Codebase list ruby-fxruby / 185c6353-8403-4dbd-baa7-7e670109d323/main rdoc-sources / FXFrame.rb

Tree @185c6353-8403-4dbd-baa7-7e670109d323/main (Download .tar.gz)

FXFrame.rb @185c6353-8403-4dbd-baa7-7e670109d323/main

module Fox
  # The Frame widget provides borders around some contents. Borders may be raised, sunken,
  # thick, ridged or etched.  They can also be turned off completely.
  # In addition, a certain amount of padding may be specified between the contents of
  # the widget and the borders.  The contents may be justified inside the widget using the
  # justification options.
  # The Frame widget is sometimes used by itself as a place holder, but most often is used
  # as a convenient base class for simple controls.
  # === Constants
  # +DEFAULT_PAD+::   Default padding
  class FXFrame < FXWindow

    # Frame style [Integer]
    attr_accessor :frameStyle

    # Border width, in pixels [Integer]
    attr_reader :borderWidth

    # Top interior padding, in pixels [Integer]
    attr_accessor :padTop

    # Bottom interior padding, in pixels [Integer]
    attr_accessor :padBottom

    # Left interior padding, in pixels [Integer]
    attr_accessor :padLeft

    # Right interior padding, in pixels [Integer]
    attr_accessor :padRight

    # Highlight color {FXColor}
    attr_accessor :hiliteColor

    # Shadow color {FXColor}
    attr_accessor :shadowColor

    # Border color {FXColor}
    attr_accessor :borderColor

    # Base GUI color {FXColor}
    attr_accessor :baseColor

    # Construct frame window.
    def initialize(parent, opts=FRAME_NORMAL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, padLeft=DEFAULT_PAD, padRight=DEFAULT_PAD, padTop=DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom=DEFAULT_PAD) # :yields: theFrame