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"""Core apispec classes and functions."""
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

from .exceptions import (
from .utils import OpenAPIVersion, deepupdate, COMPONENT_SUBSECTIONS, build_reference

VALID_METHODS_OPENAPI_V2 = ["get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete", "head", "options"]



class Components:
    """Stores OpenAPI components

    Components are top-level fields in OAS v2.
    They became sub-fields of "components" top-level field in OAS v3.

    def __init__(self, plugins, openapi_version):
        self._plugins = plugins
        self.openapi_version = openapi_version
        self._schemas = {}
        self._responses = {}
        self._parameters = {}
        self._examples = {}
        self._security_schemes = {}

    def to_dict(self):
        subsections = {
            "schema": self._schemas,
            "response": self._responses,
            "parameter": self._parameters,
            "example": self._examples,
            "security_scheme": self._security_schemes,
        return {
            COMPONENT_SUBSECTIONS[self.openapi_version.major][k]: v
            for k, v in subsections.items()
            if v != {}

    def schema(self, name, component=None, **kwargs):
        """Add a new schema to the spec.

        :param str name: identifier by which schema may be referenced.
        :param dict component: schema definition.

        .. note::

            If you are using `apispec.ext.marshmallow`, you can pass fields' metadata as
            additional keyword arguments.

            For example, to add ``enum`` and ``description`` to your field: ::

                status = fields.String(
                    enum=['open', 'closed'],
                    description='Status (open or closed)',
        if name in self._schemas:
            raise DuplicateComponentNameError(
                'Another schema with name "{}" is already registered.'.format(name)
        component = component or {}
        ret = component.copy()
        # Execute all helpers from plugins
        for plugin in self._plugins:
                ret.update(plugin.schema_helper(name, component, **kwargs) or {})
            except PluginMethodNotImplementedError:
        self._schemas[name] = ret
        return self

    def response(self, component_id, component=None, **kwargs):
        """Add a response which can be referenced.

        :param str component_id: ref_id to use as reference
        :param dict component: response fields
        :param dict kwargs: plugin-specific arguments
        if component_id in self._responses:
            raise DuplicateComponentNameError(
                'Another response with name "{}" is already registered.'.format(
        component = component or {}
        ret = component.copy()
        # Execute all helpers from plugins
        for plugin in self._plugins:
                ret.update(plugin.response_helper(component, **kwargs) or {})
            except PluginMethodNotImplementedError:
        self._responses[component_id] = ret
        return self

    def parameter(self, component_id, location, component=None, **kwargs):
        """ Add a parameter which can be referenced.

        :param str param_id: identifier by which parameter may be referenced.
        :param str location: location of the parameter.
        :param dict component: parameter fields.
        :param dict kwargs: plugin-specific arguments
        if component_id in self._parameters:
            raise DuplicateComponentNameError(
                'Another parameter with name "{}" is already registered.'.format(
        component = component or {}
        ret = component.copy()
        ret.setdefault("name", component_id)
        ret["in"] = location

        # if "in" is set to "path", enforce required flag to True
        if location == "path":
            ret["required"] = True

        # Execute all helpers from plugins
        for plugin in self._plugins:
                ret.update(plugin.parameter_helper(component, **kwargs) or {})
            except PluginMethodNotImplementedError:
        self._parameters[component_id] = ret
        return self

    def example(self, name, component, **kwargs):
        """Add an example which can be referenced

        :param str name: identifier by which example may be referenced.
        :param dict component: example fields.
        if name in self._examples:
            raise DuplicateComponentNameError(
                'Another example with name "{}" is already registered.'.format(name)
        self._examples[name] = component
        return self

    def security_scheme(self, component_id, component):
        """Add a security scheme which can be referenced.

        :param str component_id: component_id to use as reference
        :param dict kwargs: security scheme fields
        if component_id in self._security_schemes:
            raise DuplicateComponentNameError(
                'Another security scheme with name "{}" is already registered.'.format(
        self._security_schemes[component_id] = component
        return self

class APISpec:
    """Stores metadata that describes a RESTful API using the OpenAPI specification.

