appropriate error
3 or raise an exception on these databases.
5 If you find a corrupt test-sized database that crashes a MMDB reader library,
6 please feel free to add it here by creating a pull request.
test/data/bad-data/libmaxminddb/libmaxminddb-offset-integer-overflow.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/cyclic-data-structure.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/invalid-bytes-length.mmdb less more
0 «ÍïMaxMind.coméKdescriptionáBenŸ
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/invalid-data-record-offset.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/invalid-map-key-length.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/invalid-string-length.mmdb less more
0 Dmap2áEarrayáDmap3ãAaÁAbÁAcÁ«ÍïMaxMind.comé[binary_format_major_version¡[binary_format_minor_version Kbuild_epochXõ2|Mdatabase_type]MaxMind DB Nested Data StructuresKdescription
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/metadata-is-an-uint128.mmdb less more
0 «Íï
test/data/bad-data/maxminddb-golang/unexpected-bytes.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/perltidyrc less more
0 --blank-lines-before-packages=0
1 --iterations=2
2 --no-outdent-long-comments
3 -b
4 -bar
5 -boc
6 -ci=4
7 -i=4
8 -l=78
9 -nolq
10 -se
11 -wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-Test.json less more
0 [
1 {
2 "::" : {
3 "is_anonymous" : true,
4 "is_anonymous_vpn" : true
5 }
6 },
7 {
8 "::" : {
9 "is_anonymous" : true,
10 "is_anonymous_vpn" : true,
11 "is_tor_exit_node" : true
12 }
13 },
14 {
15 "::" : {
16 "is_anonymous" : true,
17 "is_anonymous_vpn" : true,
18 "is_hosting_provider" : true,
19 "is_public_proxy" : true,
20 "is_tor_exit_node" : true
21 }
22 },
23 {
24 "::" : {
25 "is_anonymous" : true,
26 "is_hosting_provider" : true
27 }
28 },
29 {
30 "::" : {
31 "is_anonymous" : true,
32 "is_public_proxy" : true
33 }
34 },
35 {
36 "::" : {
37 "is_anonymous" : true,
38 "is_tor_exit_node" : true
39 }
40 },
41 {
42 "abcd:1000::/112" : {
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test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-City-Test.json less more
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210 "2001:240::/32" : {
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test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-Connection-Type-Test.json less more
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20 },
21 {
22 "::" : {
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29 }
30 },
31 {
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63 "connection_type" : "Cable/DSL"
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65 },
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69 }
70 },
71 {
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73 "connection_type" : "Cellular"
74 }
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76 {
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79 }
80 },
81 {
82 "::" : {
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90 },
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92 "::" : {
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98 "connection_type" : "Cable/DSL"
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test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-Country-Test.json less more
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28 "zh-CN" : "日本"
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248 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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262 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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292 },
293 "country" : {
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298 "en" : "South Korea",
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316 "pt-BR" : "Coréia, República da",
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338 },
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432 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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476 },
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478 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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481 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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507 {
508 "2001:220::400/118" : {
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522 },
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524 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
525 "iso_code" : "KR",
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527 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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574 "en" : "South Korea",
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619 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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663 "iso_code" : "KR",
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665 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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669 "ja" : "大韓民国",
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672 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
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679 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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683 "ja" : "大韓民国",
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686 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
687 }
688 }
689 }
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691 {
692 "2001:220::4000/114" : {
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694 "code" : "AS",
695 "geoname_id" : 6255147,
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705 }
706 },
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708 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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711 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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715 "ja" : "大韓民国",
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718 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
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727 "es" : "Corea, República de",
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731 "ru" : "Южная Корея",
732 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
733 }
734 }
735 }
736 },
737 {
738 "2001:220::8000/113" : {
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740 "code" : "AS",
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750 "zh-CN" : "亚洲"
751 }
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754 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
755 "iso_code" : "KR",
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760 "fr" : "Corée du Sud",
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762 "pt-BR" : "Coréia, República da",
763 "ru" : "Южная Корея",
764 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
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768 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
769 "iso_code" : "KR",
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774 "fr" : "Corée du Sud",
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776 "pt-BR" : "Coréia, República da",
777 "ru" : "Южная Корея",
778 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
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782 },
783 {
784 "2001:220::1:0/112" : {
785 "continent" : {
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796 "zh-CN" : "亚洲"
797 }
798 },
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800 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
801 "iso_code" : "KR",
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822 "pt-BR" : "Coréia, República da",
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824 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
825 }
826 }
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829 {
830 "2001:220::2:0/111" : {
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842 "zh-CN" : "亚洲"
843 }
844 },
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846 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
847 "iso_code" : "KR",
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849 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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863 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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873 }
874 },
875 {
876 "2001:220::4:0/110" : {
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878 "code" : "AS",
879 "geoname_id" : 6255147,
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888 "zh-CN" : "亚洲"
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890 },
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893 "iso_code" : "KR",
894 "names" : {
895 "de" : "Republik Korea",
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917 }
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921 {
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924 "code" : "AS",
925 "geoname_id" : 6255147,
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934 "zh-CN" : "亚洲"
935 }
936 },
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938 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
939 "iso_code" : "KR",
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952 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
953 "iso_code" : "KR",
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967 {
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971 "geoname_id" : 6255147,
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981 }
982 },
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984 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
985 "iso_code" : "KR",
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996 },
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998 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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1013 {
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1030 "geoname_id" : 1835841,
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1059 {
1060 "2001:220::40:0/106" : {
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1951 "iso_code" : "KR",
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1999 "de" : "Republik Korea",
2000 "en" : "South Korea",
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2002 "fr" : "Corée du Sud",
2003 "ja" : "大韓民国",
2004 "pt-BR" : "Coréia, República da",
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2006 "zh-CN" : "韩国"
2007 }
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5720 "zh-CN" : "亚洲"
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test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-Enterprise-Test.json less more
0 [
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658 {
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665 {
666 "::" : {
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670 }
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672 ]
test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-ISP-Test.json less more
0 [
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7 {
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14 },
15 {
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21 {
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25 },
26 {
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31 {
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37 {
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43 {
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49 {
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54 },
55 {
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61 {
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67 {
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71 }
72 },
73 {
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78 },
79 {
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84 },
85 {
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90 },
91 {
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97 {
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374 {
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444 {
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517 {
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1152 {
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1156 },
1157 {
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1160 }
1161 },
1162 {
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1165 }
1166 },
1167 {
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1170 }
1171 },
1172 {
1173 "::" : {
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1175 }
1176 },
1177 {
1178 "::" : {
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1180 }
1181 },
1182 {
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1185 }
1186 },
1187 {
1188 "::" : {
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1190 }
1191 },
1192 {
1193 "::" : {
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1195 }
1196 },
1197 {
1198 "::" : {
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1200 }
1201 },
1202 {
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1205 }
1206 },
1207 {
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1210 }
1211 },
1212 {
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1215 }
1216 },
1217 {
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1220 }
1221 },
1222 {
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1225 }
1226 },
1227 {
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1230 }
1231 },
1232 {
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1235 }
1236 },
1237 {
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1240 }
1241 },
1242 {
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1245 }
1246 },
1247 {
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1251 },
1252 {
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1256 },
1257 {
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1261 },
1262 {
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1266 },
1267 {
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1275 {
1276 "::" : {
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1283 {
1284 "::" : {
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1290 },
1291 {
1292 "::" : {
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1295 },
1296 {
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1300 },
1301 {
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1305 },
1306 {
1307 "::" : {
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1310 },
1311 {
1312 "::" : {
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1315 },
1316 {
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1320 },
1321 {
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1325 },
1326 {
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1330 },
1331 {
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1335 },
1336 {
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1340 },
1341 {
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1345 },
1346 {
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1350 },
1351 {
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1355 },
1356 {
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1361 {
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1365 },
1366 {
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1370 },
1371 {
1372 "::" : {
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1375 },
1376 {
1377 "::" : {
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1380 },
1381 {
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1389 {
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1397 {
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1405 {
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1413 {
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1421 {
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1429 {
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1437 {
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1445 {
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1453 {
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1461 {
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1469 {
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1477 {
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1485 {
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1493 {
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1500 },
1501 {
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1509 {
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1517 {
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1525 {
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1533 {
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1540 },
1541 {
1542 "::" : {
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1549 {
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1557 {
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1565 {
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1573 {
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1581 {
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1589 {
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1597 {
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1605 {
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1613 {
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1621 {
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1629 {
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1637 {
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1645 {
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1653 {
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1661 {
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1669 {
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1677 {
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1685 {
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1693 {
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1701 {
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1709 {
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1717 {
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1725 {
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1733 {
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1741 {
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1749 {
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1757 {
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1765 {
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1773 {
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1781 {
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1789 {
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1796 },
1797 {
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1805 {
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1813 {
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1821 {
1822 "::" : {
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1829 {
1830 "::" : {
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1836 },
1837 {
1838 "::" : {
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1845 {
1846 "::" : {
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1852 },
1853 {
1854 "::" : {
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1860 },
1861 {
1862 "::" : {
1863 "autonomous_system_number" : 4837,
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1866 "organization" : "China Unicom Liaoning"
1867 }
1868 },
1869 {
1870 "::" : {
1871 "autonomous_system_number" : 23693,
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1876 },
1877 {
1878 "::" : {
1879 "organization" : "MapleTel"
1880 }
1881 },
1882 {
1883 "::" : {
1884 "isp" : "MTN SA"
1885 }
1886 },
1887 {
1888 "::" : {
1889 "autonomous_system_number" : 7377,
1890 "autonomous_system_organization" : "University of California at San Diego",
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1892 "organization" : "University of California at San Diego"
1893 }
1894 },
1895 {
1896 "::" : {
1897 "isp" : "Vodafone D2 GmbH"
1898 }
1899 },
1900 {
1901 "::" : {
1902 "isp" : "Vodafone New Zealand"
1903 }
1904 },
1905 {
1906 "::" : {
1907 "autonomous_system_number" : 4134,
1908 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Chinanet",
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1910 "organization" : "China Telecom"
1911 }
1912 },
1913 {
1914 "::" : {
1915 "organization" : "iWiSP llc"
1916 }
1917 },
1918 {
1919 "::" : {
1920 "autonomous_system_number" : 7922,
1921 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.",
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1924 }
1925 },
1926 {
1927 "::" : {
1928 "autonomous_system_number" : 31399,
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1930 "isp" : "Daimler",
1931 "organization" : "Daimler"
1932 }
1933 },
1934 {
1935 "::" : {
1936 "autonomous_system_number" : 721,
1937 "autonomous_system_organization" : "DoD Network Information Center"
1938 }
1939 },
1940 {
1941 "::" : {
1942 "autonomous_system_number" : 2647,
1943 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SITA",
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1946 }
1947 },
1948 {
1949 "::" : {
1950 "autonomous_system_number" : 4766,
1951 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Korea Telecom",
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1953 "organization" : "Korea Telecom"
1954 }
1955 },
1956 {
1957 "::" : {
1958 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
1959 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp.",
1960 "isp" : "Softbank BB Corp",
1961 "organization" : "Softbank BB Corp"
1962 }
1963 },
1964 {
1965 "::" : {
1966 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
1967 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp.",
1968 "isp" : "Softbank BB Corp",
1969 "organization" : "Softbank BB Corp"
1970 }
1971 },
1972 {
1973 "::" : {
1974 "organization" : "Fibrestream Limited"
1975 }
1976 },
1977 {
1978 "::" : {
1979 "isp" : "America Online"
1980 }
1981 },
1982 {
1983 "::" : {
1984 "isp" : "Level 3 Communications",
1985 "organization" : "Level 3 Communications"
1986 }
1987 },
1988 {
1989 "::" : {
1990 "isp" : "OTEGLOBE",
1991 "organization" : "OTEGLOBE"
1992 }
1993 },
1994 {
1995 "::" : {
1996 "isp" : "Urania Telecom"
1997 }
1998 },
1999 {
2000 "::" : {
2001 "isp" : "Bisping & Bisping, ISP and Citycarrier",
2002 "organization" : "Bisping & Bisping, ISP and Citycarrier"
2003 }
2004 },
2005 {
2006 "::" : {
2007 "isp" : "Bisping & Bisping, ISP and Citycarrier",
2008 "organization" : "Bisping & Bisping, ISP and Citycarrier"
2009 }
2010 },
2011 {
2012 "::" : {
2013 "isp" : "Bisping & Bisping, ISP and Citycarrier",
2014 "organization" : "Bisping & Bisping, ISP and Citycarrier"
2015 }
2016 },
2017 {
2018 "::" : {
2019 "isp" : "Telia Stofa A/S",
2020 "organization" : "Telia Stofa A/S"
2021 }
2022 },
2023 {
2024 "::" : {
2025 "isp" : "UPC Austria GmbH",
2026 "organization" : "UPC Austria GmbH"
2027 }
2028 },
2029 {
2030 "::" : {
2031 "isp" : "East Renfrewshire Council Barrhead Library",
2032 "organization" : "East Renfrewshire Council Barrhead Library"
2033 }
2034 },
2035 {
2036 "::" : {
2037 "isp" : "SuperDuper Telecommunications Network"
2038 }
2039 },
2040 {
2041 "::" : {
2042 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2043 }
2044 },
2045 {
2046 "::" : {
2047 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2048 }
2049 },
2050 {
2051 "::" : {
2052 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2053 }
2054 },
2055 {
2056 "::" : {
2057 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2058 }
2059 },
2060 {
2061 "::" : {
2062 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2063 }
2064 },
2065 {
2066 "::" : {
2067 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2068 }
2069 },
2070 {
2071 "::" : {
2072 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224,
2073 "isp" : "Towerstream I",
2074 "organization" : "Karlin Peebles LLP"
2075 }
2076 },
2077 {
2078 "::" : {
2079 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2080 }
2081 },
2082 {
2083 "::" : {
2084 "autonomous_system_number" : 33224
2085 }
2086 },
2087 {
2088 "::" : {
2089 "organization" : "Kontera"
2090 }
2091 },
2092 {
2093 "::" : {
2094 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
2095 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
2096 }
2097 },
2098 {
2099 "::" : {
2100 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
2101 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
2102 }
2103 },
2104 {
2105 "::" : {
2106 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
2107 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
2108 }
2109 },
2110 {
2111 "::" : {
2112 "organization" : "Beyond Next"
2113 }
2114 },
2115 {
2116 "::" : {
2117 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2118 }
2119 },
2120 {
2121 "::" : {
2122 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2123 }
2124 },
2125 {
2126 "::" : {
2127 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2128 }
2129 },
2130 {
2131 "::" : {
2132 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2133 }
2134 },
2135 {
2136 "::" : {
2137 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2138 }
2139 },
2140 {
2141 "::" : {
2142 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2143 }
2144 },
2145 {
2146 "::" : {
2147 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2148 }
2149 },
2150 {
2151 "::" : {
2152 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2153 }
2154 },
2155 {
2156 "::" : {
2157 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2158 }
2159 },
2160 {
2161 "::" : {
2162 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456,
2163 "isp" : "Nuvox Communications",
2164 "organization" : "Endodontic Associates Of Savannah"
2165 }
2166 },
2167 {
2168 "::" : {
2169 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2170 }
2171 },
2172 {
2173 "::" : {
2174 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2175 }
2176 },
2177 {
2178 "::" : {
2179 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2180 }
2181 },
2182 {
2183 "::" : {
2184 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2185 }
2186 },
2187 {
2188 "::" : {
2189 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2190 }
2191 },
2192 {
2193 "::" : {
2194 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2195 }
2196 },
2197 {
2198 "::" : {
2199 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2200 }
2201 },
2202 {
2203 "::" : {
2204 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2205 }
2206 },
2207 {
2208 "::" : {
2209 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2210 }
2211 },
2212 {
2213 "::" : {
2214 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2215 }
2216 },
2217 {
2218 "::" : {
2219 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2220 }
2221 },
2222 {
2223 "::" : {
2224 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2225 }
2226 },
2227 {
2228 "::" : {
2229 "autonomous_system_number" : 209,
2230 "isp" : "Century Link",
2231 "organization" : "ATMI"
2232 }
2233 },
2234 {
2235 "::" : {
2236 "autonomous_system_number" : 209,
2237 "isp" : "Century Link",
2238 "organization" : "ATMI"
2239 }
2240 },
2241 {
2242 "::" : {
2243 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2244 }
2245 },
2246 {
2247 "::" : {
2248 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2249 }
2250 },
2251 {
2252 "::" : {
2253 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2254 }
2255 },
2256 {
2257 "::" : {
2258 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2259 }
2260 },
2261 {
2262 "::" : {
2263 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2264 }
2265 },
2266 {
2267 "::" : {
2268 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2269 }
2270 },
2271 {
2272 "::" : {
2273 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2274 }
2275 },
2276 {
2277 "::" : {
2278 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
2279 }
2280 },
2281 {
2282 "::" : {
2283 "autonomous_system_number" : 209,
2284 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Qwest Communications Company, LLC",
2285 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2286 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2287 }
2288 },
2289 {
2290 "::" : {
2291 "autonomous_system_number" : 701,
2292 "autonomous_system_organization" : "MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business",
2293 "isp" : "Verizon Business",
2294 "organization" : "Verizon Business"
2295 }
2296 },
2297 {
2298 "::" : {
2299 "organization" : "Johnson Services, LLC."
2300 }
2301 },
2302 {
2303 "::" : {
2304 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2305 }
2306 },
2307 {
2308 "::" : {
2309 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2310 }
2311 },
2312 {
2313 "::" : {
2314 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2315 }
2316 },
2317 {
2318 "::" : {
2319 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2320 }
2321 },
2322 {
2323 "::" : {
2324 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2325 }
2326 },
2327 {
2328 "::" : {
2329 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2330 }
2331 },
2332 {
2333 "::" : {
2334 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2335 }
2336 },
2337 {
2338 "::" : {
2339 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2340 }
2341 },
2342 {
2343 "::" : {
2344 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2345 }
2346 },
2347 {
2348 "::" : {
2349 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504,
2350 "isp" : "Speakeasy",
2351 "organization" : "Vikco Insurance"
2352 }
2353 },
2354 {
2355 "::" : {
2356 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2357 }
2358 },
2359 {
2360 "::" : {
2361 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2362 }
2363 },
2364 {
2365 "::" : {
2366 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2367 }
2368 },
2369 {
2370 "::" : {
2371 "autonomous_system_number" : 23504
2372 }
2373 },
2374 {
2375 "::" : {
2376 "isp" : "Digicel Antigua"
2377 }
2378 },
2379 {
2380 "::" : {
2381 "isp" : "Digicel Antigua"
2382 }
2383 },
2384 {
2385 "::" : {
2386 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908
2387 }
2388 },
2389 {
2390 "::" : {
2391 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908
2392 }
2393 },
2394 {
2395 "::" : {
2396 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908
2397 }
2398 },
2399 {
2400 "::" : {
2401 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908,
2402 "isp" : "Loud Packet",
2403 "organization" : "zudoarichikito_"
2404 }
2405 },
2406 {
2407 "::" : {
2408 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908,
2409 "isp" : "Loud Packet",
2410 "organization" : "ania_jab?o?ska"
2411 }
2412 },
2413 {
2414 "::" : {
2415 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908,
2416 "isp" : "Loud Packet",
2417 "organization" : "halle_moore"
2418 }
2419 },
2420 {
2421 "::" : {
2422 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908,
2423 "isp" : "Loud Packet",
2424 "organization" : "park_tai"
2425 }
2426 },
2427 {
2428 "::" : {
2429 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908
2430 }
2431 },
2432 {
2433 "::" : {
2434 "autonomous_system_number" : 35908
2435 }
2436 },
2437 {
2438 "::" : {
2439 "autonomous_system_number" : 7922,
2440 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.",
2441 "isp" : "Comcast Cable",
2442 "organization" : "Comcast Cable"
2443 }
2444 },
2445 {
2446 "::" : {
2447 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2448 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2449 }
2450 },
2451 {
2452 "::" : {
2453 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2454 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2455 }
2456 },
2457 {
2458 "::" : {
2459 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2460 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2461 }
2462 },
2463 {
2464 "::" : {
2465 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2466 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2467 }
2468 },
2469 {
2470 "::" : {
2471 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2472 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2473 }
2474 },
2475 {
2476 "::" : {
2477 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2478 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2479 }
2480 },
2481 {
2482 "::" : {
2483 "organization" : "Comcast Cable"
2484 }
2485 },
2486 {
2487 "::" : {
2488 "isp" : "WCS",
2489 "organization" : "WCS"
2490 }
2491 },
2492 {
2493 "::" : {
2494 "isp" : "",
2495 "organization" : ""
2496 }
2497 },
2498 {
2499 "::" : {
2500 "isp" : "Wave Broadband",
2501 "organization" : "Wave Broadband"
2502 }
2503 },
2504 {
2505 "::" : {
2506 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2507 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2508 }
2509 },
2510 {
2511 "::" : {
2512 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2513 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2514 }
2515 },
2516 {
2517 "::" : {
2518 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2519 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2520 }
2521 },
2522 {
2523 "::" : {
2524 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2525 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2526 }
2527 },
2528 {
2529 "::" : {
2530 "isp" : "Comcast Cable",
2531 "organization" : "Comcast Cable"
2532 }
2533 },
2534 {
2535 "::" : {
2536 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2537 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2538 }
2539 },
2540 {
2541 "::" : {
2542 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2543 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2544 }
2545 },
2546 {
2547 "::" : {
2548 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2549 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2550 }
2551 },
2552 {
2553 "::" : {
2554 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2555 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2556 }
2557 },
2558 {
2559 "::" : {
2560 "isp" : "UUNET Technologies",
2561 "organization" : "UUNET Technologies"
2562 }
2563 },
2564 {
2565 "::" : {
2566 "isp" : "Shaw Communications",
2567 "organization" : "Shaw Communications"
2568 }
2569 },
2570 {
2571 "::" : {
2572 "isp" : "Dbs International",
2573 "organization" : "Dbs International"
2574 }
2575 },
2576 {
2577 "::" : {
2578 "isp" : "Codero",
2579 "organization" : "Codero"
2580 }
2581 },
2582 {
2583 "::" : {
2584 "isp" : "Tri-County Telephone",
2585 "organization" : "Tri-County Telephone"
2586 }
2587 },
2588 {
2589 "::" : {
2590 "isp" : "Datacenter101",
2591 "organization" : "Datacenter101"
2592 }
2593 },
2594 {
2595 "::" : {
2596 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2597 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2598 }
2599 },
2600 {
2601 "::" : {
2602 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2603 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2604 }
2605 },
2606 {
2607 "::" : {
2608 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2609 "organization" : "Cibola Internet Services"
2610 }
2611 },
2612 {
2613 "::" : {
2614 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2615 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2616 }
2617 },
2618 {
2619 "::" : {
2620 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2621 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2622 }
2623 },
2624 {
2625 "::" : {
2626 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2627 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2628 }
2629 },
2630 {
2631 "::" : {
2632 "isp" : "CenturyLink",
2633 "organization" : "CenturyLink"
2634 }
2635 },
2636 {
2637 "::" : {
2638 "isp" : "University of Southern California",
2639 "organization" : "University of Southern California"
2640 }
2641 },
2642 {
2643 "::" : {
2644 "isp" : "Telus Communications",
2645 "organization" : "Telus Communications"
2646 }
2647 },
2648 {
2649 "::" : {
2650 "isp" : "DSL Extreme",
2651 "organization" : "DSL Extreme"
2652 }
2653 },
2654 {
2655 "::" : {
2656 "isp" : "Yak Communications (Canada) Corp",
2657 "organization" : "Yak Communications (Canada) Corp"
2658 }
2659 },
2660 {
2661 "::" : {
2662 "isp" : "Channel Clarity Holdings, LLC",
2663 "organization" : "Channel Clarity Holdings, LLC"
2664 }
2665 },
2666 {
2667 "::" : {
2668 "isp" : "Sprint PCS",
2669 "organization" : "Sprint PCS"
2670 }
2671 },
2672 {
2673 "::" : {
2674 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2675 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2676 }
2677 },
2678 {
2679 "::" : {
2680 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2681 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2682 }
2683 },
2684 {
2685 "::" : {
2686 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2687 }
2688 },
2689 {
2690 "::" : {
2691 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2692 }
2693 },
2694 {
2695 "::" : {
2696 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2697 }
2698 },
2699 {
2700 "::" : {
2701 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2702 }
2703 },
2704 {
2705 "::" : {
2706 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2707 }
2708 },
2709 {
2710 "::" : {
2711 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2712 }
2713 },
2714 {
2715 "::" : {
2716 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2717 }
2718 },
2719 {
2720 "::" : {
2721 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2722 }
2723 },
2724 {
2725 "::" : {
2726 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2727 }
2728 },
2729 {
2730 "::" : {
2731 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2732 }
2733 },
2734 {
2735 "::" : {
2736 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2737 }
2738 },
2739 {
2740 "::" : {
2741 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2742 }
2743 },
2744 {
2745 "::" : {
2746 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132,
2747 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2748 "organization" : "r x optical"
2749 }
2750 },
2751 {
2752 "::" : {
2753 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2754 }
2755 },
2756 {
2757 "::" : {
2758 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2759 }
2760 },
2761 {
2762 "::" : {
2763 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2764 }
2765 },
2766 {
2767 "::" : {
2768 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2769 }
2770 },
2771 {
2772 "::" : {
2773 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2774 }
2775 },
2776 {
2777 "::" : {
2778 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2779 }
2780 },
2781 {
2782 "::" : {
2783 "autonomous_system_number" : 7132
2784 }
2785 },
2786 {
2787 "::" : {
2788 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
2789 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
2790 }
2791 },
2792 {
2793 "::" : {
2794 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
2795 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
2796 }
2797 },
2798 {
2799 "::" : {
2800 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2801 }
2802 },
2803 {
2804 "::" : {
2805 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2806 }
2807 },
2808 {
2809 "::" : {
2810 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2811 }
2812 },
2813 {
2814 "::" : {
2815 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2816 }
2817 },
2818 {
2819 "::" : {
2820 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2821 }
2822 },
2823 {
2824 "::" : {
2825 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2826 }
2827 },
2828 {
2829 "::" : {
2830 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2831 }
2832 },
2833 {
2834 "::" : {
2835 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2836 }
2837 },
2838 {
2839 "::" : {
2840 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2841 }
2842 },
2843 {
2844 "::" : {
2845 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2846 }
2847 },
2848 {
2849 "::" : {
2850 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2851 }
2852 },
2853 {
2854 "::" : {
2855 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2856 }
2857 },
2858 {
2859 "::" : {
2860 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456,
2861 "isp" : "FDN Communications",
2862 "organization" : "DSLAM WAN Allocation"
2863 }
2864 },
2865 {
2866 "::" : {
2867 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2868 }
2869 },
2870 {
2871 "::" : {
2872 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2873 }
2874 },
2875 {
2876 "::" : {
2877 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2878 }
2879 },
2880 {
2881 "::" : {
2882 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2883 }
2884 },
2885 {
2886 "::" : {
2887 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2888 }
2889 },
2890 {
2891 "::" : {
2892 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2893 }
2894 },
2895 {
2896 "::" : {
2897 "autonomous_system_number" : 11456
2898 }
2899 },
2900 {
2901 "::" : {
2902 "autonomous_system_number" : 22773,
2903 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cox Communications Inc.",
2904 "isp" : "Cox Communications",
2905 "organization" : "Cox Communications"
2906 }
2907 },
2908 {
2909 "::" : {
2910 "autonomous_system_number" : 6167,
2911 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless",
2912 "isp" : "Verizon Wireless",
2913 "organization" : "Verizon Wireless"
2914 }
2915 },
2916 {
2917 "::" : {
2918 "autonomous_system_number" : 7018,
2919 "autonomous_system_organization" : "AT&T Services, Inc.",
2920 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2921 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2922 }
2923 },
2924 {
2925 "::" : {
2926 "autonomous_system_number" : 701,
2927 "autonomous_system_organization" : "MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business",
2928 "isp" : "Verizon Business",
2929 "organization" : "Verizon Business"
2930 }
2931 },
2932 {
2933 "::" : {
2934 "autonomous_system_number" : 7018,
2935 "autonomous_system_organization" : "AT&T Services, Inc.",
2936 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
2937 "organization" : "AT&T Internet Services"
2938 }
2939 },
2940 {
2941 "::" : {
2942 "autonomous_system_number" : 7018,
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3742 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone S.A",
3743 "isp" : "SFR",
3744 "organization" : "SFR"
3745 }
3746 },
3747 {
3748 "::" : {
3749 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3750 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3751 }
3752 },
3753 {
3754 "::" : {
3755 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3756 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3757 }
3758 },
3759 {
3760 "::" : {
3761 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
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3763 }
3764 },
3765 {
3766 "::" : {
3767 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3768 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3769 }
3770 },
3771 {
3772 "::" : {
3773 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3774 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3775 }
3776 },
3777 {
3778 "::" : {
3779 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3780 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl",
3781 "isp" : "ASDASD srl a socio unico",
3782 "organization" : "Marino Dalla Gasperina"
3783 }
3784 },
3785 {
3786 "::" : {
3787 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3788 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3789 }
3790 },
3791 {
3792 "::" : {
3793 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3794 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3795 }
3796 },
3797 {
3798 "::" : {
3799 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3800 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3801 }
3802 },
3803 {
3804 "::" : {
3805 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3806 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3807 }
3808 },
3809 {
3810 "::" : {
3811 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3812 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3813 }
3814 },
3815 {
3816 "::" : {
3817 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3818 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3819 }
3820 },
3821 {
3822 "::" : {
3823 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3824 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3825 }
3826 },
3827 {
3828 "::" : {
3829 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3830 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3831 }
3832 },
3833 {
3834 "::" : {
3835 "autonomous_system_number" : 28929,
3836 "autonomous_system_organization" : "ASDASD srl"
3837 }
3838 },
3839 {
3840 "::" : {
3841 "organization" : "Clever Technology and Systems Nigeria"
3842 }
3843 },
3844 {
3845 "::" : {
3846 "isp" : "Free SAS",
3847 "organization" : "Free SAS"
3848 }
3849 },
3850 {
3851 "::" : {
3852 "organization" : "SokoWireless.NET!"
3853 }
3854 },
3855 {
3856 "::" : {
3857 "isp" : "SzerverPlex Ltd."
3858 }
3859 },
3860 {
3861 "::" : {
3862 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
3863 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
3864 "isp" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
3865 "organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
3866 }
3867 },
3868 {
3869 "::" : {
3870 "isp" : "TDC Oy Finland",
3871 "organization" : "TDC Oy Finland"
3872 }
3873 },
3874 {
3875 "::" : {
3876 "isp" : "DataGuard AS",
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3878 }
3879 },
3880 {
3881 "::" : {
3882 "isp" : "WRonline GbR",
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3884 }
3885 },
3886 {
3887 "::" : {
3888 "isp" : "University of Jyvaskyla, Commercial Internet Servi",
3889 "organization" : "University of Jyvaskyla, Commercial Internet Servi"
3890 }
3891 },
3892 {
3893 "::" : {
3894 "isp" : "Your Voice S.p.A.",
3895 "organization" : "Your Voice S.p.A."
