Codebase list msldap / 02813c2 msldap / protocol /

Tree @02813c2 (Download .tar.gz) @02813c2raw · history · blame

from .ldap_filter import Filter as LF
from .ldap_filter.filter import LDAPBase
from asn1crypto.core import ObjectIdentifier
from msldap.protocol.messages import Filter, Filters, \
	AttributeDescription, SubstringFilter, MatchingRuleAssertion, \
	Substrings, Substring

def equality(attr, value):
	if attr[-1] == ':':
		name, oid_raw = attr[:-1].split(':')
		return Filter({
				'extensibleMatch' : MatchingRuleAssertion({
						'matchingRule' : oid_raw.encode(),
						'type' : name.encode(),
						'matchValue' : value.encode(),
						'dnAttributes' : False

	elif value == '*':
		return Filter({
				'present' : AttributeDescription(attr.encode())

	elif value.startswith('*') is True:
		return Filter({
				'substrings' : SubstringFilter({
					'type' : attr.encode(),
					'substrings' : Substrings([
								'final' : value[1:].encode()
	elif value.endswith('*') is True:
		return Filter({
				'substrings' : SubstringFilter({
					'type' : attr.encode(),
					'substrings' : Substrings([
								'initial' : value[:-1].encode()
		return Filter({
				'equalityMatch' : {
					'attributeDesc' : attr.encode(),
					'assertionValue' : value.encode()

def query_syntax_converter_inner(ftr):
		if ftr.type == 'filter':
			if ftr.comp == '=':
				return equality(ftr.attr, ftr.val)
			elif ftr.comp == '<=':
				key = 'lessOrEqual'
			elif ftr.comp == '>=':
				key = 'greaterOrEqual'
			elif ftr.comp == '~=':
				key = 'approxMatch'
			return Filter({
				key : {
					'attributeDesc' : ftr.attr.encode(),
					'assertionValue' : ftr.val.encode()
		elif ftr.type == 'group':
			if ftr.comp == '&' or ftr.comp == '|':
				if ftr.comp == '&':
					key = 'and'
				elif ftr.comp == '|':
					key = 'or'
				#x = [query_syntax_converter_inner(f) for f in ftr.filters]
				return Filter({
					key : Filters([query_syntax_converter_inner(f) for f in ftr.filters])
			elif ftr.comp == '!':
				return Filter({
					#'not' : Filter(ftr.filters[0])
					'not' : query_syntax_converter_inner(ftr.filters[0])

def query_syntax_converter(ldap_query_string):
	Converts and LDAP query string into a ASN1 Filter object.
	warning: the parser has a name collision with the asn1 strucutre!
	flt = LF.parse(ldap_query_string)
	return query_syntax_converter_inner(flt)

def escape_filter_chars(text):
    return LDAPBase.escape(text)