For what's coming up, see the queue.
Last 100 runs:
Finish Time | Codebase | Suite | Worker | Duration | Result | Summary |
2024-05-15T06:44 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:00.681892. |
2024-05-15T06:44 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:00.470748. |
2024-05-15T06:41 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.203489. |
2024-05-15T06:41 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.531479. |
2024-05-15T06:41 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.845348. |
2024-05-09T11:21 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:05.849289. |
2024-05-09T11:20 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.164337. |
2024-05-09T11:18 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:00.092214. |
2024-05-09T11:18 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.167692. |
2024-05-09T11:18 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.198632. |
2024-05-09T10:22 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 31s | new-archive-version | archive version 1.3.1-1 is newer than version 1.2.3-0kali1 in tree |
2024-02-14T14:11 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.998897. |
2024-02-14T14:09 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.024766. |
2024-02-14T14:07 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.421038. |
2024-02-14T14:04 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:05.164927. |
2024-02-14T14:02 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:06.046668. |
2024-02-14T14:00 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:00.662836. |
2024-02-14T13:00 | kali-wallpapers | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 5h15m | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T09:58 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:06.445637. |
2024-02-14T09:56 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.898384. |
2024-02-14T09:53 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:09.121383. |
2024-02-14T09:51 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:10.010446. |
2024-02-14T09:48 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:09.003586. |
2024-02-14T09:46 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.624781. |
2024-02-14T08:48 | dhcplib | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.365868. |
2024-02-14T08:45 | exploitdb | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T08:41 | dirbuster | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.390170. |
2024-02-14T08:29 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.678667. |
2024-02-14T08:29 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.283277. |
2024-02-14T08:29 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.251950. |
2024-02-14T08:26 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:00.637428. |
2024-02-14T08:25 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.163029. |
2024-02-14T08:25 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.754460. |
2024-02-14T07:48 | ghidra-data | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 2m24s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:45 | python-imapclient | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 41s | nothing-new-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:45 | sprayingtoolkit | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 37s | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T07:45 | pyvnc | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 37s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:44 | wordlists | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 1m20s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:44 | policykit-1 | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 54s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:43 | tasksel | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 56s | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T07:43 | rootskel-gtk | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 38s | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T07:42 | blueranger | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 38s | nothing-new-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:42 | cisco-torch | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 39s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:41 | hb-honeypot | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 38s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:41 | iaxflood | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 32s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:41 | kali-meta | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 39s | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T07:41 | ismtp | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 27s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:40 | lbd | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 48s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:40 | libfindrtp | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 40s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:40 | mitmproxy | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 2m6s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:39 | webscarab | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 7m20s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:39 | metagoofil | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 35s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:38 | multimac | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 39s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:38 | oscanner | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 34s | nothing-new-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:38 | pdf-parser | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 33s | nothing-new-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:37 | pyshodan | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 32s | nothing-new-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:37 | python-ipwhois | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 1m3s | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-02-14T07:36 | python-kismet-external | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 37s | nothing-new-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:36 | python-lml | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 45s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:36 | rtpbreak | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 1m46s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:35 | responder | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 33s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:34 | sfuzz | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 31s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:34 | sidguesser | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 32s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:34 | siparmyknife | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 35s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:33 | snmpenum | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 29s | nothing-to-do | No changes made |
2024-02-14T07:33 | wmis | lintian-fixes | atlas.kali.org | 52s | command-failed | Script ['lintian-brush', '--allow-reformatting'] failed to run with code 1 |
2024-01-09T11:02 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.554231. |
2024-01-09T11:02 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:08.019500. |
2024-01-09T11:02 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:08.001378. |
2024-01-09T10:58 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.865966. |
2024-01-09T10:58 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:05.710561. |
2024-01-09T10:58 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:05.692400. |
2023-10-12T10:09 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:08.600737. |
2023-10-12T10:09 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.381096. |
2023-10-12T10:09 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.865779. |
2023-10-12T10:06 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.537660. |
2023-10-12T10:06 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.995077. |
2023-10-12T10:06 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.074363. |
2023-10-06T10:50 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.323836. |
2023-10-06T10:49 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.249723. |
2023-10-06T10:49 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.225571. |
2023-10-06T10:46 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.393868. |
2023-10-06T10:46 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:05.408044. |
2023-10-06T10:45 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.707891. |
2023-08-31T02:34 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.635409. |
2023-08-31T02:34 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:07.556773. |
2023-08-31T02:34 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:05.282641. |
2023-08-31T02:31 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.823705. |
2023-08-31T02:31 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.923840. |
2023-08-31T02:31 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:03.150879. |
2023-08-12T04:39 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:08.246663. |
2023-08-12T04:39 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.052300. |
2023-08-12T04:39 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.113091. |
2023-08-12T04:36 | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.722079. |
2023-08-12T04:36 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.057004. |
2023-08-12T04:36 | ipv6toolkit | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:02.954265. |
2023-08-09T22:45 | asysocks | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:06.209568. |
2023-08-09T22:45 | davtest | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:01.028409. |
2023-08-09T22:45 | crackle | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:00.851231. |
2023-08-09T22:37 | django-watson | control | atlas.kali.org | 1h0m | worker-timeout | No keepalives received in 1:00:04.301430. |