    :param str title: API title
    :param str version: API version
    :param list|tuple plugins: Plugin instances.
    :param str|OpenAPIVersion openapi_version: OpenAPI Specification version.
        Should be in the form '2.x' or '3.x.x' to comply with the OpenAPI standard.
    :param dict options: Optional top-level keys

    def __init__(self, title, version, openapi_version, plugins=(), **options):
        self.title = title
        self.version = version
        self.openapi_version = OpenAPIVersion(openapi_version)
        self.options = options
        self.plugins = plugins

        # Metadata
        self._tags = []
        self._paths = OrderedDict()

        # Components
        self.components = Components(self.plugins, self.openapi_version)

        # Plugins
        for plugin in self.plugins:

    def to_dict(self):
        ret = {
            "paths": self._paths,
            "info": {"title": self.title, "version": self.version},
        if self._tags:
            ret["tags"] = self._tags
        if self.openapi_version.major < 3:
            ret["swagger"] = self.openapi_version.vstring
            ret["openapi"] = self.openapi_version.vstring
            components_dict = self.components.to_dict()
            if components_dict:
                ret["components"] = components_dict
        ret = deepupdate(ret, self.options)
        return ret

    def to_yaml(self):
        """Render the spec to YAML. Requires PyYAML to be installed."""
        from .yaml_utils import dict_to_yaml

        return dict_to_yaml(self.to_dict())

    def tag(self, tag):
        """ Store information about a tag.

        :param dict tag: the dictionary storing information about the tag.
        return self

    def path(
        """Add a new path object to the spec.

        :param str|None path: URL path component
        :param dict|None operations: describes the http methods and options for `path`
        :param str summary: short summary relevant to all operations in this path
        :param str description: long description relevant to all operations in this path
        :param list|None parameters: list of parameters relevant to all operations in this path
        :param dict kwargs: parameters used by any path helpers see :meth:`register_path_helper`
        # operations and parameters must be deepcopied because they are mutated
        # in clean_operations and operation helpers and path may be called twice
        operations = deepcopy(operations) or OrderedDict()
        parameters = deepcopy(parameters) or []

        # Execute path helpers
        for plugin in self.plugins:
                ret = plugin.path_helper(
                    path=path, operations=operations, parameters=parameters, **kwargs
            except PluginMethodNotImplementedError:
            if ret is not None:
                path = ret
        if not path:
            raise APISpecError("Path template is not specified.")

        # Execute operation helpers
        for plugin in self.plugins:
                plugin.operation_helper(path=path, operations=operations, **kwargs)
            except PluginMethodNotImplementedError:


        self._paths.setdefault(path, operations).update(operations)
        if summary is not None:
            self._paths[path]["summary"] = summary
        if description is not None:
            self._paths[path]["description"] = description
        if parameters:
            parameters = self.clean_parameters(parameters)
            self._paths[path]["parameters"] = parameters
        return self

    def get_ref(self, obj_type, obj):
        """Return object or reference

        If obj is a dict, it is assumed to be a complete description and it is returned as is.
        Otherwise, it is assumed to be a reference name as string and the corresponding $ref
        string is returned.

        :param str obj_type: "parameter" or "response"
        :param dict|str obj: parameter or response in dict form or as ref_id string
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return obj
        return build_reference(obj_type, self.openapi_version.major, obj)

    def clean_parameters(self, parameters):
        """Ensure that all parameters with "in" equal to "path" are also required
        as required by the OpenAPI specification, as well as normalizing any
        references to global parameters and checking for duplicates parameters

        See https ://

        :param list parameters: List of parameters mapping
        seen = set()
        for parameter in [p for p in parameters if isinstance(p, dict)]:

            # check missing name / location
            missing_attrs = [attr for attr in ("name", "in") if attr not in parameter]
            if missing_attrs:
                raise InvalidParameterError(
                    "Missing keys {} for parameter".format(missing_attrs)

            # OpenAPI Spec 3 and 2 don't allow for duplicated parameters
            # A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location
            unique_key = (parameter["name"], parameter["in"])
            if unique_key in seen:
                raise DuplicateParameterError(
                    "Duplicate parameter with name {} and location {}".format(
                        parameter["name"], parameter["in"]

            # Add "required" attribute to path parameters
            if parameter["in"] == "path":
                parameter["required"] = True

        return [self.get_ref("parameter", p) for p in parameters]

    def clean_operations(self, operations):
        """Ensure that all parameters with "in" equal to "path" are also required
        as required by the OpenAPI specification, as well as normalizing any
        references to global parameters. Also checks for invalid HTTP methods.


        :param dict operations: Dict mapping status codes to operations
        operation_names = set(operations)
        valid_methods = set(VALID_METHODS[self.openapi_version.major])
        invalid = {
            key for key in operation_names - valid_methods if not key.startswith("x-")
        if invalid:
            raise APISpecError(
                "One or more HTTP methods are invalid: {}".format(", ".join(invalid))

        for operation in (operations or {}).values():
            if "parameters" in operation:
                operation["parameters"] = self.clean_parameters(operation["parameters"])
            if "responses" in operation:
                responses = OrderedDict()
                for code, response in operation["responses"].items():
                        code = int(code)  # handles IntEnums like http.HTTPStatus
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                        if self.openapi_version.major < 3 and code != "default":
                            warnings.warn("Non-integer code not allowed in OpenAPI < 3")

                    responses[str(code)] = self.get_ref("response", response)
                operation["responses"] = responses