Codebase list pyexcel / 5ddc90df-09f7-4e8a-86d9-34a5bc32aefc/main CHANGELOG.rst

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CHANGELOG.rst @5ddc90df-09f7-4e8a-86d9-34a5bc32aefc/mainview markup · raw · history · blame

Change log

0.5.14 - 12.06.2019


  1. #182: support dest_force_file_type on save_as and save_book_as

0.5.13 - 12.03.2019


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 17); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #176: get_sheet {IndexError}list index out of range // XLSX can't be opened

0.5.12 - 25.02.2019


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 26); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #174: include examples in tarbar

0.5.11 - 22.02.2019


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 35); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #169: remove pyexcel-handsontalbe in test
  2. add tests, and docs folder in distribution

0.5.10 - 3.12.2018


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 45); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #157: Please use scan_plugins_regex, which lml 0.7 complains about
  2. updated dependency on pyexcel-io to 0.5.11 - 30.08.2018


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 55); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. to require pyexcel-io and use lml at least version 0.0.2

0.5.9 - 30.08.2018


  1. support __len__. len(book) returns the number of sheets and len(sheet) returns the number of rows
  2. #144: memory-efficient way to read sheet names.
  3. #148: force_file_type is introduced. When reading a file on a disk, this parameter allows you to choose a reader. i.e. csv reader for a text file. xlsx reader for a xlsx file but with .blob file suffix.
  4. finally, pyexcel got import pyexcel.__version__


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 76); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. Sheet.to_records() returns a generator now, saving memory
  2. #115, Fix set membership test to run faster in python2
  3. #140, Direct writes to cells yield weird results

0.5.8 - unreleased


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 88); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. #125, sort book sheets


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 93); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #126, dest_sheet_name in save_as will set the sheet name in the output

  2. System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 2); backlink

    Duplicate explicit target name: "#115".

    #115, Fix set membership test to run faster in python2

0.5.7 - 11.01.2018


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 104); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. pyexcel-io#46, expose bulk_save to developer.

0.5.6 - 23.10.2017


  1. #105, remove gease from setup_requires, introduced by 0.5.5.
  2. removed testing against python 2.6
  3. #103, include LICENSE file in, meaning LICENSE file will appear in the released tar ball.

0.5.5 - 20.10.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 125); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "removed".
  1. System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 2); backlink

    Duplicate explicit target name: "#105".

    #105, remove gease from setup_requires, introduced by 0.5.5.

  2. removed testing against python 2.6

  3. System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 2); backlink

    Duplicate explicit target name: "#103".

    #103, include LICENSE file in, meaning LICENSE file will appear in the released tar ball.

0.5.4 - 27.09.2017


  1. #100, Sheet.to_dict() gets out of range error because there is only one row.


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 143); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. Updated the baseline of pyexcel-io to 0.5.1.

0.5.3 - 01-08-2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 151); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. #95, respect the order of records in iget_records, isave_as and save_as.
  2. #97, new feature to allow intuitive initialization of pyexcel.Book.

0.5.2 - 26-07-2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 162); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. embeded the enabler for pyexcel-htmlr. http source does not support text/html as mime type.

0.5.1 - 12.06.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 171); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. support saving SheetStream and BookStream to database targets. This is needed for pyexcel-webio and its downstream projects.

0.5.0 - 19.06.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 180); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. and Sheet.top_left() for data browsing
  2. add html as default rich display in Jupyter notebook when pyexcel-text and pyexcel-chart is installed
  3. add svg as default rich display in Jupyter notebook when pyexcel-chart and one of its implementation plugin(pyexcel-pygal, etc.) are is installed
  4. new dictionary source supported: a dictionary of key value pair could be read into a sheet.
  5. added dynamic external plugin loading. meaning if a pyexcel plugin is installed, it will be loaded implicitly. And this change would remove unnecessary info log for those who do not use pyexcel-text and pyexcel-gal
  6. save_book_as before 0.5.0 becomes isave_book_as and save_book_as in 0.5.0 convert BookStream to Book before saving.
  7. #83, file closing mechanism is enfored. free_resource is added and it should be called when iget_array, iget_records, isave_as and/or isave_book_as are used.


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 199); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. array is passed to pyexcel.Sheet as reference. it means your array data will be modified.


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 205); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "removed".
  1. pyexcel.Writer and pyexcel.BookWriter were removed
  2. pyexcel.load_book_from_sql and pyexcel.load_from_sql were removed
  3. pyexcel.deprecated.load_from_query_sets, pyexcel.deprecated.load_book_from_django_models and pyexcel.deprecated.load_from_django_model were removed
  4. Removed plugin loading code and lml is used instead

0.4.5 - 17.03.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 218); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #80: remove pyexcel-chart import from v0.4.x

0.4.4 - 06.02.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 227); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #68: regression save_to_memory() should have returned a stream instance which has been reset to zero if possible. The exception is sys.stdout, which cannot be reset.
  2. #74: Not able to handle decimal.Decimal


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 236); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "removed".
  1. remove get_{{file_type}}_stream functions from pyexcel.Sheet and pyexcel.Book introduced since 0.4.3.

0.4.3 - 26.01.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 245); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. '.stream' attribute are attached to ~pyexcel.Sheet and ~pyexcel.Book to get direct access the underneath stream in responding to file type attributes, such as sheet.xls. it helps provide a custom stream to external world, for example, gives a text stream that contains csv formatted data. returns a xls format data in a byte stream.


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 254); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. Better error reporting when an unknown parameters or unsupported file types were given to the signature functions.

