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# Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Portions Copyright 2007-2015, Anthony Tuininga. All rights reserved.
# Portions Copyright 2001-2007, Computronix (Canada) Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta,
# Canada. All rights reserved.

#   This script demonstrates the use of Transaction Guard to verify if a
# transaction has completed, ensuring that a duplicate transaction is not
# created or attempted if the application chooses to handle the error. This
# feature is only available in Oracle Database 12.1. It follows loosely the
# OCI sample provided by Oracle in its documentation about OCI and Transaction
# Guard.
# Run the following as SYSDBA to set up Transaction Guard
#     grant execute on dbms_app_cont to pythondemo;
#     declare
#         t_Params dbms_service.svc_parameter_array;
#     begin
#         t_Params('COMMIT_OUTCOME') := 'true';
#         t_Params('RETENTION_TIMEOUT') := 604800;
#         dbms_service.create_service('orcl-tg', 'orcl-tg', t_Params);
#         dbms_service.start_service('orcl-tg');
#     end;
#     /
# This script requires cx_Oracle 5.3 and higher.

from __future__ import print_function

import cx_Oracle
import SampleEnv
import sys

# constants
CONNECT_STRING = "localhost/orcl-tg"

# for Python 2.7 we need raw_input
    input = raw_input
except NameError:

# create transaction and generate a recoverable error
pool = cx_Oracle.SessionPool(SampleEnv.GetMainUser(),
        SampleEnv.GetMainPassword(), CONNECT_STRING, min=1,
        max=9, increment=2)
connection = pool.acquire()
cursor = connection.cursor()
        delete from TestTempTable
        where IntCol = 1""")
        insert into TestTempTable
        values (1, null)""")
input("Please kill %s session now. Press ENTER when complete." % \
    connection.commit() # this should fail
    sys.exit("Session was not killed. Terminating.")
except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
    errorObj, = e.args
    if not errorObj.isrecoverable:
        sys.exit("Session is not recoverable. Terminating.")
ltxid = connection.ltxid
if not ltxid:
    sys.exit("Logical transaction not available. Terminating.")

# check if previous transaction completed
connection = pool.acquire()
cursor = connection.cursor()
_, committed, completed = cursor.callproc("dbms_app_cont.get_ltxid_outcome",
        (cx_Oracle.Binary(ltxid), cursor.var(bool), cursor.var(bool)))
print("Failed transaction was committed:", committed)
print("Failed call was completed:", completed)