3896 }
3897 },
3898 {
3899 "::" : {
3900 "isp" : "Teleport Consulting & Systemmanagement GmbH",
3901 "organization" : "Teleport Consulting & Systemmanagement GmbH"
3902 }
3903 },
3904 {
3905 "::" : {
3906 "isp" : "DE-CIX Management GmbH",
3907 "organization" : "DE-CIX Management GmbH"
3908 }
3909 },
3910 {
3911 "::" : {
3912 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
3913 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
3914 "isp" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
3915 "organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
3916 }
3917 },
3918 {
3919 "::" : {
3920 "isp" : "Andrews & Arnold Ltd",
3921 "organization" : "STONEHOUSE office network"
3922 }
3923 },
3924 {
3925 "::" : {
3926 "autonomous_system_number" : 2856,
3927 "autonomous_system_organization" : "BTnet UK Regional network",
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3929 "organization" : "BT"
3930 }
3931 },
3932 {
3933 "::" : {
3934 "organization" : "Caravan Guard Ltd"
3935 }
3936 },
3937 {
3938 "::" : {
3939 "isp" : "Virgin Media",
3940 "organization" : "Virgin Media"
3941 }
3942 },
3943 {
3944 "::" : {
3945 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3946 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3947 }
3948 },
3949 {
3950 "::" : {
3951 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3952 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3953 }
3954 },
3955 {
3956 "::" : {
3957 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3958 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3959 }
3960 },
3961 {
3962 "::" : {
3963 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3964 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3965 }
3966 },
3967 {
3968 "::" : {
3969 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3970 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only",
3971 "isp" : "IP-Only Telecommunication Networks AB",
3972 "organization" : "Effectiv Solutions"
3973 }
3974 },
3975 {
3976 "::" : {
3977 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3978 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3979 }
3980 },
3981 {
3982 "::" : {
3983 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3984 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3985 }
3986 },
3987 {
3988 "::" : {
3989 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3990 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3991 }
3992 },
3993 {
3994 "::" : {
3995 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
3996 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
3997 }
3998 },
3999 {
4000 "::" : {
4001 "autonomous_system_number" : 12552,
4002 "autonomous_system_organization" : "IP-Only"
4003 }
4004 },
4005 {
4006 "::" : {
4007 "isp" : "RCS & RDS Mobile"
4008 }
4009 },
4010 {
4011 "::" : {
4012 "isp" : "Free SAS",
4013 "organization" : "Free SAS"
4014 }
4015 },
4016 {
4017 "::" : {
4018 "isp" : "Orange Polska Spolka Akcyjna",
4019 "organization" : "Orange Polska Spolka Akcyjna"
4020 }
4021 },
4022 {
4023 "::" : {
4024 "organization" : "Fibrestream Limited"
4025 }
4026 },
4027 {
4028 "::" : {
4029 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4030 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4031 }
4032 },
4033 {
4034 "::" : {
4035 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4036 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4037 }
4038 },
4039 {
4040 "::" : {
4041 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4042 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4043 }
4044 },
4045 {
4046 "::" : {
4047 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4048 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4049 }
4050 },
4051 {
4052 "::" : {
4053 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4054 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4055 }
4056 },
4057 {
4058 "::" : {
4059 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4060 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4061 }
4062 },
4063 {
4064 "::" : {
4065 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4066 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4067 }
4068 },
4069 {
4070 "::" : {
4071 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4072 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange",
4073 "isp" : "France Telecom",
4074 "organization" : "Transports Routiers De Marchandises"
4075 }
4076 },
4077 {
4078 "::" : {
4079 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4080 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4081 }
4082 },
4083 {
4084 "::" : {
4085 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4086 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4087 }
4088 },
4089 {
4090 "::" : {
4091 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4092 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4093 }
4094 },
4095 {
4096 "::" : {
4097 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4098 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4099 }
4100 },
4101 {
4102 "::" : {
4103 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4104 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4105 }
4106 },
4107 {
4108 "::" : {
4109 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4110 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4111 }
4112 },
4113 {
4114 "::" : {
4115 "autonomous_system_number" : 3215,
4116 "autonomous_system_organization" : "France Telecom - Orange"
4117 }
4118 },
4119 {
4120 "::" : {
4121 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
4122 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
4123 "isp" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
4124 "organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
4125 }
4126 },
4127 {
4128 "::" : {
4129 "isp" : "Linkservice, Ltd"
4130 }
4131 },
4132 {
4133 "::" : {
4134 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4135 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4136 }
4137 },
4138 {
4139 "::" : {
4140 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4141 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4142 }
4143 },
4144 {
4145 "::" : {
4146 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4147 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4148 }
4149 },
4150 {
4151 "::" : {
4152 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4153 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4154 }
4155 },
4156 {
4157 "::" : {
4158 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4159 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH",
4160 "isp" : "Surfplanet GmbH",
4161 "organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4162 }
4163 },
4164 {
4165 "::" : {
4166 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4167 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4168 }
4169 },
4170 {
4171 "::" : {
4172 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4173 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4174 }
4175 },
4176 {
4177 "::" : {
4178 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4179 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4180 }
4181 },
4182 {
4183 "::" : {
4184 "autonomous_system_number" : 33984,
4185 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Surfplanet GmbH"
4186 }
4187 },
4188 {
4189 "::" : {
4190 "isp" : "Virgin Media",
4191 "organization" : "Virgin Media"
4192 }
4193 },
4194 {
4195 "::" : {
4196 "organization" : "2K Telecom SRL"
4197 }
4198 },
4199 {
4200 "::" : {
4201 "isp" : "BT",
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4203 }
4204 },
4205 {
4206 "::" : {
4207 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
4208 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
4209 "isp" : "Deutsche Telekom AG",
4210 "organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
4211 }
4212 },
4213 {
4214 "::" : {
4215 "isp" : "SzerverPlex Ltd."
4216 }
4217 },
4218 {
4219 "::" : {
4220 "isp" : "Free SAS",
4221 "organization" : "Free SAS"
4222 }
4223 },
4224 {
4225 "::" : {
4226 "organization" : "2K Telecom SRL"
4227 }
4228 },
4229 {
4230 "::" : {
4231 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4232 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4233 }
4234 },
4235 {
4236 "::" : {
4237 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4238 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4239 }
4240 },
4241 {
4242 "::" : {
4243 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4244 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4245 }
4246 },
4247 {
4248 "::" : {
4249 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4250 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4251 }
4252 },
4253 {
4254 "::" : {
4255 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4256 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4257 }
4258 },
4259 {
4260 "::" : {
4261 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4262 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4263 }
4264 },
4265 {
4266 "::" : {
4267 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4268 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP",
4269 "isp" : "Bouygues Telecom",
4270 "organization" : "Bouygues Telecom"
4271 }
4272 },
4273 {
4274 "::" : {
4275 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4276 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4277 }
4278 },
4279 {
4280 "::" : {
4281 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4282 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4283 }
4284 },
4285 {
4286 "::" : {
4287 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4288 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4289 }
4290 },
4291 {
4292 "::" : {
4293 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4294 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4295 }
4296 },
4297 {
4298 "::" : {
4299 "autonomous_system_number" : 5410,
4300 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom ISP"
4301 }
4302 },
4303 {
4304 "::" : {
4305 "organization" : "WICO"
4306 }
4307 },
4308 {
4309 "::" : {
4310 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4311 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4312 }
4313 },
4314 {
4315 "::" : {
4316 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4317 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4318 }
4319 },
4320 {
4321 "::" : {
4322 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4323 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4324 }
4325 },
4326 {
4327 "::" : {
4328 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4329 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4330 }
4331 },
4332 {
4333 "::" : {
4334 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4335 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4336 }
4337 },
4338 {
4339 "::" : {
4340 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4341 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB",
4342 "isp" : "Bredband2 AB",
4343 "organization" : "Bevtec"
4344 }
4345 },
4346 {
4347 "::" : {
4348 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4349 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4350 }
4351 },
4352 {
4353 "::" : {
4354 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4355 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4356 }
4357 },
4358 {
4359 "::" : {
4360 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4361 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4362 }
4363 },
4364 {
4365 "::" : {
4366 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4367 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4368 }
4369 },
4370 {
4371 "::" : {
4372 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4373 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4374 }
4375 },
4376 {
4377 "::" : {
4378 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4379 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4380 }
4381 },
4382 {
4383 "::" : {
4384 "autonomous_system_number" : 29518,
4385 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bredband2 AB"
4386 }
4387 },
4388 {
4389 "::" : {
4390 "isp" : "Monitoring, PA"
4391 }
4392 },
4393 {
4394 "::" : {
4395 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
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4398 "organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
4399 }
4400 },
4401 {
4402 "::" : {
4403 "organization" : "X-Com Partners"
4404 }
4405 },
4406 {
4407 "::" : {
4408 "isp" : "Specialist Ltd."
4409 }
4410 },
4411 {
4412 "::" : {
4413 "organization" : "DATA-COM Piotr Data"
4414 }
4415 },
4416 {
4417 "::" : {
4418 "organization" : "RostNet"
4419 }
4420 },
4421 {
4422 "::" : {
4423 "organization" : "TELL-NET"
4424 }
4425 },
4426 {
4427 "::" : {
4428 "isp" : "Air-Net Elektronik"
4429 }
4430 },
4431 {
4432 "::" : {
4433 "isp" : "Linkservice, Ltd"
4434 }
4435 },
4436 {
4437 "::" : {
4438 "isp" : "VHG"
4439 }
4440 },
4441 {
4442 "::" : {
4443 "isp" : "ESCOM Ltd."
4444 }
4445 },
4446 {
4447 "::" : {
4448 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
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4451 "organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
4452 }
4453 },
4454 {
4455 "::" : {
4456 "isp" : "Monitoring, PA"
4457 }
4458 },
4459 {
4460 "::" : {
4461 "organization" : "Linkplus"
4462 }
4463 },
4464 {
4465 "::" : {
4466 "isp" : "SzerverPlex Ltd."
4467 }
4468 },
4469 {
4470 "::" : {
4471 "organization" : "It Region"
4472 }
4473 },
4474 {
4475 "::" : {
4476 "organization" : "Internet67"
4477 }
4478 },
4479 {
4480 "::" : {
4481 "autonomous_system_number" : 7922,
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4484 "organization" : "Comcast Cable"
4485 }
4486 },
4487 {
4488 "::" : {
4489 "autonomous_system_number" : 6167,
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4491 "isp" : "Verizon Wireless",
4492 "organization" : "Verizon Wireless"
4493 }
4494 },
4495 {
4496 "::" : {
4497 "autonomous_system_number" : 6167,
4498 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless",
4499 "isp" : "Verizon Wireless",
4500 "organization" : "Verizon Wireless"
4501 }
4502 },
4503 {
4504 "::" : {
4505 "autonomous_system_number" : 7922,
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4508 "organization" : "Comcast Cable"
4509 }
4510 },
4511 {
4512 "::" : {
4513 "isp" : "Firecold_Inc",
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4515 }
4516 },
4517 {
4518 "::" : {
4519 "isp" : "bernice_ulloa",
4520 "organization" : "bernice_ulloa"
4521 }
4522 },
4523 {
4524 "::" : {
4525 "isp" : "cheng_shih",
4526 "organization" : "cheng_shih"
4527 }
4528 },
4529 {
4530 "::" : {
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4533 }
4534 },
4535 {
4536 "::" : {
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4538 "organization" : "dewei_feng"
4539 }
4540 },
4541 {
4542 "::" : {
4543 "isp" : "radoslav_ja?ar",
4544 "organization" : "radoslav_ja?ar"
4545 }
4546 },
4547 {
4548 "::" : {
4549 "isp" : "jakub_henderson",
4550 "organization" : "jakub_henderson"
4551 }
4552 },
4553 {
4554 "::" : {
4555 "isp" : "elisa_blom",
4556 "organization" : "elisa_blom"
4557 }
4558 },
4559 {
4560 "::" : {
4561 "isp" : "gertrude_burnham",
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4563 }
4564 },
4565 {
4566 "::" : {
4567 "isp" : "mariam_lovett",
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4569 }
4570 },
4571 {
4572 "::" : {
4573 "isp" : "nicolas_correia",
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4575 }
4576 },
4577 {
4578 "::" : {
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5009 {
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5027 {
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5033 {
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5111 {
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5117 {
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5122 },
5123 {
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5129 {
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5134 },
5135 {
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5140 },
5141 {
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5147 {
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5159 {
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5165 {
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5171 {
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5177 {
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5183 {
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5201 {
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5206 },
5207 {
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5212 },
5213 {
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5219 {
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5224 },
5225 {
5226 "::" : {
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5230 },
5231 {
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5236 },
5237 {
5238 "::" : {
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5242 },
5243 {
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5248 },
5249 {
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5254 },
5255 {
5256 "::" : {
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5260 },
5261 {
5262 "::" : {
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5266 },
5267 {
5268 "::" : {
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5273 {
5274 "::" : {
5275 "isp" : "China Education and Research Network",
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5279 {
5280 "::" : {
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5285 {
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5290 },
5291 {
5292 "::" : {
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5297 {
5298 "::" : {
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5302 },
5303 {
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5309 {
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5315 {
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5321 {
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5327 {
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5333 {
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5339 {
5340 "::" : {
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5344 },
5345 {
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5351 {
5352 "::" : {
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5357 {
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5363 {
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5375 {
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5387 {
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5393 {
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5399 {
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5404 },
5405 {
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5411 {
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5417 {
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5423 {
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5429 {
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5435 {
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5441 {
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5447 {
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5452 },
5453 {
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5458 },
5459 {
5460 "::" : {
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5463 }
5464 },
5465 {
5466 "::" : {
5467 "isp" : "China Telecom Guangdong",
5468 "organization" : "China Telecom Guangdong"
5469 }
5470 },
5471 {
5472 "::" : {
5473 "isp" : "SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp.",
5474 "organization" : "SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp."
5475 }
5476 },
5477 {
5478 "::" : {
5479 "isp" : "Telstra Internet",
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5481 }
5482 },
5483 {
5484 "::" : {
5485 "isp" : "Beijing Teletron Telecom Engineering Co., Ltd.",
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5487 }
5488 },
5489 {
5490 "::" : {
5491 "isp" : "TOT Public Company Limited",
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5493 }
5494 },
5495 {
5496 "::" : {
5497 "isp" : "SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp.",
5498 "organization" : "SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp."
5499 }
5500 },
5501 {
5502 "::" : {
5503 "isp" : "China Telecom Guangdong",
5504 "organization" : "China Telecom Guangdong"
5505 }
5506 },
5507 {
5508 "::" : {
5509 "isp" : "NTT",
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5511 }
5512 },
5513 {
5514 "::" : {
5515 "isp" : "its communications Inc.",
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5517 }
5518 },
5519 {
5520 "::" : {
5521 "isp" : "Vodafone Australia",
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5523 }
5524 },
5525 {
5526 "::" : {
5527 "isp" : "Beijing Bosheng Technology Co., Ltd.",
5528 "organization" : "Beijing Bosheng Technology Co., Ltd."
5529 }
5530 },
5531 {
5532 "::" : {
5533 "isp" : "KNET Techonlogy (BeiJing) Co.,Ltd.",
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5535 }
5536 },
5537 {
5538 "::" : {
5539 "isp" : "Beijing Bitone United Networks Technology Service",
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5541 }
5542 },
5543 {
5544 "::" : {
5545 "isp" : "Renjiao International Technology Corporation Ltd",
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5547 }
5548 },
5549 {
5550 "::" : {
5551 "isp" : "China Telecom Guangdong",
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5553 }
5554 },
5555 {
5556 "::" : {
5557 "isp" : "PT. Cyberindo Aditama",
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5559 }
5560 },
5561 {
5562 "::" : {
5563 "isp" : "Internet Initiative Japan Inc.",
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5565 }
5566 },
5567 {
5568 "::" : {
5569 "isp" : "China Central Television",
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5571 }
5572 },
5573 {
5574 "::" : {
5575 "isp" : "Shanghai Yixuan network technology CO.,LTD",
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5577 }
5578 },
5579 {
5580 "::" : {
5581 "isp" : "BeiJing Kuandaitong Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd",
5582 "organization" : "BeiJing Kuandaitong Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd"
5583 }
5584 },
5585 {
5586 "::" : {
5587 "isp" : "Asia Pacific On-Line Service Inc.",
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5589 }
5590 },
5591 {
5592 "::" : {
5593 "isp" : "Asia Pacific On-Line Service Inc.",
5594 "organization" : "Asia Pacific Onlie Service Inc."
5595 }
5596 },
5597 {
5598 "::" : {
5599 "isp" : "Asia Pacific On-Line Service Inc.",
5600 "organization" : "Asia Pacific On-Line Service Inc."
5601 }
5602 },
5603 {
5604 "::" : {
5605 "isp" : "K-Opticom Corporation",
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5607 }
5608 },
5609 {
5610 "::" : {
5611 "isp" : "China TieTong",
5612 "organization" : "China TieTong"
5613 }
5614 },
5615 {
5616 "::" : {
5617 "isp" : "Telstra Internet",
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5619 }
5620 },
5621 {
5622 "::" : {
5623 "isp" : "BeiJing NBLLNET Co.,Ltd",
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5625 }
5626 },
5627 {
5628 "::" : {
5629 "isp" : "Beijing Yuexintong Information Technology Company",
5630 "organization" : "Shanghai Xindong Network Co,.Ltd."
5631 }
5632 },
5633 {
5634 "::" : {
5635 "isp" : "Beijing Yuexintong Information Technology Company",
5636 "organization" : "Beijing Yuexintong Information Technology Company"
5637 }
5638 },
5639 {
5640 "::" : {
5641 "isp" : "Beijing Yuexintong Information Technology Company",
5642 "organization" : "Beijing Yuexintong Information Technology Company"
5643 }
5644 },
5645 {
5646 "::" : {
5647 "isp" : "KNET Techonlogy (BeiJing) Co.,Ltd.",
5648 "organization" : "KNET Techonlogy (BeiJing) Co.,Ltd."
5649 }
5650 },
5651 {
5652 "::" : {
5653 "isp" : "Dreamline Co.",
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5655 }
5656 },
5657 {
5658 "::" : {
5659 "isp" : "eAccess Ltd.",
5660 "organization" : "eAccess Ltd."
5661 }
5662 },
5663 {
5664 "::" : {
5665 "isp" : "China Telecom Guangdong",
5666 "organization" : "China Telecom Guangdong"
5667 }
5668 },
5669 {
5670 "::" : {
5671 "isp" : "Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta",
5672 "organization" : "Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta"
5673 }
5674 },
5675 {
5676 "::" : {
5677 "isp" : "Bit-isle",
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5679 }
5680 },
5681 {
5682 "::" : {
5683 "isp" : "UNICOM Sichuan",
5684 "organization" : "UNICOM Sichuan"
5685 }
5686 },
5687 {
5688 "::" : {
5689 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5690 "organization" : "Aircel gprs customer Delhi"
5691 }
5692 },
5693 {
5694 "::" : {
5695 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5696 "organization" : "Aircel gprs customer Kolkata"
5697 }
5698 },
5699 {
5700 "::" : {
5701 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
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5703 }
5704 },
5705 {
5706 "::" : {
5707 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5708 "organization" : "Aircel gprs customer Hyderabad"
5709 }
5710 },
5711 {
5712 "::" : {
5713 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5714 "organization" : "Aircel gprs customer Delhi"
5715 }
5716 },
5717 {
5718 "::" : {
5719 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5720 "organization" : "Aircel GPRS Customer East"
5721 }
5722 },
5723 {
5724 "::" : {
5725 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5726 "organization" : "Aircel GPRS Customer West"
5727 }
5728 },
5729 {
5730 "::" : {
5731 "isp" : "Aircel Ltd.",
5732 "organization" : "Aircel GPRS Customer South"
5733 }
5734 },
5735 {
5736 "::" : {
5737 "isp" : "China Telecom SHANGHAI",
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5739 }
5740 },
5741 {
5742 "::" : {
5743 "isp" : "Sliced Tech Holdings Unit Trust",
5744 "organization" : "Sliced Tech Holdings Unit Trust"
5745 }
5746 },
5747 {
5748 "::" : {
5749 "isp" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd.",
5750 "organization" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd."
5751 }
5752 },
5753 {
5754 "::" : {
5755 "isp" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd.",
5756 "organization" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd."
5757 }
5758 },
5759 {
5760 "::" : {
5761 "isp" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd.",
5762 "organization" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd."
5763 }
5764 },
5765 {
5766 "::" : {
5767 "isp" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd.",
5768 "organization" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd."
5769 }
5770 },
5771 {
5772 "::" : {
5773 "isp" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd.",
5774 "organization" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd."
5775 }
5776 },
5777 {
5778 "::" : {
5779 "isp" : "Beijing Gehua Catv Network Co., Ltd.",
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5781 }
5782 },
5783 {
5784 "::" : {
5785 "isp" : "PT Remala Abadi",
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5787 }
5788 },
5789 {
5790 "::" : {
5791 "isp" : "Simtronic Technologies Pty Ltd",
5792 "organization" : "Simtronic Technologies Pty Ltd"
5793 }
5794 },
5795 {
5796 "::" : {
5797 "isp" : "Tata Indicom",
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5799 }
5800 },
5801 {
5802 "::" : {
5803 "isp" : "Fiserv India",
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5805 }
5806 },
5807 {
5808 "::" : {
5809 "isp" : "MobileOne",
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5811 }
5812 },
5813 {
5814 "::" : {
5815 "isp" : "U Mobile Sdn Bhd",
5816 "organization" : "U Mobile Sdn Bhd"
5817 }
5818 },
5819 {
5820 "::" : {
5821 "isp" : "U Mobile Sdn Bhd",
5822 "organization" : "U Mobile Sdn Bhd"
5823 }
5824 },
5825 {
5826 "::" : {
5827 "isp" : "Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd",
5828 "organization" : "Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd"
5829 }
5830 },
5831 {
5832 "::" : {
5833 "isp" : "Total Access Communication PLC",
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5835 }
5836 },
5837 {
5838 "::" : {
5839 "isp" : "",
5840 "organization" : ""
5841 }
5842 },
5843 {
5844 "::" : {
5845 "isp" : "Digicel Pacific Ltd",
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5847 }
5848 },
5849 {
5850 "::" : {
5851 "isp" : "Mammoth Media Pty Ltd",
5852 "organization" : "Mammoth Media Pty Ltd"
5853 }
5854 },
5855 {
5856 "::" : {
5857 "isp" : "Beagle Internet Pty Ltd",
5858 "organization" : "Beagle Internet Pty Ltd"
5859 }
5860 },
5861 {
5862 "::" : {
5863 "isp" : "KINX",
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5865 }
5866 },
5867 {
5868 "::" : {
5869 "isp" : "AMWAYKOREA",
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5871 }
5872 },
5873 {
5874 "::" : {
5875 "isp" : "ASUSTek COMPUTER INC.",
5876 "organization" : "ASUSTek COMPUTER INC."
5877 }
5878 },
5879 {
5880 "::" : {
5881 "isp" : "The Cavalry",
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5883 }
5884 },
5885 {
5886 "::" : {
5887 "isp" : "Elementary IT & Communications Ltd",
5888 "organization" : "Elementary IT & Communications Ltd"
5889 }
5890 },
5891 {
5892 "::" : {
5893 "isp" : "Drik ICT Ltd",
5894 "organization" : "Drik ICT Ltd"
5895 }
5896 },
5897 {
5898 "::" : {
5899 "isp" : "Three Indonesia",
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5901 }
5902 },
5903 {
5904 "::" : {
5905 "isp" : "Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Limited",
5906 "organization" : "Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Limited"
5907 }
5908 },
5909 {
5910 "::" : {
5911 "isp" : "Elink-space (Beijing) Technology Co,. Ltd '",
5912 "organization" : "Elink-space (Beijing) Technology Co,. Ltd '"
5913 }
5914 },
5915 {
5916 "::" : {
5917 "isp" : "Neuviz (PT. Piranti Prestasi Informasi)",
5918 "organization" : "Neuviz (PT. Piranti Prestasi Informasi)"
5919 }
5920 },
5921 {
5922 "::" : {
5923 "isp" : "Bogor Agricultural University",
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5925 }
5926 },
5927 {
5928 "::" : {
5929 "isp" : "PT Sumber Data Indonesia",
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5931 }
5932 },
5933 {
5934 "::" : {
5935 "isp" : "Vainavi Industries Ltd.",
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5937 }
5938 },
5939 {
5940 "::" : {
5941 "isp" : "Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang",
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5943 }
5944 },
5945 {
5946 "::" : {
5947 "isp" : "Meralco Avenue",
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5949 }
5950 },
5951 {
5952 "::" : {
5953 "isp" : "Universitas Riau",
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5955 }
5956 },
5957 {
5958 "::" : {
5959 "isp" : "Wavecom Wireless Ltd",
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5961 }
5962 },
5963 {
5964 "::" : {
5965 "isp" : "Liberty Broadcasting Network Inc.",
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5967 }
5968 },
5969 {
5970 "::" : {
5971 "isp" : "Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd",
5972 "organization" : "Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd"
5973 }
5974 },
5975 {
5976 "::" : {
5977 "isp" : "Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd",
5978 "organization" : "Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd"
5979 }
5980 },
5981 {
5982 "::" : {
5983 "isp" : "Meghbela Cable & Broadband Services (P) Ltd",
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5985 }
5986 },
5987 {
5988 "::" : {
5989 "isp" : "Indusind Media and Communications Ltd.",
5990 "organization" : "Indusind Media and Communications Ltd."
5991 }
5992 },
5993 {
5994 "::" : {
5995 "isp" : "Goldfield Industrial Building",
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5997 }
5998 },
5999 {
6000 "::" : {
6001 "isp" : "Andheri East",
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6003 }
6004 },
6005 {
6006 "::" : {
6007 "isp" : "PT Sumber Data Indonesia",
6008 "organization" : "PT Sumber Data Indonesia"
6009 }
6010 },
6011 {
6012 "::" : {
6013 "isp" : "RackCentral Pty Ltd",
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6015 }
6016 },
6017 {
6018 "::" : {
6019 "isp" : "Unleash Computers Ltd",
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6021 }
6022 },
6023 {
6024 "::" : {
6025 "isp" : "Web Werks India Pvt.",
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6027 }
6028 },
6029 {
6030 "::" : {
6031 "isp" : "Joint stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of V",
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6033 }
6034 },
6035 {
6036 "::" : {
6037 "isp" : "MCS Com Co Ltd",
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6039 }
6040 },
6041 {
6042 "::" : {
6043 "isp" : "VentraIP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd",
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6045 }
6046 },
6047 {
6048 "::" : {
6049 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
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6051 }
6052 },
6053 {
6054 "::" : {
6055 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
6056 "organization" : "i-System Technology Limited"
6057 }
6058 },
6059 {
6060 "::" : {
6061 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
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6063 }
6064 },
6065 {
6066 "::" : {
6067 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
6068 "organization" : "i-System Technology Limited"
6069 }
6070 },
6071 {
6072 "::" : {
6073 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
6074 "organization" : "i-System Technology Limited"
6075 }
6076 },
6077 {
6078 "::" : {
6079 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
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6081 }
6082 },
6083 {
6084 "::" : {
6085 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
6086 "organization" : "i-System Technology Limited"
6087 }
6088 },
6089 {
6090 "::" : {
6091 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
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6093 }
6094 },
6095 {
6096 "::" : {
6097 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
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6099 }
6100 },
6101 {
6102 "::" : {
6103 "isp" : "i-System Technology Limited",
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6105 }
6106 },
6107 {
6108 "::" : {
6109 "isp" : "Langham Place Office Tower",
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6111 }
6112 },
6113 {
6114 "::" : {
6115 "isp" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd.",
6116 "organization" : "C&M Communication Co.,Ltd."
6117 }
6118 },
6119 {
6120 "::" : {
6121 "organization" : "Digi"
6122 }
6123 },
6124 {
6125 "::" : {
6126 "isp" : "Cmb Taegu Dongbu Broadcast",
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6128 }
6129 },
6130 {
6131 "::" : {
6132 "organization" : "QuickWeb Hosting Solutions"
6133 }
6134 },
6135 {
6136 "::" : {
6137 "autonomous_system_number" : 35994,
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6140 "organization" : "Akamai Technologies"
6141 }
6142 },
6143 {
6144 "::" : {
6145 "isp" : "Fawri wilaya Batna",
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6147 }
6148 },
6149 {
6150 "::" : {
6151 "isp" : "Anis wilaya oran",
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6153 }
6154 },
6155 {
6156 "::" : {
6157 "isp" : "Anis wilaya Bechar",
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6159 }
6160 },
6161 {
6162 "::" : {
6163 "isp" : "Airtel Networks Limited",
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6165 }
6166 },
6167 {
6168 "::" : {
6169 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
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6171 }
6172 },
6173 {
6174 "::" : {
6175 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
6176 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom 3G"
6177 }
6178 },
6179 {
6180 "::" : {
6181 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
6182 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom 3G"
6183 }
6184 },
6185 {
6186 "::" : {
6187 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
6188 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom 3G"
6189 }
6190 },
6191 {
6192 "::" : {
6193 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
6194 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
6195 }
6196 },
6197 {
6198 "::" : {
6199 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
6200 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
6201 }
6202 },
6203 {
6204 "::" : {
6205 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
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6207 }
6208 },
6209 {
6210 "::" : {
6211 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
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6213 }
6214 },
6215 {
6216 "::" : {
6217 "isp" : "Safaricom Limited",
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6219 }
6220 },
6221 {
6222 "::" : {
6223 "isp" : "Unitel SA",
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6225 }
6226 },
6227 {
6228 "::" : {
6229 "isp" : "MTN Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd",
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6231 }
6232 },
6233 {
6234 "::" : {
6235 "isp" : "Mobinil 3G",
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6237 }
6238 },
6239 {
6240 "::" : {
6241 "isp" : "Telkom Internet",
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6243 }
6244 },
6245 {
6246 "::" : {
6247 "isp" : "Mobinil 3G",
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6249 }
6250 },
6251 {
6252 "::" : {
6253 "isp" : "Airtel Networks Nigeria Ltd",
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6255 }
6256 },
6257 {
6258 "::" : {
6259 "isp" : "Etisalat Misr",
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6261 }
6262 },
6263 {
6264 "::" : {
6265 "isp" : "Etisalat Misr",
6266 "organization" : "Etisalat"
6267 }
6268 },
6269 {
6270 "::" : {
6271 "isp" : "Etisalat Misr",
6272 "organization" : "Etisalat"
6273 }
6274 },
6275 {
6276 "::" : {
6277 "isp" : "Etisalat Misr",
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6279 }
6280 },
6281 {
6282 "::" : {
6283 "isp" : "Etisalat Misr",
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6285 }
6286 },
6287 {
6288 "::" : {
6289 "isp" : "MTN SA",
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6291 }
6292 },
6293 {
6294 "::" : {
6295 "isp" : "Telkom Internet",
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6297 }
6298 },
6299 {
6300 "::" : {
6301 "isp" : "Telkom Internet",
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6303 }
6304 },
6305 {
6306 "::" : {
6307 "isp" : "Airtel Broadband",
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6309 }
6310 },
6311 {
6312 "::" : {
6313 "isp" : "Second segment of Broadband IPs",
6314 "organization" : "Second segment of Broadband IPs"
6315 }
6316 },
6317 {
6318 "::" : {
6319 "isp" : "Third segment of Airtel Broadband IPs",
6320 "organization" : "Third segment of Airtel Broadband IPs"
6321 }
6322 },
6323 {
6324 "::" : {
6325 "isp" : "Reserved for Internet APN Allocation",
6326 "organization" : "Reserved for Internet APN Allocation"
6327 }
6328 },
6329 {
6330 "::" : {
6331 "isp" : "MTC - Mobile Telecommunications, Ltd.",
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6333 }
6334 },
6335 {
6336 "::" : {
6337 "isp" : "MTC - Mobile Telecommunications, Ltd.",
6338 "organization" : "MTC - Mobile Telecommunications, Ltd."
