Codebase list google-nexus-tools / run/4bebb7b2-cb0e-4a1c-93dc-a4bba6e563b8/main lib / sys.dart

Tree @run/4bebb7b2-cb0e-4a1c-93dc-a4bba6e563b8/main (Download .tar.gz)

sys.dart @run/4bebb7b2-cb0e-4a1c-93dc-a4bba6e563b8/main

import 'dart:io' as io;

Map envVars = io.Platform.environment;

// Function for checking if an executable is already installed
void checkIfInstalled(String dir, String command, String commandName) async {
  var info = '';
  if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
    var cmd = await'where', [command]);
    info = cmd.stdout.toString();
  } else {
    var cmd = await'which', [command]);
    info = cmd.stdout.toString();
  if (info.contains(dir)) {
    // Executable is installed in the Nexus Tools directory
  } else if (info.isEmpty) {
    // Executable isn't installed at all
  } else {
    // Executable is installed but not inside the Nexus Tools directory
    var location = info.replaceAll('\n', '');
    print('[EROR] $commandName is already installed at $location. Please uninstall $commandName and try again.');

// Function get current CPU architecture
Future<String> getCPUArchitecture() async {
  if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
    var cpu = envVars['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'];
    return cpu;
  } else if (io.Platform.isMacOS) {
    // Get architecture reported by the system
    var info = await'uname', ['-m']);
    var cpu = info.stdout.toString().replaceAll('\n', '');
    if (cpu == 'x86_64') {
      // Check if running under Rosetta 2
      var rosetta = await'sysctl', ['-in', 'sysctl.proc_translated']);
      var rosettaStr = rosetta.stdout.toString().replaceAll('\n', '');
      // This command will run '1' if we're running under Rosetta 2
      if (rosettaStr == '1') {
        cpu = 'arm64';
    return cpu;
  } else {
    var info = await'uname', ['-m']);
    var cpu = info.stdout.toString().replaceAll('\n', '');
    return cpu;

// Function for adding a directory to the system/shell $PATH
Future addPath(String path) async {
  if (envVars['PATH'].toString().contains(path)) {
    // Directory is already in $PATH
    print('[ OK ] $path is already in PATH.');
  } else {
    // Directory needs to be added to $PATH
    if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
      var newPath = envVars['PATH'].toString() + ';$path';
      await'setx', ['path', '$newPath'], runInShell: true);
      print('[ OK ] Added $path to user %PATH.');
    } else if (envVars['SHELL'].toString().contains('zsh')) {
      // Z Shell
      var file = io.File(envVars['HOME'] + '/.zshrc');
      await file.writeAsString('\nexport PATH=\$PATH:$path', mode: io.FileMode.append);
      print('[ OK ] Z Shell detected, added $path to ' + file.path);
    } else if (envVars['SHELL'].toString().contains('bash')) {
      // Bash
      var file = io.File(envVars['HOME'] + '/.bash_profile');
      await file.writeAsString('\nexport PATH=\$PATH:$path', mode: io.FileMode.append);
      print('[ OK ] Bash Shell detected, added $path to ' + file.path);
    } else {
      print('[WARN] Shell could not be detected, you will need to manually add $path to your PATH.');