Codebase list subfinder / b00d06a0-ff50-411a-8c4e-02cfce37c032/upstream v2 / pkg / runner / validate.go

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validate.go @b00d06a0-ff50-411a-8c4e-02cfce37c032/upstreamraw · history · blame

package runner

import (


// validateOptions validates the configuration options passed
func (options *Options) validateOptions() error {
	// Check if domain, list of domains, or stdin info was provided.
	// If none was provided, then return.
	if options.Domain == "" && options.DomainsFile == "" && !options.Stdin {
		return errors.New("no input list provided")

	// Both verbose and silent flags were used
	if options.Verbose && options.Silent {
		return errors.New("both verbose and silent mode specified")

	// Validate threads and options
	if options.Threads == 0 {
		return errors.New("threads cannot be zero")
	if options.Timeout == 0 {
		return errors.New("timeout cannot be zero")

	// Always remove wildcard with hostip
	if options.HostIP && !options.RemoveWildcard {
		return errors.New("hostip flag must be used with RemoveWildcard option")

	return nil

// configureOutput configures the output on the screen
func (options *Options) configureOutput() {
	// If the user desires verbose output, show verbose output
	if options.Verbose {
		gologger.MaxLevel = gologger.Verbose
	if options.NoColor {
		gologger.UseColors = false
	if options.Silent {
		gologger.MaxLevel = gologger.Silent