Codebase list sslscan / c353969
Merge tag 'upstream/1.11.10-rbsec' into kali/master Upstream version 1.11.10-rbsec Sophie Brun 7 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 16 addition(s) and 19 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Changelog
11 =========
3 Version: 1.11.10
4 Date : 04/05/2017
5 Author : rbsec <[email protected]>
6 Changes: The following are a list of changes
7 > Build against Peter Mosmans' branch of OpenSSL
8 > Support for ChaCha ciphers
9 > NOTE: you will need to run `make clean && make static`.
311 Version: 1.11.9
412 Date : 09/04/2017
8484 if [ -d openssl -a -d openssl/.git ]; then \
8585 cd ./openssl && git checkout OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable && git pull | grep -q "Already up-to-date." && [ -e ../ ] || touch ../ ; \
8686 else \
87 git clone --depth 1 -b OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable ./openssl && cd ./openssl && touch ../ ; \
87 git clone --depth 1 -b OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable ./openssl && cd ./openssl && touch ../ ; \
8888 fi
89 # Re-enable SSLv2 EXPORT ciphers
90 sed -i.bak -E 's/# if 0/# if 1/g' openssl/ssl/s2_lib.c
91 rm openssl/ssl/s2_lib.c.bak
92 # Re-enable weak (<1024 bit) DH keys
93 sed -i.bak -E 's/dh_size < [0-9]\+/dh_size < 512/g' openssl/ssl/s3_clnt.c
94 rm openssl/ssl/s3_clnt.c.bak
95 # Break the weak DH key test so OpenSSL compiles
96 sed -i.bak -E 's/dhe512/zzz/g' openssl/test/testssl
97 rm openssl/test/testssl.bak
9990 # Need to build OpenSSL differently on OSX
10091 ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
115106 $(MAKE) sslscan STATIC_BUILD=TRUE
117108 clean:
118 if [ -d openssl -a -d openssl/.git ]; then ( cd ./openssl; git clean -fx ); fi;
109 if [ -d openssl ]; then ( rm -rf openssl ); fi;
119110 rm -f sslscan
120111 rm -f
6666 the SSL ecosystem as a whole, it is a problem for sslscan, which relies on
6767 these legacy features being available in order to detect them on client system.
69 Keeping these features available while also adding support for the new features
70 such as TLSv1.3 would either require maintaining a separate fork of OpenSSL
71 with all the required features enabled, or a complete rewrite of sslscan to use
72 a different library (or to handle the TLS handshake itself). As such, it is
73 likely that sslscan **will never support OpenSSL 1.1.0.** It is recommended
74 that you continue to build statically against OpenSSL 1.0.1, as describeed in
75 the following section.
69 In order to work around this, sslscan builds against [Peter Mosmans'](
70 fork of OpenSSL, which backports the Chacha20 and Poly1305 ciphers to OpenSSL
71 1.0.2, while keeping the dangerous legacy features (such as SSLv2 and EXPORT
72 ciphers) enabled.
7774 #### Statically linking a custom OpenSSL build
16671667 {
16681668 printf("%s%-29s%s", COL_YELLOW, sslCipherPointer->name, RESET);
16691669 }
1670 else if (strstr(sslCipherPointer->name, "GCM") && strstr(sslCipherPointer->name, "DHE"))
1670 else if ((strstr(sslCipherPointer->name, "CHACHA20") || (strstr(sslCipherPointer->name, "GCM")))
1671 && strstr(sslCipherPointer->name, "DHE"))
16711672 {
16721673 printf("%s%-29s%s", COL_GREEN, sslCipherPointer->name, RESET);
16731674 }