6339 }
6340 },
6341 {
6342 "::" : {
6343 "isp" : "Cybersmart",
6344 "organization" : "Cybersmart-ADSL-DBN ADSL IP numbers assigned to Db"
6345 }
6346 },
6347 {
6348 "::" : {
6349 "isp" : "Cybersmart",
6350 "organization" : "Cybersmart-ADSL-JHB ADSL IP for Northern regios"
6351 }
6352 },
6353 {
6354 "::" : {
6355 "isp" : "Cybersmart",
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6357 }
6358 },
6359 {
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6363 }
6364 },
6365 {
6366 "::" : {
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6369 }
6370 },
6371 {
6372 "::" : {
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6376 },
6377 {
6378 "::" : {
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6382 },
6383 {
6384 "::" : {
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6388 },
6389 {
6390 "::" : {
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6393 }
6394 },
6395 {
6396 "::" : {
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6399 }
6400 },
6401 {
6402 "::" : {
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6405 }
6406 },
6407 {
6408 "::" : {
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6411 }
6412 },
6413 {
6414 "::" : {
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6418 },
6419 {
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6423 }
6424 },
6425 {
6426 "::" : {
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6430 },
6431 {
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6436 },
6437 {
6438 "::" : {
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6442 },
6443 {
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6447 },
6448 {
6449 "::" : {
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6452 }
6453 },
6454 {
6455 "::" : {
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6459 },
6460 {
6461 "::" : {
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6465 },
6466 {
6467 "::" : {
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6472 {
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6478 {
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6483 },
6484 {
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6489 },
6490 {
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6494 }
6495 },
6496 {
6497 "::" : {
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6501 },
6502 {
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6507 },
6508 {
6509 "::" : {
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6513 },
6514 {
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6519 },
6520 {
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6525 },
6526 {
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6531 },
6532 {
6533 "::" : {
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6537 },
6538 {
6539 "::" : {
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6542 }
6543 },
6544 {
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6549 },
6550 {
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6555 },
6556 {
6557 "::" : {
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6560 }
6561 },
6562 {
6563 "::" : {
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6566 }
6567 },
6568 {
6569 "::" : {
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6572 }
6573 },
6574 {
6575 "::" : {
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6579 },
6580 {
6581 "::" : {
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6585 },
6586 {
6587 "::" : {
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6590 }
6591 },
6592 {
6593 "::" : {
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6597 },
6598 {
6599 "::" : {
6600 "isp" : "Telus Communications",
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6602 }
6603 },
6604 {
6605 "::" : {
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6608 }
6609 },
6610 {
6611 "::" : {
6612 "isp" : "Telus Communications",
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6614 }
6615 },
6616 {
6617 "::" : {
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6620 }
6621 },
6622 {
6623 "::" : {
6624 "isp" : "Time Warner Cable",
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6626 }
6627 },
6628 {
6629 "::" : {
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6632 }
6633 },
6634 {
6635 "::" : {
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6638 }
6639 },
6640 {
6641 "::" : {
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6644 }
6645 },
6646 {
6647 "::" : {
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6651 },
6652 {
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6657 },
6658 {
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6663 },
6664 {
6665 "::" : {
6666 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
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6669 },
6670 {
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6675 },
6676 {
6677 "::" : {
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6681 },
6682 {
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6687 },
6688 {
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6693 },
6694 {
6695 "::" : {
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6699 },
6700 {
6701 "::" : {
6702 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
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6704 }
6705 },
6706 {
6707 "::" : {
6708 "isp" : "AT&T Internet Services",
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6710 }
6711 },
6712 {
6713 "::" : {
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6717 },
6718 {
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6723 },
6724 {
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6728 }
6729 },
6730 {
6731 "::" : {
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6735 },
6736 {
6737 "::" : {
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6740 },
6741 {
6742 "::" : {
6743 "organization" : "Cutuknet"
6744 }
6745 },
6746 {
6747 "::" : {
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6750 },
6751 {
6752 "::" : {
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6755 }
6756 },
6757 {
6758 "::" : {
6759 "isp" : "SK Broadband Co Ltd",
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6762 },
6763 {
6764 "::" : {
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6768 },
6769 {
6770 "::" : {
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6774 },
6775 {
6776 "::" : {
6777 "isp" : "SK Broadband Co Ltd",
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6780 },
6781 {
6782 "::" : {
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6786 },
6787 {
6788 "::" : {
6789 "isp" : "SK Broadband Co Ltd",
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6792 },
6793 {
6794 "::" : {
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6798 },
6799 {
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6804 },
6805 {
6806 "::" : {
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6810 },
6811 {
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6817 {
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6822 },
6823 {
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6828 },
6829 {
6830 "::" : {
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6835 {
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6840 },
6841 {
6842 "::" : {
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6846 },
6847 {
6848 "::" : {
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6852 },
6853 {
6854 "::" : {
6855 "isp" : "CMB Daejeon Broadcasting Co,.Ltd",
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6858 },
6859 {
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6864 },
6865 {
6866 "::" : {
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6870 },
6871 {
6872 "::" : {
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6878 },
6879 {
6880 "::" : {
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6884 },
6885 {
6886 "::" : {
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6889 }
6890 },
6891 {
6892 "::" : {
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6895 }
6896 },
6897 {
6898 "::" : {
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6903 }
6904 },
6905 {
6906 "::" : {
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6909 }
6910 },
6911 {
6912 "::" : {
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6916 },
6917 {
6918 "::" : {
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6923 {
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6928 },
6929 {
6930 "::" : {
6931 "isp" : "Tbroad Abc Broadcasting Co.,ltd.",
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6934 },
6935 {
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6941 {
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6947 {
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6952 },
6953 {
6954 "::" : {
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6958 },
6959 {
6960 "::" : {
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6964 },
6965 {
6966 "::" : {
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6970 },
6971 {
6972 "::" : {
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6976 },
6977 {
6978 "::" : {
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6981 }
6982 },
6983 {
6984 "::" : {
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6988 },
6989 {
6990 "::" : {
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6993 }
6994 },
6995 {
6996 "::" : {
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6999 }
7000 },
7001 {
7002 "::" : {
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7005 }
7006 },
7007 {
7008 "::" : {
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7011 }
7012 },
7013 {
7014 "::" : {
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7017 }
7018 },
7019 {
7020 "::" : {
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7023 },
7024 {
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7029 },
7030 {
7031 "::" : {
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7034 }
7035 },
7036 {
7037 "::" : {
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7040 }
7041 },
7042 {
7043 "::" : {
7044 "isp" : "Lg Dacom Kidc",
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7046 }
7047 },
7048 {
7049 "::" : {
7050 "isp" : "Lg Dacom Kidc",
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7052 }
7053 },
7054 {
7055 "::" : {
7056 "isp" : "Lg Dacom Kidc",
7057 "organization" : "Lg Dacom Kidc"
7058 }
7059 },
7060 {
7061 "::" : {
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7064 }
7065 },
7066 {
7067 "::" : {
7068 "isp" : "GLBB"
7069 }
7070 },
7071 {
7072 "::" : {
7073 "isp" : "Smileserv",
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7075 }
7076 },
7077 {
7078 "::" : {
7079 "isp" : "G&j, Ltd.",
7080 "organization" : "G&j, Ltd."
7081 }
7082 },
7083 {
7084 "::" : {
7085 "isp" : "HAIonNet",
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7087 }
7088 },
7089 {
7090 "::" : {
7091 "isp" : "HAIonNet",
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7093 }
7094 },
7095 {
7096 "::" : {
7097 "isp" : "National Computing & Information Agency",
7098 "organization" : "National Computing & Information Agency"
7099 }
7100 },
7101 {
7102 "::" : {
7103 "isp" : "Korea Nazarene University",
7104 "organization" : "Korea Nazarene University"
7105 }
7106 },
7107 {
7108 "::" : {
7109 "isp" : "Catholic University of DAEGU",
7110 "organization" : "Catholic University of DAEGU"
7111 }
7112 },
7113 {
7114 "::" : {
7115 "isp" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp.",
7116 "organization" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp."
7117 }
7118 },
7119 {
7120 "::" : {
7121 "isp" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp.",
7122 "organization" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp."
7123 }
7124 },
7125 {
7126 "::" : {
7127 "isp" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp.",
7128 "organization" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp."
7129 }
7130 },
7131 {
7132 "::" : {
7133 "isp" : "TCN Daegu Broadcasting Co., Ltd",
7134 "organization" : "TCN Daegu Broadcasting Co., Ltd"
7135 }
7136 },
7137 {
7138 "::" : {
7139 "isp" : "TCN Daegu Broadcasting Co., Ltd",
7140 "organization" : "TCN Daegu Broadcasting Co., Ltd"
7141 }
7142 },
7143 {
7144 "::" : {
7145 "autonomous_system_number" : 9808,
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7148 "organization" : "Guangdong Mobile"
7149 }
7150 },
7151 {
7152 "::" : {
7153 "isp" : "NURILINK",
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7155 }
7156 },
7157 {
7158 "::" : {
7159 "isp" : "NURILINK",
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7161 }
7162 },
7163 {
7164 "::" : {
7165 "isp" : "NURILINK",
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7167 }
7168 },
7169 {
7170 "::" : {
7171 "isp" : "Tbroad Gangseo",
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7173 }
7174 },
7175 {
7176 "::" : {
7177 "isp" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp.",
7178 "organization" : "Korea Telecom Freetel Corp."
7179 }
7180 },
7181 {
7182 "::" : {
7183 "isp" : "IP4 Networks, Inc.",
7184 "organization" : "IP4 Networks, Inc."
7185 }
7186 },
7187 {
7188 "::" : {
7189 "isp" : "Cj-hellovision",
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7191 }
7192 },
7193 {
7194 "::" : {
7195 "isp" : "Korea Cable TV Kwangju Broadcast",
7196 "organization" : "Korea Cable TV Kwangju Broadcast"
7197 }
7198 },
7199 {
7200 "::" : {
7201 "isp" : "Cmb Taegu Dongbu Broadcast",
7202 "organization" : "Cmb Taegu Dongbu Broadcast"
7203 }
7204 },
7205 {
7206 "::" : {
7207 "isp" : "KUMHO",
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7209 }
7210 },
7211 {
7212 "::" : {
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7214 }
7215 },
7216 {
7217 "::" : {
7218 "autonomous_system_number" : 9808,
7219 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Guangdong Mobile Communication Co.Ltd.",
7220 "isp" : "Guangdong Mobile",
7221 "organization" : "Guangdong Mobile"
7222 }
7223 },
7224 {
7225 "::" : {
7226 "isp" : "Duruan",
7227 "organization" : "Duruan"
7228 }
7229 },
7230 {
7231 "::" : {
7232 "isp" : "Duruan",
7233 "organization" : "Duruan"
7234 }
7235 },
7236 {
7237 "::" : {
7238 "isp" : "Lg Dacom Kidc",
7239 "organization" : "Lg Dacom Kidc"
7240 }
7241 },
7242 {
7243 "::" : {
7244 "isp" : "CMB Kwnagju Broadcasting",
7245 "organization" : "CMB Kwnagju Broadcasting"
7246 }
7247 },
7248 {
7249 "::" : {
7250 "isp" : "CMB Kwnagju Broadcasting",
7251 "organization" : "CMB Kwnagju Broadcasting"
7252 }
7253 },
7254 {
7255 "::" : {
7256 "isp" : "CMB",
7257 "organization" : "CMB"
7258 }
7259 },
7260 {
7261 "::" : {
7262 "isp" : "Cj-hellovision",
7263 "organization" : "Cj-hellovision"
7264 }
7265 },
7266 {
7267 "::" : {
7268 "isp" : "Cj-hellovision",
7269 "organization" : "Cj-hellovision"
7270 }
7271 },
7272 {
7273 "::" : {
7274 "isp" : "SK Telecom",
7275 "organization" : "SK Telecom"
7276 }
7277 },
7278 {
7279 "::" : {
7280 "isp" : "SK Telecom",
7281 "organization" : "SK Telecom"
7282 }
7283 },
7284 {
7285 "::" : {
7286 "isp" : "HAIonNet",
7287 "organization" : "HAIonNet"
7288 }
7289 },
7290 {
7291 "::" : {
7292 "isp" : "HAIonNet",
7293 "organization" : "HAIonNet"
7294 }
7295 },
7296 {
7297 "::" : {
7298 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
7299 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp.",
7300 "isp" : "Softbank BB Corp",
7301 "organization" : "Softbank BB Corp"
7302 }
7303 },
7304 {
7305 "::" : {
7306 "isp" : "Intevep S.A.",
7307 "organization" : "Intevep S.A."
7308 }
7309 },
7310 {
7311 "::" : {
7312 "isp" : "Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de",
7313 "organization" : "Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de"
7314 }
7315 },
7316 {
7317 "::" : {
7318 "autonomous_system_number" : 721,
7319 "autonomous_system_organization" : "DoD Network Information Center"
7320 }
7321 },
7322 {
7323 "::" : {
7324 "isp" : "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico",
7325 "organization" : "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico"
7326 }
7327 },
7328 {
7329 "::" : {
7330 "isp" : "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico",
7331 "organization" : "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico"
7332 }
7333 },
7334 {
7335 "::" : {
7336 "isp" : "Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de",
7337 "organization" : "Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de"
7338 }
7339 },
7340 {
7341 "::" : {
7342 "organization" : "Geny SRL"
7343 }
7344 },
7345 {
7346 "::" : {
7347 "isp" : "Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro",
7348 "organization" : "Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro"
7349 }
7350 },
7351 {
7352 "::" : {
7353 "isp" : "Universidad de Las Americas-Puebla",
7354 "organization" : "Universidad de Las Americas-Puebla"
7355 }
7356 },
7357 {
7358 "::" : {
7359 "isp" : "United Nations Development Programme",
7360 "organization" : "United Nations Development Programme"
7361 }
7362 },
7363 {
7364 "::" : {
7365 "isp" : "TeliaSonera Finland Oyj",
7366 "organization" : "TeliaSonera Finland Oyj"
7367 }
7368 },
7369 {
7370 "::" : {
7371 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7372 }
7373 },
7374 {
7375 "::" : {
7376 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7377 }
7378 },
7379 {
7380 "::" : {
7381 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911,
7382 "isp" : "Telebec",
7383 "organization" : "LINO Solutions Internet de Télébec"
7384 }
7385 },
7386 {
7387 "::" : {
7388 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7389 }
7390 },
7391 {
7392 "::" : {
7393 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7394 }
7395 },
7396 {
7397 "::" : {
7398 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7399 }
7400 },
7401 {
7402 "::" : {
7403 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7404 }
7405 },
7406 {
7407 "::" : {
7408 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7409 }
7410 },
7411 {
7412 "::" : {
7413 "autonomous_system_number" : 35911
7414 }
7415 },
7416 {
7417 "::" : {
7418 "isp" : "Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul",
7419 "organization" : "Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul"
7420 }
7421 },
7422 {
7423 "::" : {
7424 "isp" : "Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP",
7425 "organization" : "Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP"
7426 }
7427 },
7428 {
7429 "::" : {
7430 "isp" : "Universidade de Sao Paulo",
7431 "organization" : "Universidade de Sao Paulo"
7432 }
7433 },
7434 {
7435 "::" : {
7436 "isp" : "Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Pau",
7437 "organization" : "Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Pau"
7438 }
7439 },
7440 {
7441 "::" : {
7442 "isp" : "Oracle Corporation",
7443 "organization" : "Oracle Corporation"
7444 }
7445 },
7446 {
7447 "::" : {
7448 "isp" : "Nederlandse Spoorwegen PI block",
7449 "organization" : "Nederlandse Spoorwegen PI block"
7450 }
7451 },
7452 {
7453 "::" : {
7454 "autonomous_system_number" : 1103,
7455 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SURFnet, The Netherlands",
7456 "isp" : "SURFnet, The Netherlands",
7457 "organization" : "SURFnet, The Netherlands"
7458 }
7459 },
7460 {
7461 "::" : {
7462 "isp" : "Red Universitaria Nacional",
7463 "organization" : "Red Universitaria Nacional"
7464 }
7465 },
7466 {
7467 "::" : {
7468 "isp" : "Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica",
7469 "organization" : "Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica"
7470 }
7471 },
7472 {
7473 "::" : {
7474 "isp" : "SECICO",
7475 "organization" : "SECICO"
7476 }
7477 },
7478 {
7479 "::" : {
7480 "isp" : "Federal University of Rio de Janeiro",
7481 "organization" : "Federal University of Rio de Janeiro"
7482 }
7483 },
7484 {
7485 "::" : {
7486 "organization" : "Surebroadband Ltd"
7487 }
7488 },
7489 {
7490 "::" : {
7491 "isp" : "Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada",
7492 "organization" : "Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada"
7493 }
7494 },
7495 {
7496 "::" : {
7497 "isp" : "Comwave"
7498 }
7499 },
7500 {
7501 "::" : {
7502 "isp" : "Claro Dominican Republic",
7503 "organization" : "Claro Dominican Republic"
7504 }
7505 },
7506 {
7507 "::" : {
7508 "isp" : "Claro Dominican Republic",
7509 "organization" : "Claro Dominican Republic"
7510 }
7511 },
7512 {
7513 "::" : {
7514 "isp" : "Iteso, A.c.",
7515 "organization" : "Iteso, A.c."
7516 }
7517 },
7518 {
7519 "::" : {
7520 "isp" : "Universidad de Guadalajara",
7521 "organization" : "Universidad de Guadalajara"
7522 }
7523 },
7524 {
7525 "::" : {
7526 "isp" : "Volkswagen de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.",
7527 "organization" : "Volkswagen de Mexico, S.A. de C.V."
7528 }
7529 },
7530 {
7531 "::" : {
7532 "isp" : "Instituto Politecnico Nacional",
7533 "organization" : "Instituto Politecnico Nacional"
7534 }
7535 },
7536 {
7537 "::" : {
7538 "isp" : "Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico(ITAM)",
7539 "organization" : "Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico(ITAM)"
7540 }
7541 },
7542 {
7543 "::" : {
7544 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana",
7545 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana"
7546 }
7547 },
7548 {
7549 "::" : {
7550 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7551 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7552 }
7553 },
7554 {
7555 "::" : {
7556 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7557 "organization" : "CONACYT"
7558 }
7559 },
7560 {
7561 "::" : {
7562 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7563 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7564 }
7565 },
7566 {
7567 "::" : {
7568 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7569 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7570 }
7571 },
7572 {
7573 "::" : {
7574 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7575 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7576 }
7577 },
7578 {
7579 "::" : {
7580 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7581 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7582 }
7583 },
7584 {
7585 "::" : {
7586 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7587 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7588 }
7589 },
7590 {
7591 "::" : {
7592 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7593 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7594 }
7595 },
7596 {
7597 "::" : {
7598 "isp" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)",
7599 "organization" : "Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tenologia (CONACYT)"
7600 }
7601 },
7602 {
7603 "::" : {
7604 "isp" : "Secretaria de Educacion e Investigacion Tecnologic",
7605 "organization" : "Secretaria de Educacion e Investigacion Tecnologic"
7606 }
7607 },
7608 {
7609 "::" : {
7610 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan",
7611 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan"
7612 }
7613 },
7614 {
7615 "::" : {
7616 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma De Ciudad Juarez",
7617 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma De Ciudad Juarez"
7618 }
7619 },
7620 {
7621 "::" : {
7622 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma De Aguascalientes",
7623 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma De Aguascalientes"
7624 }
7625 },
7626 {
7627 "::" : {
7628 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila",
7629 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila"
7630 }
7631 },
7632 {
7633 "::" : {
7634 "isp" : "Universidad de Colima",
7635 "organization" : "Universidad de Colima"
7636 }
7637 },
7638 {
7639 "::" : {
7640 "isp" : "Universidad de Guanajuato",
7641 "organization" : "Universidad de Guanajuato"
7642 }
7643 },
7644 {
7645 "::" : {
7646 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico",
7647 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico"
7648 }
7649 },
7650 {
7651 "::" : {
7652 "isp" : "Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo",
7653 "organization" : "Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo"
7654 }
7655 },
7656 {
7657 "::" : {
7658 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma De Zacatecas",
7659 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma De Zacatecas"
7660 }
7661 },
7662 {
7663 "::" : {
7664 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma Del Estado De Morelos",
7665 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma Del Estado De Morelos"
7666 }
7667 },
7668 {
7669 "::" : {
7670 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma de Tlaxcala",
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7672 }
7673 },
7674 {
7675 "::" : {
7676 "isp" : "Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro",
7677 "organization" : "Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro"
7678 }
7679 },
7680 {
7681 "::" : {
7682 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7683 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7684 }
7685 },
7686 {
7687 "::" : {
7688 "isp" : "Universidad Autonóma de Chiapas",
7689 "organization" : "Universidad Autonóma de Chiapas"
7690 }
7691 },
7692 {
7693 "::" : {
7694 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7695 "organization" : "Grupo Domos"
7696 }
7697 },
7698 {
7699 "::" : {
7700 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7701 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7702 }
7703 },
7704 {
7705 "::" : {
7706 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7707 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7708 }
7709 },
7710 {
7711 "::" : {
7712 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7714 }
7715 },
7716 {
7717 "::" : {
7718 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7720 }
7721 },
7722 {
7723 "::" : {
7724 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7725 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7726 }
7727 },
7728 {
7729 "::" : {
7730 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7731 "organization" : "Banorte (Clase C)"
7732 }
7733 },
7734 {
7735 "::" : {
7736 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7737 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7738 }
7739 },
7740 {
7741 "::" : {
7742 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7743 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7744 }
7745 },
7746 {
7747 "::" : {
7748 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7749 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7750 }
7751 },
7752 {
7753 "::" : {
7754 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7755 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7756 }
7757 },
7758 {
7759 "::" : {
7760 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7762 }
7763 },
7764 {
7765 "::" : {
7766 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7768 }
7769 },
7770 {
7771 "::" : {
7772 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7773 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7774 }
7775 },
7776 {
7777 "::" : {
7778 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7780 }
7781 },
7782 {
7783 "::" : {
7784 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7786 }
7787 },
7788 {
7789 "::" : {
7790 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7792 }
7793 },
7794 {
7795 "::" : {
7796 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7798 }
7799 },
7800 {
7801 "::" : {
7802 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7803 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7804 }
7805 },
7806 {
7807 "::" : {
7808 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7810 }
7811 },
7812 {
7813 "::" : {
7814 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7816 }
7817 },
7818 {
7819 "::" : {
7820 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7822 }
7823 },
7824 {
7825 "::" : {
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7828 }
7829 },
7830 {
7831 "::" : {
7832 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7834 }
7835 },
7836 {
7837 "::" : {
7838 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7840 }
7841 },
7842 {
7843 "::" : {
7844 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7845 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7846 }
7847 },
7848 {
7849 "::" : {
7850 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7851 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7852 }
7853 },
7854 {
7855 "::" : {
7856 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7857 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7858 }
7859 },
7860 {
7861 "::" : {
7862 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7863 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7864 }
7865 },
7866 {
7867 "::" : {
7868 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7869 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7870 }
7871 },
7872 {
7873 "::" : {
7874 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7876 }
7877 },
7878 {
7879 "::" : {
7880 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7882 }
7883 },
7884 {
7885 "::" : {
7886 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7888 }
7889 },
7890 {
7891 "::" : {
7892 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7893 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7894 }
7895 },
7896 {
7897 "::" : {
7898 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7899 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7900 }
7901 },
7902 {
7903 "::" : {
7904 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7906 }
7907 },
7908 {
7909 "::" : {
7910 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7912 }
7913 },
7914 {
7915 "::" : {
7916 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7918 }
7919 },
7920 {
7921 "::" : {
7922 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7924 }
7925 },
7926 {
7927 "::" : {
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7930 }
7931 },
7932 {
7933 "::" : {
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7936 }
7937 },
7938 {
7939 "::" : {
7940 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7941 "organization" : "Kappa Imagenes Digitales"
7942 }
7943 },
7944 {
7945 "::" : {
7946 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
7947 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
7948 }
7949 },
7950 {
7951 "::" : {
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7954 }
7955 },
7956 {
7957 "::" : {
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7960 }
7961 },
7962 {
7963 "::" : {
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7966 }
7967 },
7968 {
7969 "::" : {
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7972 }
7973 },
7974 {
7975 "::" : {
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7978 }
7979 },
7980 {
7981 "::" : {
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7984 }
7985 },
7986 {
7987 "::" : {
7988 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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7990 }
7991 },
7992 {
7993 "::" : {
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7996 }
7997 },
7998 {
7999 "::" : {
8000 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8002 }
8003 },
8004 {
8005 "::" : {
8006 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8008 }
8009 },
8010 {
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8016 {
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8022 {
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8106 {
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8112 {
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8118 {
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8124 {
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8130 {
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8136 {
8137 "::" : {
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8142 {
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8148 {
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8154 {
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8160 {
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8166 {
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8172 {
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8178 {
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8184 {
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8190 {
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8202 {
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8208 {
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8214 {
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8220 {
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8225 },
8226 {
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8232 {
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8238 {
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8244 {
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8250 {
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8256 {
8257 "::" : {
8258 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8262 {
8263 "::" : {
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8268 {
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8286 {
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8292 {
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8298 {
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8304 {
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8310 {
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8316 {
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8328 {
8329 "::" : {
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8334 {
8335 "::" : {
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8339 },
8340 {
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8346 {
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8352 {
8353 "::" : {
8354 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8357 },
8358 {
8359 "::" : {
8360 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
8361 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
8362 }
8363 },
8364 {
8365 "::" : {
8366 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8369 },
8370 {
8371 "::" : {
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8376 {
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8382 {
8383 "::" : {
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8388 {
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8394 {
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8400 {
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8404 }
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8406 {
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8411 },
8412 {
8413 "::" : {
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8416 }
8417 },
8418 {
8419 "::" : {
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8422 }
8423 },
8424 {
8425 "::" : {
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8430 {
8431 "::" : {
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8436 {
8437 "::" : {
8438 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8442 {
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8448 {
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8453 },
8454 {
8455 "::" : {
8456 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8460 {
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8466 {
8467 "::" : {
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8471 },
8472 {
8473 "::" : {
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8476 }
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8478 {
8479 "::" : {
8480 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8482 }
8483 },
8484 {
8485 "::" : {
8486 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8488 }
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8490 {
8491 "::" : {
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8494 }
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8496 {
8497 "::" : {
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8502 {
8503 "::" : {
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8508 {
8509 "::" : {
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8512 }
8513 },
8514 {
8515 "::" : {
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8518 }
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8520 {
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8526 {
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8532 {
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8538 {
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8543 },
8544 {
8545 "::" : {
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8550 {
8551 "::" : {
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8555 },
8556 {
8557 "::" : {
8558 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8560 }
8561 },
8562 {
8563 "::" : {
8564 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
8565 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
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8568 {
8569 "::" : {
8570 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8574 {
8575 "::" : {
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8579 },
8580 {
8581 "::" : {
8582 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8584 }
8585 },
8586 {
8587 "::" : {
8588 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8590 }
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8592 {
8593 "::" : {
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8596 }
8597 },
8598 {
8599 "::" : {
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8604 {
8605 "::" : {
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8610 {
8611 "::" : {
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8615 },
8616 {
8617 "::" : {
8618 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8620 }
8621 },
8622 {
8623 "::" : {
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8626 }
8627 },
8628 {
8629 "::" : {
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8632 }
8633 },
8634 {
8635 "::" : {
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8638 }
8639 },
8640 {
8641 "::" : {
8642 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
8643 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
8644 }
8645 },
8646 {
8647 "::" : {
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8651 },
8652 {
8653 "::" : {
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8656 }
8657 },
8658 {
8659 "::" : {
8660 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8662 }
8663 },
8664 {
8665 "::" : {
8666 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
8667 "organization" : "Conexiones Worldspan"
8668 }
8669 },
8670 {
8671 "::" : {
8672 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8674 }
8675 },
8676 {
8677 "::" : {
8678 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
8679 "organization" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V."
8680 }
8681 },
8682 {
8683 "::" : {
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8687 },
8688 {
8689 "::" : {
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8692 }
8693 },
8694 {
8695 "::" : {
8696 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8699 },
8700 {
8701 "::" : {
8702 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8704 }
8705 },
8706 {
8707 "::" : {
8708 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8711 },
8712 {
8713 "::" : {
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8716 }
8717 },
8718 {
8719 "::" : {
8720 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8722 }
8723 },
8724 {
8725 "::" : {
8726 "isp" : "Uninet S.A. de C.V.",
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8730 {
8731 "::" : {
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8735 },
8736 {
8737 "::" : {
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8740 }
8741 },
8742 {
8743 "::" : {
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8746 }
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8748 {
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8754 {
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8764 }
8765 },
8766 {
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8769 }
8770 },
8771 {
8772 "::" : {
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8774 }
8775 },
8776 {
8777 "::" : {
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8779 }
8780 },
8781 {
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8786 },
8787 {
8788 "::" : {
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8790 }
8791 },
8792 {
8793 "::" : {
8794 "autonomous_system_number" : 1668,
8795 "autonomous_system_organization" : "AOL Transit Data Network",
8796 "isp" : "America Online",
8797 "organization" : "America Online"
8798 }
8799 },
8800 {
8801 "::" : {
8802 "organization" : "Circle 1 Network"
8803 }
8804 },
8805 {
8806 "::" : {
8807 "organization" : "Goversoft"
8808 }
8809 },
8810 {
8811 "::" : {
8812 "isp" : ""
8813 }
8814 },
8815 {
8816 "::" : {
8817 "autonomous_system_number" : 6167,
8818 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless",
8819 "isp" : "Verizon Wireless",
8820 "organization" : "Verizon Wireless"
8821 }
8822 },
8823 {
8824 "::" : {
8825 "autonomous_system_number" : 12844,
8826 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Bouygues Telecom",
8827 "isp" : "Bouygues Telecom",
8828 "organization" : "Bouygues Telecom"
8829 }
8830 },
8831 {
8832 "::" : {
8833 "isp" : "Oi Internet",
8834 "organization" : "Oi Internet"
8835 }
8836 },
8837 {
8838 "::" : {
8839 "isp" : "Regency Comunicações Ltda",
8840 "organization" : "Regency Comunicações Ltda"
8841 }
8842 },
8843 {
8844 "::" : {
8845 "isp" : "M.A. Informática Ltda.",
8846 "organization" : "M.A. Informática Ltda."
8847 }
8848 },
8849 {
8850 "::" : {
8851 "isp" : "Banner Serviços de Telecom e Internet Ltda.",
8852 "organization" : "Banner Serviços de Telecom e Internet Ltda."
8853 }
8854 },
8855 {
8856 "::" : {
8857 "isp" : "Hoinaski & Sklasky Ltda",
8858 "organization" : "Hoinaski & Sklasky Ltda"
8859 }
8860 },
8861 {
8862 "::" : {
8863 "isp" : "Silveira & Ziquinatti Ltda",
8864 "organization" : "Silveira & Ziquinatti Ltda"
8865 }
8866 },
8867 {
8868 "::" : {
8869 "isp" : "Naja Telecomunicações Ltda.",
8870 "organization" : "Naja Telecomunicações Ltda."
8871 }
8872 },
8873 {
8874 "::" : {
8875 "isp" : "Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A.",
8876 "organization" : "Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A."
8877 }
8878 },
8879 {
8880 "::" : {
8881 "isp" : "Space Net Serv. De TelecomunicaÇÃo Em Inf. Ltda-me",
8882 "organization" : "Space Net Serv. De TelecomunicaÇÃo Em Inf. Ltda-me"
8883 }
8884 },
8885 {
8886 "::" : {
8887 "isp" : "JF Soluções Informática Ltda.",
8888 "organization" : "JF Soluções Informática Ltda."
