Codebase list poshc2 / kali/6.0-0kali1 config.yml

Tree @kali/6.0-0kali1 (Download .tar.gz)

config.yml @kali/6.0-0kali1

# These options are loaded into the database on first run, changing them after
# that must be done through commands (such as set-defaultbeacon), or by
# creating a new project

# Server Config
BindIP: ''
BindPort: 443
PoshInstallDirectory: "/opt/PoshC2/"
PoshProjectDirectory: "/opt/PoshC2_Project/"

# Database Config
DatabaseType: SQLite # or Postgres
PostgresConnectionString: "dbname='poshc2_project_x' port='5432' user='admin' host='' password='XXXXXXX'" # Only used if Postgres in use

# Payload Comms
PayloadCommsHost: ""
PayloadCommsPort: 443
DomainFrontHeader: ""  # example
Referrer: ""  # optional
ServerHeader: "Apache"
UserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36"  # This should be updated to match the environment, this is Chrome on 2020-03-2

DefaultSleep: "5s"
Jitter: 0.20
KillDate: "01/06/2020"  # dd/MM/yyyy
UrlConfig: "urls" # Beacon URLs will be taken from resources/urls.txt if value is 'urls'. If value is 'wordlists' beacon URLs will be randomly generated on server creation from resources/wordlist.txt

# Payload Options
DefaultMigrationProcess: "C:\\Windows\\system32\\netsh.exe"  # Used in the PoshXX_migrate.exe payloads

# Notifications Options
Sounds: "No"
NotificationsProjectName: "PoshC2"
EnableNotifications: "No"
# Pushover -
Pushover_APIToken: ""
Pushover_APIUser: ""

# SOCKS Proxying Options
SocksHost: ""