Codebase list ruby-fxruby / 6a3bc375-f65d-4a5f-9572-148c411aee7b/upstream rdoc-sources / FXDict.rb

Tree @6a3bc375-f65d-4a5f-9572-148c411aee7b/upstream (Download .tar.gz)

FXDict.rb @6a3bc375-f65d-4a5f-9572-148c411aee7b/upstream

module Fox
  # The dictionary class maintains a fast-access hash table of entities
  # indexed by a character string.
  # It is typically used to map strings to pointers; however, derived classes
  # may allow any type of data to be indexed by strings.
  class FXDict < FXObject

    # Total number of entries in the table [Integer]
    attr_reader :length

    # Position of first filled slot, or >= total [Integer]
    attr_reader :first

    # Position of last filled slot, or -1 [Integer]
    attr_reader :last

    alias size length

    # Construct an empty dictionary.
    def initialize ; end

    # Return key at position _pos_.
    def key(pos) ; end

    # Return mark flag of entry at position _pos_.
    def marked?(pos) ; end

    # Return position of next filled slot after _pos_ in the hash table,
    # or a value greater than or equal to total if no filled
    # slot was found.
    def next(pos) ; end

    # Return position of previous filled slot before _pos_ in the hash table,
    # or a -1 if no filled slot was found.
    def prev(pos) ; end

    # Clear all entries
    def clear() ; end

    # Iterate over the keys in this dictionary.
    def each_key # :yields: key

    # Returns a new array populated with the keys from this dictionary.
    def keys() ; end

    # Returns +true+ if the given _key_ is present.
    def has_key?(key) ; end

    alias include? has_key?
    alias member?  has_key?

    # Returns +true+ if this dictionary contains no key-value pairs.
    def empty?() ; end