Codebase list subfinder / 5d443a2 v2 / pkg / runner / runner.go

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package runner

import (



// Runner is an instance of the subdomain enumeration
// client used to orchestrate the whole process.
type Runner struct {
	options        *Options
	passiveAgent   *passive.Agent
	resolverClient *resolve.Resolver

// NewRunner creates a new runner struct instance by parsing
// the configuration options, configuring sources, reading lists
// and setting up loggers, etc.
func NewRunner(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
	runner := &Runner{options: options}

	// Initialize the passive subdomain enumeration engine

	// Initialize the subdomain resolver
	err := runner.initializeResolver()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return runner, nil

// RunEnumeration runs the subdomain enumeration flow on the targets specified
func (r *Runner) RunEnumeration() error {
	outputs := []io.Writer{r.options.Output}

	if len(r.options.Domain) > 0 {
		domainsReader := strings.NewReader(strings.Join(r.options.Domain, "\n"))
		return r.EnumerateMultipleDomains(domainsReader, outputs)

	// If we have multiple domains as input,
	if r.options.DomainsFile != "" {
		f, err := os.Open(r.options.DomainsFile)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		err = r.EnumerateMultipleDomains(f, outputs)
		return err

	// If we have STDIN input, treat it as multiple domains
	if r.options.Stdin {
		return r.EnumerateMultipleDomains(os.Stdin, outputs)
	return nil

// EnumerateMultipleDomains enumerates subdomains for multiple domains
// We keep enumerating subdomains for a given domain until we reach an error
func (r *Runner) EnumerateMultipleDomains(reader io.Reader, writers []io.Writer) error {
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
	ip, _ := regexp.Compile(`^([0-9\.]+$)`)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		domain, err := sanitize(scanner.Text())
		isIp := ip.MatchString(domain)
		if errors.Is(err, ErrEmptyInput) || (r.options.ExcludeIps && isIp) {

		var file *os.File
		// If the user has specified an output file, use that output file instead
		// of creating a new output file for each domain. Else create a new file
		// for each domain in the directory.
		if r.options.OutputFile != "" {
			outputWriter := NewOutputWriter(r.options.JSON)
			file, err = outputWriter.createFile(r.options.OutputFile, true)
			if err != nil {
				gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not create file %s for %s: %s\n", r.options.OutputFile, r.options.Domain, err)
				return err

			err = r.EnumerateSingleDomain(domain, append(writers, file))

		} else if r.options.OutputDirectory != "" {
			outputFile := path.Join(r.options.OutputDirectory, domain)
			if r.options.JSON {
				outputFile += ".json"
			} else {
				outputFile += ".txt"

			outputWriter := NewOutputWriter(r.options.JSON)
			file, err = outputWriter.createFile(outputFile, false)
			if err != nil {
				gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not create file %s for %s: %s\n", r.options.OutputFile, r.options.Domain, err)
				return err

			err = r.EnumerateSingleDomain(domain, append(writers, file))

		} else {
			err = r.EnumerateSingleDomain(domain, writers)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil