Codebase list ruby-fxruby / 3ac7152a-ab2f-4628-b250-ba7cef029b84/upstream/1.6.45+git20230116.1.57f414d rdoc-sources / FXTabBook.rb

Tree @3ac7152a-ab2f-4628-b250-ba7cef029b84/upstream/1.6.45+git20230116.1.57f414d (Download .tar.gz)

FXTabBook.rb @3ac7152a-ab2f-4628-b250-ba7cef029b84/upstream/1.6.45+git20230116.1.57f414d

module Fox
  # The tab book layout manager arranges pairs of children;
  # the even numbered children (0,2,4,...) are usually tab items,
  # and are placed on the top.  The odd numbered children are
  # usually layout managers, and are placed below; all the odd
  # numbered children are placed on top of each other, similar
  # to the switcher widget.  When the user presses one of the
  # tab items, the tab item is raised above the neighboring tabs,
  # and the corresponding panel is raised to the top.
  # Thus, a tab book can be used to present many GUI controls
  # in a small space by placing several panels on top of each
  # other and using tab items to select the desired panel.
  # When one of the tab items is pressed, the tab book's {#setCurrent} method
  # is called with _notify+=true. This causes the tab book to send a
  # +SEL_COMMAND+ message to its target.
  class FXTabBook < FXTabBar
    # Return an initialized FXTabBook instance.
    # ==== Parameters:
    # +p+:: the parent window for this tar book {FXComposite}
    # +target+:: the message target, if any, for this tar book {FXObject}
    # +selector+:: the message identifier for this tab book [Integer]
    # +opts+:: tar book options [Integer]
    # +x+:: initial x-position [Integer]
    # +y+:: initial y-position [Integer]
    # +width+:: initial width [Integer]
    # +height+:: initial height [Integer]
    # +padLeft+:: internal padding on the left side, in pixels [Integer]
    # +padRight+:: internal padding on the right side, in pixels [Integer]
    # +padTop+:: internal padding on the top side, in pixels [Integer]
    # +padBottom+:: internal padding on the bottom side, in pixels [Integer]
    def initialize(p, target=nil, selector=0, opts=TABBOOK_NORMAL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, padLeft=DEFAULT_SPACING, padRight=DEFAULT_SPACING, padTop=DEFAULT_SPACING, padBottom=DEFAULT_SPACING) # :yields: theTabBook