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Tree @4d578352-fe5e-473b-9475-04d417ad0fa4/upstream (Download .tar.gz) @4d578352-fe5e-473b-9475-04d417ad0fa4/upstreamraw · history · blame

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

#   A basic Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) example.
# This script requires cx_Oracle 7.0 and higher.
# Oracle Client must be at 18.3 or higher.
# Oracle Database must be at 18.1 or higher.
# The user must have been granted the SODA_APP privilege.

import cx_Oracle
import sample_env

connection = cx_Oracle.connect(sample_env.get_main_connect_string())

# The general recommendation for simple SODA usage is to enable autocommit
connection.autocommit = True

# Create the parent object for SODA
soda = connection.getSodaDatabase()

# Create a new SODA collection and index
# This will open an existing collection, if the name is already in use.
collection = soda.createCollection("mycollection")

index_spec = {
    'name': 'CITY_IDX',
    'fields': [
            'path': '',
            'datatype': 'string',
            'order': 'asc'

# Insert a document.
# A system generated key is created by default.
content = {'name': 'Matilda', 'address': {'city': 'Melbourne'}}
doc = collection.insertOneAndGet(content)
key = doc.key
print('The key of the new SODA document is: ', key)

# Fetch the document back
doc = collection.find().key(key).getOne() # A SodaDocument
content = doc.getContent()                # A JavaScript object
print('Retrieved SODA document dictionary is:')
content = doc.getContentAsString()        # A JSON string
print('Retrieved SODA document string is:')

# Replace document contents
content = {'name': 'Matilda', 'address': {'city': 'Sydney'}}

# Insert some more documents without caring about their keys
content = {'name': 'Venkat', 'address': {'city': 'Bengaluru'}}
content = {'name': 'May', 'address': {'city': 'London'}}
content = {'name': 'Sally-Ann', 'address': {'city': 'San Francisco'}}

# Find all documents with names like 'Ma%'
print("Names matching 'Ma%'")
documents = collection.find().filter({'name': {'$like': 'Ma%'}}).getDocuments()
for d in documents:
    content = d.getContent()

# Count all documents
c = collection.find().count()
print('Collection has', c, 'documents')

# Remove documents with cities containing 'o'
print('Removing documents')
c = collection.find().filter({'': {'$regex': '.*o.*'}}).remove()
print('Dropped', c, 'documents')

# Count all documents
c = collection.find().count()
print('Collection has', c,  'documents')

# Drop the collection
if collection.drop():
    print('Collection was dropped')