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Function Build-PoshC2DockerImage {

    Builds the PoshC2 Docker image from the PoshC2 installation at the provided path.

    Author: @m0rv4i
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: Docker Install
    Optional Dependencies: None


    A simple wrapper around the docker build command which specifies the tag name.

    .PARAMETER PoshC2Dir

    Specifies the path to the PoshC2 installation which will be built.

    .PARAMETER NoCache

    A switch which specifices that the image should be built without using any cached layers in Docker.


    Build-PoshC2DockerImage -PoshC2Dir C:\PoshC2 -NoCache

    Write-Verbose "[+] Ensure .sh files use LF instead of CRLF"
    Get-ChildItem -Path $PoshC2Dir -File -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.sh'} | ForEach-Object {
        $Content = Get-Content -Raw -Path $_.FullName
        $Content -Replace "`r`n","`n" | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -NoNewline -Force

    If($NoCache) {
        docker build -t $PoshC2DockerImage $PoshC2Dir --no-cache
    } Else {
        docker build -t $PoshC2DockerImage $PoshC2Dir

Function Clean-PoshC2DockerState {

    Cleans the Docker cache to free space.

    Author: @m0rv4i
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: Docker Install
    Optional Dependencies: None


    A simple wrapper around the Docker system prune command which prints a message and prompts for
    confirmation before cleaning all images & containers in the Docker cache - including none PoshC2 items.

    The Force flag can be added to skip the check.

    .PARAMETER Force

    A switch which skips the confirmation prompt.



        docker system prune -f

    Write-Output "Do a full docker system prune, cleaning up all unused images & containers?"
    Write-Output "*** This includes anything none-PoshC2 related. ***"

    $confirmation = Read-Host "Would you like to do a clean? y/N"

    if ($confirmation -eq 'y' -or $confirmation -eq 'Y') {
        docker system prune -f

Function Start-PoshC2Server {

    Runs the PoshC2 C2 Server in Docker.

    Author: @m0rv4i
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: Docker Install
    Optional Dependencies: None


    Runs the PoshC2 C2 Server in Docker.

    .PARAMETER PoshC2Dir

    Specifies the path to the PoshC2 installation which will be built.

    .PARAMETER LocalPoshC2ProjectDir

    The local path that is/will be used as the Project Directory for PoshC2.

    .PARAMETER PoshC2Port

    The Port that the PoshC2 server binds to, defaults to 443.

    .PARAMETER DockerTag

    The tag of the Docker container to use, defaults to 'latest' (master)


    Start-PoshC2DockerServer -PoshC2Dir "C:\PoshC2" -LocalPoshC2ProjectDir "C:\PoshC2_Project"
        [int]$PoshC2Port = 443,
        [string]$DockerTag = "latest"


    docker run --rm -p $("$PoshC2Port:$PoshC2Port") -v $("$LocalPoshC2ProjectDir:/var/poshc2") $PoshC2DockerImage:$DockerTag /usr/local/bin/posh-server

Function Start-PoshC2DockerHandler {

    Runs the PoshC2 ImplantHandler in Docker.

    Author: @m0rv4i
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: Docker Install
    Optional Dependencies: None


    Runs the PoshC2 ImplantHandler in Docker.

    .PARAMETER PoshC2Dir

    Specifies the path to the PoshC2 installation which will be built.

    .PARAMETER LocalPoshC2ProjectDir

    The local path that is/will be used as the Project Directory for PoshC2.


    The user to login as in the ImplantHandler.

    .PARAMETER DockerTag

    The tag of the Docker container to use, defaults to 'latest' (master)

    Start-PoshC2DockerHandler -PoshC2Dir "C:\PoshC2" -PoshC2ProjectDir "C:\PoshC2_Project" -User CrashOverride
        [string]$User = "",
        [string]$DockerTag = "latest"

    docker run -ti --rm -v $("$LocalPoshC2ProjectDir:/var/poshc2") $PoshC2DockerImage:$DockerTag /usr/local/bin/posh -u "$User"

Export-ModuleMember -Function Build-PoshC2DockerImage -Alias posh-docker-build
Export-ModuleMember -Function Clean-PoshC2DockerState -Alias posh-docker-clean
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-PoshC2DockerServer -Alias posh-server
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-PoshC2DockerHandler -Alias posh