Codebase list qsslcaudit / 35bd770c-e314-40c3-82bd-1bff4b03426d/main e2e / 001-curl.unsafe-xenial.xml

Tree @35bd770c-e314-40c3-82bd-1bff4b03426d/main (Download .tar.gz)

001-curl.unsafe-xenial.xml @35bd770c-e314-40c3-82bd-1bff4b03426d/mainraw · history · blame

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <name>self-signed certificate for invalid domain trust</name>
        <name>SSLv2 protocol support</name>
        <name>SSLv3 protocol support</name>
        <name>SSLv3 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>SSLv3 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>SSLv3 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.0 protocol support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.0 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.0 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.0 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.1 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.1 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.1 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.2 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.2 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support</name>
        <name>TLS 1.2 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support</name>