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<h1>Extending pysmb For Other Frameworks<a class="headerlink" href="#extending-pysmb-for-other-frameworks" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<p>This page briefly describes the steps involved in extending pysmb for other frameworks.</p>
<p>In general, you need to take care of the SMB TCP connection setup, i.e. finding the IP address of the remote server and connect to the SMB/CIFS service.
Then you need to read/write synchronously or asynchronously from and to the SMB socket. And you need to handle post-authentication callback methods, and from these methods,
initiate file operations with the remote SMB/CIFS server.</p>
<dl class="docutils">
<dt>Now the above steps in more technical details:</dt>
<dd><ol class="first arabic simple">
<li>Create a new class which subclasses the <em>smb.base.SMB</em> class. Most often, the connection setup will be part of the <em>__init__</em> method.</li>
<li>Override the <em>write(self, data)</em> method to provide an implementation which will write <em>data</em> to the socket.</li>
<li>Write your own loop handling method to read data from the socket. Once data have been read, call <em>feedData</em> method with the parameter.
The <em>feedData</em> method has its own internal buffer, so it can accept incomplete NetBIOS session packet data.</li>
<blockquote class="last">
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<li><em>onAuthOK</em> method to include your own operations to perform when authentication is successful. You can initiate file operations in this method.</li>
<li><em>onAuthFailed</em> method to include your own processing on what to do when authentication fails. You can report this as an error, or to try a different NTLM authentication algorithm (<em>use_ntlm_v2</em> parameter in the constructor).</li>
<li><em>onNMBSessionFailed</em> method to include your own processing on what to do when pysmb fails to setup the NetBIOS session with the remote server. Usually, this is due to a wrong <em>remote_name</em> parameter in the constructor.</li>

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