Codebase list osrframework / 40e75e9 debian / patches / cleanup-setup.patch

Tree @40e75e9 (Download .tar.gz)

cleanup-setup.patch @40e75e9raw · history · blame

Description: Cleanup
 The makes changes that should not be done in a setup:
   - change the bin path: there is no need for Kali
   - install config files is the home user directory: should be done at
     first launch
   - configure maltego: should be done at first launch
Author: Sophie Brun <[email protected]>
Last-Update: 2017-09-04
This patch header follows DEP-3:
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,67 +31,67 @@ import site
 # Get packagesPaths depending on whether the user launched it with sudo or not
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
+#if sys.platform == 'win32':
     # This will throw two folders, but we need the first one only. Typically:
     #   ['c:\\Users\\<a_user>\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python27\\site-packages']
-    packagesPaths = site.getusersitepackages()[0]
-    print "[*] The installation is going to be run as superuser."
+#    packagesPaths = site.getusersitepackages()[0]
+#    print "[*] The installation is going to be run as superuser."
     # We need this verification because Windows does not have a wrapper ofr os.geteuid()
-    if not os.geteuid() == 0:
-        try:
-            packagesPaths = site.getusersitepackages()
+#    if not os.geteuid() == 0:
+#        try:
+#            packagesPaths = site.getusersitepackages()
             # TODO: Check whether the packagesPaths is in the PATH, if not, add it
-            print "[*] The installation has not been launched as superuser."
-            user_bin_path = site.USER_BASE + "/bin"
-            print "[*] We will verify is the '" + user_bin_path + "' folder is in the path so as to make the utils available anywhere in the system."
-            bin_path = os.popen("echo $PATH").read()
-            if user_bin_path in bin_path:
-                print "[*] Great. '" + user_bin_path + "' is in the path. No further actions needed."
-            else:
-                print "[*] We are manually adding the '" + user_bin_path + "' folder to the ~/.bashrc file."
+#            print "[*] The installation has not been launched as superuser."
+#            user_bin_path = site.USER_BASE + "/bin"
+#            print "[*] We will verify is the '" + user_bin_path + "' folder is in the path so as to make the utils available anywhere in the system."
+#            bin_path = os.popen("echo $PATH").read()
+#            if user_bin_path in bin_path:
+#                print "[*] Great. '" + user_bin_path + "' is in the path. No further actions needed."
+#            else:
+#                print "[*] We are manually adding the '" + user_bin_path + "' folder to the ~/.bashrc file."
                 # Building the commands to be added to .bashrc
-                new_lines = """
+#                new_lines = """
                 # Added by OSRFramework
                 # ---------------------
                 # Check this issue in Github for additional information about why these lines where added: <>
-                export PY_USER_BIN= """ + user_bin_path + """
-                export PATH=$PATH:$PY_USER_BIN
-                """
-                command = "echo '''" + new_lines + "''' >> ~/.bashrc"
-                print "[*] As we want to be transparent, the command that is being run is the following:\n" + command
-                a = os.popen(command).read()
-        except:
-            IS_VIRTUAL_ENV = True
-    else:
+#                export PY_USER_BIN= """ + user_bin_path + """
+#                export PATH=$PATH:$PY_USER_BIN
+#                """
+#                command = "echo '''" + new_lines + "''' >> ~/.bashrc"
+#                print "[*] As we want to be transparent, the command that is being run is the following:\n" + command
+#                a = os.popen(command).read()
+#        except:
+#            IS_VIRTUAL_ENV = True
+#    else:
         # This will throw two folders, but we need the first one only:
         #   ['/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages']
-        packagesPaths = site.getsitepackages()[0]
-        print "[*] The installation is going to be run as superuser."
+#        packagesPaths = site.getsitepackages()[0]
+#        print "[*] The installation is going to be run as superuser."
-    osrframeworkSystemPath = os.path.join(packagesPaths, "osrframework")
+#if not IS_VIRTUAL_ENV:
+#    osrframeworkSystemPath = os.path.join(packagesPaths, "osrframework")
-    print "[*] The chosen installation path is: " + osrframeworkSystemPath
+#    print "[*] The chosen installation path is: " + osrframeworkSystemPath
     # Removing old installations first...
-    if os.path.isdir(osrframeworkSystemPath):
-        print "[!] Found an old installation at: " + osrframeworkSystemPath
-        try:
-            shutil.rmtree(osrframeworkSystemPath)
-            print "[*] Successfully removed the old installation. Installation will resume now to upgrade it..."
-        except Exception as e:
-            print str(e)
-            print "[E] The installed version of OSRFramework cannot be removed. Try to remove it manually in your python installation under 'local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/'."
-            print sys.exit()
-    else:
-        print "[*] No OSRFramework installation found in the system."
-    print "[*] OSRFramework seems to be installed using `virtualenv`."
