Codebase list ruby-fxruby / da22422a-cc65-4419-b822-c67e6fde0fa2/main rdoc-sources / FXWizard.rb

Tree @da22422a-cc65-4419-b822-c67e6fde0fa2/main (Download .tar.gz)

FXWizard.rb @da22422a-cc65-4419-b822-c67e6fde0fa2/main

module Fox
  # An FXWizard widget guides the user through a number of panels
  # in a predefined sequence; each step must be completed before
  # moving on to the next step.
  # For example, an FXWizard may be used to install software components,
  # and ask various questions at each step in the installation.
  # === Message identifiers
  # +ID_NEXT+::  Move to the next panel in the wizard
  # +ID_BACK+::  Move to the previous panel in the wizard
  class FXWizard < FXDialogBox

    # The button frame {FXHorizontalFrame}
    attr_reader :buttonFrame

    # The "Advance" button {FXButton}
    attr_reader :advanceButton

    # The "Retreat" button {FXButton}
    attr_reader :retreatButton

    # The "Finish" button {FXButton}
    attr_reader :finishButton

    # The "Cancel" button {FXButton}
    attr_reader :cancelButton

    # The container used as parent for the sub-panels {FXSwitcher}
    attr_reader :container

    # The image being displayed {FXImage}
    attr_accessor :image

    # Return an initialized FXWizard instance.
    # If _owner_ is a window, the dialog box will float over that window.
    # If _owner_ is the application, the dialog box will be free-floating.
    def initialize(owner, name, image, opts=DECOR_TITLE|DECOR_BORDER|DECOR_RESIZE, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, padLeft=10, padRight=10, padTop=10, padBottom=10, hSpacing=10, vSpacing=10) # :yields: theWizard

    # Return the number of panels.
    def numPanels; end

    # Bring the child window at _index_ to the top.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def currentPanel=(index); end

    # Return the index of the child window currently on top.
    def currentPanel; end