8889 }
8890 },
8891 {
8892 "::" : {
8893 "isp" : "Info House Informática e Papeis Ltda",
8894 "organization" : "Info House Informática e Papeis Ltda"
8895 }
8896 },
8897 {
8898 "::" : {
8899 "isp" : "P3 Host Internet Brasil",
8900 "organization" : "P3 Host Internet Brasil"
8901 }
8902 },
8903 {
8904 "::" : {
8905 "isp" : "Bluephone Solucoes Tecnologicas Ltda",
8906 "organization" : "Bluephone Solucoes Tecnologicas Ltda"
8907 }
8908 },
8909 {
8910 "::" : {
8911 "isp" : "NETWS Telecomunicações Ltda.",
8912 "organization" : "NETWS Telecomunicações Ltda."
8913 }
8914 },
8915 {
8916 "::" : {
8917 "isp" : "Chapeco Tecnologia em Telecomunicações Ltda.",
8918 "organization" : "Chapeco Tecnologia em Telecomunicações Ltda."
8919 }
8920 },
8921 {
8922 "::" : {
8923 "isp" : "Afinet Solucoes Em Tecnologia Da Informacao Ltda",
8924 "organization" : "Afinet Solucoes Em Tecnologia Da Informacao Ltda"
8925 }
8926 },
8927 {
8928 "::" : {
8929 "isp" : "Mil Negocios Ltda.",
8930 "organization" : "Mil Negocios Ltda."
8931 }
8932 },
8933 {
8934 "::" : {
8935 "isp" : "Fox Conect Provedor de Internet LTDA",
8936 "organization" : "Fox Conect Provedor de Internet LTDA"
8937 }
8938 },
8939 {
8940 "::" : {
8941 "isp" : "G30 Telecom ServiÇos Em TelecomunicaÇÕes Ltda",
8942 "organization" : "G30 Telecom ServiÇos Em TelecomunicaÇÕes Ltda"
8943 }
8944 },
8945 {
8946 "::" : {
8947 "isp" : "Midasnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda",
8948 "organization" : "Midasnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
8949 }
8950 },
8951 {
8952 "::" : {
8953 "isp" : "Viveiros & Araujo Serviços de Provedores da Intern",
8954 "organization" : "Viveiros & Araujo Serviços de Provedores da Intern"
8955 }
8956 },
8957 {
8958 "::" : {
8959 "isp" : "Rodolfo Romao De Oliveira Neto & Cia Ltda",
8960 "organization" : "Rodolfo Romao De Oliveira Neto & Cia Ltda"
8961 }
8962 },
8963 {
8964 "::" : {
8965 "isp" : "Ajaxtel Telecomunicações Ltda.",
8966 "organization" : "Ajaxtel Telecomunicações Ltda."
8967 }
8968 },
8969 {
8970 "::" : {
8971 "isp" : "Mcnet Serviços de Comunicações Ltda",
8972 "organization" : "Mcnet Serviços de Comunicações Ltda"
8973 }
8974 },
8975 {
8976 "::" : {
8977 "isp" : "R.D.S. Bortoluzzi & Cia Ltda - ME",
8978 "organization" : "R.D.S. Bortoluzzi & Cia Ltda - ME"
8979 }
8980 },
8981 {
8982 "::" : {
8983 "isp" : "Tolrs Informática Ltda",
8984 "organization" : "Tolrs Informática Ltda"
8985 }
8986 },
8987 {
8988 "::" : {
8989 "isp" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda",
8990 "organization" : "Pablo William Silva Tavares de Lira"
8991 }
8992 },
8993 {
8994 "::" : {
8995 "isp" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda",
8996 "organization" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda"
8997 }
8998 },
8999 {
9000 "::" : {
9001 "isp" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda",
9002 "organization" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda"
9003 }
9004 },
9005 {
9006 "::" : {
9007 "isp" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda",
9008 "organization" : "Digicontrol ServiÇos De Provedores Ltda"
9009 }
9010 },
9011 {
9012 "::" : {
9013 "isp" : "PRIMEHOST do BRASIL Ltda",
9014 "organization" : "PRIMEHOST do BRASIL Ltda"
9015 }
9016 },
9017 {
9018 "::" : {
9019 "isp" : "Minas Turbo Provedor de Internet",
9020 "organization" : "Minas Turbo Provedor de Internet"
9021 }
9022 },
9023 {
9024 "::" : {
9025 "isp" : "Br2 Internet Ltda",
9026 "organization" : "Br2 Internet Ltda"
9027 }
9028 },
9029 {
9030 "::" : {
9031 "isp" : "Conexis Internet Provider Ltda - Me",
9032 "organization" : "Conexis Internet Provider Ltda - Me"
9033 }
9034 },
9035 {
9036 "::" : {
9037 "isp" : "Nolasco & Nonnenmacher Comercio e Rep. Ltda.",
9038 "organization" : "Nolasco & Nonnenmacher Comercio e Rep. Ltda."
9039 }
9040 },
9041 {
9042 "::" : {
9043 "isp" : "Interneith Via Radio Ltda.",
9044 "organization" : "Interneith Via Radio Ltda."
9045 }
9046 },
9047 {
9048 "::" : {
9049 "isp" : "Apn - Processamento de Dados e Soluçoes em Interne",
9050 "organization" : "Apn - Processamento de Dados e Soluçoes em Interne"
9051 }
9052 },
9053 {
9054 "::" : {
9055 "isp" : "Minas Net Ldta Me",
9056 "organization" : "Minas Net Ldta Me"
9057 }
9058 },
9059 {
9060 "::" : {
9061 "isp" : "Netway Provedor De Internet Ltda",
9062 "organization" : "Netway Provedor De Internet Ltda"
9063 }
9064 },
9065 {
9066 "::" : {
9067 "isp" : "Catanduva sistemas a cabo ltda.",
9068 "organization" : "Catanduva sistemas a cabo ltda."
9069 }
9070 },
9071 {
9072 "::" : {
9073 "isp" : "Telecomunicacões Minas Mais Ltda",
9074 "organization" : "Telecomunicacões Minas Mais Ltda"
9075 }
9076 },
9077 {
9078 "::" : {
9079 "isp" : "Bom Tempo Informática Ltda",
9080 "organization" : "Bom Tempo Informática Ltda"
9081 }
9082 },
9083 {
9084 "::" : {
9085 "isp" : "Arikinet Internet Ltda - EPP",
9086 "organization" : "Arikinet Internet Ltda - EPP"
9087 }
9088 },
9089 {
9090 "::" : {
9091 "isp" : "E&L Producoes de Software Ltda",
9092 "organization" : "E&L Producoes de Software Ltda"
9093 }
9094 },
9095 {
9096 "::" : {
9097 "isp" : "Microfox Informatica Ltda",
9098 "organization" : "Microfox Informatica Ltda"
9099 }
9100 },
9101 {
9102 "::" : {
9103 "isp" : "Mapfre Vera Cruz Seguradora S/a",
9104 "organization" : "Mapfre Vera Cruz Seguradora S/a"
9105 }
9106 },
9107 {
9108 "::" : {
9109 "isp" : "Norte Line Telecomunicações Ltda.",
9110 "organization" : "Norte Line Telecomunicações Ltda."
9111 }
9112 },
9113 {
9114 "::" : {
9115 "isp" : "Predialnet Provedor De Internet Ltda",
9116 "organization" : "Predialnet Provedor De Internet Ltda"
9117 }
9118 },
9119 {
9120 "::" : {
9121 "isp" : "Pronto Net Ltda.",
9122 "organization" : "Pronto Net Ltda."
9123 }
9124 },
9125 {
9126 "::" : {
9127 "organization" : "IPV6 Internet Ltda"
9128 }
9129 },
9130 {
9131 "::" : {
9132 "isp" : "W r de bel entreterimentos s/s ltda",
9133 "organization" : "W r de bel entreterimentos s/s ltda"
9134 }
9135 },
9136 {
9137 "::" : {
9138 "isp" : "Alonso Oliveira Neto Me",
9139 "organization" : "Alonso Oliveira Neto Me"
9140 }
9141 },
9142 {
9143 "::" : {
9144 "isp" : "IP2 Telecomunicação Ltda.",
9145 "organization" : "IP2 Telecomunicação Ltda."
9146 }
9147 },
9148 {
9149 "::" : {
9150 "isp" : "TURBO 10 Telecomunicações Ltda.",
9151 "organization" : "TURBO 10 Telecomunicações Ltda."
9152 }
9153 },
9154 {
9155 "::" : {
9156 "isp" : "Vcb Provedor De Acesso Ltda",
9157 "organization" : "Vcb Provedor De Acesso Ltda"
9158 }
9159 },
9160 {
9161 "::" : {
9162 "isp" : " telecomunicações ltda-me",
9163 "organization" : " telecomunicações ltda-me"
9164 }
9165 },
9166 {
9167 "::" : {
9168 "isp" : "Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa",
9169 "organization" : "Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa"
9170 }
9171 },
9172 {
9173 "::" : {
9174 "isp" : "Unica Tecnology Ltda",
9175 "organization" : "Unica Tecnology Ltda"
9176 }
9177 },
9178 {
9179 "::" : {
9180 "isp" : "Unica Tecnology Ltda",
9181 "organization" : "Unica Tecnology Ltda"
9182 }
9183 },
9184 {
9185 "::" : {
9186 "isp" : "Unica Tecnology Ltda",
9187 "organization" : "Microtell Informatica - Comercio & Prestacao De S"
9188 }
9189 },
9190 {
9191 "::" : {
9192 "isp" : "Intercol - Internet Colatina Ltda-ME",
9193 "organization" : "Intercol - Internet Colatina Ltda-ME"
9194 }
9195 },
9196 {
9197 "::" : {
9198 "isp" : "T.p.a. InformÁtica Ltda",
9199 "organization" : "T.p.a. InformÁtica Ltda"
9200 }
9201 },
9202 {
9203 "::" : {
9204 "isp" : "Ampernet Telecomunicações Ltda",
9205 "organization" : "Ampernet Telecomunicações Ltda"
9206 }
9207 },
9208 {
9209 "::" : {
9210 "isp" : "Mar Provedor de Internet Ltda",
9211 "organization" : "Mar Provedor de Internet Ltda"
9212 }
9213 },
9214 {
9215 "::" : {
9216 "isp" : "Sul Americana Tecnologia e Informática Ltda.",
9217 "organization" : "Sul Americana Tecnologia e Informática Ltda."
9218 }
9219 },
9220 {
9221 "::" : {
9222 "isp" : "Vivo",
9223 "organization" : "Vivo"
9224 }
9225 },
9226 {
9227 "::" : {
9228 "isp" : "Jgm Brasil TelecomunicaÇÕes Ltda",
9229 "organization" : "Jgm Brasil TelecomunicaÇÕes Ltda"
9230 }
9231 },
9232 {
9233 "::" : {
9234 "isp" : "Inetsafe Comercio De Equipamentos Eletronicos Ltda",
9235 "organization" : "Inetsafe Comercio De Equipamentos Eletronicos Ltda"
9236 }
9237 },
9238 {
9239 "::" : {
9240 "isp" : "Infoline - Comunicações e Informações Eletrônicas",
9241 "organization" : "Infoline - Comunicações e Informações Eletrônicas"
9242 }
9243 },
9244 {
9245 "::" : {
9246 "isp" : "J W Mateus Informatica - Me",
9247 "organization" : "J W Mateus Informatica - Me"
9248 }
9249 },
9250 {
9251 "::" : {
9252 "isp" : "Brasconect Informatica LTDA",
9253 "organization" : "Brasconect Informatica LTDA"
9254 }
9255 },
9256 {
9257 "::" : {
9258 "isp" : "Tech Cable do Brasil Sist. de Telec. Ltda",
9259 "organization" : "Tech Cable do Brasil Sist. de Telec. Ltda"
9260 }
9261 },
9262 {
9263 "::" : {
9264 "isp" : "Ufla - Universidade Federal De Lavras",
9265 "organization" : "Ufla - Universidade Federal De Lavras"
9266 }
9267 },
9268 {
9269 "::" : {
9270 "isp" : "Netprimus Tecnologia Ltda",
9271 "organization" : "Netprimus Tecnologia Ltda"
9272 }
9273 },
9274 {
9275 "::" : {
9276 "isp" : "Evanildo Barbeta Boituva ME",
9277 "organization" : "Evanildo Barbeta Boituva ME"
9278 }
9279 },
9280 {
9281 "::" : {
9282 "isp" : "LB Redes Telecomunicações LTDA",
9283 "organization" : "LB Redes Telecomunicações LTDA"
9284 }
9285 },
9286 {
9287 "::" : {
9288 "isp" : "Sidys Comunicações Ltda.",
9289 "organization" : "Sidys Comunicações Ltda."
9290 }
9291 },
9292 {
9293 "::" : {
9294 "isp" : "Portalmail Informatica Ltda",
9295 "organization" : "Portalmail Informatica Ltda"
9296 }
9297 },
9298 {
9299 "::" : {
9300 "isp" : "Internet Pinheirense Ltda - ME",
9301 "organization" : "Internet Pinheirense Ltda - ME"
9302 }
9303 },
9304 {
9305 "::" : {
9306 "isp" : "CTBC",
9307 "organization" : "CTBC"
9308 }
9309 },
9310 {
9311 "::" : {
9312 "isp" : "Byteweb Comunicação Multimídia Ltda.",
9313 "organization" : "Byteweb Comunicação Multimídia Ltda."
9314 }
9315 },
9316 {
9317 "::" : {
9318 "isp" : "Redenilf Serviços de Telecomunicações Ltda",
9319 "organization" : "Redenilf Serviços de Telecomunicações Ltda"
9320 }
9321 },
9322 {
9323 "::" : {
9324 "isp" : "Star Conect Telecom Ltda",
9325 "organization" : "Star Conect Telecom Ltda"
9326 }
9327 },
9328 {
9329 "::" : {
9330 "isp" : "OpçãoNet Informática Ltda ME",
9331 "organization" : "OpçãoNet Informática Ltda ME"
9332 }
9333 },
9334 {
9335 "::" : {
9336 "isp" : "Link Sol LTDA - ME",
9337 "organization" : "Link Sol LTDA - ME"
9338 }
9339 },
9340 {
9341 "::" : {
9342 "isp" : "New Master Provedor De Acesso A Internet",
9343 "organization" : "New Master Provedor De Acesso A Internet"
9344 }
9345 },
9346 {
9347 "::" : {
9348 "isp" : "New Master Provedor De Acesso A Internet",
9349 "organization" : "New Master Provedor De Acesso A Internet"
9350 }
9351 },
9352 {
9353 "::" : {
9354 "isp" : "Gigalink de Nova Friburgo Soluções em Rede Multimi",
9355 "organization" : "Gigalink de Nova Friburgo Soluções em Rede Multimi"
9356 }
9357 },
9358 {
9359 "::" : {
9360 "isp" : "Tim Celular S.A.",
9361 "organization" : "Tim Celular S.A."
9362 }
9363 },
9364 {
9365 "::" : {
9366 "isp" : "Vivo",
9367 "organization" : "Vivo"
9368 }
9369 },
9370 {
9371 "::" : {
9372 "isp" : "Tim Celular S.A.",
9373 "organization" : "Tim Celular S.A."
9374 }
9375 },
9376 {
9377 "::" : {
9378 "autonomous_system_number" : 4713,
9379 "autonomous_system_organization" : "NTT Communications Corporation",
9380 "isp" : "NTT",
9381 "organization" : "NTT"
9382 }
9383 },
9384 {
9385 "::" : {
9386 "isp" : "GLBB"
9387 }
9388 },
9389 {
9390 "::" : {
9391 "isp" : "GLBB"
9392 }
9393 },
9394 {
9395 "::" : {
9396 "organization" : "GPLHost"
9397 }
9398 },
9399 {
9400 "::" : {
9401 "autonomous_system_number" : 4134,
9402 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Chinanet",
9403 "isp" : "China Telecom",
9404 "organization" : "China Telecom"
9405 }
9406 },
9407 {
9408 "::" : {
9409 "autonomous_system_number" : 9808,
9410 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Guangdong Mobile Communication Co.Ltd.",
9411 "isp" : "Guangdong Mobile",
9412 "organization" : "Guangdong Mobile"
9413 }
9414 },
9415 {
9416 "::" : {
9417 "organization" : "Trans Canada Internet"
9418 }
9419 },
9420 {
9421 "::" : {
9422 "organization" : "QuickWeb Hosting Solutions"
9423 }
9424 },
9425 {
9426 "::" : {
9427 "isp" : "SmartLabs LLC"
9428 }
9429 },
9430 {
9431 "::" : {
9432 "organization" : "WE Radio Comunicação LTDA EPP"
9433 }
9434 },
9435 {
9436 "::" : {
9437 "organization" : "Voax Provedor de Internet"
9438 }
9439 },
9440 {
9441 "::" : {
9442 "organization" : "RedeTeleSul"
9443 }
9444 },
9445 {
9446 "::" : {
9447 "isp" : "CityLink ISP",
9448 "organization" : "CityLink Ltd"
9449 }
9450 },
9451 {
9452 "::" : {
9453 "organization" : "CityLink Ltd"
9454 }
9455 },
9456 {
9457 "::" : {
9458 "organization" : "indtelecom"
9459 }
9460 },
9461 {
9462 "::" : {
9463 "organization" : "MitiHost Solutions"
9464 }
9465 },
9466 {
9467 "::" : {
9468 "organization" : "FiberXpress Dominicana"
9469 }
9470 },
9471 {
9472 "::" : {
9473 "isp" : "FIX WIRELESS"
9474 }
9475 },
9476 {
9477 "::" : {
9478 "organization" : "HostVDS-NET"
9479 }
9480 },
9481 {
9482 "::" : {
9483 "isp" : "Golden Lines Cable",
9484 "organization" : "Golden Lines Cable"
9485 }
9486 },
9487 {
9488 "::" : {
9489 "organization" : "Fibrestream Limited"
9490 }
9491 },
9492 {
9493 "::" : {
9494 "organization" : "P.P.H.U Multicom"
9495 }
9496 },
9497 {
9498 "::" : {
9499 "organization" : "FOP Molochko Nina Vasilevna"
9500 }
9501 },
9502 {
9503 "::" : {
9504 "organization" : "Amdocs"
9505 }
9506 },
9507 {
9508 "::" : {
9509 "isp" : "Verizon Nederland B.V.",
9510 "organization" : "Verizon Nederland B.V."
9511 }
9512 },
9513 {
9514 "::" : {
9515 "isp" : "Agence Tunisienne Internet - ATI",
9516 "organization" : "Agence Tunisienne Internet - ATI"
9517 }
9518 },
9519 {
9520 "::" : {
9521 "organization" : "X-Com Partners"
9522 }
9523 },
9524 {
9525 "::" : {
9526 "isp" : "SLW Internet Service Ltd.",
9527 "organization" : "SLW Internet Service Ltd."
9528 }
9529 },
9530 {
9531 "::" : {
9532 "isp" : "Buckhaven High school",
9533 "organization" : "Buckhaven High school"
9534 }
9535 },
9536 {
9537 "::" : {
9538 "isp" : "University of Technology, Vienna",
9539 "organization" : "University of Technology, Vienna"
9540 }
9541 },
9542 {
9543 "::" : {
9544 "organization" : "H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB"
9545 }
9546 },
9547 {
9548 "::" : {
9549 "isp" : "Egyptian Universities Network",
9550 "organization" : "Egyptian Universities Network"
9551 }
9552 },
9553 {
9554 "::" : {
9555 "isp" : "AB Svenska Spel",
9556 "organization" : "AB Svenska Spel"
9557 }
9558 },
9559 {
9560 "::" : {
9561 "isp" : "AB Svenska Spel",
9562 "organization" : "AB Svenska Spel"
9563 }
9564 },
9565 {
9566 "::" : {
9567 "organization" : "CDcorp"
9568 }
9569 },
9570 {
9571 "::" : {
9572 "isp" : "Specialist Ltd."
9573 }
9574 },
9575 {
9576 "::" : {
9577 "organization" : "w3 GmbH"
9578 }
9579 },
9580 {
9581 "::" : {
9582 "isp" : "CityLink ISP"
9583 }
9584 },
9585 {
9586 "::" : {
9587 "isp" : "Forestry Commision",
9588 "organization" : "Forestry Commision"
9589 }
9590 },
9591 {
9592 "::" : {
9593 "isp" : "WEB Hotel, Moscow",
9594 "organization" : "WEB Hotel, Moscow"
9595 }
9596 },
9597 {
9598 "::" : {
9599 "isp" : "Hotel Astoria network",
9600 "organization" : "Hotel Astoria network"
9601 }
9602 },
9603 {
9604 "::" : {
9605 "isp" : "Seaside Hotels, S.A.",
9606 "organization" : "Seaside Hotels, S.A."
9607 }
9608 },
9609 {
9610 "::" : {
9611 "organization" : "Small Private Enterprise Kvant-II"
9612 }
9613 },
9614 {
9615 "::" : {
9616 "organization" : "WICO"
9617 }
9618 },
9619 {
9620 "::" : {
9621 "organization" : "Sevonline"
9622 }
9623 },
9624 {
9625 "::" : {
9626 "isp" : "Free SAS",
9627 "organization" : "Free SAS"
9628 }
9629 },
9630 {
9631 "::" : {
9632 "isp" : "Rawdat Al-Ma'aref Schools & College",
9633 "organization" : "Rawdat Al-Ma'aref Schools & College"
9634 }
9635 },
9636 {
9637 "::" : {
9638 "isp" : "Verizon Nederland B.V.",
9639 "organization" : "Verizon Nederland B.V."
9640 }
9641 },
9642 {
9643 "::" : {
9644 "isp" : "CASPUR",
9645 "organization" : "CASPUR"
9646 }
9647 },
9648 {
9649 "::" : {
9650 "isp" : "CASPUR",
9651 "organization" : "CASPUR"
9652 }
9653 },
9654 {
9655 "::" : {
9656 "isp" : "CASPUR",
9657 "organization" : "CASPUR"
9658 }
9659 },
9660 {
9661 "::" : {
9662 "isp" : "TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A.",
9663 "organization" : "TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A."
9664 }
9665 },
9666 {
9667 "::" : {
9668 "isp" : "Officine Informatiche Srl",
9669 "organization" : "Officine Informatiche Srl"
9670 }
9671 },
9672 {
9673 "::" : {
9674 "isp" : "Egyptian National Scientific & Technical Informati",
9675 "organization" : "Egyptian National Scientific & Technical Informati"
9676 }
9677 },
9678 {
9679 "::" : {
9680 "isp" : "Tiscali SpA",
9681 "organization" : "Tiscali SpA"
9682 }
9683 },
9684 {
9685 "::" : {
9686 "isp" : "Interoute Communications Limited",
9687 "organization" : "Interoute Communications Limited"
9688 }
9689 },
9690 {
9691 "::" : {
9692 "isp" : "Tiscali UK Limited",
9693 "organization" : "Tiscali UK Limited"
9694 }
9695 },
9696 {
9697 "::" : {
9698 "isp" : "Blackpool Sixth Form College",
9699 "organization" : "Blackpool Sixth Form College"
9700 }
9701 },
9702 {
9703 "::" : {
9704 "isp" : "Aberdeen College",
9705 "organization" : "Aberdeen College"
9706 }
9707 },
9708 {
9709 "::" : {
9710 "isp" : "BT",
9711 "organization" : "BT"
9712 }
9713 },
9714 {
9715 "::" : {
9716 "isp" : "Verizon Sweden AB",
9717 "organization" : "Verizon Sweden AB"
9718 }
9719 },
9720 {
9721 "::" : {
9722 "isp" : "Egyptian Universities Network (EUN)",
9723 "organization" : "Egyptian Universities Network (EUN)"
9724 }
9725 },
9726 {
9727 "::" : {
9728 "isp" : "Frogfoot Networks",
9729 "organization" : "Frogfoot Networks"
9730 }
9731 },
9732 {
9733 "::" : {
9734 "isp" : "CMC Networks",
9735 "organization" : "CMC Networks"
9736 }
9737 },
9738 {
9739 "::" : {
9740 "isp" : "Global Internet Access",
9741 "organization" : "Global Internet Access"
9742 }
9743 },
9744 {
9745 "::" : {
9746 "isp" : "Global Internet Access",
9747 "organization" : "Global Internet Access"
9748 }
9749 },
9750 {
9751 "::" : {
9752 "isp" : "Global Internet Access",
9753 "organization" : "Global Internet Access"
9754 }
9755 },
9756 {
9757 "::" : {
9758 "isp" : "Gkn Chep SA",
9759 "organization" : "Gkn Chep SA"
9760 }
9761 },
9762 {
9763 "::" : {
9764 "isp" : "Gkn Chep SA",
9765 "organization" : "Gkn Chep SA"
9766 }
9767 },
9768 {
9769 "::" : {
9770 "isp" : "Gkn Chep SA",
9771 "organization" : "Gkn Chep SA"
9772 }
9773 },
9774 {
9775 "::" : {
9776 "isp" : "Gkn Chep SA",
9777 "organization" : "Gkn Chep SA"
9778 }
9779 },
9780 {
9781 "::" : {
9782 "isp" : "Gkn Chep SA",
9783 "organization" : "Gkn Chep SA"
9784 }
9785 },
9786 {
9787 "::" : {
9788 "isp" : "Rwandatel, SA",
9789 "organization" : "Rwandatel, SA"
9790 }
9791 },
9792 {
9793 "::" : {
9794 "isp" : "Rwandatel, SA",
9795 "organization" : "Wireless Broadband Customer"
9796 }
9797 },
9798 {
9799 "::" : {
9800 "isp" : "Rwandatel, SA",
9801 "organization" : "Rwandatel, SA"
9802 }
9803 },
9804 {
9805 "::" : {
9806 "isp" : "Rwandatel, SA",
9807 "organization" : "Rwandatel, SA"
9808 }
9809 },
9810 {
9811 "::" : {
9812 "isp" : "Wana Corporate",
9813 "organization" : "Wana Corporate"
9814 }
9815 },
9816 {
9817 "::" : {
9818 "isp" : "MWEB",
9819 "organization" : "MWEB"
9820 }
9821 },
9822 {
9823 "::" : {
9824 "isp" : "Data Pro Business Online",
9825 "organization" : "Data Pro Business Online"
9826 }
9827 },
9828 {
9829 "::" : {
9830 "isp" : "Data Pro Business Online",
9831 "organization" : "JHB Waverley MetroEthernet, Hosting and Lease Line"
9832 }
9833 },
9834 {
9835 "::" : {
9836 "isp" : "Data Pro Business Online",
9837 "organization" : "Data Pro Business Online"
9838 }
9839 },
9840 {
9841 "::" : {
9842 "isp" : "Data Pro Business Online",
9843 "organization" : "Data Pro Business Online"
9844 }
9845 },
9846 {
9847 "::" : {
9848 "isp" : "Durban Lease Line and Hosting Zone Range",
9849 "organization" : "Durban Lease Line and Hosting Zone Range"
9850 }
9851 },
9852 {
9853 "::" : {
9854 "isp" : "Zimbabwe Online",
9855 "organization" : "Zimbabwe Online"
9856 }
9857 },
9858 {
9859 "::" : {
9860 "isp" : "ONATEL",
9861 "organization" : "ONATEL"
9862 }
9863 },
9864 {
9865 "::" : {
9866 "isp" : "ONATEL",
9867 "organization" : "ONATEL"
9868 }
9869 },
9870 {
9871 "::" : {
9872 "isp" : "ONATEL",
9873 "organization" : "ONATEL"
9874 }
9875 },
9876 {
9877 "::" : {
9878 "isp" : "Al Salam Rotana Hotel- sudan",
9879 "organization" : "Al Salam Rotana Hotel- sudan"
9880 }
9881 },
9882 {
9883 "::" : {
9884 "isp" : "Universite de Bamako",
9885 "organization" : "Universite de Bamako"
9886 }
9887 },
9888 {
9889 "::" : {
9890 "isp" : "Amobia Communications",
9891 "organization" : "Amobia Communications"
9892 }
9893 },
9894 {
9895 "::" : {
9896 "isp" : "Sarl ICOSNET",
9897 "organization" : "Sarl ICOSNET"
9898 }
9899 },
9900 {
9901 "::" : {
9902 "isp" : "Allocated to Broad band internet in the following",
9903 "organization" : "Allocated to Broad band internet in the following"
9904 }
9905 },
9906 {
9907 "::" : {
9908 "isp" : "Allocated to Broad band internet in the following",
9909 "organization" : "Allocated to Broad band internet in the following"
9910 }
9911 },
9912 {
9913 "::" : {
9914 "isp" : "Research and Education Network of Uganda - RENU",
9915 "organization" : "Research and Education Network of Uganda - RENU"
9916 }
9917 },
9918 {
9919 "::" : {
9920 "isp" : "Association of African Universities",
9921 "organization" : "Association of African Universities"
9922 }
9923 },
9924 {
9925 "::" : {
9926 "isp" : "Zimbabwe Open University",
9927 "organization" : "Zimbabwe Open University"
9928 }
9929 },
9930 {
9931 "::" : {
9932 "isp" : "Nigeria Air Force",
9933 "organization" : "Nigeria Air Force"
9934 }
9935 },
9936 {
9937 "::" : {
9938 "isp" : "Bowen University",
9939 "organization" : "Bowen University"
9940 }
9941 },
9942 {
9943 "::" : {
9944 "isp" : "University of Dar es Salaam",
9945 "organization" : "University of Dar es Salaam"
9946 }
9947 },
9948 {
9949 "::" : {
9950 "isp" : "Yo! Africa",
9951 "organization" : "Yo! Africa"
9952 }
9953 },
9954 {
9955 "::" : {
9956 "isp" : "MTN RwandaCell",
9957 "organization" : "MTN RwandaCell"
9958 }
9959 },
9960 {
9961 "::" : {
9962 "isp" : "The Institute for Social Accou",
9963 "organization" : "The Institute for Social Accou"
9964 }
9965 },
9966 {
9967 "::" : {
9968 "isp" : "Tribe Hotel",
9969 "organization" : "Tribe Hotel"
9970 }
9971 },
9972 {
9973 "::" : {
9974 "isp" : "Accesskenya Group Ltd",
9975 "organization" : "Accesskenya Group Ltd"
9976 }
9977 },
9978 {
9979 "::" : {
9980 "isp" : "Wananchi Online",
9981 "organization" : "Wananchi Online"
9982 }
9983 },
9984 {
9985 "::" : {
9986 "isp" : "Afribone - Universite",
9987 "organization" : "Afribone - Universite"
9988 }
9989 },
9990 {
9991 "::" : {
9992 "isp" : "Ikatel SA",
9993 "organization" : "Ikatel SA"
9994 }
9995 },
9996 {
9997 "::" : {
9998 "isp" : "Orange Broadband Kenya",
9999 "organization" : "Orange Broadband Kenya"
10000 }
10001 },
10002 {
10003 "::" : {
10004 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10005 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10006 }
10007 },
10008 {
10009 "::" : {
10010 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10011 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10012 }
10013 },
10014 {
10015 "::" : {
10016 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10017 "organization" : "Sub allocation to Lerotholi Polytechnic Institute"
10018 }
10019 },
10020 {
10021 "::" : {
10022 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10023 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10024 }
10025 },
10026 {
10027 "::" : {
10028 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10029 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10030 }
10031 },
10032 {
10033 "::" : {
10034 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10035 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10036 }
10037 },
10038 {
10039 "::" : {
10040 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10041 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10042 }
10043 },
10044 {
10045 "::" : {
10046 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10047 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10048 }
10049 },
10050 {
10051 "::" : {
10052 "isp" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD",
10053 "organization" : "Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD"
10054 }
10055 },
10056 {
10057 "::" : {
10058 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10059 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10060 }
10061 },
10062 {
10063 "::" : {
10064 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10065 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10066 }
10067 },
10068 {
10069 "::" : {
10070 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10071 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10072 }
10073 },
10074 {
10075 "::" : {
10076 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10077 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10078 }
10079 },
10080 {
10081 "::" : {
10082 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10083 "organization" : "MarocTelecom"
10084 }
10085 },
10086 {
10087 "::" : {
10088 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10089 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10090 }
10091 },
10092 {
10093 "::" : {
10094 "isp" : "Communication Solutions Ltd.",
10095 "organization" : "Communication Solutions Ltd."
