Codebase list subfinder / 6ce7ba95-8f0a-42c7-97c4-ce2c35bc5b84/upstream/2.5.5 v2 / pkg / runner / enumerate.go

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package runner

import (



const maxNumCount = 2

// EnumerateSingleDomain performs subdomain enumeration against a single domain
func (r *Runner) EnumerateSingleDomain(domain string, writers []io.Writer) error {
	gologger.Info().Msgf("Enumerating subdomains for '%s'\n", domain)

	// Check if the user has asked to remove wildcards explicitly.
	// If yes, create the resolution pool and get the wildcards for the current domain
	var resolutionPool *resolve.ResolutionPool
	if r.options.RemoveWildcard {
		resolutionPool = r.resolverClient.NewResolutionPool(r.options.Threads, r.options.RemoveWildcard)
		err := resolutionPool.InitWildcards(domain)
		if err != nil {
			// Log the error but don't quit.
			gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not get wildcards for domain '%s': %s\n", domain, err)

	// Run the passive subdomain enumeration
	now := time.Now()
	passiveResults := r.passiveAgent.EnumerateSubdomains(domain, r.options.Proxy, r.options.RateLimit, r.options.Timeout, time.Duration(r.options.MaxEnumerationTime)*time.Minute)

	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
	// Create a unique map for filtering duplicate subdomains out
	uniqueMap := make(map[string]resolve.HostEntry)
	// Create a map to track sources for each host
	sourceMap := make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
	// Process the results in a separate goroutine
	go func() {
		for result := range passiveResults {
			switch result.Type {
			case subscraping.Error:
				gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not run source '%s': %s\n", result.Source, result.Error)
			case subscraping.Subdomain:
				// Validate the subdomain found and remove wildcards from
				if !strings.HasSuffix(result.Value, "."+domain) {
				subdomain := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(result.Value), "*.", "")

				if matchSubdomain := r.filterAndMatchSubdomain(subdomain); matchSubdomain {
					if _, ok := uniqueMap[subdomain]; !ok {
						sourceMap[subdomain] = make(map[string]struct{})

					// Log the verbose message about the found subdomain per source
					if _, ok := sourceMap[subdomain][result.Source]; !ok {

					sourceMap[subdomain][result.Source] = struct{}{}

					// Check if the subdomain is a duplicate. If not,
					// send the subdomain for resolution.
					if _, ok := uniqueMap[subdomain]; ok {

					hostEntry := resolve.HostEntry{Host: subdomain, Source: result.Source}

					uniqueMap[subdomain] = hostEntry
					// If the user asked to remove wildcard then send on the resolve
					// queue. Otherwise, if mode is not verbose print the results on
					// the screen as they are discovered.
					if r.options.RemoveWildcard {
						resolutionPool.Tasks <- hostEntry
		// Close the task channel only if wildcards are asked to be removed
		if r.options.RemoveWildcard {

	// If the user asked to remove wildcards, listen from the results
	// queue and write to the map. At the end, print the found results to the screen
	foundResults := make(map[string]resolve.Result)
	if r.options.RemoveWildcard {
		// Process the results coming from the resolutions pool
		for result := range resolutionPool.Results {
			switch result.Type {
			case resolve.Error:
				gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not resolve host: '%s'\n", result.Error)
			case resolve.Subdomain:
				// Add the found subdomain to a map.
				if _, ok := foundResults[result.Host]; !ok {
					foundResults[result.Host] = result
	outputWriter := NewOutputWriter(r.options.JSON)
	// Now output all results in output writers
	var err error
	for _, writer := range writers {
		if r.options.HostIP {
			err = outputWriter.WriteHostIP(domain, foundResults, writer)
		} else {
			if r.options.RemoveWildcard {
				err = outputWriter.WriteHostNoWildcard(domain, foundResults, writer)
			} else {
				if r.options.CaptureSources {
					err = outputWriter.WriteSourceHost(domain, sourceMap, writer)
				} else {
					err = outputWriter.WriteHost(domain, uniqueMap, writer)
		if err != nil {
			gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not write results for '%s': %s\n", domain, err)
			return err

	// Show found subdomain count in any case.
	duration := durafmt.Parse(time.Since(now)).LimitFirstN(maxNumCount).String()
	var numberOfSubDomains int
	if r.options.RemoveWildcard {
		numberOfSubDomains = len(foundResults)
	} else {
		numberOfSubDomains = len(uniqueMap)

	if r.options.ResultCallback != nil {
		for _, v := range uniqueMap {
	gologger.Info().Msgf("Found %d subdomains for '%s' in %s\n", numberOfSubDomains, domain, duration)

	return nil

func (r *Runner) filterAndMatchSubdomain(subdomain string) bool {
	if r.options.filterRegexes != nil {
		for _, filter := range r.options.filterRegexes {
			if m := filter.MatchString(subdomain); m {
				return false
	if r.options.matchRegexes != nil {
		for _, match := range r.options.matchRegexes {
			if m := match.MatchString(subdomain); m {
				return true
		return false
	return true