Codebase list ruby-fxruby / aa8fb3b5-a9a3-46d2-9f41-e309dcc81971/main rdoc-sources / FXVec4f.rb

Tree @aa8fb3b5-a9a3-46d2-9f41-e309dcc81971/main (Download .tar.gz)

FXVec4f.rb @aa8fb3b5-a9a3-46d2-9f41-e309dcc81971/main

module Fox
  class FXVec4f

    attr_accessor :x
    attr_accessor :y
    attr_accessor :z
    attr_accessor :w

    # Return an FXVec4f instance with _x_, _y_, _z_ and _w_ initialized to zeroes.
    def initialize; end

    # Return an FXVec4f instance initialized from specified component values.
    def initialize(xx, yy, zz, ww=1.0); end

    # Return an FXVec4f instance initialized from an FXVec3f instance and optional scalar.
    def initialize(vec3f, ww=1.0); end

    # Returns the element at _index_, where _index_ is 0, 1, 2 or 3.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of range.
    def [](index); end

    # Set the element at _index_ to _value_ and return _value_.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of range.
    def []=(index, value); end

    # Returns a new FXVec4f instance which is the negation of this one.
    def -@(); end

    # Returns a new FXVec4f instance obtained by memberwise
    # addition of the _other_ FXVec4f instance with this
    # one.
    def +(other); end

    # Returns a new FXVec4f instance obtained by memberwise
    # subtraction of the _other_ FXVec4f instance from this
    # one.
    def -(other); end

    # Returns a new FXVec4f instance obtained by memberwise
    # multiplication of this vector's elements by the scalar
    # _n_.
    def *(n); end

    # Returns a new FXVec4f instance obtained by memberwise
    # division of this vector's elements by the scalar
    # _n_.
    # Raises ZeroDivisionError if _n_ is identically zero.
    def /(n); end

    # Returns the dot (scalar) product of this vector and _other_.
    def dot(other); end

    # Return the cross product of this vector and _other_.
    def cross(other); end

    # Return +true+ if this vector is equal to _other_.
    def ==(other); end

    # Return the square of the length of this vector.
    def length2; end

    # Return the length (magnitude) of this vector.
    def length; end

    # Clamp the values of this vector between limits _lo_ and _hi_.
    def clamp(lo, hi); end

    # Return a new FXVec4f instance which is a normalized version
    # of this one.
    def normalize; end

    # Return a new FXVec4f instance which is the lesser of this
    # vector and _other_.
    def lo(other); end

    # Return a new FXVec4f instance which is the greater of this
    # vector and _other_.
    def hi(other); end

    # Compute normalized plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0.
    def FXVec4f.plane(vec); end

    # Compute normalized plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0.
    def FXVec4f.plane(vec3f, dist); end

    # Compute normalized plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0.
    def FXVec4f.plane(vec3f, p3f); end

    # Compute normalized plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0.
    def FXVec4f.plane(a, b, c); end

    # Signed distance normalized plane and point
    def distance(p); end

    # Return +true+ if edge a-b crosses plane
    def crosses?(a, b); end