Codebase list msldap / d608a0c1-79b8-4fc8-9e55-5e1f89257807/main msldap / external / asciitree / asciitree /

Tree @d608a0c1-79b8-4fc8-9e55-5e1f89257807/main (Download .tar.gz) @d608a0c1-79b8-4fc8-9e55-5e1f89257807/mainraw · history · blame

from .util import KeyArgsConstructor

    'UP_AND_RIGHT': u'\u2514',
    'HORIZONTAL': u'\u2500',
    'VERTICAL': u'\u2502',
    'VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT': u'\u251C',
}  #: Unicode box-drawing glyphs, light style

    'UP_AND_RIGHT': u'\u2517',
    'HORIZONTAL': u'\u2501',
    'VERTICAL': u'\u2503',
    'VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT': u'\u2523',
}  #: Unicode box-drawing glyphs, heavy style

    'UP_AND_RIGHT': u'\u255A',
    'HORIZONTAL': u'\u2550',
    'VERTICAL': u'\u2551',
    'VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT': u'\u2560',
}  #: Unicode box-drawing glyphs, double-line style

    'UP_AND_RIGHT': u'+',
    'HORIZONTAL': u'-',
    'VERTICAL': u'|',
}  #: Unicode box-drawing glyphs, using only ascii ``|+-`` characters.

    'UP_AND_RIGHT': u' ',
    'HORIZONTAL': u' ',
    'VERTICAL': u' ',
}  #: Unicode box-drawing glyphs, using only spaces.

class Style(KeyArgsConstructor):
    """Rendering style for trees."""
    label_format = u'{}'  #: Format for labels.

    def node_label(self, text):
        """Render a node text into a label."""
        return self.label_format.format(text)

    def child_head(self, label):
        """Render a node label into final output."""
        return label

    def child_tail(self, line):
        """Render a node line that is not a label into final output."""
        return line

    def last_child_head(self, label):
        """Like :func:`~asciitree.drawing.Style.child_head` but only called
        for the last child."""
        return label

    def last_child_tail(self, line):
        """Like :func:`~asciitree.drawing.Style.child_tail` but only called
        for the last child."""
        return line

class BoxStyle(Style):
    """A rendering style that uses box draw characters and a common layout."""
    gfx = BOX_ASCII   #: Glyhps to use.
    label_space = 1   #: Space between glyphs and label.
    horiz_len = 2     #: Length of horizontal lines
    indent = 1        #: Indent for subtrees

    def child_head(self, label):
        return (' ' * self.indent
                + self.gfx['VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT']
                + self.gfx['HORIZONTAL'] * self.horiz_len
                + ' ' * self.label_space
                + label)

    def child_tail(self, line):
        return (' ' * self.indent
                + self.gfx['VERTICAL']
                + ' ' * self.horiz_len
                + line)

    def last_child_head(self, label):
        return (' ' * self.indent
                + self.gfx['UP_AND_RIGHT']
                + self.gfx['HORIZONTAL'] * self.horiz_len
                + ' ' * self.label_space
                + label)

    def last_child_tail(self, line):
        return (' ' * self.indent
                + ' ' * len(self.gfx['VERTICAL'])
                + ' ' * self.horiz_len
                + line)