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Steps to Follow to Run the Unit Tests

Step 1: Install system dependencies

If you are using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, you can install the system dependencies with the following command

$> apt-get install virtualenv python-dev gcc g++ make automake autoconf

For other distributions, you can use their package managers and install the system dependencies (although the package names might differ slightly).

Step 2: Setup python virtualenv

We will create a python2 virtualenv and install the python dependencies for testing in the "venv2" folder.

$> cd <pysmb-home>/python2
$> virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 venv2
$> source venv2/bin/activate
$venv2> pip install nose pyasn1 twisted

Step 3: Setup shared folder on your remote SMB server

Prepare a shared folder called "smbtest" on your remote SMB server (Windows or Samba).

Then, download and unzip the contents of this zip file in the shared folder.

You should also configure a user on the SMB server with read-write access to the "smbtest" folder.

Step 4: Update connection details in connection.ini

In the same folder where you are viewing this readme file, there should be an ini file called "connection.ini". Edit this file's connection details to match the shared folder's access information.

Step 5: Run the unit tests in the python2 folder

Before running the tests, the venv2 virtualenv must be activated.

$> cd <pysmb-home>/python2
$> source venv2/bin/activate

To run all the tests:

    $venv2> nosetests -v tests

To selectively run some tests:

    $venv2> nosetests -v tests/SMBConnectionTests
    $venv2> nosetests -v tests/SMBConnectionTests/
    $venv2> nosetests -v tests/SMBConnectionTests/

For more information, please consult the documentation for nose.