Codebase list tnscmd10g / 99c9b63d-7ce2-4d60-91d3-d9ba9589bcda/main tnscmd10g

Tree @99c9b63d-7ce2-4d60-91d3-d9ba9589bcda/main (Download .tar.gz)

tnscmd10g @99c9b63d-7ce2-4d60-91d3-d9ba9589bcda/mainraw · history · blame

# tnscmd - a lame tool to prod the oracle tnslsnr process (1521/tcp)
# tested under Linux x86 & OpenBSD Sparc + perl5
# Initial cruft: [email protected]  5 Oct 2000
# $Id: tnscmd,v 1.3 2001/04/26 06:45:48 jwa Exp $
# see also: 
# GPL'd, of course.
# $Log: tnscmd,v $
# Revision 1.3  2001/04/26 06:45:48  jwa
# typo in url.  whoops.
# Revision 1.2  2001/04/26 06:42:17  jwa
# complete rewrite
#  - use IO::Socket instead of tcp_open
#  - got rid of pdump()
#  - put packet into @list and build it with pack()
#  - added --indent option
# Revision 1.3 2005/11/03 by I.A. Saez Scheihing ([email protected])
#   -- made it work against Oracle 10G
#   -- shows TNS error text

use IO::Socket;
use strict;		# a grumpy perl interpreter is your friend


# process arguments

my ($cmd) = $ARGV[0] if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^-/);
my ($arg);
my ($tnsdebug) = 0;  # set it to 1 to show some debug information

while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
	$main::hostname = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "-h");
	$main::port = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "-p");
	$main::logfile = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "--logfile");
	$main::fakepacketsize = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "--packetsize");
	$main::fakecmdsize = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "--cmdsize");
	$main::indent = 1 if ($arg eq "--indent");
	$main::o10g = 1 if ($arg eq "--10G");
	$main::rawcmd = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "--rawcmd");
	$main::rawout = shift @ARGV if ($arg eq "--rawout");

if ($main::hostname eq "") {
	print <<_EOF_;
usage: $0 [command] -h hostname
       where 'command' is something like ping, version, status, etc.  
       (default is ping)
       [-p port] - alternate TCP port to use (default is 1521)
       [--logfile logfile] - write raw packets to specified logfile
       [--indent] - indent & outdent on parens
       [--10G] - make it work against 10G
       [--rawcmd command] - build your own CONNECT_DATA string
       [--cmdsize bytes] - fake TNS command size (reveals packet leakage)

# with no commands, default to pinging port 1521

$cmd = "ping" if ($cmd eq "");
$main::port = 1521 if ($main::port eq ""); # 1541, 1521.. DBAs are so whimsical

# main

my ($command);

if (defined($main::rawcmd))
	$command = $main::rawcmd;
    if ( $main::o10g ) {	
	$command = "(CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=linux)(USER=oracle))(COMMAND=$cmd)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=169869568))";
    } else {
	$command = "(CONNECT_DATA=(COMMAND=$cmd))";

my $response = tnscmd($command);

# build the packet, open the socket, send the packet, return the response

sub tnscmd
	my ($command) = shift @_;
	my ($packetlen, $cmdlen);
	my ($clenH, $clenL, $plenH, $plenL);
	my ($i);

	print "sending $command to $main::hostname:$main::port\n";

	if ($main::fakecmdsize ne "") 
		$cmdlen = $main::fakecmdsize;
		print "Faking command length to $cmdlen bytes\n";
		$cmdlen = length ($command);

	$clenH = $cmdlen >> 8;
	$clenL = $cmdlen & 0xff;
        print "cmdlen is $cmdlen  clenH is $clenH clenL is $clenL\n" if($tnsdebug);
	# calculate packet length

	if (defined($main::fakepacketsize)) 
		print "Faking packet length to $main::fakepacketsize bytes\n";
		$packetlen = $main::fakepacketsize;
		$packetlen = length($command) + 58;	# "preamble" is 58 bytes

	$plenH = $packetlen >> 8;
	$plenL = $packetlen & 0xff;
        print "cmdlen is $cmdlen  clenH is $clenH clenL is $clenL\n" if ($tnsdebug); 
        print "plenH is $plenH  plenL is $plenL\n" if ($tnsdebug) ;

	$packetlen = length($command) + 58 if (defined($main::fakepacketsize));

	# decimal offset
	# 0:   packetlen_high packetlen_low 
	# 26:  cmdlen_high cmdlen_low
	# 58:  command

	# the packet.
        if ( $main::o10g ) {
                  # Oracle 10g
           @main::packet = (
        } else {
           @main::packet = (
           $plenH, $plenL, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
           0x01, 0x36, 0x01, 0x2c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00,
           0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
           $clenH, $clenL, 0x00, 0x3a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
           0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
           0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00,
           0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
           0x00, 0x00
	for ($i=0;$i<length($command);$i++)	
		push(@main::packet, ord(substr($command, $i, 1)));

	my ($sendbuf) = pack("C*", @main::packet);

	print "connect ";
	my ($tns_sock) = IO::Socket::INET->new( 
		PeerAddr => $main::hostname, 
		PeerPort => $main::port, 
		Proto => 'tcp', 
		Type => SOCK_STREAM, 
		Timeout => 30) || die "connect to $main::hostname failure: $!";

	print "\rwriting " . length($sendbuf) . " bytes\n";

	if (defined($main::logfile)) 
		open(SEND, ">$main::logfile.send") || die "can't write $main::logfile.send: $!";
		print SEND $sendbuf || die "write to logfile failed: $!";

	my ($count) = syswrite($tns_sock, $sendbuf, length($sendbuf));

	if ($count != length($sendbuf))
		print "only wrote $count bytes?!";
		exit 1;
        if ( $main::o10g ) {
          # if Oracle 10G resend packet; don't know why (yet)	
         my ($count) = syswrite($tns_sock, $sendbuf, length($sendbuf));
	print "reading\n";

	# get fun data
	# 1st 12 bytes have some meaning which so far eludes me

	if (defined($main::logfile)) 
		open(REC, ">$main::logfile.rec") || die "can't write $main::logfile.rec: $!";

	my ($buf, $recvbuf);

	# read until socket EOF
	while (sysread($tns_sock, $buf, 128))
		print REC $buf if (defined($main::logfile));
		$recvbuf .= $buf;
	close (REC) if (defined($main::logfile));
	close ($tns_sock);
	return $recvbuf;

sub viewtns
	my ($response) = shift @_;
	if ($main::raw)
		print $response;
		$response =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/;	# strip high bits
		$response =~ tr/\000-\027/\./;
		$response =~ tr/\177/\./;

		if ($main::indent)
			print $response;
		print "\n";

sub parenify
	my ($buf) = shift @_;
	my ($i, $c);
	my ($indent, $o_indent);

	for ($i=0;$i<length($buf);$i++) 
		$c = substr($buf, $i, 1);
		$indent++ if ($c eq "(");
		$indent-- if ($c eq ")");
		if ($indent != $o_indent)
			print "\n" unless(substr($buf, $i+1, 1) eq "(");
			print "  " x $indent;
			$o_indent = $indent;
			undef $c;
		print $c;