0.4.2 - 17.01.2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 263); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. Raise exception if the incoming sheet does not have column names. In other words, only sheet with column names could be saved to database. sheet with row names cannot be saved. The alternative is to transpose the sheet, then name_columns_by_row and then save.
  2. fix iget_records where a non-uniform content should be given, e.g. [["x", "y"], [1, 2], [3]], some record would become non-uniform, e.g. key 'y' would be missing from the second record.
  3. skip_empty_rows is applicable when saving a python data structure to another data source. For example, if your array contains a row which is consisted of empty string, such as ['', '', '' ... ''], please specify skip_empty_rows=False in order to preserve it. This becomes subtle when you try save a python dictionary where empty rows is not easy to be spotted.
  4. #69: better documentation for save_book_as.

0.4.1 - 23.12.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 284); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 2); backlink

    Duplicate explicit target name: "#68".

    #68: regression save_to_memory() should have returned a stream instance.

0.4.0 - 22.12.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 293); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. Flask-Excel#19 allow sheet_name parameter
  2. pyexcel-xls#11 case-insensitive for file_type. xls and XLS are treated in the same way


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 301); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #66: export_columns is ignored
  2. Update dependency on pyexcel-io v0.3.0

0.3.3 - 07.11.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 311); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #63: cannot display empty sheet(hence book with empty sheet) as texttable

0.3.2 - 02.11.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 320); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #62: optional module import error become visible.

0.3.0 - 28.10.2016


  1. file type setters for Sheet and Book, and its documentation
  2. iget_records returns a generator for a list of records and should have better memory performance, especially dealing with large csv files.
  3. iget_array returns a generator for a list of two dimensional array and should have better memory performance, especially dealing with large csv files.
  4. Enable pagination support, and custom row renderer via pyexcel-io v0.2.3


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 340); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. Take isave_as out from save_as. Hence two functions are there for save a sheet as
  2. #60: encode 'utf-8' if the console is of ascii encoding.
  3. #59: custom row renderer
  4. #56: set cell value does not work
  5. pyexcel.transpose becomes pyexcel.sheets.transpose
  6. iterator functions of pyexcel.Sheet were converted to generator functions
    • pyexcel.Sheet.enumerate()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.reverse()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.vertical()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.rvertical()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.rows()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.rrows()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.columns()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.rcolumns()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.named_rows()
    • pyexcel.Sheet.named_columns()
  7. ~pyexcel.Sheet.save_to_memory and ~pyexcel.Book.save_to_memory return the actual content. No longer they will return a io object hence you cannot call getvalue() on them.


  1. content and out_file as function parameters to the signature functions are no longer supported.
  2. SourceFactory and RendererFactory are removed
  3. The following methods are removed
    • pyexcel.to_array
    • pyexcel.to_dict
    • pyexcel.utils.to_one_dimensional_array
    • pyexcel.dict_to_array
    • pyexcel.from_records
    • pyexcel.to_records
  4. pyexcel.Sheet.filter has been re-implemented and all filters were removed:
    • pyexcel.filters.ColumnIndexFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.ColumnFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.RowFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.EvenColumnFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.OddColumnFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.EvenRowFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.OddRowFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.RowIndexFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.SingleColumnFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.RowValueFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.NamedRowValueFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.ColumnValueFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.NamedColumnValueFilter
    • pyexcel.filters.SingleRowFilter
  5. the following functions have been removed
    • add_formatter
    • remove_formatter
    • clear_formatters
    • freeze_formatters
    • add_filter
    • remove_filter
    • clear_filters
    • freeze_formatters
  6. pyexcel.Sheet.filter has been re-implemented and all filters were removed:
    • pyexcel.formatters.SheetFormatter

0.2.5 - 31.08.2016


  1. #58: texttable should have been made as compulsory requirement

0.2.4 - 14.07.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 428); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated:".
  1. For python 2, writing to sys.stdout by pyexcel-cli raise IOError.

0.2.3 - 11.07.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 436); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated:".
  1. For python 3, do not seek 0 when saving to memory if sys.stdout is passed on. Hence, adding support for sys.stdin and sys.stdout.

0.2.2 - 01.06.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 445); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated:".
  1. Explicit imports, no longer needed
  2. Depends on latest setuptools 18.0.1
  3. NotImplementedError will be raised if parameters to core functions are not supported, e.g. get_sheet(cannot_find_me_option="will be thrown out as NotImplementedError")

0.2.1 - 23.04.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 457); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added:".
  1. add pyexcel-text file types as attributes of pyexcel.Sheet and pyexcel.Book, related to #31
  2. auto import pyexcel-text if it is pip installed


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 464); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated:".
  1. code refactoring done for easy addition of sources.
  2. bug fix #29, Even if the format is a string it is displayed as a float
  3. pyexcel-text is no longer a plugin to pyexcel-io but to pyexcel.sources, see pyexcel-text#22


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 473); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "removed:".
  1. pyexcel.presentation is removed. No longer the internal decorate @outsource is used. related to #31

0.2.0 - 17.01.2016


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 482); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. adopt pyexcel-io yield key word to return generator as content
  2. pyexcel.save_as and pyexcel.save_book_as get performance improvements

0.1.7 - 03.07.2015


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 491); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. Support pyramid-excel which does the database commit on its own.

0.1.6 - 13.06.2015


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 499); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. get excel data from a http url

0.0.13 - 07.02.2015


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 507); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. Support django
  2. texttable as default renderer

0.0.12 - 25.01.2015


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 516); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. Added sqlalchemy support

0.0.10 - 15.12.2015


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 524); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. added csvz and tsvz format

0.0.4 - 12.10.2014


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 532); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. Support python 3

0.0.1 - 14.09.2014


  1. read and write csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm files(which are referred later as excel files)
  2. various iterators for the reader
  3. row and column filters for the reader
  4. utilities to get array and dictionary out from excel files.
  5. cookbok receipes for some common and simple usage of this library.