Codebase list apispec / master CONTRIBUTING.rst

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz)

CONTRIBUTING.rst @master

Contributing Guidelines

Security Contact Information

To report a security vulnerability, please use the
`Tidelift security contact <>`_.
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.

Questions, Feature Requests, Bug Reports, and Feedback. . .

. . .should all be reported on the `GitHub Issue Tracker`_ .

.. _`GitHub Issue Tracker`:

Contributing Code

Setting Up for Local Development

1. Fork apispec_ on GitHub.


    $ git clone
    $ cd apispec

2. Install development requirements. **It is highly recommended that you use a virtualenv.**
   Use the following command to install an editable version of
   apispec along with its development requirements.


    # After activating your virtualenv
    $ pip install -e '.[dev]'

3. Install the pre-commit hooks, which will format and lint your git staged files.


    # The pre-commit CLI was installed above
    $ pre-commit install

Git Branch Structure

apispec abides by the following branching model:

    Current development branch. **New features should branch off here**.

    Maintenance branch for release ``X.Y``. **Bug fixes should be sent to the most recent release branch.** The maintainer will forward-port the fix to ``dev``. Note: exceptions may be made for bug fixes that introduce large code changes.

**Always make a new branch for your work**, no matter how small. Also, **do not put unrelated changes in the same branch or pull request**. This makes it more difficult to merge your changes.

Pull Requests

1. Create a new local branch.


    # For a new feature
    $ git checkout -b name-of-feature dev

    # For a bugfix
    $ git checkout -b fix-something 1.2-line

2. Commit your changes. Write `good commit messages <>`_.


    $ git commit -m "Detailed commit message"
    $ git push origin name-of-feature

3. Before submitting a pull request, check the following:

- If the pull request adds functionality, it is tested and the docs are updated.
- You've added yourself to ``AUTHORS.rst``.

4. Submit a pull request to ``marshmallow-code:dev`` or the appropriate maintenance branch. 
    The `CI <>`_ 
    build must be passing before your pull request is merged.

Running Tests

To run all tests: ::

    $ pytest

To run syntax checks: ::

    $ tox -e lint

(Optional) To run tests in all supported Python versions in their own virtual environments (must have each interpreter installed): ::

    $ tox


Contributions to the documentation are welcome. Documentation is written in `reStructuredText`_ (rST). A quick rST reference can be found `here <>`_. Builds are powered by Sphinx_.

To build the docs in "watch" mode: ::

   $ tox -e watch-docs

Changes in the `docs/` directory will automatically trigger a rebuild.

.. _Sphinx:
.. _`reStructuredText`:
.. _`apispec`: