Codebase list poshc2 / 45c632d3-7000-43cc-b884-906c617d2366/main poshc2 /

Tree @45c632d3-7000-43cc-b884-906c617d2366/main (Download .tar.gz) @45c632d3-7000-43cc-b884-906c617d2366/mainraw · history · blame

import os, base64, string, random, re, argparse, shlex, datetime

validate_sleep_regex = re.compile("^[0-9]+[smh]$")

def gen_key():
    key = os.urandom(256 // 8)
    return base64.b64encode(key)

def formStrMacro(varstr, instr):
    holder = []
    str1 = ''
    str2 = ''
    str1 = varstr + ' = "' + instr[:54] + '"'
    for i in range(54, len(instr), 48):
        holder.append(varstr + ' = ' + varstr + ' + "' + instr[i:i + 48])
        str2 = '"\r\n'.join(holder)

    str2 = str2 + "\""
    str1 = str1 + "\r\n" + str2
    return str1

def formStr(varstr, instr):
    holder = []
    str1 = ''
    str2 = ''
    str1 = varstr + ' = "' + instr[:56] + '"'
    for i in range(56, len(instr), 48):
        holder.append('"' + instr[i:i + 48])
        str2 = '"\r\n'.join(holder)

    str2 = str2 + "\""
    str1 = str1 + "\r\n" + str2
    return "%s;" % str1

# Can pass a list of words to use and it will randomly concatenate those until
# the length is above the size value. If whole_words is set to True it will
# return the full sentence, if False it will strip the sentence to length 'size'
def randomuri(size=15, chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits, words=None, whole_words=False):
    if words is not None:
        result = ""
        while len(result) < size:
            result = result + random.choice(words)
        if whole_words:
            return result
        return result[:size]
        return random.choice(string.ascii_letters) + "".join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size - 1))

def validate_sleep_time(sleeptime):
    if sleeptime is None:
        return None
    sleeptime = sleeptime.strip()
    return validate_sleep_regex.match(sleeptime)

def validate_killdate(killdate):
    return validate_timestamp_string(killdate, '%Y-%m-%d')

def argp(cmd):
    args = ""
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
        parser.add_argument('-Help', '-help', '-h', action='store', dest='help', required=False)
        parser.add_argument('-Source', '-source', action='store', dest='source', required=True)
        parser.add_argument('-Destination', '-destination', action='store', dest='destination', required=True)
        parser.add_argument('-NotHidden', '-nothidden', action='store', dest='nothidden', required=False)
        args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(cmd))
    except Exception:
    return args

def load_file(location):
    fr = None
        file = open((location), "rb")
        fr =
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error loading file %s" % e)

    if fr:
        return fr
        return None

def parse_creds(allcreds):
    creds = ""
    hashes = ""
    if allcreds is None:
        return (creds, hashes)
    for cred in allcreds:
        if cred is not None:
            if cred[3] is not None and cred[3] != "":
                creds += str(cred[0]) + ": " + str(cred[1]) + "\\" + str(cred[2]) + " : " + str(cred[3]) + "\n"
            if cred[4] is not None and cred[4] != "":
                hashes += str(cred[0]) + ": " + str(cred[1]) + "\\" + str(cred[2]) + " : " + str(cred[4]) + "\n"
    return (creds, hashes)

def string_to_array(stringarg):
    y = ""
    x = []

    p = stringarg.replace(" ", "")
    x = p.split(",")
    c = 0

    for i in x:
        if c > 0:
            y += f",\"{i}\""
            y += f"\"{i}\""
        c += 1

    return(y, c)

def get_first_dfheader(DomainFrontHeader):

    DomainFrontHeader = DomainFrontHeader.replace('"', '')

    if DomainFrontHeader:
        if "," in DomainFrontHeader:
            return DomainFrontHeader.split(',')[0]
        return DomainFrontHeader
    return None

def get_first_url(PayloadCommsHost, DomainFrontHeader):

    PayloadCommsHost = PayloadCommsHost.replace('"', '')
    DomainFrontHeader = DomainFrontHeader.replace('"', '')

    if DomainFrontHeader:
        if "," in DomainFrontHeader:
            domain = DomainFrontHeader.split(',')[0]
            domain = DomainFrontHeader

        if PayloadCommsHost.startswith("http://"):
            return f"http://{domain}"
        return f"https://{domain}"
        if "," in PayloadCommsHost:
            return PayloadCommsHost.split(',')[0]
        return PayloadCommsHost

def offsetFinder(filepath):
    with open(filepath, "rb") as input_file:
        file =
        file = base64.b64decode(file)
        offset = hex(file.index(b'\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41'))
        return(int(offset, 0))
    except ValueError:
        offset = hex(file.index(b'\x41\x00\x41\x00\x41\x00\x41\x00\x41\x00\x41\x00\x41\x00\x41\x00'))
        return(int(offset, 0))

def yes_no_prompt(message):
    ri = input(f"{message} (Y/n) ")
    if ri.lower() == "n":
        return False
    if ri == "" or ri.lower() == "y":
        return True

def no_yes_prompt(message):
    ri = input(f"{message} (N/y) ")
    if ri == "" or ri.lower() == "n":
        return False
    if ri.lower() == "y":
        return True

def validate_timestamp_string(timestamp_string, format_string):
    if not timestamp_string:
        return False
    timestamp_string = timestamp_string.strip()
        datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp_string, format_string)
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False