10096 }
10097 },
10098 {
10099 "::" : {
10100 "isp" : "Internet Solutions",
10101 "organization" : "Internet Solutions"
10102 }
10103 },
10104 {
10105 "::" : {
10106 "isp" : "Internet Solutions",
10107 "organization" : "Internet Solutions"
10108 }
10109 },
10110 {
10111 "::" : {
10112 "isp" : "Network assigned to Silver Customers in Luanda, An",
10113 "organization" : "Network assigned to Silver Customers in Luanda, An"
10114 }
10115 },
10116 {
10117 "::" : {
10118 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10119 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10120 }
10121 },
10122 {
10123 "::" : {
10124 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10125 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10126 }
10127 },
10128 {
10129 "::" : {
10130 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10131 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10132 }
10133 },
10134 {
10135 "::" : {
10136 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10137 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10138 }
10139 },
10140 {
10141 "::" : {
10142 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10143 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10144 }
10145 },
10146 {
10147 "::" : {
10148 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10149 "organization" : "PushMobileMediaSGK"
10150 }
10151 },
10152 {
10153 "::" : {
10154 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10155 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10156 }
10157 },
10158 {
10159 "::" : {
10160 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10161 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10162 }
10163 },
10164 {
10165 "::" : {
10166 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10167 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10168 }
10169 },
10170 {
10171 "::" : {
10172 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10173 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10174 }
10175 },
10176 {
10177 "::" : {
10178 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10179 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10180 }
10181 },
10182 {
10183 "::" : {
10184 "isp" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited",
10185 "organization" : "Swift Global Kenya Limited"
10186 }
10187 },
10188 {
10189 "::" : {
10190 "isp" : "Grindrod Management Services (Pty) Ltd",
10191 "organization" : "Grindrod Management Services (Pty) Ltd"
10192 }
10193 },
10194 {
10195 "::" : {
10196 "isp" : "Zenith Bank Ghana Ltd",
10197 "organization" : "Zenith Bank Ghana Ltd"
10198 }
10199 },
10200 {
10201 "::" : {
10202 "isp" : "Finbank PLC",
10203 "organization" : "Finbank PLC"
10204 }
10205 },
10206 {
10207 "::" : {
10208 "isp" : "Central Bank of Nigeria",
10209 "organization" : "Central Bank of Nigeria"
10210 }
10211 },
10212 {
10213 "::" : {
10214 "isp" : "Seacom Ltd",
10215 "organization" : "Seacom Ltd"
10216 }
10217 },
10218 {
10219 "::" : {
10220 "isp" : "Cairo American College",
10221 "organization" : "Cairo American College"
10222 }
10223 },
10224 {
10225 "::" : {
10226 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10227 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10228 }
10229 },
10230 {
10231 "::" : {
10232 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10233 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10234 }
10235 },
10236 {
10237 "::" : {
10238 "isp" : "Maroc Telecom",
10239 "organization" : "Maroc Telecom"
10240 }
10241 },
10242 {
10243 "::" : {
10244 "isp" : "National University of Science and Technology",
10245 "organization" : "National University of Science and Technology"
10246 }
10247 },
10248 {
10249 "::" : {
10250 "isp" : "Beehive Social Enterprise",
10251 "organization" : "Beehive Social Enterprise"
10252 }
10253 },
10254 {
10255 "::" : {
10256 "isp" : "University of Jos Nigeria",
10257 "organization" : "University of Jos Nigeria"
10258 }
10259 },
10260 {
10261 "::" : {
10262 "isp" : "University of Lagos",
10263 "organization" : "University of Lagos"
10264 }
10265 },
10266 {
10267 "::" : {
10268 "isp" : "RT-ADSL-project",
10269 "organization" : "RT-ADSL-project"
10270 }
10271 },
10272 {
10273 "::" : {
10274 "isp" : "RT-ADSL-project",
10275 "organization" : "RT-ADSL-project"
10276 }
10277 },
10278 {
10279 "::" : {
10280 "isp" : "Fiber Grid Inc",
10281 "organization" : "Fiber Grid Inc"
10282 }
10283 },
10284 {
10285 "::" : {
10286 "isp" : "North West University",
10287 "organization" : "North West University"
10288 }
10289 },
10290 {
10291 "::" : {
10292 "isp" : "University of the Free State",
10293 "organization" : "University of the Free State"
10294 }
10295 },
10296 {
10297 "::" : {
10298 "isp" : "Granite Networks"
10299 }
10300 },
10301 {
10302 "::" : {
10303 "isp" : "SilverIP Communications"
10304 }
10305 },
10306 {
10307 "::" : {
10308 "isp" : "Allo Communications LLC"
10309 }
10310 },
10311 {
10312 "::" : {
10313 "organization" : "Premier Communications"
10314 }
10315 },
10316 {
10317 "::" : {
10318 "organization" : "SUMO FIBER"
10319 }
10320 },
10321 {
10322 "::" : {
10323 "organization" : "Alamo Broadband"
10324 }
10325 },
10326 {
10327 "::" : {
10328 "organization" : "Argentina Virtual Networks S.R.L."
10329 }
10330 },
10331 {
10332 "::" : {
10333 "organization" : "Argentina Virtual Networks S.R.L."
10334 }
10335 },
10336 {
10337 "::" : {
10338 "organization" : "DIGINET-NZ"
10339 }
10340 },
10341 {
10342 "::" : {
10343 "organization" : "LATELZ Co., Ltd."
10344 }
10345 },
10346 {
10347 "::" : {
10348 "organization" : "LATELZ Co., Ltd."
10349 }
10350 },
10351 {
10352 "::" : {
10353 "organization" : "LGCNS China"
10354 }
10355 },
10356 {
10357 "::" : {
10358 "isp" : "YourHomeISP"
10359 }
10360 },
10361 {
10362 "::" : {
10363 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
10364 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
10365 }
10366 },
10367 {
10368 "::" : {
10369 "isp" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting",
10370 "organization" : "AT&T Synaptic Cloud Hosting"
10371 }
10372 },
10373 {
10374 "::" : {
10375 "organization" : "Lytton Area Wireless Society"
10376 }
10377 },
10378 {
10379 "::" : {
10380 "isp" : "CMS Internet LLC"
10381 }
10382 },
10383 {
10384 "::" : {
10385 "organization" : "Hilite International"
10386 }
10387 },
10388 {
10389 "::" : {
10390 "organization" : "Hilite International"
10391 }
10392 },
10393 {
10394 "::" : {
10395 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10396 }
10397 },
10398 {
10399 "::" : {
10400 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10401 }
10402 },
10403 {
10404 "::" : {
10405 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10406 }
10407 },
10408 {
10409 "::" : {
10410 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10411 }
10412 },
10413 {
10414 "::" : {
10415 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10416 }
10417 },
10418 {
10419 "::" : {
10420 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10421 }
10422 },
10423 {
10424 "::" : {
10425 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10426 }
10427 },
10428 {
10429 "::" : {
10430 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10431 }
10432 },
10433 {
10434 "::" : {
10435 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10436 }
10437 },
10438 {
10439 "::" : {
10440 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10441 }
10442 },
10443 {
10444 "::" : {
10445 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025,
10446 "isp" : "Comcast - Houston",
10447 "organization" : "Comcast - Houston"
10448 }
10449 },
10450 {
10451 "::" : {
10452 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025,
10453 "isp" : "Comcast - Houston",
10454 "organization" : "Comcast - Houston"
10455 }
10456 },
10457 {
10458 "::" : {
10459 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025,
10460 "isp" : "Comcast - Houston",
10461 "organization" : "Comcast - Houston"
10462 }
10463 },
10464 {
10465 "::" : {
10466 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10467 }
10468 },
10469 {
10470 "::" : {
10471 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10472 }
10473 },
10474 {
10475 "::" : {
10476 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10477 }
10478 },
10479 {
10480 "::" : {
10481 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10482 }
10483 },
10484 {
10485 "::" : {
10486 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10487 }
10488 },
10489 {
10490 "::" : {
10491 "autonomous_system_number" : 11025
10492 }
10493 },
10494 {
10495 "::" : {
10496 "organization" : "Beyond Next"
10497 }
10498 },
10499 {
10500 "::" : {
10501 "autonomous_system_number" : 701,
10502 "autonomous_system_organization" : "MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business",
10503 "isp" : "Verizon Business",
10504 "organization" : "Verizon Business"
10505 }
10506 },
10507 {
10508 "::" : {
10509 "organization" : "International Business Times"
10510 }
10511 },
10512 {
10513 "::" : {
10514 "organization" : "MitiHost Solutions"
10515 }
10516 },
10517 {
10518 "::" : {
10519 "isp" : "Net By Net Holding LLC",
10520 "organization" : "Net By Net Holding LLC"
10521 }
10522 },
10523 {
10524 "::" : {
10525 "isp" : "Nonprofit Partnership for the Development of Finan",
10526 "organization" : "Nonprofit Partnership for the Development of Finan"
10527 }
10528 },
10529 {
10530 "::" : {
10531 "isp" : "Telia Stofa A/S",
10532 "organization" : "Telia Stofa A/S"
10533 }
10534 },
10535 {
10536 "::" : {
10537 "isp" : "Moscow Mayor's Office",
10538 "organization" : "Moscow Mayor's Office"
10539 }
10540 },
10541 {
10542 "::" : {
10543 "isp" : "SPSNET",
10544 "organization" : "SPSNET"
10545 }
10546 },
10547 {
10548 "::" : {
10549 "isp" : "COLT Technology Services Group Limited",
10550 "organization" : "COLT Technology Services Group Limited"
10551 }
10552 },
10553 {
10554 "::" : {
10555 "organization" : "Fibrestream Limited"
10556 }
10557 },
10558 {
10559 "::" : {
10560 "isp" : "Slovanet a.s.",
10561 "organization" : "Slovanet a.s."
10562 }
10563 },
10564 {
10565 "::" : {
10566 "isp" : "Slovanet a.s.",
10567 "organization" : "Slovanet a.s."
10568 }
10569 },
10570 {
10571 "::" : {
10572 "organization" : "Linkplus"
10573 }
10574 },
10575 {
10576 "::" : {
10577 "isp" : "Scan Plus GmbH",
10578 "organization" : "Scan Plus GmbH"
10579 }
10580 },
10581 {
10582 "::" : {
10583 "isp" : "ICM NetServ Ltd",
10584 "organization" : "ICM NetServ Ltd"
10585 }
10586 },
10587 {
10588 "::" : {
10589 "isp" : "Altecom"
10590 }
10591 },
10592 {
10593 "::" : {
10594 "isp" : "St Andrew's Primary School",
10595 "organization" : "St Andrew's Primary School"
10596 }
10597 },
10598 {
10599 "::" : {
10600 "isp" : "Ufi Army Torch Hub Nuneaton",
10601 "organization" : "Ufi Army Torch Hub Nuneaton"
10602 }
10603 },
10604 {
10605 "::" : {
10606 "isp" : "Glenfall County Primary School",
10607 "organization" : "Glenfall County Primary School"
10608 }
10609 },
10610 {
10611 "::" : {
10612 "isp" : "Ashleworth CE Primary School",
10613 "organization" : "Ashleworth CE Primary School"
10614 }
10615 },
10616 {
10617 "::" : {
10618 "organization" : "SokoWireless.NET!"
10619 }
10620 },
10621 {
10622 "::" : {
10623 "isp" : "Saechsische Landesbibliothek -",
10624 "organization" : "Saechsische Landesbibliothek -"
10625 }
10626 },
10627 {
10628 "::" : {
10629 "isp" : "Saechsische Landesbibliothek -",
10630 "organization" : "Saechsische Landesbibliothek -"
10631 }
10632 },
10633 {
10634 "::" : {
10635 "isp" : "Saechsische Landesbibliothek -",
10636 "organization" : "Saechsische Landesbibliothek -"
10637 }
10638 },
10639 {
10640 "::" : {
10641 "isp" : "Dinglewell Infant School",
10642 "organization" : "Dinglewell Infant School"
10643 }
10644 },
10645 {
10646 "::" : {
10647 "isp" : "VERSIA Ltd",
10648 "organization" : "VERSIA Ltd"
10649 }
10650 },
10651 {
10652 "::" : {
10653 "isp" : "nacamar GmbH",
10654 "organization" : "nacamar GmbH"
10655 }
10656 },
10657 {
10658 "::" : {
10659 "isp" : "Altecom"
10660 }
10661 },
10662 {
10663 "::" : {
10664 "isp" : "Altecom"
10665 }
10666 },
10667 {
10668 "::" : {
10669 "isp" : "Altecom"
10670 }
10671 },
10672 {
10673 "::" : {
10674 "isp" : "Altecom"
10675 }
10676 },
10677 {
10678 "::" : {
10679 "isp" : "Altecom"
10680 }
10681 },
10682 {
10683 "::" : {
10684 "isp" : "RCS & RDS Mobile"
10685 }
10686 },
10687 {
10688 "::" : {
10689 "isp" : "Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson",
10690 "organization" : "Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson"
10691 }
10692 },
10693 {
10694 "::" : {
10695 "isp" : "Network for OAO Megdunarodnyi airport Domodedovo",
10696 "organization" : "Network for OAO Megdunarodnyi airport Domodedovo"
10697 }
10698 },
10699 {
10700 "::" : {
10701 "isp" : "Jet Multimedia",
10702 "organization" : "Jet Multimedia"
10703 }
10704 },
10705 {
10706 "::" : {
10707 "isp" : "MobiFon S.A.",
10708 "organization" : "MobiFon S.A."
10709 }
10710 },
10711 {
10712 "::" : {
10713 "isp" : "York County Council LAN",
10714 "organization" : "York County Council LAN"
10715 }
10716 },
10717 {
10718 "::" : {
10719 "isp" : "ONO",
10720 "organization" : "ONO"
10721 }
10722 },
10723 {
10724 "::" : {
10725 "autonomous_system_number" : 721,
10726 "autonomous_system_organization" : "DoD Network Information Center"
10727 }
10728 },
10729 {
10730 "::" : {
10731 "autonomous_system_number" : 721,
10732 "autonomous_system_organization" : "DoD Network Information Center"
10733 }
10734 },
10735 {
10736 "::" : {
10737 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10738 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10739 }
10740 },
10741 {
10742 "::" : {
10743 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10744 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10745 }
10746 },
10747 {
10748 "::" : {
10749 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10750 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10751 }
10752 },
10753 {
10754 "::" : {
10755 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10756 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10757 }
10758 },
10759 {
10760 "::" : {
10761 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10762 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10763 }
10764 },
10765 {
10766 "::" : {
10767 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10768 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10769 }
10770 },
10771 {
10772 "::" : {
10773 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10774 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10775 }
10776 },
10777 {
10778 "::" : {
10779 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10780 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA",
10781 "isp" : "Sungard Network Solutions",
10782 "organization" : "Sungard Network Solutions"
10783 }
10784 },
10785 {
10786 "::" : {
10787 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10788 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10789 }
10790 },
10791 {
10792 "::" : {
10793 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10794 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10795 }
10796 },
10797 {
10798 "::" : {
10799 "autonomous_system_number" : 7381,
10800 "autonomous_system_organization" : "SunGard Availability Services USA"
10801 }
10802 },
10803 {
10804 "::" : {
10805 "organization" : " - Your Rural Internet Service Provider"
10806 }
10807 },
10808 {
10809 "::" : {
10810 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10811 }
10812 },
10813 {
10814 "::" : {
10815 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10816 }
10817 },
10818 {
10819 "::" : {
10820 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10821 }
10822 },
10823 {
10824 "::" : {
10825 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10826 }
10827 },
10828 {
10829 "::" : {
10830 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10831 }
10832 },
10833 {
10834 "::" : {
10835 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10836 }
10837 },
10838 {
10839 "::" : {
10840 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10841 }
10842 },
10843 {
10844 "::" : {
10845 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10846 }
10847 },
10848 {
10849 "::" : {
10850 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10851 }
10852 },
10853 {
10854 "::" : {
10855 "autonomous_system_number" : 209,
10856 "isp" : "Century Link",
10857 "organization" : "Lariat Software"
10858 }
10859 },
10860 {
10861 "::" : {
10862 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10863 }
10864 },
10865 {
10866 "::" : {
10867 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10868 }
10869 },
10870 {
10871 "::" : {
10872 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10873 }
10874 },
10875 {
10876 "::" : {
10877 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10878 }
10879 },
10880 {
10881 "::" : {
10882 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10883 }
10884 },
10885 {
10886 "::" : {
10887 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10888 }
10889 },
10890 {
10891 "::" : {
10892 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10893 }
10894 },
10895 {
10896 "::" : {
10897 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10898 }
10899 },
10900 {
10901 "::" : {
10902 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10903 }
10904 },
10905 {
10906 "::" : {
10907 "autonomous_system_number" : 209
10908 }
10909 },
10910 {
10911 "::" : {
10912 "isp" : "Alfa-Bank Moscow Russia",
10913 "organization" : "Alfa-Bank Moscow Russia"
10914 }
10915 },
10916 {
10917 "::" : {
10918 "isp" : "IKS Service GmbH"
10919 }
10920 },
10921 {
10922 "::" : {
10923 "isp" : "Cobweb Solutions Ltd",
10924 "organization" : "Cobweb Solutions Ltd"
10925 }
10926 },
10927 {
10928 "::" : {
10929 "isp" : "Start Services",
10930 "organization" : "Start Services"
10931 }
10932 },
10933 {
10934 "::" : {
10935 "isp" : "Start Services",
10936 "organization" : "Start Services"
10937 }
10938 },
10939 {
10940 "::" : {
10941 "isp" : "Basisschool De Zaaier",
10942 "organization" : "Basisschool De Zaaier"
10943 }
10944 },
10945 {
10946 "::" : {
10947 "isp" : "AO VNIITEMR(Machinery&Robotics Institute), Moscow",
10948 "organization" : "AO VNIITEMR(Machinery&Robotics Institute), Moscow"
10949 }
10950 },
10951 {
10952 "::" : {
10953 "isp" : "SFR",
10954 "organization" : "SFR"
10955 }
10956 },
10957 {
10958 "::" : {
10959 "organization" : ""
10960 }
10961 },
10962 {
10963 "::" : {
10964 "organization" : ""
10965 }
10966 },
10967 {
10968 "::" : {
10969 "isp" : "Telefonica de Espana",
10970 "organization" : "Telefonica de Espana"
10971 }
10972 },
10973 {
10974 "::" : {
10975 "isp" : "Telefonica de Espana",
10976 "organization" : "Telefonica de Espana"
10977 }
10978 },
10979 {
10980 "::" : {
10981 "isp" : "Telefonica de Espana",
10982 "organization" : "Telefonica de Espana"
10983 }
10984 },
10985 {
10986 "::" : {
10987 "isp" : "Hotel Benessere",
10988 "organization" : "Hotel Benessere"
10989 }
10990 },
10991 {
10992 "::" : {
10993 "isp" : "Comunedisalerno",
10994 "organization" : "Comunedisalerno"
10995 }
10996 },
10997 {
10998 "::" : {
10999 "isp" : "Tbilisi Pedagogical University",
11000 "organization" : "Tbilisi Pedagogical University"
11001 }
11002 },
11003 {
11004 "::" : {
11005 "isp" : "Emirates Telecommunications Corporation",
11006 "organization" : "Emirates Telecommunications Corporation"
11007 }
11008 },
11009 {
11010 "::" : {
11011 "isp" : "T-Systems Italia Spa",
11012 "organization" : "T-Systems Italia Spa"
11013 }
11014 },
11015 {
11016 "::" : {
11017 "isp" : "Brettenham Infant School",
11018 "organization" : "Brettenham Infant School"
11019 }
11020 },
11021 {
11022 "::" : {
11023 "isp" : "Shildon County Primary School",
11024 "organization" : "Shildon County Primary School"
11025 }
11026 },
11027 {
11028 "::" : {
11029 "isp" : "The Campion School",
11030 "organization" : "The Campion School"
11031 }
11032 },
11033 {
11034 "::" : {
11035 "isp" : "Josca's Preparatory School",
11036 "organization" : "Josca's Preparatory School"
11037 }
11038 },
11039 {
11040 "::" : {
11041 "isp" : "Dundonald High School",
11042 "organization" : "Dundonald High School"
11043 }
11044 },
11045 {
11046 "::" : {
11047 "isp" : "Folly Hill County First School",
11048 "organization" : "Folly Hill County First School"
11049 }
11050 },
11051 {
11052 "::" : {
11053 "isp" : "Beauclerc County Infant School",
11054 "organization" : "Beauclerc County Infant School"
11055 }
11056 },
11057 {
11058 "::" : {
11059 "isp" : "Holly Lodge County Primary School",
11060 "organization" : "Holly Lodge County Primary School"
11061 }
11062 },
11063 {
11064 "::" : {
11065 "isp" : "Laleham CE Primary School",
11066 "organization" : "Laleham CE Primary School"
11067 }
11068 },
11069 {
11070 "::" : {
11071 "isp" : "Surrey County Council",
11072 "organization" : "Surrey County Council"
11073 }
11074 },
11075 {
11076 "::" : {
11077 "isp" : "Tanfield Lea Junior School",
11078 "organization" : "Tanfield Lea Junior School"
11079 }
11080 },
11081 {
11082 "::" : {
11083 "isp" : "Tuddenham CE (VC) Primary School",
11084 "organization" : "Tuddenham CE (VC) Primary School"
11085 }
11086 },
11087 {
11088 "::" : {
11089 "isp" : "West Drayton Primary School",
11090 "organization" : "West Drayton Primary School"
11091 }
11092 },
11093 {
11094 "::" : {
11095 "isp" : "Wellington Primary School",
11096 "organization" : "Wellington Primary School"
11097 }
11098 },
11099 {
11100 "::" : {
11101 "isp" : "Brede Primary School",
11102 "organization" : "Brede Primary School"
11103 }
11104 },
11105 {
11106 "::" : {
11107 "isp" : "Grove CE Primary School",
11108 "organization" : "Grove CE Primary School"
11109 }
11110 },
11111 {
11112 "::" : {
11113 "isp" : "Longney CE Primary School",
11114 "organization" : "Longney CE Primary School"
11115 }
11116 },
11117 {
11118 "::" : {
11119 "isp" : "Ketton CE Primary School",
11120 "organization" : "Ketton CE Primary School"
11121 }
11122 },
11123 {
11124 "::" : {
11125 "isp" : "FiberSunucu internet Hizmetleri Ugur Pala",
11126 "organization" : "FiberSunucu internet Hizmetleri Ugur Pala"
11127 }
11128 },
11129 {
11130 "::" : {
11131 "isp" : "Radisson Edwardian Hotels - radisson-gw",
11132 "organization" : "Radisson Edwardian Hotels - radisson-gw"
11133 }
11134 },
11135 {
11136 "::" : {
11137 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
11138 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp.",
11139 "isp" : "Softbank BB Corp",
11140 "organization" : "Softbank BB Corp"
11141 }
11142 },
11143 {
11144 "::" : {
11145 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
11146 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp.",
11147 "isp" : "Softbank BB Corp",
11148 "organization" : "Softbank BB Corp"
11149 }
11150 },
11151 {
11152 "::" : {
11153 "organization" : "Connected Intelligence"
11154 }
11155 },
11156 {
11157 "::" : {
11158 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11159 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11160 }
11161 },
11162 {
11163 "::" : {
11164 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11165 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11166 }
11167 },
11168 {
11169 "::" : {
11170 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11171 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11172 }
11173 },
11174 {
11175 "::" : {
11176 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11177 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC",
11178 "isp" : "VECTANT Ltd.",
11179 "organization" : "VECTANT Ltd."
11180 }
11181 },
11182 {
11183 "::" : {
11184 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11185 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11186 }
11187 },
11188 {
11189 "::" : {
11190 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11191 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11192 }
11193 },
11194 {
11195 "::" : {
11196 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11197 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11198 }
11199 },
11200 {
11201 "::" : {
11202 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11203 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11204 }
11205 },
11206 {
11207 "::" : {
11208 "autonomous_system_number" : 2519,
11209 "autonomous_system_organization" : "JPNIC"
11210 }
11211 },
11212 {
11213 "2001:1700::/27" : {
11214 "autonomous_system_number" : 6730,
11215 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Sunrise Communications AG"
11216 }
11217 },
11218 {
11219 "2001:1c00::/23" : {
11220 "autonomous_system_number" : 9143,
11221 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Ziggo B.V."
11222 }
11223 },
11224 {
11225 "2001:2000::/20" : {
11226 "autonomous_system_number" : 1299,
11227 "autonomous_system_organization" : "TeliaSonera International Carrier"
11228 }
11229 },
11230 {
11231 "2001:4540::/27" : {
11232 "autonomous_system_number" : 9924,
11233 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Taiwan Fixed Network, Telco and Network Service Provider."
11234 }
11235 },
11236 {
11237 "2001:4580::/26" : {
11238 "autonomous_system_number" : 4780,
11239 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Digital United Inc."
11240 }
11241 },
11242 {
11243 "2001:4600::/24" : {
11244 "autonomous_system_number" : 2119,
11245 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Telenor Norge AS"
11246 }
11247 },
11248 {
11249 "2001:5000::/24" : {
11250 "autonomous_system_number" : 1273,
11251 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cable and Wireless Worldwide plc"
11252 }
11253 },
11254 {
11255 "2001:5100::/24" : {
11256 "autonomous_system_number" : 2529,
11257 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Now maintained by Cable & Wireless Worldwide"
11258 }
11259 },
11260 {
11261 "2001:5200::/23" : {
11262 "autonomous_system_number" : 1273,
11263 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cable and Wireless Worldwide plc"
11264 }
11265 },
11266 {
11267 "2001:5400::/22" : {
11268 "autonomous_system_number" : 1273,
11269 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Cable and Wireless Worldwide plc"
11270 }
11271 },
11272 {
11273 "2001:8000::/20" : {
11274 "autonomous_system_number" : 1221,
11275 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Telstra Pty Ltd"
11276 }
11277 },
11278 {
11279 "2001:b000::/21" : {
11280 "autonomous_system_number" : 17419,
11281 "autonomous_system_organization" : "HiNet IPv6 Service Network.,"
11282 }
11283 },
11284 {
11285 "2003::/19" : {
11286 "autonomous_system_number" : 3320,
11287 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Deutsche Telekom AG"
11288 }
11289 },
11290 {
11291 "2400::/20" : {
11292 "autonomous_system_number" : 4766,
11293 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Korea Telecom"
11294 }
11295 },
11296 {
11297 "2400:1000::/20" : {
11298 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11299 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11300 }
11301 },
11302 {
11303 "2400:2000::/20" : {
11304 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
11305 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp."
11306 }
11307 },
11308 {
11309 "2400:3000::/20" : {
11310 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11311 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11312 }
11313 },
11314 {
11315 "2400:4000::/22" : {
11316 "autonomous_system_number" : 4713,
11317 "autonomous_system_organization" : "NTT Communications Corporation"
11318 }
11319 },
11320 {
11321 "2400:4400::/22" : {
11322 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11323 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11324 }
11325 },
11326 {
11327 "2400:4800::/21" : {
11328 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11329 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11330 }
11331 },
11332 {
11333 "2400:5000::/20" : {
11334 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11335 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11336 }
11337 },
11338 {
11339 "2400:6000::/19" : {
11340 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11341 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11342 }
11343 },
11344 {
11345 "2400:8000::/17" : {
11346 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11347 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11348 }
11349 },
11350 {
11351 "2401::/17" : {
11352 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11353 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11354 }
11355 },
11356 {
11357 "2401:8000::/26" : {
11358 "autonomous_system_number" : 9919,
11359 "autonomous_system_organization" : "New Century InfoComm Tech Co., Ltd."
11360 }
11361 },
11362 {
11363 "2401:8040::/26" : {
11364 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11365 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11366 }
11367 },
11368 {
11369 "2401:8080::/25" : {
11370 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11371 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11372 }
11373 },
11374 {
11375 "2401:8100::/24" : {
11376 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11377 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11378 }
11379 },
11380 {
11381 "2401:8200::/23" : {
11382 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11383 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11384 }
11385 },
11386 {
11387 "2401:8400::/22" : {
11388 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11389 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11390 }
11391 },
11392 {
11393 "2401:8800::/21" : {
11394 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11395 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11396 }
11397 },
11398 {
11399 "2401:9000::/20" : {
11400 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11401 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11402 }
11403 },
11404 {
11405 "2401:a000::/19" : {
11406 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11407 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11408 }
11409 },
11410 {
11411 "2401:c000::/18" : {
11412 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11413 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11414 }
11415 },
11416 {
11417 "2402::/16" : {
11418 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11419 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11420 }
11421 },
11422 {
11423 "2403::/17" : {
11424 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11425 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11426 }
11427 },
11428 {
11429 "2403:8000::/20" : {
11430 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11431 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11432 }
11433 },
11434 {
11435 "2403:9000::/21" : {
11436 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11437 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11438 }
11439 },
11440 {
11441 "2403:9800::/24" : {
11442 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11443 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11444 }
11445 },
11446 {
11447 "2403:9900::/24" : {
11448 "autonomous_system_number" : 17676,
11449 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Softbank BB Corp."
11450 }
11451 },
11452 {
11453 "2403:9a00::/23" : {
11454 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11455 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11456 }
11457 },
11458 {
11459 "2403:9c00::/22" : {
11460 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11461 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11462 }
11463 },
11464 {
11465 "2403:a000::/19" : {
11466 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11467 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11468 }
11469 },
11470 {
11471 "2403:c000::/18" : {
11472 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11473 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11474 }
11475 },
11476 {
11477 "2404::/26" : {
11478 "autonomous_system_number" : 17709,
11479 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Eastern Broadband Telecom Co.,Ltd"
11480 }
11481 },
11482 {
11483 "2404:40::/26" : {
11484 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11485 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11486 }
11487 },
11488 {
11489 "2404:80::/25" : {
11490 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11491 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11492 }
11493 },
11494 {
11495 "2404:100::/24" : {
11496 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11497 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11498 }
11499 },
11500 {
11501 "2404:200::/23" : {
11502 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11503 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11504 }
11505 },
11506 {
11507 "2404:400::/22" : {
11508 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11509 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11510 }
11511 },
11512 {
11513 "2404:800::/21" : {
11514 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11515 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11516 }
11517 },
11518 {
11519 "2404:1000::/20" : {
11520 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11521 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11522 }
11523 },
11524 {
11525 "2404:2000::/19" : {
11526 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11527 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11528 }
11529 },
11530 {
11531 "2404:4000::/18" : {
11532 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11533 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11534 }
11535 },
11536 {
11537 "2404:8000::/17" : {
11538 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11539 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11540 }
11541 },
11542 {
11543 "2405::/16" : {
11544 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11545 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11546 }
11547 },
11548 {
11549 "2406::/15" : {
11550 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11551 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11552 }
11553 },
11554 {
11555 "2408::/22" : {
11556 "autonomous_system_number" : 55817,
11557 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation PF Labs"
11558 }
11559 },
11560 {
11561 "2408:400::/22" : {
11562 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11563 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11564 }
11565 },
11566 {
11567 "2408:800::/21" : {
11568 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11569 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11570 }
11571 },
11572 {
11573 "2408:1000::/20" : {
11574 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11575 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11576 }
11577 },
11578 {
11579 "2408:2000::/19" : {
11580 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11581 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11582 }
11583 },
11584 {
11585 "2408:4000::/18" : {
11586 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11587 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11588 }
11589 },
11590 {
11591 "2408:8000::/17" : {
11592 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11593 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11594 }
11595 },
11596 {
11597 "2409::/23" : {
11598 "autonomous_system_number" : 55391,
11599 "autonomous_system_organization" : "INTERNET MULTIFEED CO."
