Codebase list subfinder / b441412 v2 / pkg / subscraping / sources / sitedossier / sitedossier.go

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// Package sitedossier logic
package sitedossier

import (


// SleepRandIntn is the integer value to get the pseudo-random number
// to sleep before find the next match
const SleepRandIntn = 5

var reNext = regexp.MustCompile(`<a href="([A-Za-z0-9/.]+)"><b>`)

type agent struct {
	results chan subscraping.Result
	session *subscraping.Session

func (a *agent) enumerate(ctx context.Context, baseURL string) {
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():

	resp, err := a.session.SimpleGet(ctx, baseURL)
	isnotfound := resp != nil && resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound
	if err != nil && !isnotfound {
		a.results <- subscraping.Result{Source: "sitedossier", Type: subscraping.Error, Error: err}

	body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		a.results <- subscraping.Result{Source: "sitedossier", Type: subscraping.Error, Error: err}

	src := string(body)
	for _, match := range a.session.Extractor.FindAllString(src, -1) {
		a.results <- subscraping.Result{Source: "sitedossier", Type: subscraping.Subdomain, Value: match}

	match1 := reNext.FindStringSubmatch(src)
	time.Sleep(time.Duration((3 + rand.Intn(SleepRandIntn))) * time.Second)

	if len(match1) > 0 {
		a.enumerate(ctx, ""+match1[1])

// Source is the passive scraping agent
type Source struct{}

// Run function returns all subdomains found with the service
func (s *Source) Run(ctx context.Context, domain string, session *subscraping.Session) <-chan subscraping.Result {
	results := make(chan subscraping.Result)

	a := agent{
		session: session,
		results: results,

	go func() {
		a.enumerate(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("", domain))

	return a.results

// Name returns the name of the source
func (s *Source) Name() string {
	return "sitedossier"

func (s *Source) IsDefault() bool {
	return false

func (s *Source) HasRecursiveSupport() bool {
	return false

func (s *Source) NeedsKey() bool {
	return false

func (s *Source) AddApiKeys(_ []string) {
	// no key needed