Codebase list framework2 / 78c8d307-cdc1-4dfe-845c-0c412031ea12/main msfelfscan

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msfelfscan @78c8d307-cdc1-4dfe-845c-0c412031ea12/mainraw · history · blame


#         Name: msfelfscan
#       Author: Richard Johnson <rjohnson [at]>
#      Version: $Revision: 2125 $
#  Description: Search ELF files for given opcodes
#      License:
#      This file is part of the Metasploit Exploit Framework
#      and is subject to the same licenses and copyrights as
#      the rest of this package.

require 5.6.0;

use FindBin qw{$RealBin};
use lib "$RealBin/lib";
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;

use Pex::ELFInfo;
use Pex::Nasm::Ndisasm;
use Pex;

use Msf::ColPrint;
use Msf::TextUI;

no utf8;
no locale;


my $VERSION = '$Revision: 2125 $';

my %opts = ();
my %jmps =
        "\xff\xd0" => ["eax", "call"],
        "\xff\xe0" => ["eax", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xd1" => ["ecx", "call"],
        "\xff\xe1" => ["ecx", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xd2" => ["edx", "call"],
        "\xff\xe2" => ["edx", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xd3" => ["ebx", "call"],
        "\xff\xe3" => ["ebx", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xe4" => ["esp", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xd5" => ["ebp", "call"],
        "\xff\xe5" => ["ebp", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xd6" => ["esi", "call"],
        "\xff\xe6" => ["esi", "jmp" ],
        "\xff\xd7" => ["edi", "call"],
        "\xff\xe7" => ["edi", "jmp" ],
        "\x50\xc3" => ["eax", "push"],
        "\x53\xc3" => ["ebx", "push"],
        "\x51\xc3" => ["ecx", "push"],
        "\x52\xc3" => ["edx", "push"],
        "\x54\xc3" => ["esp", "push"],
        "\x55\xc3" => ["ebp", "push"],
        "\x56\xc3" => ["esi", "push"],
        "\x57\xc3" => ["edi", "push"],

my %pops =
        "eax"   => "\x58",
        "ebx"   => "\x5b",
        "ecx"   => "\x59",
        "edx"   => "\x5a",
        "esi"   => "\x5e",
        "edi"   => "\x5f",
        "ebp"   => "\x5d",

getopts("f:d:j:sx:a:B:A:I:nhvED", \%opts);
Usage()   if($opts{'h'});
Version() if($opts{'v'});

if ($opts{'h'} || 
     (! defined($opts{'f'}) && ! defined($opts{'d'})) ||
     (! defined($opts{'j'}) &&
      ! defined($opts{'x'}) &&
      ! defined($opts{'a'}) && 
      ! defined($opts{'D'}) && 
      ! $opts{'s'})

my $func;
my $args = { };

if(exists($opts{'s'})) {
  $func = \&popPopRet;
elsif(exists($opts{'j'})) {
  $func = \&jmpReg;
  $args->{'reg'} = $opts{'j'};
elsif(exists($opts{'x'})) {
  $func = \&regex;
  $args->{'regex'} = $opts{'x'};
elsif(exists($opts{'a'})) {
  $func = \&address;
  $args->{'address'} = hex($opts{'a'});
elsif(exists($opts{'D'})) {
  $func = \&dumpinfo;
  $args->{'dumpinfo'} = hex($opts{'D'});

$args->{'before'} = $opts{'B'} if(exists($opts{'B'}));
$args->{'after'} = $opts{'A'} if(exists($opts{'A'}));

if($opts{'f'}) {

  my $filename = $opts{'f'};
  my $elf = Pex::ELFInfo->new('File' => $filename, 'Debug' => $opts{'E'});
  if (! $elf)
      print STDERR "$0: could not load ELF image from file.\n";
  if ($opts{'I'}) { $elf->ImageBase($opts{'I'}) }
  &{$func}($elf, $args);

