Codebase list powershell-empire / 13498bdc-e2fb-47dd-ae2f-0f5a77cb0009/main lib / modules / powershell / situational_awareness / network / powerview /

Tree @13498bdc-e2fb-47dd-ae2f-0f5a77cb0009/main (Download .tar.gz) @13498bdc-e2fb-47dd-ae2f-0f5a77cb0009/mainraw · history · blame

from __future__ import print_function

from builtins import object
from builtins import str

from lib.common import helpers

class Module(object):

    def __init__(self, mainMenu, params=[]): = {
            'Name': 'Get-DomainObjectAcl',

            'Author': ['@harmj0y', '@pyrotek3'],

            'Description': ('Returns the ACLs associated with a specific active directory object. Part of PowerView. '
                'WARNING: specify a specific object, otherwise a huge amount of data will be returned.'),

            'Software': 'S0194',

            'Techniques': ['T1003'],

            'Background' : True,

            'OutputExtension' : None,
            'NeedsAdmin' : False,

            'OpsecSafe' : True,
            'Language' : 'powershell',

            'MinLanguageVersion' : '2',
            'Comments': [

        # any options needed by the module, settable during runtime
        self.options = {
            # format:
            #   value_name : {description, required, default_value}
            'Agent' : {
                'Description'   :   'Agent to run module on.',
                'Required'      :   True,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'Identity' : {
                'Description'   :   'A SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, SID, GUID, or a dns host name, wildcards accepted.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'ResolveGUIDs' : {
                'Description'   :   'Switch. Resolve GUIDs to their display names.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   'True'
            'Sacl' : {
                'Description'   :   'Switch. Return the SACL instead of the DACL for the object (default behavior).',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'LDAPFilter' : {
                'Description'   :   'A customized ldap filter string to use, e.g. "(description=*admin*)"',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'RightsFilter' : {
                'Description'   :   'Only return results with the associated rights, "All", "ResetPassword","ChangePassword","WriteMembers"',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'Domain' : {
                'Description'   :   'The domain to use for the query, defaults to the current domain.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'Server' : {
                'Description'   :   'Active Directory server (domain controller) to reflect LDAP queries through.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'SearchBase' : {
                'Description'   :   'The LDAP source to search through, e.g. "LDAP://OU=secret,DC=testlab,DC=local" Useful for OU queries.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'SearchScope' : {
                'Description'   :   'Specifies the scope to search under, Base/OneLevel/Subtree (default of Subtree)',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'ResultPageSize' : {
                'Description'   :   'Specifies the PageSize to set for the LDAP searcher object.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'ServerTimeLimit' : {
                'Description'   :   'Specifies the maximum amount of time the server spends searching. Default of 120 seconds.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''
            'Tombstone' : {
                'Description'   :   'Switch. Specifies that the search should also return deleted/tombstoned objects.',
                'Required'      :   False,
                'Value'         :   ''

        # save off a copy of the mainMenu object to access external functionality
        #   like listeners/agent handlers/etc.
        self.mainMenu = mainMenu

        for param in params:
            # parameter format is [Name, Value]
            option, value = param
            if option in self.options:
                self.options[option]['Value'] = value

    def generate(self, obfuscate=False, obfuscationCommand=""):
        moduleName =["Name"]
        # read in the common powerview.ps1 module source code
        moduleSource = self.mainMenu.installPath + "/data/module_source/situational_awareness/network/powerview.ps1"

            f = open(moduleSource, 'r')
            print(helpers.color("[!] Could not read module source path at: " + str(moduleSource)))
            return ""

        moduleCode =

        # get just the code needed for the specified function
        script = helpers.strip_powershell_comments(moduleCode)

        script += "\n" + moduleName + " "

        for option,values in self.options.items():
            if option.lower() != "agent":
                if values['Value'] and values['Value'] != '':
                    if values['Value'].lower() == "true":
                        # if we're just adding a switch
                        script += " -" + str(option)
                        script += " -" + str(option) + " " + str(values['Value']) 

        script += ' | Out-String | %{$_ + \"`n\"};"`n'+str(moduleName)+' completed!"'

        if obfuscate:
            script = helpers.obfuscate(self.mainMenu.installPath, psScript=script, obfuscationCommand=obfuscationCommand)
        script = helpers.keyword_obfuscation(script)

        return script