11600 }
11601 },
11602 {
11603 "2409:200::/23" : {
11604 "autonomous_system_number" : 55392,
11605 "autonomous_system_organization" : "INTERNET MULTIFEED CO."
11606 }
11607 },
11608 {
11609 "2409:400::/22" : {
11610 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11611 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11612 }
11613 },
11614 {
11615 "2409:800::/21" : {
11616 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11617 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11618 }
11619 },
11620 {
11621 "2409:1000::/20" : {
11622 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11623 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11624 }
11625 },
11626 {
11627 "2409:2000::/19" : {
11628 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11629 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11630 }
11631 },
11632 {
11633 "2409:4000::/18" : {
11634 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11635 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11636 }
11637 },
11638 {
11639 "2409:8000::/17" : {
11640 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11641 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11642 }
11643 },
11644 {
11645 "240a::/16" : {
11646 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11647 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11648 }
11649 },
11650 {
11651 "240b::/22" : {
11652 "autonomous_system_number" : 2516,
11653 "autonomous_system_organization" : "KDDI KDDI CORPORATION"
11654 }
11655 },
11656 {
11657 "240b:400::/22" : {
11658 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11659 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11660 }
11661 },
11662 {
11663 "240b:800::/21" : {
11664 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11665 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11666 }
11667 },
11668 {
11669 "240b:1000::/20" : {
11670 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11671 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11672 }
11673 },
11674 {
11675 "240b:2000::/19" : {
11676 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11677 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11678 }
11679 },
11680 {
11681 "240b:4000::/18" : {
11682 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11683 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11684 }
11685 },
11686 {
11687 "240b:8000::/17" : {
11688 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11689 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11690 }
11691 },
11692 {
11693 "240c::/16" : {
11694 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11695 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11696 }
11697 },
11698 {
11699 "240d::/27" : {
11700 "autonomous_system_number" : 2527,
11701 "autonomous_system_organization" : "So-net Entertainment Corporation"
11702 }
11703 },
11704 {
11705 "240d:20::/27" : {
11706 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11707 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11708 }
11709 },
11710 {
11711 "240d:40::/26" : {
11712 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11713 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11714 }
11715 },
11716 {
11717 "240d:80::/25" : {
11718 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11719 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11720 }
11721 },
11722 {
11723 "240d:100::/24" : {
11724 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11725 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11726 }
11727 },
11728 {
11729 "240d:200::/23" : {
11730 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11731 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11732 }
11733 },
11734 {
11735 "240d:400::/22" : {
11736 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11737 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11738 }
11739 },
11740 {
11741 "240d:800::/21" : {
11742 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11743 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11744 }
11745 },
11746 {
11747 "240d:1000::/20" : {
11748 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11749 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11750 }
11751 },
11752 {
11753 "240d:2000::/19" : {
11754 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11755 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11756 }
11757 },
11758 {
11759 "240d:4000::/18" : {
11760 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11761 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11762 }
11763 },
11764 {
11765 "240d:8000::/17" : {
11766 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11767 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11768 }
11769 },
11770 {
11771 "240e::/24" : {
11772 "autonomous_system_number" : 4134,
11773 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Chinanet"
11774 }
11775 },
11776 {
11777 "240e:100::/24" : {
11778 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11779 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11780 }
11781 },
11782 {
11783 "240e:200::/23" : {
11784 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11785 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11786 }
11787 },
11788 {
11789 "240e:400::/22" : {
11790 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11791 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11792 }
11793 },
11794 {
11795 "240e:800::/21" : {
11796 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11797 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11798 }
11799 },
11800 {
11801 "240e:1000::/20" : {
11802 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11803 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11804 }
11805 },
11806 {
11807 "240e:2000::/19" : {
11808 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11809 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11810 }
11811 },
11812 {
11813 "240e:4000::/18" : {
11814 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11815 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11816 }
11817 },
11818 {
11819 "240e:8000::/17" : {
11820 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11821 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11822 }
11823 },
11824 {
11825 "240f::/24" : {
11826 "autonomous_system_number" : 2516,
11827 "autonomous_system_organization" : "KDDI KDDI CORPORATION"
11828 }
11829 },
11830 {
11831 "240f:100::/24" : {
11832 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11833 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11834 }
11835 },
11836 {
11837 "240f:200::/23" : {
11838 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11839 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11840 }
11841 },
11842 {
11843 "240f:400::/22" : {
11844 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11845 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11846 }
11847 },
11848 {
11849 "240f:800::/21" : {
11850 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11851 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11852 }
11853 },
11854 {
11855 "240f:1000::/20" : {
11856 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11857 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11858 }
11859 },
11860 {
11861 "240f:2000::/19" : {
11862 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11863 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11864 }
11865 },
11866 {
11867 "240f:4000::/18" : {
11868 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11869 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11870 }
11871 },
11872 {
11873 "240f:8000::/17" : {
11874 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11875 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11876 }
11877 },
11878 {
11879 "2600::/21" : {
11880 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11881 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11882 }
11883 },
11884 {
11885 "2600:800::/27" : {
11886 "autonomous_system_number" : 701,
11887 "autonomous_system_organization" : "MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business"
11888 }
11889 },
11890 {
11891 "2600:820::/27" : {
11892 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11893 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11894 }
11895 },
11896 {
11897 "2600:840::/26" : {
11898 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11899 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11900 }
11901 },
11902 {
11903 "2600:880::/25" : {
11904 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11905 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11906 }
11907 },
11908 {
11909 "2600:900::/24" : {
11910 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11911 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11912 }
11913 },
11914 {
11915 "2600:a00::/23" : {
11916 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11917 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11918 }
11919 },
11920 {
11921 "2600:c00::/22" : {
11922 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11923 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11924 }
11925 },
11926 {
11927 "2600:1000::/22" : {
11928 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11929 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11930 }
11931 },
11932 {
11933 "2600:1400::/27" : {
11934 "autonomous_system_number" : 31377,
11935 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Akamai International B.V."
11936 }
11937 },
11938 {
11939 "2600:1420::/27" : {
11940 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11941 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11942 }
11943 },
11944 {
11945 "2600:1440::/26" : {
11946 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11947 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11948 }
11949 },
11950 {
11951 "2600:1480::/25" : {
11952 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11953 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11954 }
11955 },
11956 {
11957 "2600:1500::/24" : {
11958 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11959 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11960 }
11961 },
11962 {
11963 "2600:1600::/23" : {
11964 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11965 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11966 }
11967 },
11968 {
11969 "2600:1800::/21" : {
11970 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11971 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11972 }
11973 },
11974 {
11975 "2600:2000::/19" : {
11976 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11977 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11978 }
11979 },
11980 {
11981 "2600:4000::/20" : {
11982 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11983 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11984 }
11985 },
11986 {
11987 "2600:5000::/22" : {
11988 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
11989 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
11990 }
11991 },
11992 {
11993 "2600:5400::/27" : {
11994 "autonomous_system_number" : 19108,
11995 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Suddenlink Communications"
11996 }
11997 },
11998 {
11999 "2600:5420::/27" : {
12000 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12001 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12002 }
12003 },
12004 {
12005 "2600:5440::/26" : {
12006 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12007 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12008 }
12009 },
12010 {
12011 "2600:5480::/25" : {
12012 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12013 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12014 }
12015 },
12016 {
12017 "2600:5500::/24" : {
12018 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12019 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12020 }
12021 },
12022 {
12023 "2600:5600::/23" : {
12024 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12025 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12026 }
12027 },
12028 {
12029 "2600:5800::/21" : {
12030 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12031 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12032 }
12033 },
12034 {
12035 "2600:6000::/20" : {
12036 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12037 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12038 }
12039 },
12040 {
12041 "2600:7000::/24" : {
12042 "autonomous_system_number" : 6939,
12043 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Hurricane Electric, Inc."
12044 }
12045 },
12046 {
12047 "2600:7100::/24" : {
12048 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12049 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12050 }
12051 },
12052 {
12053 "2600:7200::/23" : {
12054 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12055 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12056 }
12057 },
12058 {
12059 "2600:7400::/22" : {
12060 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12061 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12062 }
12063 },
12064 {
12065 "2600:7800::/21" : {
12066 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12067 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12068 }
12069 },
12070 {
12071 "2600:8000::/17" : {
12072 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12073 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12074 }
12075 },
12076 {
12077 "2601::/16" : {
12078 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12079 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12080 }
12081 },
12082 {
12083 "2602::/24" : {
12084 "autonomous_system_number" : 209,
12085 "autonomous_system_organization" : "NOVARTIS-DMZ-US"
12086 }
12087 },
12088 {
12089 "2602:100::/24" : {
12090 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12091 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12092 }
12093 },
12094 {
12095 "2602:200::/24" : {
12096 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12097 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12098 }
12099 },
12100 {
12101 "2602:300::/24" : {
12102 "autonomous_system_number" : 7018,
12103 "autonomous_system_organization" : "AT&T Services, Inc."
12104 }
12105 },
12106 {
12107 "2602:400::/22" : {
12108 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12109 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12110 }
12111 },
12112 {
12113 "2602:800::/21" : {
12114 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12115 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12116 }
12117 },
12118 {
12119 "2602:1000::/20" : {
12120 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12121 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12122 }
12123 },
12124 {
12125 "2602:2000::/19" : {
12126 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12127 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
12128 }
12129 },
12130 {
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12185 "2800:8000::/17" : {
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12275 "2a00::/22" : {
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12281 "2a00:800::/25" : {
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12287 "2a00:2000::/23" : {
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12292 {
12293 "2a00:2200::/24" : {
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12297 },
12298 {
12299 "2a00:2300::/25" : {
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12304 {
12305 "2a00:2380::/25" : {
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12309 },
12310 {
12311 "2a01:2e0::/28" : {
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12317 "2a01:800::/24" : {
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12320 }
12321 },
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12326 }
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12332 }
12333 },
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12338 }
12339 },
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12341 "2a01:2000::/20" : {
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12344 }
12345 },
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12350 }
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12352 {
12353 "2a02:1200::/27" : {
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12358 {
12359 "2a02:1400::/26" : {
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12362 }
12363 },
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12365 "2a02:1800::/24" : {
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12369 },
12370 {
12371 "2a02:2e00::/27" : {
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12377 "2a02:3000::/23" : {
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12383 "2a02:8100::/27" : {
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12389 "2a02:8200::/27" : {
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12395 "2a02:8400::/25" : {
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12412 {
12413 "2a02:a200::/27" : {
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12419 "2a02:a300::/27" : {
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12491 "2c0e:4000::/18" : {
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12497 "2c0e:8000::/17" : {
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12508 {
12509 "2c0f:8000::/18" : {
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12514 {
12515 "2c0f:c000::/19" : {
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12520 {
12521 "2c0f:e000::/20" : {
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12526 {
12527 "2c0f:f000::/21" : {
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12532 {
12533 "2c0f:f800::/22" : {
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12537 },
12538 {
12539 "2c0f:fc00::/27" : {
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12543 },
12544 {
12545 "2c0f:fc20::/27" : {
12546 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
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12549 },
12550 {
12551 "2c0f:fc40::/26" : {
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12555 },
12556 {
12557 "2c0f:fc80::/25" : {
12558 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
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12561 },
12562 {
12563 "2c0f:fd00::/24" : {
12564 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
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12568 {
12569 "2c0f:fe00::/24" : {
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12574 {
12575 "2c0f:ff00::/26" : {
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12579 },
12580 {
12581 "2c0f:ff40::/26" : {
12582 "autonomous_system_number" : 10474,
12583 "autonomous_system_organization" : "MWEB-10474"
12584 }
12585 },
12586 {
12587 "2c0f:ff80::/25" : {
12588 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
12589 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
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1927 "2001:220::/128" : {
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1982 "is_in_european_union" : true,
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1984 "names" : {
1985 "de" : "Deutschland",
1986 "en" : "Germany",
1987 "es" : "Alemania",
1988 "fr" : "Allemagne",
1989 "ja" : "ドイツ連邦共和国",
1990 "pt-BR" : "Alemanha",
1991 "ru" : "Германия",
1992 "zh-CN" : "德国"
1993 }
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1996 {
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2000 "names" : {
2001 "en" : "Östergötland County",
2002 "fr" : "Comté d'Östergötland"
2003 }
2004 }
2005 ],
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2010 "domain" : "",
2011 "isp" : "Bredband2 AB",
2012 "organization" : "Bevtec",
2013 "user_type" : "government"
2014 }
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test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-Static-IP-Score-Test.json less more
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829 }
830 },
831 {
832 "0:0:0:8::/61" : {
833 "score" : 1.67
834 }
835 },
836 {
837 "0:0:0:10::/60" : {
838 "score" : 1.68
839 }
840 },
841 {
842 "0:0:0:20::/59" : {
843 "score" : 1.69
844 }
845 },
846 {
847 "0:0:0:40::/58" : {
848 "score" : 1.7
849 }
850 },
851 {
852 "0:0:0:80::/57" : {
853 "score" : 1.71
854 }
855 },
856 {
857 "0:0:0:100::/56" : {
858 "score" : 1.72
859 }
860 },
861 {
862 "0:0:0:200::/55" : {
863 "score" : 1.73
864 }
865 },
866 {
867 "0:0:0:400::/54" : {
868 "score" : 1.74
869 }
870 },
871 {
872 "0:0:0:800::/53" : {
873 "score" : 1.75
874 }
875 },
876 {
877 "0:0:0:1000::/52" : {
878 "score" : 1.76
879 }
880 },
881 {
882 "0:0:0:2000::/51" : {
883 "score" : 1.77
884 }
885 },
886 {
887 "0:0:0:4000::/50" : {
888 "score" : 1.78
889 }
890 },
891 {
892 "0:0:0:8000::/49" : {
893 "score" : 1.79
894 }
895 },
896 {
897 "0:0:1::/48" : {
898 "score" : 1.8
899 }
900 },
901 {
902 "0:0:2::/47" : {
903 "score" : 1.81
904 }
905 },
906 {
907 "0:0:4::/46" : {
908 "score" : 1.82
909 }
910 },
911 {
912 "0:0:8::/45" : {
913 "score" : 1.83
914 }
915 },
916 {
917 "0:0:10::/44" : {
918 "score" : 1.84
919 }
920 },
921 {
922 "0:0:20::/43" : {
923 "score" : 1.85
924 }
925 },
926 {
927 "0:0:40::/42" : {
928 "score" : 1.86
929 }
930 },
931 {
932 "0:0:80::/41" : {
933 "score" : 1.87
934 }
935 },
936 {
937 "0:0:100::/40" : {
938 "score" : 1.88
939 }
940 },
941 {
942 "0:0:200::/39" : {
943 "score" : 1.89
944 }
945 },
946 {
947 "0:0:400::/38" : {
948 "score" : 1.9
949 }
950 },
951 {
952 "0:0:800::/37" : {
953 "score" : 1.91
954 }
955 },
956 {
957 "0:0:1000::/36" : {
958 "score" : 1.92
959 }
960 },
961 {
962 "0:0:2000::/35" : {
963 "score" : 1.93
964 }
965 },
966 {
967 "0:0:4000::/34" : {
968 "score" : 1.94
969 }
970 },
971 {
972 "0:0:8000::/33" : {
973 "score" : 1.95
974 }
975 },
976 {
977 "0:1::/32" : {
978 "score" : 1.96
979 }
980 },
981 {
982 "0:2::/31" : {
983 "score" : 1.97
984 }
985 },
986 {
987 "0:4::/30" : {
988 "score" : 1.98
989 }
990 },
991 {
992 "0:8::/29" : {
993 "score" : 1.99
994 }
995 },
996 {
997 "0:10::/28" : {
998 "score" : 2.0
999 }
1000 },
1001 {
1002 "0:20::/27" : {
1003 "score" : 2.01
1004 }
1005 },
1006 {
1007 "0:40::/26" : {
1008 "score" : 2.02
1009 }
1010 },
1011 {
1012 "0:80::/25" : {
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1014 }
1015 },
1016 {
1017 "0:100::/24" : {
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1019 }
1020 },
1021 {
1022 "0:200::/23" : {
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1024 }
1025 },
1026 {
1027 "0:400::/22" : {
1028 "score" : 2.06
1029 }
1030 },
1031 {
1032 "0:800::/21" : {
1033 "score" : 2.07
1034 }
1035 },
1036 {
1037 "0:1000::/20" : {
1038 "score" : 2.08
1039 }
1040 },
1041 {
1042 "0:2000::/19" : {
1043 "score" : 2.09
1044 }
1045 },
1046 {
1047 "0:4000::/18" : {
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1049 }
1050 },
1051 {
1052 "0:8000::/17" : {
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1054 }
1055 },
1056 {
1057 "1::/16" : {
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1059 }
1060 },
1061 {
1062 "2::/15" : {
1063 "score" : 2.13
1064 }
1065 },
1066 {
1067 "4::/14" : {
1068 "score" : 2.14
1069 }
1070 },
1071 {
1072 "8::/13" : {
1073 "score" : 2.15
1074 }
1075 },
1076 {
1077 "10::/12" : {
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1079 }
1080 },
1081 {
1082 "20::/11" : {
1083 "score" : 2.17
1084 }
1085 },
1086 {
1087 "40::/10" : {
1088 "score" : 2.18
1089 }
1090 },
1091 {
1092 "80::/9" : {
1093 "score" : 2.19
1094 }
1095 },
1096 {
1097 "100:0:0:1::/64" : {
1098 "score" : 2.2
1099 }
1100 },
1101 {
1102 "100:0:0:2::/63" : {
1103 "score" : 2.21
1104 }
1105 },
1106 {
1107 "100:0:0:4::/62" : {
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1109 }
1110 },
1111 {
1112 "100:0:0:8::/61" : {
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1114 }
1115 },
1116 {
1117 "100:0:0:10::/60" : {
1118 "score" : 2.24
1119 }
1120 },
1121 {
1122 "100:0:0:20::/59" : {
1123 "score" : 2.25
1124 }
1125 },
1126 {
1127 "100:0:0:40::/58" : {
1128 "score" : 2.26
1129 }
1130 },
1131 {
1132 "100:0:0:80::/57" : {
1133 "score" : 2.27
1134 }
1135 },
1136 {
1137 "100:0:0:100::/56" : {
1138 "score" : 2.28
1139 }
1140 },
1141 {
1142 "100:0:0:200::/55" : {
1143 "score" : 2.29
1144 }
1145 },
1146 {
1147 "100:0:0:400::/54" : {
1148 "score" : 2.3
1149 }
1150 },
1151 {
1152 "100:0:0:800::/53" : {
1153 "score" : 2.31
1154 }
1155 },
1156 {
1157 "100:0:0:1000::/52" : {
1158 "score" : 2.32
1159 }
1160 },
1161 {
1162 "100:0:0:2000::/51" : {
1163 "score" : 2.33
1164 }
1165 },
1166 {
1167 "100:0:0:4000::/50" : {
1168 "score" : 2.34
1169 }
1170 },
1171 {
1172 "100:0:0:8000::/49" : {
1173 "score" : 2.35
1174 }
1175 },
1176 {
1177 "100:0:1::/48" : {
1178 "score" : 2.36
1179 }
1180 },
1181 {
1182 "100:0:2::/47" : {
1183 "score" : 2.37
1184 }
1185 },
1186 {
1187 "100:0:4::/46" : {
1188 "score" : 2.38
1189 }
1190 },
1191 {
1192 "100:0:8::/45" : {
1193 "score" : 2.39
1194 }
1195 },
1196 {
1197 "100:0:10::/44" : {
1198 "score" : 2.4
1199 }
1200 },
1201 {
1202 "100:0:20::/43" : {
1203 "score" : 2.41
1204 }
1205 },
1206 {
1207 "100:0:40::/42" : {
1208 "score" : 2.42
1209 }
1210 },
1211 {
1212 "100:0:80::/41" : {
1213 "score" : 2.43
1214 }
1215 },
1216 {
1217 "100:0:100::/40" : {
1218 "score" : 2.44
1219 }
1220 },
1221 {
1222 "100:0:200::/39" : {
1223 "score" : 2.45
1224 }
1225 },
1226 {
1227 "100:0:400::/38" : {
1228 "score" : 2.46
1229 }
1230 },
1231 {
1232 "100:0:800::/37" : {
1233 "score" : 2.47
1234 }
1235 },
1236 {
1237 "100:0:1000::/36" : {
1238 "score" : 2.48
1239 }
1240 },
1241 {
1242 "100:0:2000::/35" : {
1243 "score" : 2.49
1244 }
1245 },
1246 {
1247 "100:0:4000::/34" : {
1248 "score" : 2.5
1249 }
1250 },
1251 {
1252 "100:0:8000::/33" : {
1253 "score" : 2.51
1254 }
1255 },
1256 {
1257 "100:1::/32" : {
1258 "score" : 2.52
1259 }
1260 },
1261 {
1262 "100:2::/31" : {
1263 "score" : 2.53
1264 }
1265 },
1266 {
1267 "100:4::/30" : {
1268 "score" : 2.54
1269 }
1270 },
1271 {
1272 "100:8::/29" : {
1273 "score" : 2.55
1274 }
1275 },
1276 {
1277 "100:10::/28" : {
1278 "score" : 2.56
1279 }
1280 },
1281 {
1282 "100:20::/27" : {
1283 "score" : 2.57
1284 }
1285 },
1286 {
1287 "100:40::/26" : {
1288 "score" : 2.58
1289 }
1290 },
1291 {
1292 "100:80::/25" : {
1293 "score" : 2.59
1294 }
1295 },
1296 {
1297 "100:100::/24" : {
1298 "score" : 2.6
1299 }
1300 },
1301 {
1302 "100:200::/23" : {
1303 "score" : 2.61
1304 }
1305 },
1306 {
1307 "100:400::/22" : {
1308 "score" : 2.62
1309 }
1310 },
1311 {
1312 "100:800::/21" : {
1313 "score" : 2.63
1314 }
1315 },
1316 {
1317 "100:1000::/20" : {
1318 "score" : 2.64
1319 }
1320 },
1321 {
1322 "100:2000::/19" : {
1323 "score" : 2.65
1324 }
1325 },
1326 {
1327 "100:4000::/18" : {
1328 "score" : 2.66
1329 }
1330 },
1331 {
1332 "100:8000::/17" : {
1333 "score" : 2.67
1334 }
1335 },
1336 {
1337 "101::/16" : {
1338 "score" : 2.68
1339 }
1340 },
1341 {
1342 "102::/15" : {
1343 "score" : 2.69
1344 }
1345 },
1346 {
1347 "104::/14" : {
1348 "score" : 2.7
1349 }
1350 },
1351 {
1352 "108::/13" : {
1353 "score" : 2.71
1354 }
1355 },
1356 {
1357 "110::/12" : {
1358 "score" : 2.72
1359 }
1360 },
1361 {
1362 "120::/11" : {
1363 "score" : 2.73
1364 }
1365 },
1366 {
1367 "140::/10" : {
1368 "score" : 2.74
1369 }
1370 },
1371 {
1372 "180::/9" : {
1373 "score" : 2.75
1374 }
1375 },
1376 {
1377 "200::/7" : {
1378 "score" : 2.76
1379 }
1380 },
1381 {
1382 "400::/6" : {
1383 "score" : 2.77
1384 }
1385 },
1386 {
1387 "800::/5" : {
1388 "score" : 2.78
1389 }
1390 },
1391 {
1392 "1000::/4" : {
1393 "score" : 2.79
1394 }
1395 },
1396 {
1397 "2000::/16" : {
1398 "score" : 2.8
1399 }
1400 },
1401 {
1402 "2001:200::/23" : {
1403 "score" : 2.81
1404 }
1405 },
1406 {
1407 "2001:220::/128" : {
1408 "score" : 2.82
1409 }
1410 },
1411 {
1412 "2001:400::/22" : {
1413 "score" : 2.83
1414 }
1415 },
1416 {
1417 "2001:800::/22" : {
1418 "score" : 2.84
1419 }
1420 },
1421 {
1422 "2001:c00::/24" : {
1423 "score" : 2.85
1424 }
1425 },
1426 {
1427 "2001:d00::/25" : {
1428 "score" : 2.86
1429 }
1430 },
1431 {
1432 "2001:d80::/27" : {
1433 "score" : 2.87
1434 }
1435 },
1436 {
1437 "2001:da0::/28" : {
1438 "score" : 2.88
1439 }
1440 },
1441 {
1442 "2001:db0::/29" : {
1443 "score" : 2.89
1444 }
1445 },
1446 {
1447 "2001:db9::/32" : {
1448 "score" : 2.9
1449 }
1450 },
1451 {
1452 "2001:dba::/31" : {
1453 "score" : 2.91
1454 }
1455 },
1456 {
1457 "2001:dbc::/30" : {
1458 "score" : 2.92
1459 }
1460 },
1461 {
1462 "2001:dc0::/26" : {
1463 "score" : 2.93
1464 }
1465 },
1466 {
1467 "2001:e00::/23" : {
1468 "score" : 2.94
1469 }
1470 },
1471 {
1472 "2001:1000::/20" : {
1473 "score" : 2.95
1474 }
1475 },
1476 {
1477 "2001:2000::/19" : {
1478 "score" : 2.96
1479 }
1480 },
1481 {
1482 "2001:4000::/18" : {
1483 "score" : 2.97
1484 }
1485 },
1486 {
1487 "2001:8000::/18" : {
1488 "score" : 2.98
1489 }
1490 },
1491 {
1492 "2001:c000::/19" : {
1493 "score" : 2.99
1494 }
1495 },
1496 {
1497 "2001:e000::/21" : {
1498 "score" : 3.0
1499 }
1500 },
1501 {
1502 "2001:e800::/22" : {
1503 "score" : 3.01
1504 }
1505 },
1506 {
1507 "2001:ec00::/24" : {
1508 "score" : 3.02
1509 }
1510 },
1511 {
1512 "2001:ed00::/25" : {
1513 "score" : 3.03
1514 }
1515 },
1516 {
1517 "2001:ed80::/27" : {
1518 "score" : 3.04
1519 }
1520 },
1521 {
1522 "2001:eda0::/28" : {
1523 "score" : 3.05
1524 }
1525 },
1526 {
1527 "2001:edb0::/29" : {
1528 "score" : 3.06
1529 }
1530 },
1531 {
1532 "2001:edb8::/48" : {
1533 "score" : 3.07
1534 }
1535 },
1536 {
1537 "2001:edb8:1::/64" : {
1538 "score" : 3.08
1539 }
1540 },
1541 {
1542 "2001:edb8:1:1::/64" : {
1543 "score" : 3.09
1544 }
1545 },
1546 {
1547 "2001:edb8:1:2::/63" : {
1548 "score" : 3.1
1549 }
1550 },
1551 {
1552 "2001:edb8:1:4::/62" : {
1553 "score" : 3.11
1554 }
1555 },
1556 {
1557 "2001:edb8:1:8::/61" : {
1558 "score" : 3.12
1559 }
1560 },
1561 {
1562 "2001:edb8:1:10::/60" : {
1563 "score" : 3.13
1564 }
1565 },
1566 {
1567 "2001:edb8:1:20::/59" : {
1568 "score" : 3.14
1569 }
1570 },
1571 {
1572 "2001:edb8:1:40::/58" : {
1573 "score" : 3.15
1574 }
1575 },
1576 {
1577 "2001:edb8:1:80::/57" : {
1578 "score" : 3.16
1579 }
1580 },
1581 {
1582 "2001:edb8:1:100::/56" : {
1583 "score" : 3.17
1584 }
1585 },
1586 {
1587 "2001:edb8:1:200::/55" : {
1588 "score" : 3.18
1589 }
1590 },
1591 {
1592 "2001:edb8:1:400::/54" : {
1593 "score" : 3.19
1594 }
1595 },
1596 {
1597 "2001:edb8:1:800::/53" : {
1598 "score" : 3.2
1599 }
1600 },
1601 {
1602 "2001:edb8:1:1000::/52" : {
1603 "score" : 3.21
1604 }
1605 },
1606 {
1607 "2001:edb8:1:2000::/51" : {
1608 "score" : 3.22
1609 }
1610 },
1611 {
1612 "2001:edb8:1:4000::/50" : {
1613 "score" : 3.23
1614 }
1615 },
1616 {
1617 "2001:edb8:1:8000::/49" : {
1618 "score" : 3.24
1619 }
1620 },
1621 {
1622 "2001:edb8:2::/47" : {
1623 "score" : 3.25
1624 }
1625 },
1626 {
1627 "2001:edb8:4::/46" : {
1628 "score" : 3.26
1629 }
1630 },
1631 {
1632 "2001:edb8:8::/45" : {
1633 "score" : 3.27
1634 }
1635 },
1636 {
1637 "2001:edb8:10::/44" : {
1638 "score" : 3.28
1639 }
1640 },
1641 {
1642 "2001:edb8:20::/43" : {
1643 "score" : 3.29
1644 }
1645 },
1646 {
1647 "2001:edb8:40::/42" : {
1648 "score" : 3.3
1649 }
1650 },
1651 {
1652 "2001:edb8:80::/41" : {
1653 "score" : 3.31
1654 }
1655 },
1656 {
1657 "2001:edb8:100::/40" : {
1658 "score" : 3.32
1659 }
1660 },
1661 {
1662 "2001:edb8:200::/39" : {
1663 "score" : 3.33
1664 }
1665 },
1666 {
1667 "2001:edb8:400::/38" : {
1668 "score" : 3.34
1669 }
1670 },
1671 {
1672 "2001:edb8:800::/37" : {
1673 "score" : 3.35
1674 }
1675 },
1676 {
1677 "2001:edb8:1000::/36" : {
1678 "score" : 3.36
1679 }
1680 },
1681 {
1682 "2001:edb8:2000::/35" : {
1683 "score" : 3.37
1684 }
1685 },
1686 {
1687 "2001:edb8:4000::/34" : {
1688 "score" : 3.38
1689 }
1690 },
1691 {
1692 "2001:edb8:8000::/38" : {
1693 "score" : 3.39
1694 }
1695 },
1696 {
1697 "2001:edb8:8400::/40" : {
1698 "score" : 3.4
1699 }
1700 },
1701 {
1702 "2001:edb8:8500::/41" : {
1703 "score" : 3.41
1704 }
1705 },
1706 {
1707 "2001:edb8:8580::/43" : {
1708 "score" : 3.42
1709 }
1710 },
1711 {
1712 "2001:edb8:85a0::/47" : {
1713 "score" : 3.43
1714 }
1715 },
1716 {
1717 "2001:edb8:85a2::/48" : {
1718 "score" : 3.44
1719 }
1720 },
1721 {
1722 "2001:edb8:85a3::/64" : {
1723 "score" : 3.45
1724 }
1725 },
1726 {
1727 "2001:edb8:85a3:1::/64" : {
1728 "score" : 3.46
1729 }
1730 },
1731 {
1732 "2001:edb8:85a3:2::/63" : {
1733 "score" : 3.47
1734 }
1735 },
1736 {
1737 "2001:edb8:85a3:4::/62" : {
1738 "score" : 3.48
1739 }
1740 },
1741 {
1742 "2001:edb8:85a3:8::/61" : {
1743 "score" : 3.49
1744 }
1745 },
1746 {
1747 "2001:edb8:85a3:10::/60" : {
1748 "score" : 3.5
1749 }
1750 },
1751 {
1752 "2001:edb8:85a3:20::/59" : {
1753 "score" : 3.51
1754 }
1755 },
1756 {
1757 "2001:edb8:85a3:40::/58" : {
1758 "score" : 3.52
1759 }
1760 },
1761 {
1762 "2001:edb8:85a3:80::/57" : {
1763 "score" : 3.53
1764 }
1765 },
1766 {
1767 "2001:edb8:85a3:100::/56" : {
1768 "score" : 3.54
1769 }
1770 },
1771 {
1772 "2001:edb8:85a3:200::/55" : {
1773 "score" : 3.55
1774 }
1775 },
1776 {
1777 "2001:edb8:85a3:400::/54" : {
1778 "score" : 3.56
1779 }
1780 },
1781 {
1782 "2001:edb8:85a3:800::/53" : {
1783 "score" : 3.57
1784 }
1785 },
1786 {
1787 "2001:edb8:85a3:1000::/52" : {
1788 "score" : 3.58
1789 }
1790 },
1791 {
1792 "2001:edb8:85a3:2000::/51" : {
1793 "score" : 3.59
1794 }
1795 },
1796 {
1797 "2001:edb8:85a3:4000::/50" : {
1798 "score" : 3.6
1799 }
1800 },
1801 {
1802 "2001:edb8:85a3:8000::/49" : {
1803 "score" : 3.61
1804 }
1805 },
1806 {
1807 "2001:edb8:85a4::/46" : {
1808 "score" : 3.62
1809 }
1810 },
1811 {
1812 "2001:edb8:85a8::/45" : {
1813 "score" : 3.63
1814 }
1815 },
1816 {
1817 "2001:edb8:85b0::/44" : {
1818 "score" : 3.64
1819 }
1820 },
1821 {
1822 "2001:edb8:85c0::/42" : {
1823 "score" : 3.65
1824 }
1825 },
1826 {
1827 "2001:edb8:8600::/39" : {
1828 "score" : 3.66
1829 }
1830 },
1831 {
1832 "2001:edb8:8800::/37" : {
1833 "score" : 3.67
1834 }
1835 },
1836 {
1837 "2001:edb8:9000::/36" : {
1838 "score" : 3.68
1839 }
1840 },
1841 {
1842 "2001:edb8:a000::/35" : {
1843 "score" : 3.69
1844 }
1845 },
1846 {
1847 "2001:edb8:c000::/36" : {
1848 "score" : 3.7
1849 }
1850 },
1851 {
1852 "2001:edb8:d000::/37" : {
1853 "score" : 3.71
1854 }
1855 },
1856 {
1857 "2001:edb8:d800::/38" : {
1858 "score" : 3.72
1859 }
1860 },
1861 {
1862 "2001:edb8:dc00::/39" : {
1863 "score" : 3.73
1864 }
1865 },
1866 {
1867 "2001:edb8:de00::/41" : {
1868 "score" : 3.74
1869 }
1870 },
1871 {
1872 "2001:edb8:de80::/43" : {
1873 "score" : 3.75
1874 }
1875 },
1876 {
1877 "2001:edb8:dea0::/45" : {
1878 "score" : 3.76
1879 }
1880 },
1881 {
1882 "2001:edb8:dea8::/46" : {
1883 "score" : 3.77
1884 }
1885 },
1886 {
1887 "2001:edb8:deac::/48" : {
1888 "score" : 3.78
1889 }
1890 },
1891 {
1892 "2001:edb8:dead::/49" : {
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1894 }
1895 },
1896 {
1897 "2001:edb8:dead:8000::/50" : {
1898 "score" : 3.8
1899 }
1900 },
1901 {
1902 "2001:edb8:dead:c000::/52" : {
1903 "score" : 3.81
1904 }
1905 },
1906 {
1907 "2001:edb8:dead:d000::/53" : {
1908 "score" : 3.82
1909 }
1910 },
1911 {
1912 "2001:edb8:dead:d800::/54" : {
1913 "score" : 3.83
1914 }
1915 },
1916 {
1917 "2001:edb8:dead:dc00::/55" : {
1918 "score" : 3.84
1919 }
1920 },
1921 {
1922 "2001:edb8:dead:de00::/57" : {
1923 "score" : 3.85
1924 }
1925 },
1926 {
1927 "2001:edb8:dead:de80::/59" : {
1928 "score" : 3.86
1929 }
1930 },
1931 {
1932 "2001:edb8:dead:dea0::/61" : {
1933 "score" : 3.87
1934 }
1935 },
1936 {
1937 "2001:edb8:dead:dea8::/62" : {
1938 "score" : 3.88
1939 }
1940 },
1941 {
1942 "2001:edb8:dead:deac::/64" : {
1943 "score" : 3.89
1944 }
1945 },
1946 {
1947 "2001:edb8:dead:dead::/64" : {
1948 "score" : 3.9
1949 }
1950 },
1951 {
1952 "2001:edb8:dead:deae::/63" : {
1953 "score" : 3.91
1954 }
1955 },
1956 {
1957 "2001:edb8:dead:deb0::/60" : {
1958 "score" : 3.92
1959 }
1960 },
1961 {
1962 "2001:edb8:dead:dec0::/58" : {
1963 "score" : 3.93
1964 }
1965 },
1966 {
1967 "2001:edb8:dead:df00::/56" : {
1968 "score" : 3.94
1969 }
1970 },
1971 {
1972 "2001:edb8:dead:e000::/51" : {
1973 "score" : 3.95
1974 }
1975 },
1976 {
1977 "2001:edb8:deae::/47" : {
1978 "score" : 3.96
1979 }
1980 },
1981 {
1982 "2001:edb8:deb0::/44" : {
1983 "score" : 3.97
1984 }
1985 },
1986 {
1987 "2001:edb8:dec0::/42" : {
1988 "score" : 3.98
1989 }
1990 },
1991 {
1992 "2001:edb8:df00::/40" : {
1993 "score" : 3.99
1994 }
1995 },
1996 {
1997 "2001:edb8:e000::/35" : {
1998 "score" : 4.0
1999 }
2000 },
2001 {
2002 "2001:edb9::/32" : {
2003 "score" : 4.01
2004 }
2005 },
2006 {
2007 "2001:edba::/31" : {
2008 "score" : 4.02
2009 }
2010 },
2011 {
2012 "2001:edbc::/30" : {
2013 "score" : 4.03
2014 }
2015 },
2016 {
2017 "2001:edc0::/26" : {
2018 "score" : 4.04
2019 }
2020 },
2021 {
2022 "2001:ee00::/23" : {
2023 "score" : 4.05
2024 }
2025 },
2026 {
2027 "2001:f000::/20" : {
2028 "score" : 4.06
2029 }
2030 },
2031 {
2032 "2003::/16" : {
2033 "score" : 4.07
2034 }
2035 },
2036 {
2037 "2004::/14" : {
2038 "score" : 4.08
2039 }
2040 },
2041 {
2042 "2008::/13" : {
2043 "score" : 4.09
2044 }
2045 },
2046 {
2047 "2010::/12" : {
2048 "score" : 4.1
2049 }
2050 },
2051 {
2052 "2020::/11" : {
2053 "score" : 4.11
2054 }
2055 },
2056 {
2057 "2040::/10" : {
2058 "score" : 4.12
2059 }
2060 },
2061 {
2062 "2080::/9" : {
2063 "score" : 4.13
2064 }
2065 },
2066 {
2067 "2100::/8" : {
2068 "score" : 4.14
2069 }
2070 },
2071 {
2072 "2200::/7" : {
2073 "score" : 4.15
2074 }
2075 },
2076 {
2077 "2400::/6" : {
2078 "score" : 4.16
2079 }
2080 },
2081 {
2082 "2800::/5" : {
2083 "score" : 4.17
2084 }
2085 },
2086 {
2087 "3000::/4" : {
2088 "score" : 4.18
2089 }
2090 },
2091 {
2092 "4000::/2" : {
2093 "score" : 4.19
2094 }
2095 },
2096 {
2097 "8000::/2" : {
2098 "score" : 4.2
2099 }
2100 },
2101 {
2102 "c000::/3" : {
2103 "score" : 4.21
2104 }
2105 },
2106 {
2107 "e000::/4" : {
2108 "score" : 4.22
2109 }
2110 },
2111 {
2112 "f000::/5" : {
2113 "score" : 4.23
2114 }
2115 },
2116 {
2117 "f800::/6" : {
2118 "score" : 4.24
2119 }
2120 },
2121 {
2122 "fe00::/9" : {
2123 "score" : 4.25
2124 }
2125 },
2126 {
2127 "fec0::/10" : {
2128 "score" : 4.26
2129 }
2130 }
2131 ]
test/data/source-data/GeoIP2-User-Count-Test.json less more
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722 "::" : {
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725 }
726 },
727 {
728 "::" : {
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732 },
733 {
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737 }
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739 {
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745 {
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752 "::" : {
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756 },
757 {
758 "::" : {
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761 }
762 },
763 {
764 "::" : {
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767 }
768 },
769 {
770 "::" : {
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773 }
774 },
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776 "::" : {
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781 {
782 "::" : {
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785 }
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787 {
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791 }
792 },
793 {
794 "::" : {
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797 }
798 },
799 {
800 "::" : {
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803 }
804 },
805 {
806 "::" : {
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808 "ipv4_32" : 0
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811 {
812 "::" : {
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816 },
817 {
818 "::" : {
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821 }
822 },
823 {
824 "::" : {
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828 },
829 {
830 "::" : {
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833 }
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835 {
836 "::" : {
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841 {
842 "::" : {
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847 {
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853 {
854 "::" : {
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857 }
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860 "::" : {
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862 "ipv4_32" : 0
863 }
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865 {
866 "::" : {
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872 "::" : {
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877 {
878 "::" : {
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883 {
884 "::1:0:0:0/80" : {
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888 }
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891 "::2:0:0:0/79" : {
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896 },
897 {
898 "::4:0:0:0/78" : {
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902 }
903 },
904 {
905 "::8:0:0:0/77" : {
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909 }
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911 {
912 "::10:0:0:0/76" : {
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917 },
918 {
919 "::20:0:0:0/75" : {