+#    if os.path.isdir(osrframeworkSystemPath):
+#        print "[!] Found an old installation at: " + osrframeworkSystemPath
+#        try:
+#            shutil.rmtree(osrframeworkSystemPath)
+#            print "[*] Successfully removed the old installation. Installation will resume now to upgrade it..."
+#        except Exception as e:
+#            print str(e)
+#            print "[E] The installed version of OSRFramework cannot be removed. Try to remove it manually in your python installation under 'local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/'."
+#            print sys.exit()
+#    else:
+#        print "[*] No OSRFramework installation found in the system."
+#    print "[*] OSRFramework seems to be installed using `virtualenv`."
-HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+#HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
 # Importing the temporal scripts for the setup and taking the new version number
 import osrframework
@@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ NEW_VERSION = osrframework.__version__
 import osrframework.utils.configuration as configuration
 # Depending on the place in which the project is going to be upgraded
-    raise Exception('Trying to load the markdown manually!')
-    from pypandoc import convert
-    read_md = lambda f: convert(f, 'rst')
-except ImportError:
-    print("[!] pypandoc module not found, could not convert Markdown to RST")
-    read_md = lambda f: open(f, 'r').read()
-except Exception:
-    read_md = lambda f: open(f, 'r').read()
+#    raise Exception('Trying to load the markdown manually!')
+#    from pypandoc import convert
+#    read_md = lambda f: convert(f, 'rst')
+#except ImportError:
+#    print("[!] pypandoc module not found, could not convert Markdown to RST")
+#    read_md = lambda f: open(f, 'r').read()
+#except Exception:
+#    read_md = lambda f: open(f, 'r').read()
 # Reading the .md file
@@ -206,49 +206,49 @@ setup(
 ### Creating other files ###
-print "[*] Changing permissions of the user folders..."
-    configuration.changePermissionsRecursively(paths["appPath"], int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID')), int(os.getenv('SUDO_GID')))
+#print "[*] Changing permissions of the user folders..."
+#    configuration.changePermissionsRecursively(paths["appPath"], int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID')), int(os.getenv('SUDO_GID')))
     # Something happened with the permissions... We omit this.
-    pass
+#    pass
-print "[*] Copying relevant files..."
-files_to_copy= {
-    paths["appPath"] : [
-        os.path.join("config", "browser.cfg"),
-        os.path.join("config", "general.cfg"),
-    ],
-    paths["appPathDefaults"] : [
-        os.path.join("config", "accounts.cfg"),
-        os.path.join("config", "api_keys.cfg"),
-        os.path.join("config", "browser.cfg"),
-        os.path.join("config", "general.cfg"),
-    ],
-    paths["appPathWrappers"] : [
-        os.path.join("config", "plugins", ""),
-    ],
-    paths["appPathPatterns"] : [
-        os.path.join("config", "plugins", ""),
-    ]
+#print "[*] Copying relevant files..."
+#files_to_copy= {
+#    paths["appPath"] : [
+#        os.path.join("config", "browser.cfg"),
+#        os.path.join("config", "general.cfg"),
+#    ],
+#    paths["appPathDefaults"] : [
+#        os.path.join("config", "accounts.cfg"),
+#        os.path.join("config", "api_keys.cfg"),
+#        os.path.join("config", "browser.cfg"),
+#        os.path.join("config", "general.cfg"),
+#    ],
+#    paths["appPathWrappers"] : [
+#        os.path.join("config", "plugins", ""),
+#    ],
+#    paths["appPathPatterns"] : [
+#        os.path.join("config", "plugins", ""),
+#    ]
 # Iterating through all destinations to write the info
-for destiny in files_to_copy.keys():
+#for destiny in files_to_copy.keys():
     # Grabbing each source file to be moved
-    for sourceFile in files_to_copy[destiny]:
-        fileToMove = os.path.join(HERE,sourceFile)
+#    for sourceFile in files_to_copy[destiny]:
+#        fileToMove = os.path.join(HERE,sourceFile)
         # Choosing the command depending on the SO
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            if os.path.isdir(fileToMove):
-                cmd = "echo d | xcopy \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\" /s /e"
-            else:
-                cmd = "copy \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\""
-        elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
-            if not os.geteuid() == 0:
-                cmd = "cp -r -- \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\""
-            else:
-                cmd = "sudo cp -r -- \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\""
+#        if sys.platform == 'win32':
+#            if os.path.isdir(fileToMove):
+#                cmd = "echo d | xcopy \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\" /s /e"
+#            else:
+#                cmd = "copy \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\""
+#        elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
+#            if not os.geteuid() == 0:
+#                cmd = "cp -r -- \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\""
+#            else:
+#                cmd = "sudo cp -r -- \"" + fileToMove + "\" \"" + destiny + "\""
         #print cmd
-        output = os.popen(cmd).read()
+#        output = os.popen(cmd).read()