Codebase list sslscan / a01d7ac
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.0.0_beta6' Update to upstream version '2.0.0~beta6' with Debian dir eca676aec03e775e257ccf3f64f1df1a56400138 Sophie Brun 3 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 15 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Changelog
11 =========
2 Version: 2.0.0-beta6
3 Date : 02/07/2020
4 Author : rbsec <[email protected]>
5 Changes: The following are a list of changes
6 > Report servers that accept any signature algorithm in the XML
8 Version: 2.0.0-beta5
9 Date : 30/06/2020
10 Author : rbsec <[email protected]>
11 Changes: The following are a list of changes
12 > Remove the "Signature Algorithm:" text and spacing from the XML.
214 Version: 2.0.0-beta4
315 Date : 10/06/2020
416 Author : rbsec <[email protected]>
2424 * `short` for the default output.
2525 * `full` for when `--show-certificate` is used.
2626 * There will potentially be more than one certificate of each type returned on servers that have multiple certificates with different signature algorithms (see discussion in issue [#208](
27 * The `<signature-algorithm>` element in a `<certificate>` no longer contains the "Signature Algorithm:" prefix, or the spacing and newline.
2829 If you are using the XML output, then you may need to make changes to your parser.
19771977 if (options->xmlOutput)
19781978 {
1979 printf_xml(" <signature-algorithm>");
1980 X509_signature_print(fileBIO, palg, NULL);
1981 printf_xml("</signature-algorithm>\n");
1979 printf_xml(" <signature-algorithm>%s</signature-algorithm>\n", certAlgorithm);
19821980 }
19831981 }
57425740 /* If the server accepted our bogus signature ID, then we can conclude that it will accept all of them (and not test any further). Some servers in the wild do this for some reason... */
57435741 if (sig_id == BOGUS_SIG_ALG_ID) {
57445742 printf("%s%s Server accepts all signature algorithms.%s\n", getPrintableTLSName(tls_version), COL_YELLOW, RESET);
5743 printf_xml(" <connection-signature-algorithm sslversion=\"%s\" name=\"ANY\" id=\"0xfdff\" />\n", getPrintableTLSName(tls_version));
57455744 goto done;
57465745 } else {
57475746 printf("%s %s%s%s\n", getPrintableTLSName(tls_version), color, sig_name, RESET);