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924 },
925 {
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931 },
932 {
933 "::80:0:0:0/73" : {
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937 }
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939 {
940 "::100:0:0:0/72" : {
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946 {
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950 "ipv6_64" : 0
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953 {
954 "::400:0:0:0/70" : {
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957 "ipv6_64" : 0
958 }
959 },
960 {
961 "::800:0:0:0/69" : {
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965 }
966 },
967 {
968 "::1000:0:0:0/68" : {
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973 },
974 {
975 "::2000:0:0:0/67" : {
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978 "ipv6_64" : 0
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980 },
981 {
982 "::4000:0:0:0/66" : {
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986 }
987 },
988 {
989 "::8000:0:0:0/65" : {
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993 }
994 },
995 {
996 "0:0:0:1::/64" : {
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999 "ipv6_64" : 0
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1002 {
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1016 {
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1024 "0:0:0:10::/60" : {
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1030 {
1031 "0:0:0:20::/59" : {
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1037 {
1038 "0:0:0:40::/58" : {
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1052 "0:0:0:100::/56" : {
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1059 "0:0:0:200::/55" : {
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1065 {
1066 "0:0:0:400::/54" : {
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1073 "0:0:0:800::/53" : {
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1080 "0:0:0:1000::/52" : {
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1086 {
1087 "0:0:0:2000::/51" : {
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1094 "0:0:0:4000::/50" : {
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1100 {
1101 "0:0:0:8000::/49" : {
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1107 {
1108 "0:0:1::/48" : {
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1111 "ipv6_64" : 0
1112 }
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1114 {
1115 "0:0:2::/47" : {
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1121 {
1122 "0:0:4::/46" : {
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1128 {
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1135 {
1136 "0:0:10::/44" : {
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1140 }
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1142 {
1143 "0:0:20::/43" : {
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1156 {
1157 "0:0:80::/41" : {
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1163 {
1164 "0:0:100::/40" : {
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1171 "0:0:200::/39" : {
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1177 {
1178 "0:0:400::/38" : {
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1184 {
1185 "0:0:800::/37" : {
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1198 {
1199 "0:0:2000::/35" : {
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1205 {
1206 "0:0:4000::/34" : {
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1212 {
1213 "0:0:8000::/33" : {
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1219 {
1220 "0:1::/32" : {
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1226 {
1227 "0:2::/31" : {
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1231 }
1232 },
1233 {
1234 "0:4::/30" : {
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1240 {
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1248 "0:10::/28" : {
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1254 {
1255 "0:20::/27" : {
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1261 {
1262 "0:40::/26" : {
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1268 {
1269 "0:80::/25" : {
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1276 "0:100::/24" : {
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1280 }
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1282 {
1283 "0:200::/23" : {
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1290 "0:400::/22" : {
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1296 {
1297 "0:800::/21" : {
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1303 {
1304 "0:1000::/20" : {
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1310 {
1311 "0:2000::/19" : {
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1317 {
1318 "0:4000::/18" : {
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1322 }
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1324 {
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1331 {
1332 "1::/16" : {
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1338 {
1339 "2::/15" : {
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1352 {
1353 "8::/13" : {
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1359 {
1360 "10::/12" : {
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1366 {
1367 "20::/11" : {
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1373 {
1374 "40::/10" : {
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1380 {
1381 "80::/9" : {
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1387 {
1388 "100:0:0:1::/64" : {
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1394 {
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1400 },
1401 {
1402 "100:0:0:4::/62" : {
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1407 },
1408 {
1409 "100:0:0:8::/61" : {
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1415 {
1416 "100:0:0:10::/60" : {
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1422 {
1423 "100:0:0:20::/59" : {
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1429 {
1430 "100:0:0:40::/58" : {
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1436 {
1437 "100:0:0:80::/57" : {
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1443 {
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1457 {
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1464 {
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1471 {
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1485 {
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1500 "100:0:1::/48" : {
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1506 {
1507 "100:0:2::/47" : {
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1513 {
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1520 {
1521 "100:0:8::/45" : {
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1527 {
1528 "100:0:10::/44" : {
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1534 {
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1548 {
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1558 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1559 "ipv6_64" : 0
1560 }
1561 },
1562 {
1563 "100:0:200::/39" : {
1564 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1565 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1566 "ipv6_64" : 0
1567 }
1568 },
1569 {
1570 "100:0:400::/38" : {
1571 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1572 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1573 "ipv6_64" : 0
1574 }
1575 },
1576 {
1577 "100:0:800::/37" : {
1578 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1579 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1580 "ipv6_64" : 0
1581 }
1582 },
1583 {
1584 "100:0:1000::/36" : {
1585 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1586 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1587 "ipv6_64" : 0
1588 }
1589 },
1590 {
1591 "100:0:2000::/35" : {
1592 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1593 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1594 "ipv6_64" : 0
1595 }
1596 },
1597 {
1598 "100:0:4000::/34" : {
1599 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1600 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1601 "ipv6_64" : 0
1602 }
1603 },
1604 {
1605 "100:0:8000::/33" : {
1606 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1607 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1608 "ipv6_64" : 0
1609 }
1610 },
1611 {
1612 "100:1::/32" : {
1613 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1614 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1615 "ipv6_64" : 0
1616 }
1617 },
1618 {
1619 "100:2::/31" : {
1620 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1621 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1622 "ipv6_64" : 0
1623 }
1624 },
1625 {
1626 "100:4::/30" : {
1627 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1628 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1629 "ipv6_64" : 0
1630 }
1631 },
1632 {
1633 "100:8::/29" : {
1634 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1635 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1636 "ipv6_64" : 0
1637 }
1638 },
1639 {
1640 "100:10::/28" : {
1641 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1642 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1643 "ipv6_64" : 0
1644 }
1645 },
1646 {
1647 "100:20::/27" : {
1648 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1649 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1650 "ipv6_64" : 0
1651 }
1652 },
1653 {
1654 "100:40::/26" : {
1655 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1656 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1657 "ipv6_64" : 0
1658 }
1659 },
1660 {
1661 "100:80::/25" : {
1662 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1663 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1664 "ipv6_64" : 0
1665 }
1666 },
1667 {
1668 "100:100::/24" : {
1669 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1670 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1671 "ipv6_64" : 0
1672 }
1673 },
1674 {
1675 "100:200::/23" : {
1676 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1677 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1678 "ipv6_64" : 0
1679 }
1680 },
1681 {
1682 "100:400::/22" : {
1683 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1684 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1685 "ipv6_64" : 0
1686 }
1687 },
1688 {
1689 "100:800::/21" : {
1690 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1691 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1692 "ipv6_64" : 0
1693 }
1694 },
1695 {
1696 "100:1000::/20" : {
1697 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1698 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1699 "ipv6_64" : 0
1700 }
1701 },
1702 {
1703 "100:2000::/19" : {
1704 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1705 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1706 "ipv6_64" : 0
1707 }
1708 },
1709 {
1710 "100:4000::/18" : {
1711 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1712 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1713 "ipv6_64" : 0
1714 }
1715 },
1716 {
1717 "100:8000::/17" : {
1718 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1719 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1720 "ipv6_64" : 0
1721 }
1722 },
1723 {
1724 "101::/16" : {
1725 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1726 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1727 "ipv6_64" : 0
1728 }
1729 },
1730 {
1731 "102::/15" : {
1732 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1733 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1734 "ipv6_64" : 0
1735 }
1736 },
1737 {
1738 "104::/14" : {
1739 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1740 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1741 "ipv6_64" : 0
1742 }
1743 },
1744 {
1745 "108::/13" : {
1746 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1747 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1748 "ipv6_64" : 0
1749 }
1750 },
1751 {
1752 "110::/12" : {
1753 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1754 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1755 "ipv6_64" : 0
1756 }
1757 },
1758 {
1759 "120::/11" : {
1760 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1761 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1762 "ipv6_64" : 0
1763 }
1764 },
1765 {
1766 "140::/10" : {
1767 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1768 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1769 "ipv6_64" : 0
1770 }
1771 },
1772 {
1773 "180::/9" : {
1774 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1775 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1776 "ipv6_64" : 0
1777 }
1778 },
1779 {
1780 "200::/7" : {
1781 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1782 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1783 "ipv6_64" : 0
1784 }
1785 },
1786 {
1787 "400::/6" : {
1788 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1789 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1790 "ipv6_64" : 0
1791 }
1792 },
1793 {
1794 "800::/5" : {
1795 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1796 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1797 "ipv6_64" : 0
1798 }
1799 },
1800 {
1801 "1000::/4" : {
1802 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1803 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1804 "ipv6_64" : 0
1805 }
1806 },
1807 {
1808 "2000::/16" : {
1809 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1810 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1811 "ipv6_64" : 0
1812 }
1813 },
1814 {
1815 "2001:200::/23" : {
1816 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1817 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1818 "ipv6_64" : 0
1819 }
1820 },
1821 {
1822 "2001:220::/128" : {
1823 "ipv6_32" : 1,
1824 "ipv6_48" : 1,
1825 "ipv6_64" : 1
1826 }
1827 },
1828 {
1829 "2001:400::/22" : {
1830 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1831 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1832 "ipv6_64" : 0
1833 }
1834 },
1835 {
1836 "2001:800::/22" : {
1837 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1838 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1839 "ipv6_64" : 0
1840 }
1841 },
1842 {
1843 "2001:c00::/24" : {
1844 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1845 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1846 "ipv6_64" : 0
1847 }
1848 },
1849 {
1850 "2001:d00::/25" : {
1851 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1852 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1853 "ipv6_64" : 0
1854 }
1855 },
1856 {
1857 "2001:d80::/27" : {
1858 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1859 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1860 "ipv6_64" : 0
1861 }
1862 },
1863 {
1864 "2001:da0::/28" : {
1865 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1866 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1867 "ipv6_64" : 0
1868 }
1869 },
1870 {
1871 "2001:db0::/29" : {
1872 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1873 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1874 "ipv6_64" : 0
1875 }
1876 },
1877 {
1878 "2001:db9::/32" : {
1879 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1880 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1881 "ipv6_64" : 0
1882 }
1883 },
1884 {
1885 "2001:dba::/31" : {
1886 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1887 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1888 "ipv6_64" : 0
1889 }
1890 },
1891 {
1892 "2001:dbc::/30" : {
1893 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1894 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1895 "ipv6_64" : 0
1896 }
1897 },
1898 {
1899 "2001:dc0::/26" : {
1900 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1901 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1902 "ipv6_64" : 0
1903 }
1904 },
1905 {
1906 "2001:e00::/23" : {
1907 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1908 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1909 "ipv6_64" : 0
1910 }
1911 },
1912 {
1913 "2001:1000::/20" : {
1914 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1915 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1916 "ipv6_64" : 0
1917 }
1918 },
1919 {
1920 "2001:2000::/19" : {
1921 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1922 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1923 "ipv6_64" : 0
1924 }
1925 },
1926 {
1927 "2001:4000::/18" : {
1928 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1929 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1930 "ipv6_64" : 0
1931 }
1932 },
1933 {
1934 "2001:8000::/18" : {
1935 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1936 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1937 "ipv6_64" : 0
1938 }
1939 },
1940 {
1941 "2001:c000::/19" : {
1942 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1943 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1944 "ipv6_64" : 0
1945 }
1946 },
1947 {
1948 "2001:e000::/21" : {
1949 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1950 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1951 "ipv6_64" : 0
1952 }
1953 },
1954 {
1955 "2001:e800::/22" : {
1956 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1957 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1958 "ipv6_64" : 0
1959 }
1960 },
1961 {
1962 "2001:ec00::/24" : {
1963 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1964 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1965 "ipv6_64" : 0
1966 }
1967 },
1968 {
1969 "2001:ed00::/25" : {
1970 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1971 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1972 "ipv6_64" : 0
1973 }
1974 },
1975 {
1976 "2001:ed80::/27" : {
1977 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1978 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1979 "ipv6_64" : 0
1980 }
1981 },
1982 {
1983 "2001:eda0::/28" : {
1984 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1985 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1986 "ipv6_64" : 0
1987 }
1988 },
1989 {
1990 "2001:edb0::/29" : {
1991 "ipv6_32" : 0,
1992 "ipv6_48" : 0,
1993 "ipv6_64" : 0
1994 }
1995 },
1996 {
1997 "2001:edb8::/48" : {
1998 "ipv6_32" : 5,
1999 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2000 "ipv6_64" : 0
2001 }
2002 },
2003 {
2004 "2001:edb8:1::/64" : {
2005 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2006 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2007 "ipv6_64" : 1
2008 }
2009 },
2010 {
2011 "2001:edb8:1:1::/64" : {
2012 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2013 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2014 "ipv6_64" : 0
2015 }
2016 },
2017 {
2018 "2001:edb8:1:2::/63" : {
2019 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2020 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2021 "ipv6_64" : 0
2022 }
2023 },
2024 {
2025 "2001:edb8:1:4::/62" : {
2026 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2027 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2028 "ipv6_64" : 0
2029 }
2030 },
2031 {
2032 "2001:edb8:1:8::/61" : {
2033 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2034 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2035 "ipv6_64" : 0
2036 }
2037 },
2038 {
2039 "2001:edb8:1:10::/60" : {
2040 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2041 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2042 "ipv6_64" : 0
2043 }
2044 },
2045 {
2046 "2001:edb8:1:20::/59" : {
2047 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2048 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2049 "ipv6_64" : 0
2050 }
2051 },
2052 {
2053 "2001:edb8:1:40::/58" : {
2054 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2055 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2056 "ipv6_64" : 0
2057 }
2058 },
2059 {
2060 "2001:edb8:1:80::/57" : {
2061 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2062 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2063 "ipv6_64" : 0
2064 }
2065 },
2066 {
2067 "2001:edb8:1:100::/56" : {
2068 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2069 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2070 "ipv6_64" : 0
2071 }
2072 },
2073 {
2074 "2001:edb8:1:200::/55" : {
2075 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2076 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2077 "ipv6_64" : 0
2078 }
2079 },
2080 {
2081 "2001:edb8:1:400::/54" : {
2082 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2083 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2084 "ipv6_64" : 0
2085 }
2086 },
2087 {
2088 "2001:edb8:1:800::/53" : {
2089 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2090 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2091 "ipv6_64" : 0
2092 }
2093 },
2094 {
2095 "2001:edb8:1:1000::/52" : {
2096 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2097 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2098 "ipv6_64" : 0
2099 }
2100 },
2101 {
2102 "2001:edb8:1:2000::/51" : {
2103 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2104 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2105 "ipv6_64" : 0
2106 }
2107 },
2108 {
2109 "2001:edb8:1:4000::/50" : {
2110 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2111 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2112 "ipv6_64" : 0
2113 }
2114 },
2115 {
2116 "2001:edb8:1:8000::/49" : {
2117 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2118 "ipv6_48" : 1,
2119 "ipv6_64" : 0
2120 }
2121 },
2122 {
2123 "2001:edb8:2::/47" : {
2124 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2125 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2126 "ipv6_64" : 0
2127 }
2128 },
2129 {
2130 "2001:edb8:4::/46" : {
2131 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2132 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2133 "ipv6_64" : 0
2134 }
2135 },
2136 {
2137 "2001:edb8:8::/45" : {
2138 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2139 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2140 "ipv6_64" : 0
2141 }
2142 },
2143 {
2144 "2001:edb8:10::/44" : {
2145 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2146 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2147 "ipv6_64" : 0
2148 }
2149 },
2150 {
2151 "2001:edb8:20::/43" : {
2152 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2153 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2154 "ipv6_64" : 0
2155 }
2156 },
2157 {
2158 "2001:edb8:40::/42" : {
2159 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2160 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2161 "ipv6_64" : 0
2162 }
2163 },
2164 {
2165 "2001:edb8:80::/41" : {
2166 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2167 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2168 "ipv6_64" : 0
2169 }
2170 },
2171 {
2172 "2001:edb8:100::/40" : {
2173 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2174 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2175 "ipv6_64" : 0
2176 }
2177 },
2178 {
2179 "2001:edb8:200::/39" : {
2180 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2181 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2182 "ipv6_64" : 0
2183 }
2184 },
2185 {
2186 "2001:edb8:400::/38" : {
2187 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2188 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2189 "ipv6_64" : 0
2190 }
2191 },
2192 {
2193 "2001:edb8:800::/37" : {
2194 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2195 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2196 "ipv6_64" : 0
2197 }
2198 },
2199 {
2200 "2001:edb8:1000::/36" : {
2201 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2202 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2203 "ipv6_64" : 0
2204 }
2205 },
2206 {
2207 "2001:edb8:2000::/35" : {
2208 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2209 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2210 "ipv6_64" : 0
2211 }
2212 },
2213 {
2214 "2001:edb8:4000::/34" : {
2215 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2216 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2217 "ipv6_64" : 0
2218 }
2219 },
2220 {
2221 "2001:edb8:8000::/38" : {
2222 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2223 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2224 "ipv6_64" : 0
2225 }
2226 },
2227 {
2228 "2001:edb8:8400::/40" : {
2229 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2230 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2231 "ipv6_64" : 0
2232 }
2233 },
2234 {
2235 "2001:edb8:8500::/41" : {
2236 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2237 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2238 "ipv6_64" : 0
2239 }
2240 },
2241 {
2242 "2001:edb8:8580::/43" : {
2243 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2244 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2245 "ipv6_64" : 0
2246 }
2247 },
2248 {
2249 "2001:edb8:85a0::/47" : {
2250 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2251 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2252 "ipv6_64" : 0
2253 }
2254 },
2255 {
2256 "2001:edb8:85a2::/48" : {
2257 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2258 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2259 "ipv6_64" : 0
2260 }
2261 },
2262 {
2263 "2001:edb8:85a3::/64" : {
2264 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2265 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2266 "ipv6_64" : 3
2267 }
2268 },
2269 {
2270 "2001:edb8:85a3:1::/64" : {
2271 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2272 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2273 "ipv6_64" : 2
2274 }
2275 },
2276 {
2277 "2001:edb8:85a3:2::/63" : {
2278 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2279 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2280 "ipv6_64" : 0
2281 }
2282 },
2283 {
2284 "2001:edb8:85a3:4::/62" : {
2285 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2286 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2287 "ipv6_64" : 0
2288 }
2289 },
2290 {
2291 "2001:edb8:85a3:8::/61" : {
2292 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2293 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2294 "ipv6_64" : 0
2295 }
2296 },
2297 {
2298 "2001:edb8:85a3:10::/60" : {
2299 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2300 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2301 "ipv6_64" : 0
2302 }
2303 },
2304 {
2305 "2001:edb8:85a3:20::/59" : {
2306 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2307 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2308 "ipv6_64" : 0
2309 }
2310 },
2311 {
2312 "2001:edb8:85a3:40::/58" : {
2313 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2314 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2315 "ipv6_64" : 0
2316 }
2317 },
2318 {
2319 "2001:edb8:85a3:80::/57" : {
2320 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2321 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2322 "ipv6_64" : 0
2323 }
2324 },
2325 {
2326 "2001:edb8:85a3:100::/56" : {
2327 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2328 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2329 "ipv6_64" : 0
2330 }
2331 },
2332 {
2333 "2001:edb8:85a3:200::/55" : {
2334 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2335 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2336 "ipv6_64" : 0
2337 }
2338 },
2339 {
2340 "2001:edb8:85a3:400::/54" : {
2341 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2342 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2343 "ipv6_64" : 0
2344 }
2345 },
2346 {
2347 "2001:edb8:85a3:800::/53" : {
2348 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2349 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2350 "ipv6_64" : 0
2351 }
2352 },
2353 {
2354 "2001:edb8:85a3:1000::/52" : {
2355 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2356 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2357 "ipv6_64" : 0
2358 }
2359 },
2360 {
2361 "2001:edb8:85a3:2000::/51" : {
2362 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2363 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2364 "ipv6_64" : 0
2365 }
2366 },
2367 {
2368 "2001:edb8:85a3:4000::/50" : {
2369 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2370 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2371 "ipv6_64" : 0
2372 }
2373 },
2374 {
2375 "2001:edb8:85a3:8000::/49" : {
2376 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2377 "ipv6_48" : 4,
2378 "ipv6_64" : 0
2379 }
2380 },
2381 {
2382 "2001:edb8:85a4::/46" : {
2383 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2384 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2385 "ipv6_64" : 0
2386 }
2387 },
2388 {
2389 "2001:edb8:85a8::/45" : {
2390 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2391 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2392 "ipv6_64" : 0
2393 }
2394 },
2395 {
2396 "2001:edb8:85b0::/44" : {
2397 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2398 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2399 "ipv6_64" : 0
2400 }
2401 },
2402 {
2403 "2001:edb8:85c0::/42" : {
2404 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2405 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2406 "ipv6_64" : 0
2407 }
2408 },
2409 {
2410 "2001:edb8:8600::/39" : {
2411 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2412 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2413 "ipv6_64" : 0
2414 }
2415 },
2416 {
2417 "2001:edb8:8800::/37" : {
2418 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2419 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2420 "ipv6_64" : 0
2421 }
2422 },
2423 {
2424 "2001:edb8:9000::/36" : {
2425 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2426 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2427 "ipv6_64" : 0
2428 }
2429 },
2430 {
2431 "2001:edb8:a000::/35" : {
2432 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2433 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2434 "ipv6_64" : 0
2435 }
2436 },
2437 {
2438 "2001:edb8:c000::/36" : {
2439 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2440 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2441 "ipv6_64" : 0
2442 }
2443 },
2444 {
2445 "2001:edb8:d000::/37" : {
2446 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2447 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2448 "ipv6_64" : 0
2449 }
2450 },
2451 {
2452 "2001:edb8:d800::/38" : {
2453 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2454 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2455 "ipv6_64" : 0
2456 }
2457 },
2458 {
2459 "2001:edb8:dc00::/39" : {
2460 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2461 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2462 "ipv6_64" : 0
2463 }
2464 },
2465 {
2466 "2001:edb8:de00::/41" : {
2467 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2468 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2469 "ipv6_64" : 0
2470 }
2471 },
2472 {
2473 "2001:edb8:de80::/43" : {
2474 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2475 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2476 "ipv6_64" : 0
2477 }
2478 },
2479 {
2480 "2001:edb8:dea0::/45" : {
2481 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2482 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2483 "ipv6_64" : 0
2484 }
2485 },
2486 {
2487 "2001:edb8:dea8::/46" : {
2488 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2489 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2490 "ipv6_64" : 0
2491 }
2492 },
2493 {
2494 "2001:edb8:deac::/48" : {
2495 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2496 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2497 "ipv6_64" : 0
2498 }
2499 },
2500 {
2501 "2001:edb8:dead::/49" : {
2502 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2503 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2504 "ipv6_64" : 0
2505 }
2506 },
2507 {
2508 "2001:edb8:dead:8000::/50" : {
2509 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2510 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2511 "ipv6_64" : 0
2512 }
2513 },
2514 {
2515 "2001:edb8:dead:c000::/52" : {
2516 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2517 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2518 "ipv6_64" : 0
2519 }
2520 },
2521 {
2522 "2001:edb8:dead:d000::/53" : {
2523 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2524 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2525 "ipv6_64" : 0
2526 }
2527 },
2528 {
2529 "2001:edb8:dead:d800::/54" : {
2530 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2531 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2532 "ipv6_64" : 0
2533 }
2534 },
2535 {
2536 "2001:edb8:dead:dc00::/55" : {
2537 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2538 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2539 "ipv6_64" : 0
2540 }
2541 },
2542 {
2543 "2001:edb8:dead:de00::/57" : {
2544 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2545 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2546 "ipv6_64" : 0
2547 }
2548 },
2549 {
2550 "2001:edb8:dead:de80::/59" : {
2551 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2552 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2553 "ipv6_64" : 0
2554 }
2555 },
2556 {
2557 "2001:edb8:dead:dea0::/61" : {
2558 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2559 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2560 "ipv6_64" : 0
2561 }
2562 },
2563 {
2564 "2001:edb8:dead:dea8::/62" : {
2565 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2566 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2567 "ipv6_64" : 0
2568 }
2569 },
2570 {
2571 "2001:edb8:dead:deac::/64" : {
2572 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2573 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2574 "ipv6_64" : 0
2575 }
2576 },
2577 {
2578 "2001:edb8:dead:dead::/64" : {
2579 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2580 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2581 "ipv6_64" : 2
2582 }
2583 },
2584 {
2585 "2001:edb8:dead:deae::/63" : {
2586 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2587 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2588 "ipv6_64" : 0
2589 }
2590 },
2591 {
2592 "2001:edb8:dead:deb0::/60" : {
2593 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2594 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2595 "ipv6_64" : 0
2596 }
2597 },
2598 {
2599 "2001:edb8:dead:dec0::/58" : {
2600 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2601 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2602 "ipv6_64" : 0
2603 }
2604 },
2605 {
2606 "2001:edb8:dead:df00::/56" : {
2607 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2608 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2609 "ipv6_64" : 0
2610 }
2611 },
2612 {
2613 "2001:edb8:dead:e000::/51" : {
2614 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2615 "ipv6_48" : 2,
2616 "ipv6_64" : 0
2617 }
2618 },
2619 {
2620 "2001:edb8:deae::/47" : {
2621 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2622 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2623 "ipv6_64" : 0
2624 }
2625 },
2626 {
2627 "2001:edb8:deb0::/44" : {
2628 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2629 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2630 "ipv6_64" : 0
2631 }
2632 },
2633 {
2634 "2001:edb8:dec0::/42" : {
2635 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2636 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2637 "ipv6_64" : 0
2638 }
2639 },
2640 {
2641 "2001:edb8:df00::/40" : {
2642 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2643 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2644 "ipv6_64" : 0
2645 }
2646 },
2647 {
2648 "2001:edb8:e000::/35" : {
2649 "ipv6_32" : 5,
2650 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2651 "ipv6_64" : 0
2652 }
2653 },
2654 {
2655 "2001:edb9::/32" : {
2656 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2657 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2658 "ipv6_64" : 0
2659 }
2660 },
2661 {
2662 "2001:edba::/31" : {
2663 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2664 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2665 "ipv6_64" : 0
2666 }
2667 },
2668 {
2669 "2001:edbc::/30" : {
2670 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2671 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2672 "ipv6_64" : 0
2673 }
2674 },
2675 {
2676 "2001:edc0::/26" : {
2677 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2678 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2679 "ipv6_64" : 0
2680 }
2681 },
2682 {
2683 "2001:ee00::/23" : {
2684 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2685 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2686 "ipv6_64" : 0
2687 }
2688 },
2689 {
2690 "2001:f000::/20" : {
2691 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2692 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2693 "ipv6_64" : 0
2694 }
2695 },
2696 {
2697 "2003::/16" : {
2698 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2699 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2700 "ipv6_64" : 0
2701 }
2702 },
2703 {
2704 "2004::/14" : {
2705 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2706 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2707 "ipv6_64" : 0
2708 }
2709 },
2710 {
2711 "2008::/13" : {
2712 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2713 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2714 "ipv6_64" : 0
2715 }
2716 },
2717 {
2718 "2010::/12" : {
2719 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2720 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2721 "ipv6_64" : 0
2722 }
2723 },
2724 {
2725 "2020::/11" : {
2726 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2727 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2728 "ipv6_64" : 0
2729 }
2730 },
2731 {
2732 "2040::/10" : {
2733 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2734 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2735 "ipv6_64" : 0
2736 }
2737 },
2738 {
2739 "2080::/9" : {
2740 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2741 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2742 "ipv6_64" : 0
2743 }
2744 },
2745 {
2746 "2100::/8" : {
2747 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2748 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2749 "ipv6_64" : 0
2750 }
2751 },
2752 {
2753 "2200::/7" : {
2754 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2755 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2756 "ipv6_64" : 0
2757 }
2758 },
2759 {
2760 "2400::/6" : {
2761 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2762 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2763 "ipv6_64" : 0
2764 }
2765 },
2766 {
2767 "2800::/5" : {
2768 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2769 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2770 "ipv6_64" : 0
2771 }
2772 },
2773 {
2774 "3000::/4" : {
2775 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2776 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2777 "ipv6_64" : 0
2778 }
2779 },
2780 {
2781 "4000::/2" : {
2782 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2783 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2784 "ipv6_64" : 0
2785 }
2786 },
2787 {
2788 "8000::/2" : {
2789 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2790 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2791 "ipv6_64" : 0
2792 }
2793 },
2794 {
2795 "c000::/3" : {
2796 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2797 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2798 "ipv6_64" : 0
2799 }
2800 },
2801 {
2802 "e000::/4" : {
2803 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2804 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2805 "ipv6_64" : 0
2806 }
2807 },
2808 {
2809 "f000::/5" : {
2810 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2811 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2812 "ipv6_64" : 0
2813 }
2814 },
2815 {
2816 "f800::/6" : {
2817 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2818 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2819 "ipv6_64" : 0
2820 }
2821 },
2822 {
2823 "fe00::/9" : {
2824 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2825 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2826 "ipv6_64" : 0
2827 }
2828 },
2829 {
2830 "fec0::/10" : {
2831 "ipv6_32" : 0,
2832 "ipv6_48" : 0,
2833 "ipv6_64" : 0
2834 }
2835 }
2836 ]
test/data/source-data/GeoLite2-ASN-Test.json less more
0 [
1 {
2 "::" : {
3 "autonomous_system_number" : 1221,
4 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Telstra Pty Ltd"
5 }
6 },
7 {
8 "::" : {
9 "autonomous_system_number" : 7018,
10 "autonomous_system_organization" : "AT&T Services"
11 }
12 },
13 {
14 "::" : {
15 "autonomous_system_number" : 7018
16 }
17 },
18 {
19 "2600:6000::/20" : {
20 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
21 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
22 }
23 },
24 {
25 "2600:7000::/24" : {
26 "autonomous_system_number" : 6939,
27 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Hurricane Electric, Inc."
