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Faraday Penetration Test IDE
Copyright (C) 2013  Infobyte LLC (
See the file 'doc/LICENSE' for the license information
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from faraday_plugins.plugins.plugin import PluginBase

__author__ = "Morgan Lemarechal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Faraday Project"
__credits__ = ["Morgan Lemarechal"]
__license__ = ""
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Morgan Lemarechal"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Development"

class WcscanParser:
    The objective of this class is to parse an xml file generated by the wcscan tool.
    TODO: Handle errors.
    TODO: Test wcscan output version. Handle what happens if the parser doesn't support it.
    TODO: Test cases.
    @param wcscan_filepath A proper simple report generated by wcscan

    def __init__(self, output):
        self.scaninfo = {}
        self.result = {}
        tree = ET.parse(output)
        root = tree.getroot()
        for scan in root.findall(".//scan"):
            infos = {}
            for info in scan.attrib:
                infos[info] = scan.attrib[info]
                self.scaninfo[scan.attrib['file']] = infos

            item = {}
            if scan.attrib['type'] == "phpini":
                for carac in scan:
                    item[carac.tag] = [carac.text, carac.attrib['rec'], ""]

            if scan.attrib['type'] == "webconfig":
                id = 0
                for carac in scan:
                    id += 1
                    item[id] = [carac.text, carac.attrib['rec'],
                                carac.attrib['option'], carac.tag]

            self.result[scan.attrib['file']] = item

class WcscanPlugin(PluginBase):
    Example plugin to parse wcscan output.

    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*arg, **kwargs) = "Wcscan" = "Wcscan XML Output Plugin"
        self.plugin_version = "0.0.2"
        self.version = "0.30"
        self._completition = {
            "": "wcscan [-h] [-r] [-host HOST] [-port PORT] [--xml XMLOUTPUT] [--version] files [files ...]",
            "-h": "show this help message and exit",
            "-r": "enable the recommendation mode",
            "--host": "to give the IP address of the conf file owner",
            "--port": "to give a associated port",
            "--xml": "enabled the XML output in a specified file",
            "--version": "Show program's version number and exit",

        self.options = None
        self._command_regex = re.compile(r'^(sudo wcscan|wcscan|\.\/wcscan)\s+.*?')
        self._use_temp_file = True
        self._temp_file_extension = "xml"
        self.xml_arg_re = re.compile(r"^.*(--xml\s*[^\s]+).*$")

    def parseOutputString(self, output):
        This method will discard the output the shell sends, it will read it from
        the xml where it expects it to be present.
        NOTE: if 'debug' is true then it is being run from a test case and the
        output being sent is valid.
        parser = WcscanParser(output)
        for file in parser.scaninfo:
            host = parser.scaninfo[file]['host']
            port = parser.scaninfo[file]['port']
            h_id = self.createAndAddHost(host)
            s_id = self.createAndAddServiceToHost(h_id, "http", protocol="tcp", ports=port)
            for vuln in parser.result[file]:
                if parser.scaninfo[file]['type'] == "phpini":
                    vuln_name = f"{parser.scaninfo[file]['file']}: {vuln}"
                    vuln_description = f"{vuln}: {str(parser.result[file][vuln][0])}\n{str(parser.result[file][vuln][1])}"
                    v_id = self.createAndAddVulnToService(h_id, s_id, vuln_name, desc=vuln_description, severity=0)

                if parser.scaninfo[file]['type'] == "webconfig":
                    vuln_name = f"{parser.scaninfo[file]['file']}: {str(parser.result[file][vuln][3])}"
                    vuln_description = f"{str(parser.result[file][vuln][3])} : {str(parser.result[file][vuln][2])} = {str(parser.result[file][vuln][0])}\n{str(parser.result[file][vuln][1])}"
                    self.createAndAddVulnToService(h_id, s_id, vuln_name, desc=vuln_description, severity=0)

    def processCommandString(self, username, current_path, command_string):
        Adds the parameter to get output to the command string that the
        user has set.
        super().processCommandString(username, current_path, command_string)
        arg_match = self.xml_arg_re.match(command_string)

        if arg_match is None:
            return f"{command_string} --xml {self._output_file_path}"
            return re.sub(, r"-xml %s" % self._output_file_path, command_string)

def createPlugin(*args, **kwargs):
    return WcscanPlugin(*args, **kwargs)