Codebase list framework2 / 68987c8c-14ee-4062-b520-80f4ad52ab3a/main msflogdump

Tree @68987c8c-14ee-4062-b520-80f4ad52ab3a/main (Download .tar.gz)

msflogdump @68987c8c-14ee-4062-b520-80f4ad52ab3a/mainraw · history · blame


#         Name: msflogdump
#       Author: spoonm <ninjatools [at]>
#      Version: $Revision: 2099 $
#  Description: Simple utility to view log files created with msf
#      License:
#      This file is part of the Metasploit Exploit Framework
#      and is subject to the same licenses and copyrights as
#      the rest of this package.

use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
no utf8;
no locale;

my $VERSION = '$Revision: 2099 $';

my %opts;
getopts('hv', \%opts);

Version() if($opts{'v'});
if ($opts{'h'} || ! scalar(@ARGV)) {

# heh, shokdial is good for something
my $NORMAL = "\033[0m";
my $BLUE   = "\033[34m";
my $RED    = "\033[31m";

foreach my $filename (@ARGV) {
  open(INFILE, "<$filename") or do { print STDOUT "Error opening $_: $!\n"; next; };

   my $printmode = 2; # this variable keeps track of what the last line printed was, 
       # it is 0 if the line was from the client and 1 if it was from the server
       # this value is used to only put a timestamp on the first of a series of lines
       # from a given source.

  while(<INFILE>) {

    if(/Socket(In|Out): ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/ig) {
      my $in   = $1;
      my $src  = $2;
      my $dest = $3;
      print "Socket$in: $BLUE$src$NORMAL -> $RED$dest$NORMAL\n";
      print "-" x 60 . "\n" if($in eq 'Out');
    elsif(/(.*?) CLIENT (.*)/ig) {
      if ($printmode != 0) {
         print '[' . localtime($1) . '] ' . $BLUE . HexToAscii($2) . $NORMAL;
         $printmode = 0;
      } else {
         print $BLUE . HexToAscii($2) . $NORMAL . "\n";
    elsif(/(.*?) SERVER (.*)/ig) {
      if ($printmode != 1) {
        print '[' . localtime($1) . '] ' . $RED . HexToAscii($2) . $NORMAL;
        $printmode = 1;
      } else {
        print $RED . HexToAscii($2) . $NORMAL . "\n";
    else {
      print $_ . "\n";

sub HexToAscii {
  my $hex = shift;
  $hex =~ s/([0-9a-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi;

sub Usage {
    print STDERR "\nUsage: $0 <~/.msf/logs/session_logfile_path.log>\n\n";

sub Version {
    my $ver = Pex::Utils::Rev2Ver($VERSION);
    print STDERR qq{
  Msflogdump Version:  $ver
