Codebase list pysmb / a479ac55-6087-4fba-b04d-7213c2f2a1c0/main sphinx / source / api / nmb_NBNSProtocol.rst

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nmb_NBNSProtocol.rst @a479ac55-6087-4fba-b04d-7213c2f2a1c0/main

NBNSProtocol Class

pysmb has a *NBNSProtocol* implementation for Twisted framework.
This allows you to perform name query asynchronously without having your application to block and wait for the results.

In your project,
 1. Create a NBNSProtocol instance.
 2. Just call *queryName* method which will return a *Deferred* instance. Add your callback function to the *Deferred* instance via *addCallback* method to receive the results of the name query.
 3. When you are done with the NBNSProtocol instance, call its <NBNSProtocol instance>.transport.stopListening method to remove this instance from the reactor.

.. autoclass:: nmb.NetBIOSProtocol.NBNSProtocol

.. autoclass:: nmb.NetBIOSProtocol.NetBIOSTimeout