Codebase list python-webargs / debian/4.0.0-0kali1 webargs /

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Pyramid request argument parsing.

Example usage: ::

    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    from pyramid.config import Configurator
    from pyramid.response import Response
    from marshmallow import fields
    from webargs.pyramidparser import use_args

    hello_args = {
        'name': fields.Str(missing='World')

    def hello_world(request, args):
        return Response('Hello ' + args['name'])

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        config = Configurator()
        config.add_route('hello', '/')
        config.add_view(hello_world, route_name='hello')
        app = config.make_wsgi_app()
        server = make_server('', 6543, app)
import collections
import functools

from webob.multidict import MultiDict
from pyramid.httpexceptions import exception_response

from marshmallow.compat import text_type
from webargs import core

class PyramidParser(core.Parser):
    """Pyramid request argument parser."""

    __location_map__ = dict(matchdict="parse_matchdict", **core.Parser.__location_map__)

    def parse_querystring(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull a querystring value from the request."""
        return core.get_value(req.GET, name, field)

    def parse_form(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull a form value from the request."""
        return core.get_value(req.POST, name, field)

    def parse_json(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull a json value from the request."""
            json_data = req.json_body
        except ValueError:
            return core.missing
        return core.get_value(json_data, name, field, allow_many_nested=True)

    def parse_cookies(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull the value from the cookiejar."""
        return core.get_value(req.cookies, name, field)

    def parse_headers(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull a value from the header data."""
        return core.get_value(req.headers, name, field)

    def parse_files(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull a file from the request."""
        files = ((k, v) for k, v in req.POST.items() if hasattr(v, "file"))
        return core.get_value(MultiDict(files), name, field)

    def parse_matchdict(self, req, name, field):
        """Pull a value from the request's `matchdict`."""
        return core.get_value(req.matchdict, name, field)

    def handle_error(self, error, req, schema):
        """Handles errors during parsing. Aborts the current HTTP request and
        responds with a 400 error.
        status_code = getattr(error, "status_code", 422)
        raise exception_response(status_code, detail=text_type(error))

    def use_args(
        """Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view callable.
        Supports the *Class-based View* pattern where `request` is saved as an instance
        attribute on a view class.

        :param dict argmap: Either a `marshmallow.Schema`, a `dict`
            of argname -> `marshmallow.fields.Field` pairs, or a callable
            which accepts a request and returns a `marshmallow.Schema`.
        :param req: The request object to parse. Pulled off of the view by default.
        :param tuple locations: Where on the request to search for values.
        :param bool as_kwargs: Whether to insert arguments as keyword arguments.
        :param callable validate: Validation function that receives the dictionary
            of parsed arguments. If the function returns ``False``, the parser
            will raise a :exc:`ValidationError`.
        locations = locations or self.locations
        # Optimization: If argmap is passed as a dictionary, we only need
        # to generate a Schema once
        if isinstance(argmap, collections.Mapping):
            argmap = core.argmap2schema(argmap)()

        def decorator(func):
            def wrapper(obj, *args, **kwargs):
                # The first argument is either `self` or `request`
                try:  # get self.request
                    request = req or obj.request
                except AttributeError:  # first arg is request
                    request = obj
                # NOTE: At this point, argmap may be a Schema, callable, or dict
                parsed_args = self.parse(
                if as_kwargs:
                    return func(obj, *args, **kwargs)
                    return func(obj, parsed_args, *args, **kwargs)

            wrapper.__wrapped__ = func
            return wrapper

        return decorator

parser = PyramidParser()
use_args = parser.use_args
use_kwargs = parser.use_kwargs