sub dumpinfo {
    my $elf = shift;
    my $args = shift;
    my $col;
    my @Ehdr 	= $elf->ElfHeaders;
    my @Phdr   = $elf->ProgramHeaders;
    print "\n\n[ ELF Header ]\n\n";
    $col = Msf::ColPrint->new(4, 4);
    foreach my $hdr (@Ehdr) {
	    $col->AddRow($hdr, sprintf("0x%.8x",$elf->ElfHeader($hdr)));
    print $col->GetOutput;

    print "\n\n[ Program Headers ]\n\n";
    my $e_phnum = $elf->ElfHeader("e_phnum");
    for(my $i = 0; $i < $e_phnum; $i++)
	$col = Msf::ColPrint->new(4, 4);
    	foreach my $hdr (@Phdr) {
		    $col->AddRow($hdr, sprintf("0x%.8x",$elf->ProgramHeader($i, $hdr)));
	print $col->GetOutput;

# Scan for pop/pop/ret addresses
sub popPopRet
    my $elf = shift;
    my $data = $elf->Raw;
    my $args = shift;
    foreach my $rA (keys(%pops))
        foreach my $rB (keys(%pops))
            my $opc = $pops{$rA} . $pops{$rB} . "\xc3";
            my $lst = 0;
            my $idx = index($data,  $opc, $lst);
            while ($idx > 0)
                printf("0x%.8x   $rA $rB ret\n", $elf->OffsetToVirtual($idx));
                $lst = $idx + 1;
                $idx = index($data, $opc, $lst);

# Scan for jmp/call/push,ret addresses
sub jmpReg
    my $elf = shift;
    my $data = $elf->Raw;
    my $args = shift;
    my $reg = $args->{'reg'};
    foreach my $opc (keys(%jmps))
        next if ($reg && lc($reg) ne $jmps{$opc}->[0]);

        my $lst = 0;
        my $idx = index($data, $opc, $lst);
        while ($idx > 0)
            my ($reg, $typ) = @{$jmps{$opc}};
            printf("0x%.8x   $typ $reg\n", $elf->OffsetToVirtual($idx));
            $lst = $idx + 1;
            $idx = index($data, $opc, $lst);

# Regex
sub regex {
  my $elf = shift;
  my $data = $elf->Raw;
  my $args = shift;
  my $regex = $args->{'regex'};
  $regex .= '.' x $args->{'after'} if($args->{'after'});
  $regex = ('.' x $args->{'before'}) . $regex if($args->{'before'});

  while($data =~ m/($regex)/g) {
    my $found = $1;
    my $index = pos($data) - length($found);
    printf("0x%.8x   %s\n", $elf->OffsetToVirtual($index), hexOutput($found));

sub address {
  my $elf = shift;
  my $data = $elf->Raw;
  my $args = shift;

  my $address = $args->{'address'} - $args->{'before'};
  my $length = $args->{'before'} + $args->{'after'};
  $length = 1 if(!$length);
  my $index = $elf->VirtualToOffset($address);
  my $found = substr($data, $index, $length);
  return if(!defined($index) || length($found) == 0);
  printf("0x%.8x   %s\n", $address, hexOutput($found));

sub hexOutput {
  my $data = shift;
  my $string = unpack('H*', $data);
  if($opts{'n'}) {
#    my $tempString = $string;
#    $tempString =~ s/(..)/\\x$1/g;
    $string .= "\n--- ndisasm output ---\n";
#    $string .= `echo -ne "$tempString" | ndisasm -u /dev/stdin`;
    $string .= Pex::Nasm::Ndisasm->DisasData($data);
    $string .= "--- ndisasm output ---";

sub Usage 
    print STDERR
qq{  Usage: $0 <input> <mode> <options>
         -f  <file>    Read in ELF file
         -j  <reg>     Search for jump equivalent instructions
         -s            Search for pop+pop+ret combinations
         -x  <regex>   Search for regex match
         -a  <address> Show code at specified virtual address
         -A  <count>   Number of bytes to show after match
         -B  <count>   Number of bytes to show before match
         -I  address   Specify an alternate base load address
         -n            Print disassembly of matched data

sub Version {
    my $ver = Pex::Utils::Rev2Ver($VERSION);
    print STDERR qq{
   Msfelfscan Version:  $ver 
