Codebase list python-lml / e176c0b CHANGELOG.rst

Tree @e176c0b (Download .tar.gz)

CHANGELOG.rst @e176c0bview markup · raw · history · blame

Change log

0.0.9 - 7/1/2019


  1. #11: more test contents for OpenSuse package validation

0.0.8 - 4/1/2019


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 17); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. #9: include tests, docs for OpenSuse package validation

0.0.7 - 17/11/2018


  1. #8: get_primary_key will fail when a module is loaded later
  2. deprecated old style plugin scanner: scan_plugins

0.0.6 - 07/11/2018


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 36); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "fixed".
  1. Revert the version 0.0.5 changes. Raise Import error and log the exception

0.0.5 - 06/11/2018


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 44); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "fixed".
  1. #6: Catch and Ignore ModuleNotFoundError

0.0.4 - 07.08.2018


  1. #4: to find plugin names with different naming patterns

0.0.3 - 12/06/2018


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 62); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. dict can be a pluggable type in addition to function, class
  2. get primary tag of your tag, helping you find out which category of plugins your tag points to

0.0.2 - 23/10/2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 72); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "updated".
  1. pyexcel#103: include LICENSE in tar ball

0.0.1 - 30/05/2017


System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 81); backlink

Duplicate implicit target name: "added".
  1. First release