Codebase list subfinder / 61ce3703-e73f-46a9-9845-f32cf6df139e/upstream/2.5.5 v2 / pkg / resolve / resolve.go

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package resolve

import (


const (
	maxWildcardChecks = 3

// ResolutionPool is a pool of resolvers created for resolving subdomains
// for a given host.
type ResolutionPool struct {
	Tasks          chan HostEntry
	Results        chan Result
	wg             *sync.WaitGroup
	removeWildcard bool

	wildcardIPs map[string]struct{}

// HostEntry defines a host with the source
type HostEntry struct {
	Host   string
	Source string

// Result contains the result for a host resolution
type Result struct {
	Type   ResultType
	Host   string
	IP     string
	Error  error
	Source string

// ResultType is the type of result found
type ResultType int

// Types of data result can return
const (
	Subdomain ResultType = iota

// NewResolutionPool creates a pool of resolvers for resolving subdomains of a given domain
func (r *Resolver) NewResolutionPool(workers int, removeWildcard bool) *ResolutionPool {
	resolutionPool := &ResolutionPool{
		Resolver:       r,
		Tasks:          make(chan HostEntry),
		Results:        make(chan Result),
		wg:             &sync.WaitGroup{},
		removeWildcard: removeWildcard,
		wildcardIPs:    make(map[string]struct{}),

	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
			go resolutionPool.resolveWorker()

	return resolutionPool

// InitWildcards inits the wildcard ips array
func (r *ResolutionPool) InitWildcards(domain string) error {
	for i := 0; i < maxWildcardChecks; i++ {
		uid := xid.New().String()

		hosts, _ := r.DNSClient.Lookup(uid + "." + domain)
		if len(hosts) == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a wildcard domain", domain)

		// Append all wildcard ips found for domains
		for _, host := range hosts {
			r.wildcardIPs[host] = struct{}{}
	return nil

func (r *ResolutionPool) resolveWorker() {
	for task := range r.Tasks {
		if !r.removeWildcard {
			r.Results <- Result{Type: Subdomain, Host: task.Host, IP: "", Source: task.Source}

		hosts, err := r.DNSClient.Lookup(task.Host)
		if err != nil {
			r.Results <- Result{Type: Error, Host: task.Host, Source: task.Source, Error: err}

		if len(hosts) == 0 {

		var skip bool
		for _, host := range hosts {
			// Ignore the host if it exists in wildcard ips map
			if _, ok := r.wildcardIPs[host]; ok {
				skip = true

		if !skip {
			r.Results <- Result{Type: Subdomain, Host: task.Host, IP: hosts[0], Source: task.Source}