28 }
29 },
30 {
31 "2600:7100::/24" : {
32 "autonomous_system_number" : 237,
33 "autonomous_system_organization" : "Merit Network Inc."
34 }
35 }
36 ]
test/data/source-data/README less more
0 All of these but the City and Enterprise files are JSON dumps of the databases
1 created by the GeoIP2 build integration tests
2 (TestFor::MM::Integration::GeoIP2::Build).
4 Additional data was added to match our legacy test databases.
6 The City file is of unknown origin.
8 The Enterprise file was a single example IP address, modified slightly to
9 include all fields. It now has more than that.
11 The Precision file was the normal Enterprise file with an additional marker
12 ( to differentiate the two. It now contains additional
13 additions and changes as it is the database used in many MaxMind
14 integration tests.
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-City-Test-Broken-Double-Format.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-City-Test-Invalid-Node-Count.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Connection-Type-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Country-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-DensityIncome-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Domain-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Enterprise-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-ISP-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Precision-Enterprise-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Static-IP-Score-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoIP2-User-Count-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/GeoLite2-ASN-Test.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-no-ipv4-search-tree.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-string-value-entries.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-broken-pointers-24.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-broken-search-tree-24.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-decoder.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-24.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-28.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-32.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv6-24.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv6-28.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv6-32.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-metadata-pointers.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-24.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-28.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-32.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-nested.mmdb less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/ less more
0 The write-test-dbs script will create a small set of test databases with a
1 variety of data and record sizes (24, 28, & 32 bit).
3 These test databases are useful for testing code that reads MaxMind DB files.
5 There is also a `maps-with-pointers.raw` file. This contains the raw output of
6 the MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer module, when given a series of maps which
7 share some keys and values. It is used to test that decoder code can handle
8 pointers to map keys and values, as well as to the whole map.
10 There are several ways to figure out what IP addresses are actually in the
11 test databases. You can take a look at the
12 [source-data directory](
13 in this repository. This directory contains JSON files which are used to
14 generate many (but not all) of the database files.
16 You can also use the
17 [mmdb-dump-database script](
18 in the
19 [MaxMind-DB-Reader-perl repository](
21 Some databases are intentionally broken and cannot be dumped. You can look at
22 the
23 [script which generates these databases](
24 to see what IP addresses they include, which will be necessary for those
25 databases which cannot be dumped because they contain intentional errors.
test/data/test-data/maps-with-pointers.raw less more
Binary diff not shown
test/data/test-data/ less more
0 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
4 use autodie;
5 use utf8;
7 use Cwd qw( abs_path );
8 use File::Basename qw( dirname );
9 use File::Slurper qw( read_binary write_binary );
10 use Cpanel::JSON::XS 4.16 qw( decode_json );
11 use Math::Int128 qw( MAX_UINT128 string_to_uint128 uint128 );
12 use MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer 0.100004;
13 use MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree 0.100004;
14 use MaxMind::DB::Writer::Util qw( key_for_data );
15 use Net::Works::Network ();
16 use Test::MaxMind::DB::Common::Util qw( standard_test_metadata );
18 my $Dir = dirname( abs_path($0) );
20 sub main {
21 my @sizes = ( 24, 28, 32 );
22 my @ipv4_range = ( '', '' );
24 my @ipv4_subnets = Net::Works::Network->range_as_subnets(@ipv4_range);
25 for my $record_size (@sizes) {
26 write_test_db(
27 $record_size,
28 \@ipv4_subnets,
29 { ip_version => 4 },
30 'ipv4',
31 );
32 }
34 write_broken_pointers_test_db(
35 24,
36 \@ipv4_subnets,
37 { ip_version => 4 },
38 'broken-pointers',
39 );
41 write_broken_search_tree_db(
42 24,
43 \@ipv4_subnets,
44 { ip_version => 4 },
45 'broken-search-tree',
46 );
48 my @ipv6_subnets = Net::Works::Network->range_as_subnets(
49 '::1:ffff:ffff',
50 '::2:0000:0059'
51 );
53 for my $record_size (@sizes) {
54 write_test_db(
55 $record_size,
56 \@ipv6_subnets,
57 { ip_version => 6 },
58 'ipv6',
59 );
61 write_test_db(
62 $record_size,
63 [
64 @ipv6_subnets,
65 Net::Works::Network->range_as_subnets( @ipv4_range, 6 ),
66 ],
67 { ip_version => 6 },
68 'mixed',
69 );
70 }
72 write_decoder_test_db();
73 write_deeply_nested_structures_db();
75 write_geoip2_dbs();
76 write_broken_geoip2_city_db();
77 write_invalid_node_count();
79 write_no_ipv4_tree_db();
81 write_no_map_db( \@ipv4_subnets );
83 write_test_serialization_data();
85 write_db_with_metadata_pointers();
86 }
88 sub write_broken_pointers_test_db {
89 no warnings 'redefine';
91 my $orig_store_data = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer->can('store_data');
93 # This breaks the value of the record for the network, causing it
94 # to point outside the database.
95 local *MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer::store_data = sub {
96 my $data_pointer = shift->$orig_store_data(@_);
97 my $value = $_[1];
98 if ( ref($value) eq 'HASH'
99 && exists $value->{ip}
100 && $value->{ip} eq '' ) {
102 $data_pointer += 100_000;
103 }
104 return $data_pointer;
105 };
107 # The next hack will poison the data section for the 1.1.16/28 subnet
108 # value. It's value will be a pointer that resolves to an offset outside
109 # the database.
111 my $key_to_poison = key_for_data( { ip => '' } );
113 my $orig_position_for_data
114 = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer->can('_position_for_data');
115 local *MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer::_position_for_data = sub {
116 my $key = $_[1];
118 if ( $key eq $key_to_poison ) {
119 return 1_000_000;
120 }
121 else {
122 return shift->$orig_position_for_data(@_);
123 }
124 };
126 write_test_db(@_);
128 return;
129 }
131 sub write_broken_search_tree_db {
132 my $filename = ( write_test_db(@_) )[1];
134 my $content = read_binary($filename);
136 # This causes the right record of the first node to be 0, meaning it
137 # points back to the top of the tree. This should never happen in a
138 # database that follows the spec.
139 substr( $content, 5, 1 ) = "\0";
140 write_binary( $filename, $content );
142 return;
143 }
145 sub write_test_db {
146 my $record_size = shift;
147 my $subnets = shift;
148 my $metadata = shift;
149 my $ip_version_name = shift;
151 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
152 ip_version => $subnets->[0]->version(),
153 record_size => $record_size,
154 alias_ipv6_to_ipv4 => ( $subnets->[0]->version() == 6 ? 1 : 0 ),
155 map_key_type_callback => sub { 'utf8_string' },
156 standard_test_metadata(),
157 %{$metadata},
158 );
160 for my $subnet ( @{$subnets} ) {
161 $writer->insert_network(
162 $subnet,
163 { ip => $subnet->first()->as_string() }
164 );
165 }
167 my $filename = sprintf(
168 "$Dir/MaxMind-DB-test-%s-%i.mmdb",
169 $ip_version_name,
170 $record_size,
171 );
172 open my $fh, '>', $filename;
174 $writer->write_tree($fh);
176 close $fh;
178 return ( $writer, $filename );
179 }
181 {
182 # We will store this once for each subnet so we will also be testing
183 # pointers, since the serializer will generate a pointer to this
184 # structure.
185 my %all_types = (
186 utf8_string => 'unicode! ☯ - ♫',
187 double => 42.123456,
188 bytes => pack( 'N', 42 ),
189 uint16 => 100,
190 uint32 => 2**28,
191 int32 => -1 * ( 2**28 ),
192 uint64 => uint128(1) << 60,
193 uint128 => uint128(1) << 120,
194 array => [ 1, 2, 3, ],
195 map => {
196 mapX => {
197 utf8_stringX => 'hello',
198 arrayX => [ 7, 8, 9 ],
199 },
200 },
201 boolean => 1,
202 float => 1.1,
203 );
205 my %all_types_0 = (
206 utf8_string => q{},
207 double => 0,
208 bytes => q{},
209 uint16 => 0,
210 uint32 => 0,
211 int32 => 0,
212 uint64 => uint128(0),
213 uint128 => uint128(0),
214 array => [],
215 map => {},
216 boolean => 0,
217 float => 0,
218 );
220 # We limit this to numeric types as the other types would generate
221 # very large databases
222 my %numeric_types_max = (
223 double => 'Inf',
224 float => 'Inf',
225 int32 => 0x7fffffff,
226 uint16 => 0xffff,
227 uint32 => string_to_uint128('0xffff_ffff'),
228 uint64 => string_to_uint128('0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff'),
229 uint128 => MAX_UINT128,
230 );
232 sub write_decoder_test_db {
233 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
234 ip_version => 6,
235 record_size => 24,
236 database_type => 'MaxMind DB Decoder Test',
237 languages => ['en'],
238 description => {
239 en =>
240 'MaxMind DB Decoder Test database - contains every MaxMind DB data type',
241 },
242 alias_ipv6_to_ipv4 => 1,
243 remove_reserved_networks => 0,
244 map_key_type_callback => sub {
245 my $key = $_[0];
246 $key =~ s/X$//;
247 return $key eq 'array' ? [ 'array', 'uint32' ] : $key;
248 },
249 );
251 my @subnets
252 = map { Net::Works::Network->new_from_string( string => $_ ) }
253 qw(
254 ::
255 ::
256 ::
257 ::
258 abcd::/64
259 1000::1234:0000/112
260 );
262 for my $subnet (@subnets) {
263 $writer->insert_network(
264 $subnet,
265 \%all_types,
266 );
267 }
269 $writer->insert_network(
270 Net::Works::Network->new_from_string( string => '::' ),
271 \%all_types_0,
272 );
274 $writer->insert_network(
275 Net::Works::Network->new_from_string(
276 string => '::'
277 ),
278 \%numeric_types_max,
279 );
281 open my $fh, '>', "$Dir/MaxMind-DB-test-decoder.mmdb";
282 $writer->write_tree($fh);
283 close $fh;
285 return;
286 }
287 }
289 {
290 my %nested = (
291 map1 => {
292 map2 => {
293 array => [
294 {
295 map3 => { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 },
296 },
297 ],
298 },
299 },
300 );
302 sub write_deeply_nested_structures_db {
303 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
304 ip_version => 6,
305 record_size => 24,
306 ip_version => 6,
307 database_type => 'MaxMind DB Nested Data Structures',
308 languages => ['en'],
309 description => {
310 en =>
311 'MaxMind DB Nested Data Structures Test database - contains deeply nested map/array structures',
312 },
313 alias_ipv6_to_ipv4 => 1,
314 map_key_type_callback => sub {
315 my $key = shift;
316 return
317 $key =~ /^map/ ? 'map'
318 : $key eq 'array' ? [ 'array', 'map' ]
319 : 'uint32';
320 }
321 );
323 my @subnets
324 = map { Net::Works::Network->new_from_string( string => $_ ) }
325 qw(
326 ::
327 ::
328 ::
329 ::
330 abcd::/64
331 1000::1234:0000/112
332 );
334 for my $subnet (@subnets) {
335 $writer->insert_network(
336 $subnet,
337 \%nested,
338 );
339 }
341 open my $fh, '>', "$Dir/MaxMind-DB-test-nested.mmdb";
342 $writer->write_tree($fh);
343 close $fh;
345 return;
346 }
347 }
349 sub write_geoip2_dbs {
350 _write_geoip2_db( @{$_}[ 0, 1 ], 'Test' )
351 for (
352 [ 'GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP', {} ],
353 ['GeoIP2-City'],
354 ['GeoIP2-Connection-Type'],
355 ['GeoIP2-Country'],
356 ['GeoIP2-DensityIncome'],
357 ['GeoIP2-Domain'],
358 ['GeoIP2-Enterprise'],
359 ['GeoIP2-ISP'],
360 ['GeoIP2-Precision-Enterprise'],
361 ['GeoIP2-Static-IP-Score'],
362 ['GeoIP2-User-Count'],
363 ['GeoLite2-ASN'],
364 );
365 }
367 sub write_broken_geoip2_city_db {
368 no warnings 'redefine';
370 # This is how we _used_ to encode doubles. Storing them this way with the
371 # current reader tools can lead to weird errors. This broken database is a
372 # good way to test the robustness of reader code in the face of broken
373 # databases.
374 local *MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer::_encode_double = sub {
375 my $self = shift;
376 my $value = shift;
378 $self->_simple_encode( double => $value );
379 };
381 _write_geoip2_db( 'GeoIP2-City', 0, 'Test Broken Double Format' );
382 }
384 sub write_invalid_node_count {
385 no warnings 'redefine';
386 local *MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree::node_count = sub { 100000 };
388 _write_geoip2_db( 'GeoIP2-City', 0, 'Test Invalid Node Count' );
389 }
391 sub _universal_map_key_type_callback {
392 my $map = {
394 # languages
395 de => 'utf8_string',
396 en => 'utf8_string',
397 es => 'utf8_string',
398 fr => 'utf8_string',
399 ja => 'utf8_string',
400 'pt-BR' => 'utf8_string',
401 ru => 'utf8_string',
402 'zh-CN' => 'utf8_string',
404 # production
405 accuracy_radius => 'uint16',
406 autonomous_system_number => 'uint32',
407 autonomous_system_organization => 'utf8_string',
408 average_income => 'uint32',
409 city => 'map',
410 code => 'utf8_string',
411 confidence => 'uint16',
412 connection_type => 'utf8_string',
413 continent => 'map',
414 country => 'map',
415 domain => 'utf8_string',
416 geoname_id => 'uint32',
417 ipv4_24 => 'uint32',
418 ipv4_32 => 'uint32',
419 ipv6_32 => 'uint32',
420 ipv6_48 => 'uint32',
421 ipv6_64 => 'uint32',
422 is_anonymous => 'boolean',
423 is_anonymous_proxy => 'boolean',
424 is_anonymous_vpn => 'boolean',
425 is_hosting_provider => 'boolean',
426 is_in_european_union => 'boolean',
427 is_legitimate_proxy => 'boolean',
428 is_public_proxy => 'boolean',
429 is_satellite_provider => 'boolean',
430 is_tor_exit_node => 'boolean',
431 iso_code => 'utf8_string',
432 isp => 'utf8_string',
433 latitude => 'double',
434 location => 'map',
435 longitude => 'double',
436 metro_code => 'uint16',
437 names => 'map',
438 organization => 'utf8_string',
439 population_density => 'uint32',
440 postal => 'map',
441 registered_country => 'map',
442 represented_country => 'map',
443 score => 'double',
444 subdivisions => [ 'array', 'map' ],
445 time_zone => 'utf8_string',
446 traits => 'map',
447 traits => 'map',
448 type => 'utf8_string',
449 user_type => 'utf8_string',
451 # for testing only
452 foo => 'utf8_string',
453 bar => 'utf8_string',
454 buzz => 'utf8_string',
455 our_value => 'utf8_string',
456 };
458 my $callback = sub {
459 my $key = shift;
461 return $map->{$key} || die <<"ERROR";
462 Unknown tree key '$key'.
464 The universal_map_key_type_callback doesn't know what type to use for the passed
465 key. If you are adding a new key that will be used in a frozen tree / mmdb then
466 you should update the mapping in both our internal code and here.
468 };
470 return $callback;
471 }
473 sub _write_geoip2_db {
474 my $type = shift;
475 my $populate_all_networks_with_data = shift;
476 my $description = shift;
478 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
479 ip_version => 6,
480 record_size => 28,
481 ip_version => 6,
482 database_type => $type,
483 languages => [ 'en', $type eq 'GeoIP2-City' ? ('zh') : () ],
484 description => {
485 en => ( $type =~ s/-/ /gr )
486 . " $description Database (fake GeoIP2 data, for example purposes only)",
487 $type eq 'GeoIP2-City' ? ( zh => '小型数据库' ) : (),
488 },
489 alias_ipv6_to_ipv4 => 1,
490 map_key_type_callback => _universal_map_key_type_callback(),
491 );
493 _populate_all_networks( $writer, $populate_all_networks_with_data )
494 if $populate_all_networks_with_data;
496 my $value = shift;
497 my $nodes
498 = decode_json( read_binary("$Dir/../source-data/$type-Test.json") );
500 for my $node (@$nodes) {
501 for my $network ( keys %$node ) {
502 $writer->insert_network(
503 Net::Works::Network->new_from_string( string => $network ),
504 $node->{$network}
505 );
506 }
507 }
509 my $suffix = $description =~ s/ /-/gr;
510 open my $output_fh, '>', "$Dir/$type-$suffix.mmdb";
511 $writer->write_tree($output_fh);
512 close $output_fh;
514 return;
515 }
517 sub _populate_all_networks {
518 my $writer = shift;
519 my $data = shift;
521 my $max_uint128 = uint128(0) - 1;
522 my @networks = Net::Works::Network->range_as_subnets(
523 Net::Works::Address->new_from_integer(
524 integer => 0,
525 version => 6,
526 ),
527 Net::Works::Address->new_from_integer(
528 integer => $max_uint128,
529 version => 6,
530 ),
531 );
533 for my $network (@networks) {
534 $writer->insert_network( $network => $data );
535 }
536 }
538 sub write_no_ipv4_tree_db {
539 my $subnets = shift;
541 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
542 ip_version => 6,
543 record_size => 24,
544 ip_version => 6,
545 database_type => 'MaxMind DB No IPv4 Search Tree',
546 languages => ['en'],
547 description => {
548 en => 'MaxMind DB No IPv4 Search Tree',
549 },
550 remove_reserved_networks => 0,
551 root_data_type => 'utf8_string',
552 map_key_type_callback => sub { {} },
553 );
555 my $subnet = Net::Works::Network->new_from_string( string => '::/64' );
556 $writer->insert_network( $subnet, $subnet->as_string() );
558 open my $output_fh, '>', "$Dir/MaxMind-DB-no-ipv4-search-tree.mmdb";
559 $writer->write_tree($output_fh);
560 close $output_fh;
562 return;
563 }
565 # The point of this database is to provide something where we can test looking
566 # up a single value. In other words, each IP address points to a non-compound
567 # value, a string rather than a map or array.
568 sub write_no_map_db {
569 my $subnets = shift;
571 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
572 ip_version => 4,
573 record_size => 24,
574 database_type => 'MaxMind DB String Value Entries',
575 languages => ['en'],
576 description => {
577 en =>
578 'MaxMind DB String Value Entries (no maps or arrays as values)',
579 },
580 root_data_type => 'utf8_string',
581 map_key_type_callback => sub { {} },
582 );
584 for my $subnet ( @{$subnets} ) {
585 $writer->insert_network( $subnet, $subnet->as_string() );
586 }
588 open my $output_fh, '>', "$Dir/MaxMind-DB-string-value-entries.mmdb";
589 $writer->write_tree($output_fh);
590 close $output_fh;
592 return;
593 }
595 sub write_test_serialization_data {
596 my $serializer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Serializer->new(
597 map_key_type_callback => sub { 'utf8_string' } );
599 $serializer->store_data( map => { long_key => 'long_value1' } );
600 $serializer->store_data( map => { long_key => 'long_value2' } );
601 $serializer->store_data( map => { long_key2 => 'long_value1' } );
602 $serializer->store_data( map => { long_key2 => 'long_value2' } );
603 $serializer->store_data( map => { long_key => 'long_value1' } );
604 $serializer->store_data( map => { long_key2 => 'long_value2' } );
606 open my $fh, '>', 'maps-with-pointers.raw';
607 print {$fh} ${ $serializer->buffer() }
608 or die "Cannot write to maps-with-pointers.raw: $!";
609 close $fh;
611 return;
612 }
614 sub write_db_with_metadata_pointers {
615 my $repeated_string = 'Lots of pointers in metadata';
616 my $writer = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
617 ip_version => 6,
618 record_size => 24,
619 map_key_type_callback => sub { 'utf8_string' },
620 database_type => $repeated_string,
621 languages => [ 'en', 'es', 'zh' ],
622 description => {
623 en => $repeated_string,
624 es => $repeated_string,
625 zh => $repeated_string,
626 },
628 );
630 _populate_all_networks( $writer, {} );
632 open my $fh, '>', 'MaxMind-DB-test-metadata-pointers.mmdb';
634 $writer->write_tree($fh);
636 close $fh;
637 }
639 main();
test/data/tidyall.ini less more
0 [PerlTidy]
1 select = **/*.{pl,pm,t}
3 [JSON]
4 select = **/*.json
1111 ]
1313 modes.each do |mode|
14 [24, 28, 32].each do |record_size|
15 [4, 6].each do |ip_version|
16 filename = 'test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv' +
17 ip_version.to_s + '-' + record_size.to_s + '.mmdb'
14 record_sizes = [24, 28, 32]
15 record_sizes.each do |record_size|
16 ip_versions = [4, 6]
17 ip_versions.each do |ip_version|
18 filename = "test/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv#{ip_version}-#{record_size}.mmdb"
1819 reader =, mode: mode)
1920 check_metadata(reader, ip_version, record_size)
2021 if ip_version == 4
133134 }]
135136 tests.each do |test|
136 reader ='test/data/test-data/' + test['file_name'])
137 reader ="test/data/test-data/#{test['file_name']}")
137138 record, prefix_length = reader.get_with_prefix_length(test['ip'])
139140 assert_equal(test['expected_prefix_length'], prefix_length,
234235 e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
235236 reader.get('not_ip')
236237 end
237 assert(e.message.match(/invalid address/))
238 assert(e.message.include?('invalid address'))
238239 reader.close
239240 end
242243 e = assert_raises SystemCallError do
244245 end
245 assert(e.message.match(/No such file or directory/))
246 assert(e.message.include?('No such file or directory'))
246247 end
248249 def test_nondatabase
259260 e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
260261'', {}, 'blah')
261262 end
262 assert(e.message.match(/wrong number of arguments/))
263 assert(e.message.include?('wrong number of arguments'))
263264 end
265266 def test_no_constructor_args
266267 e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
268269 end
269 assert(e.message.match(/wrong number of arguments/))
270 assert(e.message.include?('wrong number of arguments'))
270271 end
272273 def test_too_many_get_args
276277 e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
277278 reader.get('', 'blah')
278279 end
279 assert(e.message.match(/wrong number of arguments/))
280 assert(e.message.include?('wrong number of arguments'))
280281 reader.close
281282 end
287288 e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
288289 reader.get
289290 end
290 assert(e.message.match(/wrong number of arguments/))
291 assert(e.message.include?('wrong number of arguments'))
291292 reader.close
292293 end
298299 e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
299300 reader.metadata('hi')
300301 end
301 assert(e.message.match(/wrong number of arguments/))
302 assert(e.message.include?('wrong number of arguments'))
302303 reader.close
303304 end
309310 e = assert_raises NoMethodError do
310311 reader.metadata.what
311312 end
312 assert(e.message.match(/undefined method `what'/))
313 assert(e.message.include?('undefined method `what\''))
313314 reader.close
314315 end