Codebase list pylnk / ca79daa1-81ed-4f47-b9aa-7c1e56f43a41/upstream PKG-INFO

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PKG-INFO @ca79daa1-81ed-4f47-b9aa-7c1e56f43a41/upstreamraw · history · blame

Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: pylnk3
Version: 0.4.2
Summary: Windows LNK File Parser and Creator
Author: strayge
License: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Description: # PyLnk 3
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        Python library for reading and writing Windows shortcut files (.lnk).  
        Converted to support python 3.
        This library can parse .lnk files and extract all relevant information from
        them. Parsing a .lnk file yields a LNK object which can be altered and saved
        again. Moreover, .lnk file can be created from scratch be creating a LNK
        object, populating it with data and then saving it to a file. As that
        process requires some knowledge about the internals of .lnk files, some
        convenience functions are provided.
        Limitation: Windows knows lots of different types of shortcuts which all have
        different formats. This library currently only supports shortcuts to files and
        folders on the local machine. 
        ## CLI
        Mainly tool has two basic commands.
        #### Parse existed lnk file
        pylnk3 parse [-h] filename [props [props ...]]
        positional arguments:
          filename    lnk filename to read
          props       props path to read
        optional arguments:
          -h, --help  show this help message and exit
        #### Create new lnk file
        usage: pylnk3 create [-h] [--arguments [ARGUMENTS]] [--description [DESCRIPTION]] [--icon [ICON]]
                             [--icon-index [ICON_INDEX]] [--workdir [WORKDIR]] [--mode [{Maximized,Normal,Minimized}]]
                             target name
        positional arguments:
          target                target path
          name                  lnk filename to create
        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          --arguments [ARGUMENTS], -a [ARGUMENTS]
                                additional arguments
          --description [DESCRIPTION], -d [DESCRIPTION]
          --icon [ICON], -i [ICON]
                                icon filename
          --icon-index [ICON_INDEX], -ii [ICON_INDEX]
                                icon index
          --workdir [WORKDIR], -w [WORKDIR]
                                working directory
          --mode [{Maximized,Normal,Minimized}], -m [{Maximized,Normal,Minimized}]
                                window mode
        #### Examples
        pylnk3 p filename.lnk
        pylnk3 c c:\prog.exe shortcut.lnk
        pylnk3 c \\\share\file.doc doc.lnk
        pylnk3 create c:\1.txt text.lnk -m Minimized -d "Description"
        ## Changes
        changed logic for Lnk.path choose (in case of different paths presents at different structures)  
        read links with root as GUID of KNOWN_FOLDER  
        [FIX] disabled padding for writing LinkInfo.local_base_path  
        added support for network links  
        reworked CLI (added more options for creating links)  
        added entry point for call tool just like `pylnk3`  
        [FIX] allow build links for non-existed (from this machine) paths  
        [FIX] correct building links on Linux (now expect Windows-like path)  
        [FIX] fixed path priority at parsing with both local & remote presents  
        added support links to UWP apps  
        released to PyPI
        converted to python 3  
Keywords: lnk,shortcut,windows
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Requires-Python: >=3.6
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown