Codebase list ruby-fxruby / 9b83229d-99a2-488e-b6b7-b3432e4770f9/main rdoc-sources / FXKnob.rb

Tree @9b83229d-99a2-488e-b6b7-b3432e4770f9/main (Download .tar.gz)

FXKnob.rb @9b83229d-99a2-488e-b6b7-b3432e4770f9/main

module Fox
  # The knob widget is a valuator widget which provides simple linear value range.
  # While being moved, the knob sends +SEL_CHANGED+ messages to its target;
  # at the end of the interaction, a final +SEL_COMMAND+ message is sent.
  # The message data represents the current knob value (an integer).
  # === Events
  # The following messages are sent by FXKnob to its target:
  # +SEL_KEYPRESS+::  sent when a key goes down; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
  # +SEL_KEYRELEASE+::  sent when a key goes up; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
  # +SEL_LEFTBUTTONPRESS+:: sent when the left mouse button goes down; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
  # +SEL_LEFTBUTTONRELEASE+:: sent when the left mouse button goes up; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
  # +SEL_MIDDLEBUTTONPRESS+:: sent when the middle mouse button goes down; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
  # +SEL_MIDDLEBUTTONRELEASE+:: sent when the middle mouse button goes up; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
  #   sent at the end of a knob move; the message data is the new value of the knob.
  #   sent continuously while the knob is being moved; the message data is an integer indicating
  #   the current knob value.
  # === Knob Control styles
  # +KNOB_NEEDLE+:: Use a needle as indicator
  # +KNOB_DOT+:: Use a dot as indicator
  # +KNOB_TICKS+:: Show ticks around the knob
  # +KNOB_INDICATOR+:: Show only the indicator (like a speedometer)
  # +KNOB_NORMAL+:: Normal knob looks
  class FXKnob < FXFrame

    # Knob value [Integer]
    attr_accessor :value

    # Knob range [Range]
    attr_accessor :range

    # Knob style [Integer]
    attr_accessor :knobStyle

    # Knob auto-increment/decrement value [Integer]
    attr_accessor :increment

    # Delta between ticks [Integer]
    attr_accessor :tickDelta

    # Indicator needle color {FXColor}
    attr_accessor :lineColor

    # Help text displayed on the status line [String]
    attr_accessor :helpText

    # Tooltip text value [String]
    attr_accessor :tipText

    # Return a new FXKnob instance.
    def initialize(p, target=nil, selector=0, opts=KNOB_NORMAL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, padLeft=DEFAULT_PAD, padRight=DEFAULT_PAD, padTop=DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom=DEFAULT_PAD) # :yields: theKnob

    # Change the knob's movement limits (start and ending angles)
    # Accept values in degrees from 0 (south) to 360.
    def setLimits(start_angle, end_angle, notify=false); end

    # Return the knob's current limits as a two-element array.
    def getLimits(); end